Chapter 167 Building a house from scratch
After listening to Wang Chengzhou's description, Old Luan Tou was so angry that he stared at him. This was not work, it was just boiling an eagle!

Just pulling out the core is enough to aggravate one's temper. It also has to be boiled, soaked, and's not a job for humans at all.

No wonder drug dealers all accept apprentices, and they don't want them unless they have the best temperament and qualifications.

Feelings are hard work!
However, Lao Luan Tou has no say whether to do it or not.

Luan Hongying sat on the big bluestone, her eyebrows lowered, and she had already started to take action.

Use ginger for pinellia, licorice for polygala, and refined honey for polygonatum.

Luan Hongying remembered everything in her heart.

Wang Chengzhou didn't mean to trouble his grandfather and grandson. In fact, his family wanted to build a house, and he had no space and couldn't take care of it.

Furthermore, if she does it herself, she will remember the properties of the medicine more firmly.

Definitely not using free coolies!

Throughout the afternoon, the two people sat together and processed the herbs together.

The green shade in the mountains blocks the scorching sun, and the gurgling streams wash away the scorching heat.

Luan Hongying was very quiet, like a flower blooming in a deep valley. She spoke very little, and her curved eyelashes outlined her increasingly cold appearance.

Only occasionally would she stop her white fingers, raise her head to look at him, narrow her eyes, and smile sweetly.

Wang Chengzhou burst into tears immediately.

Luan Hongying is tall and beautiful, no matter what, she is the kind that can make people's hearts beat faster, but she has a cold temperament.

When people see those pure eyes, any dirty thoughts in their hearts will disappear in an instant, and they can't help but feel ashamed of themselves.

Fortunately, Wang Chengzhou was thick-skinned and capable of being a bit evil, so he was considered a gift.

After being busy until evening, Luan Hongying took his hand to the top of the mountain and looked at the village in the distance. A trace of yearning flashed in her eyes. It wasn't until his figure disappeared completely between the houses that she turned around slightly lonely. .

As soon as you enter the village, you can smell the aroma of noodles coming from every house.

Some of them were slightly sour, probably because the daughter-in-law was not very skilled and over-fermented the steamed buns, so she probably got scolded by her mother-in-law.

Some of them obviously have a burnt aroma, so no need to think about it, they must be baked steamed buns!

This is a time of luxury among the team after sharing the food and risking their lives.

There is a local joke, "You save money on porridge, but you pay for pimples. If you want to eat steamed buns, sell a piece of land!"

It can be seen that since ancient times, fried steamed buns have not been something ordinary people can eat casually.

It wasn't that Wang Chengzhou had a keen sense of smell, but he had been thirsty for a long time. He hadn't seen white noodles for half a year, and when he smelled it suddenly, he was so greedy that his mouth was watering.

Fortunately, when he entered the house, Li Yuzhu was also busy in the kitchen.

Wang Aiduo was pulling the bellows, stretching his neck and looking eagerly into the pot.

I don’t know if I was too focused, but I didn’t even notice that there was a piece of black pot ash on my little face.

"Mom, don't bake the steamed buns too well, otherwise they will become chewy and not tasty."

"Burn your fire!"

Li Yuzhu held up the spatula, sweating profusely from the heat, and said angrily:

"I've been cooking for decades, why do I need you to give me orders?"

"We are using wild vegetables, not eggs. They are wrapped in flour and don't need to be baked for a while, so they taste natural."

"Everything has its own way of doing it. You little girl, just learn it. Otherwise, when you enter your husband's house in the future, you will be laughed at."

Si Ya immediately became unhappy and pouted.

However, when she heard the footsteps and realized that Wang Chengzhou was back, the little girl immediately started to get excited again.

Excitedly said:
"Brother, we got our wheat back, it's a full 720 kilograms!"

"Now, we can eat noodles every day!"

"Tomorrow, let me steam a pot of steamed buns, and let the sweet potato noodles go away. We don't have to eat them anymore!"

Wang Chengzhou was also very happy.

But before she could speak, Li Yuzhu scolded her, "If you have a little white flour, you won't be able to look complete!"

"After a year of growing up, you only have this little food. Do you still want to eat it for the rest of your life?"

"Isn't it enough to have vegetable buns for you? If you don't start making dough tomorrow, start working. Vegetable buns will save time. You can even have vegetables and rice. On a hot day, who would be willing to stay with you?" This stove!"

Li Yuzhu was so hot that she scolded her while turning over the pot.

Si Ya's face was also flushed red by the fire in the kitchen hall, and she was also very hot.

However, sitting on the edge of the stove and lighting a fire is dry heat, sweating is quite pleasant, but lying on the hot pot and turning things over is wet heat.

In addition, the smoke from burning firewood is relatively strong, and sweat beads roll into the eyes, stinging people to tears, and even the best temper will become irritable.

Seeing that the mother and daughter were almost out of shape due to the heat, Wang Chengzhou quickly went in to help.

"no, I'm fine!"

Unexpectedly, Li Yuzhu pushed him out with her elbows and said distressedly:

"San'er, it's so hot in here, get out quickly."

"There are baked vegetable buns in the basket, take one and eat it."

"Have a taste of mother's craftsmanship."

Wang Chengzhou picked up a steaming steamed bun and backed out helplessly.

Squatting at the door of the kitchen, he blew on it and bit it hard.

The dough is browned and crispy, and the water spinach melts in your mouth, with a slight sourness and a very salty aroma!

His eyebrows almost danced, and he kept saying:

"Mom, if I say it doesn't taste good, even God can't get around me!"

“It’s really more delicious than meat!”

"If I could eat mom's steamed buns every day and work for a county magistrate, I wouldn't go!"

This flattery made Si Ya curl her lips with a look of disdain.

However, this is what Li Yuzhu does.

Hearing his son's praise, the kitchen seemed much cooler, no matter how hot it was, he no longer felt hot. He said dotingly: "Since you like to eat, then when you finish eating, mom will cook it for you so that you can eat enough!"

"I quit!"

Upon hearing this, Si Ya put down the fire stick and stood up, complaining aggrievedly:

"I asked you to steam steamed buns but you didn't steam them. If Wang Chengzhou wants to eat vegetable steamed buns, it's up to you."

"You bitch, you're such a bully!"

"Oh, oh, oh, I won't do it anymore, and I won't eat either. Let your precious son light the fire for you."

After saying that, he grinned and ran out.

Li Yuzhu didn't expect that her daughter would be wronged, and she was really angry with herself. She wiped her sweat and couldn't laugh or cry.

Wang Chengzhou quickly grabbed her, and felt heartbroken when he saw that her little face was covered with black ash, and her sweat and tears kept falling down.

"Mom was just joking with you!"

"Didn't she say that she has to make dough tomorrow, and she won't have time to cook when she's busy? Vegetable steamed buns save time and effort. If steamed steamed buns are made, then I don't have to prepare food for you."

"Stop crying, I'll give you my brother's steamed buns, and I'll light the fire."

Feeling that the hot vegetable buns were hitting his lips, Siya was so angry that she punched him and cried, "I won't eat the rest of your mouth!"

Wang Chengzhou didn't expect that this girl would start to care about this, so he immediately gave her a new one.

Siya cried and imitated his example, squatting at the door, crying while eating, eating while crying, crying while eating...

It wasn't until I stuffed the whole vegetable bun into my stomach that I felt better.

I wiped away my tears and saw Wang Chengzhou looking at me in the kitchen. His face was wet with sweat and his hair was stuck together.

Suddenly, I felt a little sorry for my brother again.

He wiped his face, walked in silently, pushed Wang Chengzhou aside, grabbed the fire stick, and sat down.

Seeing that little appearance, the mother and son laughed together.Wang Aiduo snorted and burst into laughter, feeling embarrassed.

When it got dark, Wang Honghe pulled the cart back from outside.

It is filled with buckets and grappling hooks.

My family is planning to build a new house, but due to lack of funds, I have to make and bake the bricks myself.

Fortunately, the brigade has a broken kiln and some knowledgeable old people.

There is no problem in firing a kiln of bricks.

Of course, manual work is a strenuous job, and unless you have endured hardship, you won't be able to do it.

In addition, clay is required to make the blank, and ordinary clay will not suffice, and glue is required.

It's the kind of clay where children pee and make clay for throwing cannons.

Otherwise, the fired bricks will not be strong and will affect the quality of the house.

However, most of the land in Pushan Township is yellow soil. If you want to dig clay, you must go to Hetao.

There is water silt there all year round and there is good clay.

It just takes a lot of effort.

When he thought of this, Wang Honghe couldn't feel happy.

It wasn't that he was afraid of working hard, it was mainly that he made his children endure hardships, which made him feel very guilty.

I hate that I have no ability and have lived for most of my life. I can't even build a few decent houses, so I let them live in an adobe house.

Whenever it rains on a cloudy day, the family becomes worried, fearing that the small hut will collapse due to the rain.

However, Wang Chengzhou didn't think that much.

Children will not dislike their parents.

Just like a local proverb - a son does not think his mother is ugly, and a dog does not think his family is poor.

We are all part of the family. When we encounter difficulties, we just go together.

Anyway, Wang Chengzhou found it very novel to make bricks, bake bricks, and build a house. It was an experience he had never had before in his previous life and this life combined.

Isn’t it a wonderful thing for a family to work together and build their own house through labor?

Of course, the family are all simple country people, and they are not good at expressing their emotions.

But seeing their son in high spirits, as if he was looking forward to tomorrow's work and not showing any signs of laziness, Wang Honghe and Li Yuzhu felt very happy.

I feel that my son has really grown up.

Not only has he gained skills, his personality has also become warmer, making people feel sunny and relaxed.

The family had dinner and did not go out to the street.

Although the wheat harvest had just passed, everyone finally had some time to relax. Everyone gathered outside the gate to enjoy the cool weather, laughing and laughing, and it was very lively.

However, in order to work tomorrow, I have to go to bed early and get up early.

Even Si Ya resisted her tendency to join in the fun and went to bed early.

I just lay on the bed with my eyes closed, it was too hot to sleep.

The brother and sister slipped out of the room carrying the mat.

When they saw each other, they both smiled mischievously and simply lay in the yard and looked at the stars.

After kicking away Wang Aiduo's restless little feet, Wang Chengzhou rested his hands on his head and told her a fairy tale.

That is a foreign story about a little mermaid with snow-white skin...

The starry sky was bright, and all the noise was blocked outside the wall. Siya listened to her brother's whispers and quickly fell asleep.

When the dew became heavier, Wang Chengzhou woke her up and coaxed the sleeping little girl into the house.

Then, he returned to his room and fell asleep.

Early the next morning.

Wang Aiduo accompanied Li Yuzhu to the threshing floor.

Wang Chengzhou helped Wang Honghe go to the Hetao to pull soil.

When the morning light comes, the family begins to get together and get busy.

First, mix the clay evenly, then fill it into the bucket, and finally put it on the flat ground to dry naturally.

The team's threshing floor happened to be idle, so the family had space.

As lesbians, Li Yuzhu and Wang Aiduo had little strength, so they held shovels and clay.

Wang Chengzhou and Wang Honghe are responsible for transporting the billet bucket and beating the billet.

At that time, everything was made by hand.

Only when you really get started do you realize how tiring it is.

After a while, the whole family was so tired that they were sweating profusely.

Wang Aiduo pinched her waist and could hardly breathe.

Even Wang Honghe and Li Yuzhu had to stop and rest from time to time.

Only Wang Chengzhou has always been full of energy, and he can do the work of two people by himself.

It wasn't until this moment that the family truly realized that Wang Chengzhou's lifting of the stone roller actually happened.

My son has really transformed from that lazy guy into a strong young man.

But the more this happens, the more I feel sorry for him.

No matter how strong your body is, if you work non-stop, without replacement hands, you will be exhausted!
Just as he was feeling sad, a figure hurried over from the village.

When he got close, he looked very angry.

He complained: "Mom and dad, why didn't you tell me if you were going to build a house?"

After saying that, he held his neck, grabbed the shovel from Wang Honghe's hand, and filled it with dirt without saying a word.

"Southern Zhou..."

Looking at the stocky young man in front of her, Li Yuzhu shouted and almost burst into tears.

Wang Chengzhou and Wang Aiduo couldn't help but stop what they were doing and looked at their elder brother, feeling happy and worried at the same time.

It has been almost two months since my sister-in-law Dou Xuemei returned to her parents' home.

Although everyone is together at work on weekdays, Wang Nanzhou is introverted. When something happens, he will only laugh with others and never speak.

Even though every time his brother showed his face, he clenched his fists with excitement, but he still couldn't help but cheer loudly.

In addition, his wife left home and his son could not see him for a month, which made him even more reticent.

I don’t know how I got the news that the family was going to build a house from scratch, so I rushed here angrily.

Moreover, after arriving, apart from losing his temper, he just worked hard.

The simple and honest emotions made the whole family moved and distressed.

"Nan Zhou, put it down."

Li Yuzhu sighed and advised:

"Let Xuemei know when she comes back. It's time to start trouble with you again."

"We have already separated, how can we let you contribute for free?"

"San'er and Siya are old enough to move, so you can leave them alone."

When Wang Nanzhou heard this, his eyes widened, "Even if the family is divided, they are still my parents, and San'er and Siya are also my younger brothers and sisters."

"If you're looking for trouble, just look for trouble. If she makes trouble, I have to help you!"

"Besides, if you don't come back from harvesting wheat, how can you still think of yourself as having this person in your family?"

"I'm ready to be a bachelor for the rest of my life."

(End of this chapter)

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