Chapter 158 Drinking Live Toads and Tadpoles

Wang Chengzhou frowned slightly.

Using toads and tadpoles to treat mumps is indeed recorded in ancient books.

It is also spread among the people.

Unexpectedly, Shuixi Village is really knowledgeable and has even used this thing.

However, the old and young men in Wangjiacun looked puzzled.

Probably no one knows about this folk remedy.

However, looking at the arrogance of those Shuixi Village boys, I naturally wouldn't pay attention to them.

They each snorted coldly, as if they were watching a joke, and prepared to take off their clothes and get into the water.

At this moment, a figure ran over from the river embankment from a distance.

Moreover, he ran very fast, and there was smoke behind his butt.

Looks very anxious.

When I got closer, I realized it was Chen Weihong.

He stood on the river embankment, knocked his knees and took several deep breaths, then frowned and shouted:
"You guys, throw that thing away!"

"Drinking live toads and tadpoles, what do you think? I don't know if it can cure diseases, but you will definitely get sick!"

"That kid Gao Zhaoyang is really good at making bad ideas!"

After hearing his words, everyone was stunned.

Some of them took off their pants halfway and were shocked.

Drinking live toads and tadpoles?
Is this taste too strong?

If you drink that stuff, will it swim in your stomach?

Wang Chengzhou's eyes widened even more.

Things are completely different from what I imagined!
"Mother Chen, please stop meddling in other people's business."

"What's wrong with drinking live toads and tadpoles? That's a folk remedy that Brother Zhaoyang specially asked about. It can cure the disease!"

"Chen, hygienist, how can a living person be suffocated to death by urinating? You don't know what the bastards in Wangjia Village are thinking about? How can we bow our heads and admit our mistakes to them?"

Everyone swallowed, but they really accepted it.

These bastards from Shuixi Village are so stubborn that they are not willing to ask for help even if they drink live toads and tadpoles?
Chen Weihong stamped her feet, pointed at them angrily and cursed:


"How can you cure mumps by drinking live toads and tadpoles? Besides, those things must have parasites. If you eat them raw, big trouble will happen!"

"Is your body or your face more important? Wait, I will take you to find Wang Chengzhou to apologize. Isn't it better to bring back some watermelon frost than to drink this disgusting thing?"

Chen Weihong was really anxious.

After all, he is also a doctor trained in the county hospital, and he still knows some common sense about hygiene.

Wild toads and tadpoles grow in the puddles in the Hetao.

There is everything in there, and it is eaten directly into the stomach without being heated. It is really a devilish idea of ​​the Lord of Hell to clean up!

"Chen Weihong, who said that toads and tadpoles can't cure mumps?"

Just as he was talking, another group of people hurriedly walked over from a distance, led by Gao Zhaoyang, who had his head wrapped in gauze.

This kid got a slash on his forehead and he still hasn't recovered yet.

The people following behind were all young people from Shuixi Village, and they all looked familiar.

Yes, I did.

Even Wang Chengzhou remembered their appearance.

"Gao Zhaoyang, who said toads and tadpoles can cure mumps?"

Chen Weihong didn't tolerate him. The vertical lines between her eyebrows were immediately revealed and she asked with wide eyes.

"Who else are you talking about? Of course I found it in the commune."

Gao Zhaoyang was happy and undaunted, and talked eloquently, "As the saying goes, having an elder in the family is like having a treasure."

"There are many elderly people who go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy things. They told me this personally."

"Drinking live toads and tadpoles has been used to treat diseases since ancient times. It can not only treat mumps, but also heat sores and scabies."

Hearing his words, the group of boys from Shuixi Village seemed to have found a backbone. They all held pots and pans and raised their chins.

Seeing this, the old and young men in Wangjia Village started whispering.

There is indeed a saying in the countryside that drinking live toads and tadpoles can cure scabies.

Some people have even seen it with their own eyes.

"Don't tell me, this little brat Gao Zhaoyang is really smart. One year, when we were helping out in a village, we actually saw a health worker using toads and tadpoles to treat scabies."

"It was an evening, when it was dark, the health worker brought a small basin to a brother who had scabies. At that time, oil, salt, vinegar, and garlic juice were added to it, and it smelled delicious."

"The elder brother was so greedy that he drank it all in one breath. As a result, he found out the next day that he was eating live toads and tadpoles. He was so sick that he almost vomited out the gall."

"I just realized that they were just taking advantage of the darkness to see me and let him drink!"

"But don't tell me, the hygienist actually cured his scabies, which was painful, itchy, and produced yellow water when scratched. Do you think it's strange or not?"

Hearing his words, everyone felt as if they were hearing a fairy tale.

In my heart, I really took a high look at the knowledge of this supply and marketing cooperative salesperson.

However, imagining stuffing squirming live toads and tadpoles into your stomach still makes you want to vomit.

Your diaphragm deserves goosebumps!

Seeing Gao Zhaoyang acting like an old god, Chen Weihong was really frightened.

But in my heart, no matter what I thought, it felt wrong, "Gao Zhaoyang, can you eat those live toads and tadpoles without getting sick?"

"If everything can be eaten raw, why do we still waste firewood and cook every day?"

"You are tearing down the east wall to pay for the west wall and making fun of people's lives and health."

"Don't listen to him, everyone, they are not interested in eating these live toads and tadpoles!"

The two people had their own opinions and started quarreling while standing on the river embankment.

The young people in Shuixi Village were at a loss.

The young and old men in Wangjia Village watched the excitement and stood by the river eating melon, forgetting to even take a bath.

Even the lesbians in the distance noticed the quarrel here, arranged their clothes, and ran over to watch.

When I saw that it was two young men arguing, and the content of what they said was very disgusting, I immediately laughed and doubled over.

Chen Weihong is a health worker and a city native. She is honest and has high prestige in Shuixi Village.

Gao Zhaoyang is a salesman in the commune. Although he is usually very effeminate, everyone gives him face.

Now, the two people were arguing, and the bunch of bastards were dumbfounded.

Wang Chengzhou shook his head.

Originally, he didn't want to care.

It can be seen that Chen Weihong was gradually losing ground, and he couldn't bear the harm to the people of Shuixi Village by Gao Zhaoyang, so he stood up and shouted angrily, "Stop arguing!"

Who is Wang Chengzhou?
That was a little miracle doctor who was famous all over the country.

Even though the young people in Shuixi Village had a grudge against him, they still didn't dare to look down on him.

When the men and women in Wangjiacun saw him talking, they immediately became quiet.

Coupled with the prestigious reputation of lifting stone rollers in the threshing floor a few days ago, no one dared to take his words seriously.

"Toads and tadpoles can cure diseases. This is indeed said in ancient books." As soon as he spoke, everyone's eyes widened.

Chen Weihong scratched her neck and stared with anger.

Unexpectedly, Wang Chengzhou would actually speak for outsiders, and even more unexpectedly, Gao Zhaoyang's folk remedies would be true?

Wang Chengzhou coughed lightly, stood on the river bank with one hand behind his back, and continued:

""Compendium of Materia Medica" records: tadpoles are responsible for fire sores and scabies; "Chinese Materia Medica" records: tadpoles clear away heat and detoxify, and are responsible for heat sores, mumps, and water and fire burns."

"All of them show that toads and tadpoles are indeed effective in curing diseases and saving lives."

"But who the hell told you to drink live toads and tadpoles?"

At the thought of pouring that disgusting thing into his stomach, Wang Chengzhou couldn't help but curse.

It’s so funny!
Originally, Gao Zhaoyang was still curling his lips and looking unruly.

But after hearing the last sentence, his face darkened again, and hatred appeared in his eyes.

Everyone looked at each other.

I don’t know why Health Nurse Wang’s words are inconsistent.

They also say that toads and tadpoles can cure diseases, and they also say that toads and tadpoles are not allowed to be eaten raw. What is going on?

"Frogs are the hosts of Sparganoides, and toads and tadpoles may also carry Sparganoid eggs."

"Drink live toad tadpoles, and after bringing the spargan eggs into the intestines, they will be adsorbed on them, slowly hatch and turn into larvae. Finally, they will follow the blood and enter the organs, eyes, brain and other soft tissues of the human body. organ."

"It is an extremely serious and terrifying parasitic disease. After invading the brain, the fatality rate is as high as 90%!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a commotion in the Hetao and on the river embankment.

Whether they were from Wangjia Village or Shuixi Village, everyone's expressions changed.

Those young men carrying pots and pans to catch tadpoles were so frightened that they almost lost them!

No one thought that this thing could be so terrifying.

When Chen Weihong heard this, he even broke into a cold sweat.

Even Wang Chengzhou couldn't care less about the joy of standing up for him, secretly congratulating himself on his persistence.

Otherwise, if the people of Shuixi Village are really infected with such a terrible parasite, I wonder if Wang Chengzhou can cure it?

"Wang Chengzhou, you are talking nonsense!"

Noticing the reproachful looks of young people in Shuixi Village, Gao Zhaoyang became angry and jumped on his feet:

"What the elderly say are all based on experience. How can they be false?"

"Toads and tadpoles can cure diseases!"

"Wang Chengzhou, you want to scare us men in Shuixi Village and want us to bow our heads and admit our mistakes. We have already seen it. You have no good intentions!"

However, after hearing his words, although everyone had doubts in their hearts, they no longer believed him.

Wang Chengzhou is a real village health worker and has even spoken at the commune. How can he be so petty when it comes to issues related to the health of commune members?

Wang Chengzhou walked up the river embankment step by step with a serious look on his face. Gao Zhaoyang was so frightened that he couldn't help but retreat. "It's true that toads and tadpoles can cure diseases. I just said that."

"However, its usage is not to be swallowed alive by others. That is not treating diseases, it is harming people!"

"The last sentence in "Benzao Supplements" is: Crush it into pieces and apply it! The last sentence in "Chinese Materia Medica" is: Crush it into pieces and apply it externally or bury it in water and apply it!"

The crowd was in an uproar.

It's just a difference in usage, but it makes people feel like they're breathing a sigh of relief.

Compared with drinking live toads and tadpoles, crushing them and applying them on them is much easier to tolerate.

While breathing a sigh of relief, everyone couldn't help but feel happy.

Unexpectedly, Wang Chengzhou was so knowledgeable that he even knew such weird folk remedies. What other ways to treat illnesses and seek help from others did he not know?

There is such a health worker in the village, which makes people really happy!
"In the final analysis, we are all comrades in the Wang family's production brigade. A little estrangement will not make me have evil thoughts towards you."

Wang Chengzhou stared at the group of young people in Shuixi Village, shook his head, and said seriously:

"Follow the method I just mentioned, mash it up and apply it on your face. It can indeed relieve the pain caused by mumps. You might as well give it a try."

"However, compared with regular drugs, there are still certain risks. Moreover, frogs are also considered beneficial insects, so don't harm them. Besides, if there are too many patients, I'm afraid that if all the tadpoles in the river are caught, there won't be enough. !”

"It's up to you to decide how to decide."

These words were spoken very sincerely.

The young and old men, young ladies and daughters-in-law of Wangjia Village all applauded.

Wang Chengzhou bared his teeth, pressed his hands, and felt proud, "Low-key, low-key!"

"It's getting late. Once it gets dark, it will be dangerous to go into the water. Everyone, please take a shower quickly!"

"Bai He, I'm coming!"

Saying that, he was about to throw himself into the White River.

"Wang Xiucai, are you really not considering coming with us?"

The cheeks of the big girls and young wives were as red as the sunset, "Sisters and sisters, we can teach you how to swim together!"

This group of shrewd little ladies looked so cute that they made everyone laugh out loud.

Wang Chengzhou was embarrassed for a while.

But he still puffed up his chest and looked majestic, "Who am I? No need!"

"who are you?"

Just as he was feeling proud, Li Yuzhu emerged from behind the river embankment with a dark face and stared, "If you dare to go into the river, you little brat, your legs will be broken!"

Wang Chengzhou staggered and almost fell down.

His face immediately burst into tears, and he shouted aggrievedly, "Mom!"

"Hmph, come home and wash it off in the basin."

Li Yuzhu said with a straight face without giving any face.

This is really, handsome for only three seconds!

The contrast between before and after was so strong that it almost made everyone laugh.

Some older girls and younger wives huddled in the water, laughing so hard that sparkling water rose up on the river.

"Hum hum!"

Wang Aiduo held his little hands behind his back and exposed his head from behind the weeds.

No need to think about it, she must have filed the complaint!

Wang Chengzhou was so angry that he wanted to kick her in the butt!
What a bitch, if something happens, he will decisively betray his own brother, a little white-eyed wolf!

I returned home depressed, and my plan to swim in the White River was completely in vain.

Fortunately, there is watermelon at home to relieve the heat and cool down.

After washing himself, Wang Chengzhou squatted at the door and chewed most of the watermelon before feeling relieved.

The weather was hot and Wang Chengzhou couldn't go play in the Baihe River. He was in a bad mood.

However, the majority of members are very happy.

With four or five more days of such bright sunshine, the wheat harvest will be completed successfully.

The threshed wheat is in urgent need of sufficient sunlight to dry.

Although when working under the sun, ordinary people can peel off their skin from the sun, but in order to have a good harvest, they still hope that God will keep sunny!
 Thanks for the reward from Brother Always Diao Zhen Wants to Harm the People!

  Thanks to book friend 20220515010429627 for the reward! one has tipped Xiao Ranzhi for a long time, (╥╯^╰╥)
(End of this chapter)

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