Chapter 154 You won’t even give me five cents

Seeing that he was confident, Wang Zhiguo sneered, looked around, shouted at the top of his voice:

"Wang Chengzhou took advantage of saving Lao Guotou's daughter-in-law and accepted bribes."

"Together, two people stole a bag of watermelons from the production team! It was just after work, but everyone saw it with their own eyes."

"Wang Chengzhou, how can you still argue?"

After saying that, he curled his lips and shook his head, feeling proud of himself.

When everyone heard this, they frowned and talked in low voices.

In fact, when Wang Chengzhou came back that day carrying a bag of watermelons, he happened to catch up with everyone going to take a bath in the Baihe River. Everyone witnessed it.

Some people even joked with him at that time.

It is taken for granted that people bought it with their own money.

But what Wang Zhiguo meant was that it was Lao Guo Tou who gave it to Wang Chengzhou in private?

If that's the case, this is indeed the wrong thing to do.

First of all, as a technician sent from abroad, Guo Shuisheng only had the authority to grow melons, watch them and sell them. How could he use government-owned things as favors?

Secondly, as a village health worker, Wang Chengzhou should serve the majority of community members. How can he freely collect people's property?
At that time, the barefoot doctors would charge at most 5 cents as a registration fee to treat patients, but they were not allowed to charge for medicines or anything else.If you encounter a household in difficulty and you really can’t get it out, forget it.

In treating diseases and practicing medicine, in addition to the red cross medicine box, the red potion, purple potion, and aspirin issued by the state are all kinds of herbs growing in the fields.

In order to save money for the people, all kinds of folk remedies will be used.

I really care about scientific research, live a life of eating cornstarch, and always struggle on the front line.

Because of this, when everyone heard Wang Zhiguo's revelation, they immediately wanted to exonerate Wang Chengzhou.

"Zhiguo, you are too petty. It's just a few watermelons. Just eat it! Anyway, I don't mind letting Chengzhou eat it, so I'll just give him my share. Bar."

"That's right! Wang Zhiguo, you are too serious. Even if Wang Xiucai is really wrong, he has treated so many members this year, just forget it!"

"What are you talking about? Merits are merits, and demerits cannot be offset by merits and demerits. Since you stole the brigade's watermelon, you should be punished. I suggest that Wang Honghe go home later, shine a light on his buttocks, and slap him with the soles of his shoes. Things will not go wrong. Is it solved?”

When everyone heard this, they burst into laughter.

Everyone wanted to intercede for Wang Chengzhou.

The scene was out of control for a while.

Wang Zhiguo didn't expect that things would develop to this point. He looked at the surging crowd and stamped his feet anxiously, "What are you doing?"

"It's really special, isn't it?"

"It has only been a few years since the old society was overthrown, and you already want to blatantly elect Wang Chengzhou to ride on the people's heads?"

Hearing what he said, everyone was shocked and did not dare to laugh anymore.

In the era of collective mass production, engaging in privileges is a very serious mistake. If we had put it aside a few years ago, we might not be able to turn around in our lifetime.


Party secretary Bai Houping coughed, not wanting to make the matter too big, "Comrade Wang Chengzhou, the state has state laws, families have family rules, and our production team has its own rules."

"If you really did something wrong, just admit it openly. In view of your merit in serving the majority of members, the production team will give you a lighter punishment as appropriate."

"The purpose is to set an example and warn those who have lost their minds, so that everyone can take a warning."

Everyone looked at each other.

He has set an example, so why should he be given a lighter punishment?
If Wang Chengzhou had such a stain on his body, he might not be able to do anything but be a village health worker for the rest of his life.

Whatever the country's policies are, they have nothing to do with him.

Thinking of this, many people looked worried.

I couldn't help but think: The saying is absolutely true, if a gun shoots the first bird, the exposed rafters will be ruined.

Wang Chengzhou is so sharp that he makes people jealous!

"I did get a bag of watermelon from Lao Guo."

Wang Chengzhou's face was expressionless, as if he had given up on defending, "That day, in order to treat his daughter-in-law, I got up early and took the ferry to Guojiazhuang, the Laoyulin Production Brigade."

"To express his gratitude, Lao Guo specially picked several big and round watermelons for me."

"When I was carrying it back, I happened to meet the old and young men who were going to take a bath in the White River."

When everyone heard this, they thought he was going to confess, and couldn't help but sigh.

There are even a few young wives who are afraid that he is too naive and have listened to Party Secretary Bai Houping's lies. They are so anxious that they keep winking at him to tell him not to be so honest.

Hearing this, Wang Zhiguo felt happy and shook his head, his eyebrows almost dancing.

After being depressed for so long, I finally defeated this kid!


Wang Chengzhou imitated the tone of the leader's speech and suddenly sneered, glancing at Wang Zhiguo, "Who told you that bag of watermelons was given to me by Old Guo Tou?"

"Which of your eyes saw me stealing something from the brigade?"

"It's true that I brought back a bag of watermelons that day, but I paid for them all! If you don't believe me, you can go to Lao Guo Tou to prove it now!"

There was an uproar at the scene.

It took me a long time, but it was a misunderstanding.

Many people started laughing, and a group of young ladies and young wives even had faces full of joy.

Let’s just say, Wang Xiucai is not that stupid!
If he got that bag of watermelon so dirty, how could he carry it home openly?
Wang Zhiguo, this bitch, really uses the heart of a villain to judge the heart of a gentleman! "impossible!"

Feeling the contemptuous looks of everyone, Wang Zhiguo suddenly became anxious, "Wang Chengzhou, you are lying!"

"You are kind to old Guo Tou. If someone gives you something for free, you will still spend money to buy it?"

"Isn't that what only fools do?"

Wang Chengzhou stared at him, smiled and shook his head, "Wang Zhiguo, if it is true or false, you can bring a few witnesses and go to the watermelon field and ask questions."

"When I bought the watermelon, I spent a whole dollar."

"Even if I talked to Lao Guo in advance, it would be impossible to calculate in such detail; even if the calculation is so detailed, money is always hard money. I'll see what you say when I come back with a dollar later."

Everyone laughed.

Now that things have happened, seeing Wang Chengzhou so calm, everyone knows what's going on.

Wang Zhiguo's little idea will definitely fail.

What Wang Chengzhou said is probably true.

"I do not believe!"

Wang Zhiguo's eyes were red, and it was difficult to accept that he had made a fool of himself in front of others again. "If anyone dislikes Wang Chengzhou like me, let's go find Old Guo Tou together!"

"There's no way we can bluff him with just a few words!"

"I want to see evidence!"

Not to mention, a few people actually came out of the crowd and wanted to follow him to the watermelon field.

However, those people had smiles on their faces, as if they were looking at clowns.

Casually said:
"Zhiguo, we are following you, not because we doubt Wang Chengzhou like you do, but because we want to be an impartial notary."

"Whether Wang Chengzhou will steal things from the brigade, we don't know. However, in the past few months, he has worked tirelessly and tirelessly to treat many villagers. Many times, he did not receive any reward at all. If he is unjust A villain, do we still have a gentleman in Wangjia Village?"

"Zhiguo, I want to believe in your nobility. I believe that you came out to report Wang Chengzhou for everyone's consideration. However, people living in this world must know what is good and what is good. They saved their own sisters. If it were me, let alone expose them. Even if he really stole the watermelon, I would have to find a way to help him hide it. Can a person who doesn't even have a human touch really be noble? "

Listening to everyone's scolding, Wang Zhiguo's face turned red.

However, he still raised his head and led those people to the watermelon field first.

Seeing that it was noon, I had actually finished work long ago.

But everyone stood waiting in the threshing floor under the bright sun. No one was willing to leave until they witnessed Wang Chengzhou's innocence.

Branch secretary Bai Houping was already sweating on the tip of his nose.

By now, anyone who is not a fool knows the outcome.

Wang Chengzhou is so confident, how can he tell lies?
Sure enough, within a short time, Wang Zhiguo came back from the watermelon field in the south.

When I left, my steps were hurried and high-spirited; when I came back, my steps were staggering and my head was downcast.

"Wang Zhiguo, what's going on?"

Party secretary Bai Houping asked impatiently, a trace of disgust flashing in his eyes.

Wang Zhiguo raised his head with a sad face, but stopped talking.

However, he didn't wait for his reply.

A tall figure had already walked out from behind and cursed from a distance:

"Damn you!"

"Although I, Guo Shuisheng, am sent from abroad, my family is too poor to open the pot, and I don't even have enough to eat on weekdays, but I have been working as a technician in Wangjiacun for many years. Have I ever stolen a hair from the government?"

"Even if you slander me, you slander Wang Chengzhou. Are you still human?"

This old man has broad bones and a thin figure. Wherever he stands, he looks very powerful.

Not to mention swearing with your mouth open.

Seeing him rushing over with an angry look on his face, Party Secretary Bai Houping became nervous for a moment, but instead stared at Wang Zhiguo and asked:
"I asked you to speak, but you are mute?"

"Is what Comrade Wang Chengzhou said true?"

"Did people really pay for those watermelons?"

Facing everyone's gaze, Wang Zhiguo murmured, hesitated to speak, and stammered: "It was indeed bought with money."

When everyone heard this, even though they had expected it, they couldn't help but cheer.


Old Guo Tou had a cold face, took out a note and threw it in the face of party secretary Bai Houping, "This is the money Wang Chengzhou paid to buy melons."

"I know the basics and righteousness. In order to treat my daughter-in-law, I got up early and went to the river to catch fish. I worked all day long, but I didn't get a penny."

"Such a person would ruin his reputation for a bag of watermelon?"

Bai Houping held the banknotes and was speechless by a member for the first time.

However, after all, he was the party secretary of the brigade and had seen many scenes.

Immediately, he put on a smile and said, "Oh, Comrade Lao Guo!"

"When we came here just now, didn't we say that we just asked you and Comrade Wang Chengzhou to cooperate in the investigation, and we didn't really convict you. Why are you excited? Now that the truth has come to light, everyone's hearts are now enlightened. Well."

"It's just, Lao Guo, with this one dollar, I bought a bag of watermelon from you?"

(End of this chapter)

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