Chapter 114 Such Traditional Chinese Medicine
The meridians on the human spine belong to the Du channel, which starts from the Changqiang point, goes all the way up, over the top of the head, and ends at the Gujiao point in the palate.

Under the fifth spine is the Shinto point.

One and a half inches apart from the Du channel is the bladder meridian of Foot Taiyang.

One and a half inches apart from the Shinto point corresponds to the Xinshu point, and another one and a half inches apart corresponds to the Shentang point.

When a person has tenderness at the Shinto point, it proves that there is a problem with the heart.

The stinging pain is due to congestion, and the dull pain is due to obstruction of the Qi vessels.

Therefore, the twelve main meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians of the human body can not only be used to treat diseases, but can also be used for diagnosis and even follow-up diagnosis after recovery.

It is a complete system and a medical theory summarized by the sages through their endless efforts and countless attempts.

However, at this stage, there is no seemingly scientific method to explain all this.

As a result, it has become a feudal superstition among some people.

For thousands of years, our ancestors have treated countless people with this method. If it is really groundless empirical medicine, how can it be passed down to this day?
At this point, Secretary Zhou has settled down.

After all, Wang Chengzhou's diagnostic method was novel and unique, almost unheard of.

Everyone has never thought that someone can really analyze a person's condition clearly without using any medical equipment!
Doctor Xu held his glasses, his arms already stiff on his face.

The expression is very complicated.

As a doctor, he had to admire Wang Chengzhou's complete diagnostic process, which was watertight and well-founded.

But it was precisely as a doctor in a county hospital that he couldn't let go and admit defeat.

However, at this moment, no one cares about the fighting anymore.

They were all attracted by Wang Chengzhou's novelty. Each one of them was even more excited than the person involved. They poked their heads and asked:

"This... little miracle doctor, listen to what you say, can Secretary Zhou's disease be cured?"

"Don't tell me, we really opened our eyes today! Comrade Xiao Wang, judging from Secretary Zhou's reaction, your diagnosis is very correct!"

"Comrade Wang Chengzhou, as the saying goes, striking while the iron is hot, things have already arrived here. Why don't you just treat Secretary Zhou directly? It will also give us more insights."

Everyone was talking about it, so naturally Wang Chengzhou would not refuse.

This can be regarded as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. At least, in a small place like Pushan Township, traditional Chinese medicine can be promoted and more people can realize the wisdom left by our ancestors.

Immediately, he nodded and said:
"Since I have taken action, there must be no reason to be perfunctory. Otherwise, I will be sorry for my identity as a doctor."

"However, our commune doesn't have any herbal medicine shops. I can only prescribe a prescription. After that, we need to go to the city to catch the herbs."

"Before that, I first used acupuncture to help Lao Zhou stabilize his condition to ensure that it would not continue to worsen and that he would be treated slowly."

When everyone heard this, they became even more excited.

Everyone was gearing up, as if they were about to get started, and said excitedly:

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's start now!"

"By the way, do you need us to avoid suspicion? I heard that acupuncture requires pricking all over the body, which inevitably requires you to take off your clothes. Lesbians should not stay here and squeeze together."

"Oh, how annoying it is! It's not easy to meet a young doctor with real skills. People want to see him."

Among the crowd, some lesbians were immediately unhappy.

He pouted and muttered.

It made everyone laugh.

Noticing the looks of his sisters and aunts, Wang Chengzhou scratched his head and explained quickly:
"This, there is nothing to avoid suspicion."

"However, if you lesbians feel that it is not in good taste to see an old gay shirtless, you can naturally leave."

"Moreover, compared with acupuncture, the effect of moxibustion will be better for cold symptoms. I will teach Lao Zhou the specific method later. The awkward part is to let him do moxibustion on his own when he has time. alright."

When everyone heard this, they laughed again.

Secretary Zhou couldn't help but cursed, and his mood improved.

"First of all, three heart needles are necessary."

Wang Chengzhou stopped his smile and said seriously:
“The heart and the small intestine are each other’s exterior and interior.”

"According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, cold coagulation and blood congestion are caused by insufficient heart fire. When the weather is cold, the water in the water pipes will freeze. This is a natural principle."

"The first step is to raise the fire in the heart and small intestine. Let the water in the body vaporize and the blood vessels become unobstructed. That's why I say moxibustion is better than acupuncture. After all, moxibustion is a long-lasting fire and has a yang nature."

While Wang Chengzhou was talking, he pointed out the locations of the Zhou Dynasty's people's heart raising giant and the small intestine raising Guanyuan.

As for the Tiantu point among the three heart acupuncture points, it is located at the throat. If you don’t want to smoke yourself to death, you must not use moxibustion.

Then, Secretary Zhou was asked to take off his upper body clothes.

It is now the beginning of summer, and the weather is no longer particularly cold.

Being shirtless in broad daylight is not a big deal.

"The doctor can cure the disease before it is sick, but not the disease when it is already there."

Wang Chengzhou turned behind Secretary Zhou again, pressed gently along the spine, directly found the Feishu point under the third vertebra, and inserted a needle diagonally, "The meaning of this sentence is that if a person is sick, he will not be cured." , let them wait for death; we specialize in treating those who are not yet sick, so as to show how smart we are."

Hearing what he said was interesting, several lesbians laughed very loudly.

At the same time, everyone was filled with doubts.

In the understanding of many people, the saying "the doctor can cure the disease before it occurs" means to take precautions before they occur and to take care of the body in advance to avoid serious illness.

Is there a different explanation?

Wang Chengzhou came around, pressed Secretary Zhou Zhou's chest, found the Zhongfu point using the bone-diagnosing method, and acupuncture it.

This is the recruitment point of the lungs.

In acupuncture, there is a method of "Yu Yu treatment". The so-called Shu points are a series of acupoints on the bladder meridian of Foot and Taiyang, and the Yu points are the acupoints corresponding to the internal organs. "According to the theory of the five elements, fire restrains metal."

Wang Chengzhou said casually while injecting the needle, "If there is a problem with the heart, it will spread to the lungs first."

"So, when we start to treat the heart, the first thing we should do is to strengthen the lungs to prevent the progression of the disease."

"This is also another meaning of God's healing."

There is such a statement?
Everyone suddenly understood. They also didn't understand much, but they also felt that it made sense.

This is the principle of simplicity.

After injecting Feishu and Zhongfu, Wang Chengzhou gave several more injections in Ganshu and Qimen.

In the same way, wood generates fire. If you want to strengthen your heart, you must first strengthen your liver so that the five elements can be biochemical.

Then, he started to inject needles into Xinshu and Jique.

At one time, Secretary Zhou had as many as ten needles inserted densely on his chest and back.

But plenty without clutter.

It's not like many traditional Chinese medicine health care centers in later generations that make people look like hedgehogs.

Although there is a saying in acupuncture that the patient should be pricked wherever it hurts, however, it must be done according to the meridians, not random pricking.

After pricking the body, Wang Chengzhou injected another needle into each of the Shenmen points on the Shaoyin Heart Meridian in his hand.

Shenmen point belongs to earth and is a sub-point of the Heart Meridian. It can be used for diarrhea to treat real heart diseases.

Then, another needle was placed at the Laogong point on the Jueyin pericardial meridian of the hand.

As mentioned before, the heart is the official of the monarch, and the spirit comes from it.

Normally, the heart itself is not affected by the disease.

The reason why various heart problems occur is either caused by drug stimulation or problems with the pericardium.

The Laogong point is the original point of the Jueyin Pericardium Meridian of Hand, and can be used to relieve diarrhea.

After one operation, Secretary Zhou felt completely comfortable.

Shirtless, he took a deep breath and smiled brightly.

Everyone saw that his complexion had improved significantly and couldn't help but marvel.

Dr. Xu's hand shaking when pushing his glasses was trembling, and he felt lost for a while.

So much so that when the infusion bottle was empty, I forgot to change it, and the blood almost returned.

He was so frightened that he hurriedly fiddled with it, adding painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Finally, the needle could no longer stick.

He kept mumbling: "What kind of truth is this? What kind of truth is this? What kind of truth is this?"

Obviously, he has been deeply hit.

Where can anyone treat illnesses like this?
Without testing, checking, or taking medicine, just inserting a few needles into a person's body, how can the effect be immediate?
This simply goes against common sense!

The advanced scientific knowledge I learned suddenly faced severe challenges.

no way.

Let alone him, even a leading figure in Western medicine would not be able to understand it without any knowledge of Chinese medicine.

The two took completely different paths.

Therefore, many medical schools in later generations split the complete TCM system into traditional Chinese medicine, prescriptions, acupuncture... and even studied Western medicine and divided it into various departments, which is simply ridiculous.

How can the top students who have been trained so hard be cured if they don’t know medicine and the doctor doesn’t know medicine?
Good Chinese medicine has been completely dismembered.

Only by knowing the meridians can we make a clear diagnosis, and by understanding herbal medicine can we prescribe prescriptions.

They are originally one piece!
It is even more unsurprising that Dr. Xu would behave like this.

Wang Chengzhou had no intention of taking advantage of the patient to be competitive.

Seeing this, he had no interest in being quick to talk.

After the acupuncture was done, I found pen and paper and wrote a prescription.

In general, it can be used to treat coronary heart disease.

However, there are additions and subtractions for different types of certificates.

For example, if Secretary Zhou has cold blood, he needs to add cinnamon twigs and twigs; for congestion, he needs to add earthworms.

I wrote and drew and prescribed about ten kinds of herbs.

Everyone stood at the door, looking around, their heads almost bursting from the crowd.

Everyone wants to know what it is that can treat such serious heart disease.

Several lesbians showed no sign of weakness. They worked so hard that sweat broke out on their foreheads. They still bent their elbows, wanting to read the prescription but fearing that others would take advantage of them.

It is also difficult for them.

Wang Chengzhou was speechless, so he had to take the paper and read it again, so that everyone could save some energy, "60 grams of astragalus, 60 grams of Agrimony, 30 grams of Codonopsis pilosula, 20 grams of Schisandra chinensis, 30 grams of Polygonum multiflorum, 30 grams of white peony root." , 40 grams of kudzu root, 15 grams of Chuanqiong, 30 grams of salvia miltiorrhiza, 30 grams of passepartout, 10 grams of notoginseng, 40 grams of motherwort, 15 grams of calamus, and 30 grams of calamus."

"For cold condensation, add 15 grams each of cinnamon twigs and twigs; for congestion, add 20 grams each of land bugs; for irregular heartbeat, add 30 grams each of keel, oyster, and vetch; for palpitations, add 30 grams of jujube kernels and 25 grams of schisandra chinensis... "

"Forget it, don't memorize it by rote. The dosage of traditional Chinese medicine varies from person to person and disease, so don't just apply it mechanically. I just want to let you know that there are many kinds of herbal medicines in the world. There are so many experience."

 Don’t take medicine prescriptions too seriously.

  Just like what is written in the book, just read it, don’t try it.

(End of this chapter)

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