Chapter 221 Dogwood explodes in August
After this period of commotion, it was already past noon.

The bright sun of early autumn hung in the sky, and heat was rising from the entire mountain.Looking at it from a distance, the water vapor is thick, as if there is a mirror hanging up.

The group of people were already hungry, and Jian Mo was bitten by a venomous snake again. Although the snake venom had been cured, her face was still pale from the torture, and she squatted on the ground with her stomach growling.

Being punished by Wang Chengzhou was humiliating enough, but if she made such a sound again, the little girl really wanted to die.

Seeing her slumped shoulders, tears on her face, and a look of despair, her sister Jian Li knew she was feeling uncomfortable, so she asked again:

"Brother Han Xuenong, brother Li Jigong, have you found any wild fruits?"

"My sister lost a lot of blood, and it's past dinner time. If we don't eat something, we won't have the energy to leave the mountain."

In fact, not just her, but everyone else was young, digested quickly, and usually ate clear soup with little water, so they were so hungry that their chests pressed against their backs.

After hearing her words, they couldn't help but look over.

"Here, I found it after looking for it, but I don't know if I can eat it..."

Han Xuenong scratched his head and hesitated, feeling confused.If just now, everyone was in a good mood and took advantage of the fresh energy, they might be willing to try any wild fruit.

But seeing Jian Mo being bitten by a venomous snake, if it hadn't been for timely treatment, she would probably still be suffering.The miserable appearance really frightened them.

Only then did they realize that this green-looking mountain was not as beautiful as they had imagined.All of a sudden, I became wary of those wild fruits that I couldn't even name. I looked at those fresh and juicy fruits eagerly, but I didn't dare to eat them.

I was afraid that if I was not careful, I would end up like Jian Mo.

Wang Chengzhou originally didn't want them to stay in the mountains any longer, so when he saw this, he suggested:

"The Red Army is not afraid of the difficulties of the expedition, and it only waits for thousands of rivers and mountains."

"The revolutionary ancestors climbed snow-capped mountains and crossed meadows, gnawed tree bark and dug grass roots, and were able to persevere in such difficult and difficult days. As young people with four talents in the new era, can't we persevere even if we don't eat a meal?"

"It's dangerous in this mountain. It's best not to stay too long. Let's work harder and be patient. We'll be home soon."

When everyone hears it, this is indeed the truth.Then they stood up silently one by one, lined up and walked outside the mountain.

It was unorganized when I arrived, but it was much neater when I returned.

Sure enough, only suffering can make people grow.

Wang Chengzhou smiled bitterly in his heart, turned around to check the number of people, and took the lead in clearing the way with a spear in hand.

Only when I actually hit the road did I realize that perseverance is easier said than done.

It was hot at noon and the mountain road was rugged. Not long after we walked out, everyone began to breathe heavily.Walking on the mountain path, we stumbled from time to time, and we supported each other so as not to fall.

The harsh sun scorched my neck, and the skin seemed to be scorched and turned black.Sweat beads rolled down the back of his head and soaked his neck collar. The wet cloth was like a noose for hanging. He took a step forward and rubbed it.The senses are hot, wet, and painful, making people feel irritated, as if they can't breathe.

At this moment, a burst of sobs came, and Jian Mo suddenly squatted on the ground, lying on her knees, saying nothing and not leaving.

Everyone couldn't help but stop and turned around to look at her, their faces full of helplessness.

"What's the matter?"

Wang Chengzhou frowned and turned around, "There's still half the journey. If you keep persisting, you'll be home."

Jian Mo lay on her knees, not even raising her head, and ignored him at all.

"elder sister……"

As a twin sister, Jian Li knew that she was in pain. When she saw her crying non-stop, she sighed, hugged her shoulders, and started crying.

Wang Chengzhou frowned and felt lucky.

Could these two pampered girls be educated youths who went to the countryside?It has been more than half a year since they arrived in the village. How did the two of them persevere when they were so weak?
Probably noticing his gaze, Jian Mo raised her head angrily, with tears all over her face, which was extremely white, and she cried:

"I can't walk, I really can't walk!"

"Why don't you leave first and leave us alone."


Wang Chengzhou felt dizzy for a while.

This girl, after being tortured repeatedly, finally couldn't control herself and collapsed emotionally.Squatting on the ground, crying miserably.

Everyone feels sad.

Han Xuenong and Li Jigong looked at each other and said in unison: "Jian Mo, how about I carry you on my back?"

Then, as if he was afraid of being overtaken by the other party, he walked up to pull her away.

"do not want!"

Jian Mo was crying so hard that she threw away their hands as if to vent her anger, not appreciating them at all.

The two of them were so frightened that they quickly stepped aside, feeling embarrassed.

When Yu Hua saw it, his face was full of sorrow. He stepped forward to comfort her and said helplessly: "Then, what should we do?"

As he said that, he subconsciously looked at Wang Chengzhou.

"Oh, you city dwellers are so delicate!"

Wang Fan was so hot that he was sweating all over his forehead, and he was impatient for a long time. "It's like this if you don't eat even one meal. It's not like us rural people. I think back then, I only drank cold water and lasted for three days!"

Jian Li already felt sorry for her sister, but when she heard him complain like this again, she suddenly exploded and said angrily:
"Is my sister hungry? My sister was bitten by a poisonous snake, that's why she's like this!"

"She bled so much and was tortured to the point where she lost all her strength, and you're still here making sarcastic remarks!"

"We are from the city and country people. We are members of Yanggao Village of the Wang Family Production Brigade. Just like you, we are part of the village collective!"

Several other educated youths looked over with the same indignation.

Seeing that the team members were about to start a quarrel before they even left the mountain, Wang Chengzhou felt dizzy and yelled, "Stop arguing!"

Due to his strength, everyone opened their mouths and swallowed back the words.However, looking at the expressions on their faces, you can tell that all of them are still angry.

"Forget it, looking at you like this, if you don't find something to eat, you probably won't be able to survive in the village."

Wang Chengzhou sighed, frowned and glanced at the hillside in the distance, then turned around and said, "I see there is a field of wild fruits there. Do you want to wait here, or come with me?"

When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up, and they licked their tongues and said:
"Where, where are they?" "Wang Chengzhou, do you know the wild fruits in the mountains?"

"Let's go there together. There are so many people, and even if you bring back a bunch of food by yourself, it won't be enough for us to eat."

Wang Chengzhou was really helpless.

Originally, I wanted to take the guys back early, but seeing how greedy they were, I was afraid that we would have to go through a lot of trouble.I can only hope that these young masters and ladies will move faster after they have eaten and drank enough.

Otherwise, by the time we get out of the mountain, it will probably be dusk.

"What do you two say?"

Wang Chengzhou looked at the twin sisters squatting on the ground, frowned and said, "How about leaving a few people with you until we bring the fruit back?"

"I do not!"

As soon as she heard that there was food, Jian Mo suddenly became energetic again, pouted her mouth, wiped away her tears, and the two stood up side by side.

This girl, who was too tired to walk just now, became violent again.I don’t enjoy my leisure time, but I insist on running around. I really don’t know what’s going on in my mind!
Wang Chengzhou complained secretly and was too lazy to argue with them.Immediately, he ran straight ahead to the hillside covered with dots of maroon red.

When they got closer, everyone discovered that there was a slightly gentle slope, and red wild fruits were growing everywhere, as if someone had planted them deliberately.

The fruit is bright red, drop-shaped, and much larger than dates.Moreover, it is juicy and extremely thick, making people drool at a glance.

When you get closer, you can smell a strange fragrance, which is a bit like Chinese medicine and sweet.

Everyone's mouths were dry from running away. Looking at the red tree, their saliva began to secrete uncontrollably. They all shouted impatiently:
"Wang Chengzhou, what kind of fruit is this? Can it be eaten?"

"It smells so good! Oh, I'm so greedy. I really want to pull it off and take a bite!"

"Don't worry! As the saying goes, the more colorful things are, the more toxic they are. Let's listen to what Wang Chengzhou has to say first."

Looking at the trees growing on the entire hillside, Wang Chengzhou's heart beat hard, and he didn't recover for a long time.After hearing everyone's inquiries, he looked strangely and said, "Can I eat it?"

All I have to say is that this thing can cure waist and knee pain, impotence and spermatorrhea.For some people who are unable to do what they want, seeing a tree full of such fresh fruits is probably going to eat them to death!

Not only is it edible, it tastes sweet and attractive and is rich in nutrients.

"Fruit officinalis, sour and astringent, slightly warm in nature, returns to the liver and kidney meridian. It is mainly used to treat dizziness and tinnitus, waist and knee pain, impotence and spermatorrhea, uterine bleeding, profuse sweating, and internal heat to quench thirst."

"It is a traditional Chinese medicinal material, but it can be eaten as fruit, cooked into porridge, and brewed into wine. It is extremely nutritious. So much so that some people use it to rejuvenate yang, save the body, and cure emergencies. At critical moments, it is even a magic medicine that can bring the dead back to life. "

"Introduction to Medicine" says: Cornus officinalis is an astringent. How can it relieve evil? All diseases are caused by deficiency and cold in the lower part. Use it to nourish the liver and kidneys and benefit their sources. The five internal organs will be peaceful and those that are closed will be unblocked. Benefit stops, it is not like other medicines are light and dredge."

"This is Chinese medicine that can fundamentally nourish the body. You are blessed."

It's better to come early than to come by coincidence.

I remember when Wang Chengzhou and Luan Hongying searched for medicinal materials all over the mountains and plains, they came across Dogwood.However, it was spring at that time, and the fruits were not ripe at all, so we could only sigh in despair.

Today, I lead a group of educated youths who don’t know what is called, but they encounter such a good thing. Who can I ask to reason?
When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up, especially the gay men.Although young people don't have such worries, who would think they are too strong when it comes to such things?

Besides, Wang Chengzhou has said that this stuff is extremely nutritious and has miraculous effects on patients suffering from sweating and exhaustion. It will naturally taste better to those poor people who are so hungry that their mouths are dry!

As soon as he finished speaking, a black shadow rushed out with a roar, scaring everyone.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that it was that boy Wang Chuan.

Ever since he heard the words "impotence and spermatorrhea" from Wang Chengzhou's mouth, his eyes began to shine as he stared at the bright red fruits on the tree.

He is a person who loves to take advantage of others. Usually, people in the village have seen such good things. They just know that they are delicious, but they never imagined that they have such powerful effects, so they will not let them go.

When everyone rushed to the stall, he had already climbed up the tree and stretched his neck to eat.The branches were pulled loudly.

When Jian Mo and Jian Li heard Wang Chengzhou's description, their little faces were full of desire.Their physical condition was not good and they were out of breath when doing any work. Jian Mo had just been bitten by a poisonous snake and her vitality was severely damaged. If the fruit on the tree was what he said, it would be just enough to replenish their physical strength!

In fact, the dogwood tree is not too tall. The reason why Wang Fan climbed up was entirely because of his own deeds.

The two sisters stood under the tree and could reach it by tiptoeing a little.

"Wow, so sweet! Sour and sweet! So delicious!"

"Oooh, so juicy!"

"Oh my God, there is such a good thing in the mountains. It really didn't come in vain!"

A group of people stood under the tree and kept jumping like starving ghosts.

Wang Chengzhou also picked several of them, grabbed them in his hand and gnawed them, feeling extremely satisfied.Hearing their useless calls made me feel proud and worried at the same time.

I'm worried that they may be careless and destroy the dogwood tree again.

It's the 80s now, and everything in Funiu Mountain is still undeveloped, so there are too many good things.For example, the Xinyi trees outside the mountain stream where my senior sister lives, the large areas of dogwood here, and the red arrow bushes I have seen by the stream...

These are all money!

Now, just because of the policy, Wang Chengzhou cannot make a lot of money with his rich knowledge of Chinese herbal medicine, but it will be different in the future.

The college entrance examination will be resumed at the end of this year, and household-based production quotas will be implemented next summer.At that time, there will really be a vast world with great potential!
In fact, after the New Year, everything started to loosen up.

The rare and exotic fruits in this mountain will no longer have to rot in ditches without anyone knowing about them.

When he thought of this, Wang Chengzhou's heart moved, and he hurriedly walked around for a while, and he really found a melon vine.There are pink or orange fruits hanging on it.

The strange thing is that the fruits have their big mouths cracked open, as if laughing heartily, revealing the white and waxy flesh inside, and a sweet honey-like taste goes into the nostrils from afar.

Wang Chengzhou couldn't help but widen his eyes, and couldn't help but complain, what kind of bullshit luck is this!

This thing is also a delicacy that I marked with my senior sister last time, called August Fried.

Now is exactly the time.

This thing is actually the fruit of Akebia trifoliata, which can also be used as medicine.It is sweet in taste and warm in nature. It can clear away the heart and relieve troubles, diuretic and relieve stranguria, stimulate menstruation and release breast milk.

Its pulp and seeds are very smooth, black and white, and very sticky. It tastes sweet and moist, and it's wonderful when you eat it in your mouth.exist
People who like it think that its taste is far more delicious than honey, and it can be regarded as a wild economic plant with both food and medicine.

Very rare.

(End of this chapter)

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