I open a shop in Qixia Town

Chapter 493 Las Vegas

Chapter 493 Las Vegas

At night, inside a house.

Everyone in the Mo family was gathered around a fire.

"612, 613, 614, 615, isn't it? It's gone now?"

Thief Zhi rummaged around, but couldn't find a single corpse core. He said depressedly: "We killed at least thousands of zombies, and ended up with more than 600 corpse cores? This shipment rate is too low."

The sledgehammer threw a piece of wood into the fire and complained: "You still have the nerve to say, if it weren't for your bad luck, how could we have dug out more than 600 corpse cores?"

"Do you blame me? Then the task of digging out the corpse core will be left to you. I'll see how much you can dig out."

Robber Zhi looked at the big hammer unhappily.

"Humph, me"

"Okay, okay, it's not all Xiaozhi's fault. It's been a busy day. Let's have something to eat."

Duan Murong came over with food.

Xue Nu looked at Gao Jianli, who had been silent, and asked, "The zombies here have been cleared away. What should we do next?"

Gao Jianli said in a deep voice: "Xiao Zhi and I went to explore the surrounding area before. There is a city a hundred kilometers away from us. It is much larger than here and there are many zombies in it. I plan to go there."

Several people nodded slightly.

Only the sound of eating was left.



Zhang Liao and others gathered in a group.

"That's just the way it is."

Zhang Liao told several people that Claire and the others were going to Alaska.

Wei Xu frowned and said, "The purpose of our coming here is to kill zombies and obtain corpse cores. We can't go to some other place with them."

Zhang Liao nodded and said, "I have already told Claire that after we find a large number of zombies, we will separate from them."

"However, I want to escort them for one more trip. After all, they are nice people. This is just my personal idea. I can't make this decision, so I want to collect everyone's opinions."

"I do not mind."

Cheng Lian shrugged.

Gao Shun said: "I agree."

Song Xian thought for a moment, ignored Wei Xu's eyes, and said, "I agree too."

Several people looked at Wei Xu, who did not express his position.

Wei Xu said helplessly: "Why are you looking at me? Is it useful if I don't agree? Really, we are here to earn points, not to save the indigenous people of this world, why are we pretending to be good people?"

Cheng Lian glared at him and said, "If you don't agree, then just stay by yourself and do whatever you want by yourself."

"I didn't say I wouldn't help."

Wei Xu's tone immediately softened.

Zhang Liao smiled and said: "Since we don't have any objections, it's decided. Okay, there's nothing else to do, let's eat."

On the other side, Carlos and others are counting supplies.

"We're running out of food and gas," Carlos said.

Mickey said helplessly: "I still have half a tank of gas, that's all I have left."

Carlos looked at Seth and asked, "Seth, where's yours?"

Seth cursed and said, "Damn it, mine's empty too."

"Mine can only go 100 miles at most."

Carlos said, taking out a map.

"Well, if we're going to make this trip, we're going to need supplies."

"You're right."

Seth nodded in agreement.

Carlos flattened the map, pointed at it and said, "We can choose these places. The safest place is here."

Alice said, "No, I've been there and it's empty."

Glancing at Alice, Carlos continued: "Then, maybe we can go take a look here."


Claire interrupted Carlos and said, "Only there can we definitely find gasoline and food supplies." Carlos frowned and said, "This reason can be established, but it is too dangerous there."

Seth chimed in, "It's full of zombies, those sons of bitches."

Claire said: "We have emptied every small town in the past year and there are no supplies around. This time we have to go to the big cities."

Alice agreed: "She's right, Las Vegas is our only hope."

Everyone fell silent.

Although none of them wanted to go to Las Vegas, they had no choice this time.


The next morning.

The convoy is heading toward Las Vegas.

Zhang Liao was sitting in a car with two women, Claire and Liu Qian.

Zhang Liao said: "In other words, there will be a lot of zombies where we go?"

Claire nodded.

"Yes, Las Vegas is a big city. There used to be a lot of people living there. Almost all of them turned into zombies. You and your friends can kill them all."

After listening to Liu Qian's translation, Zhang Liao laughed, his eyes full of anticipation.

A few hours later.

Everyone finally came to this city known as the gambling city.

Looking at the gambling city filled with yellow sand and filled with dust and fog, Claire said in surprise: "Oh, that's a damn thing."

"My God."

Liu Qian was also shocked.

On another car.

Matt asked, "What's going on here?"

Looking at the sand around her, Alice said, "Desert erosion is back. For six years, no one has stopped the desert erosion."

Carlos picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Stop the car."

The motorcade slowly came to a stop.

The dozen or so zombies that were originally aimless on the roadside became very excited after seeing the convoy, and ran over screaming.

Zhang Liao got out of the car, pulled out the spirit wind and waved it.

A sword energy rushed towards the zombies and cut off all the heads of more than ten zombies.

Seeing Jiligulu's head rolling to the ground, Claire couldn't help but sigh: "This trick is really convenient, much easier to use than a gun."

Wei Xu and others got out of the car one after another and dug out several corpse cores from the zombies' heads.

After wasting a day, they finally obtained the corpse core.

Several people gathered in a circle.

Carlos said: "Okay, now we have to make a plan to get gas and food inside."

Seth put his hands on his waist and said: "This is not easy. There are at least millions of zombies in there. We don't have enough people to fill their teeth."

Claire asked, "Does anyone know where the gas station is?"

LJ, whose face was obviously much rosier than yesterday, said: "I know one. There is a gas pump near the casino parking lot on Block 23."

Mickey asked curiously: "How did you know?"

LJ said: "I threw over 2000 when I played here."

Seth was surprised: "Did you lose 2000?"

LJ nodded helplessly.

Everyone laughed.

"You're out of luck, man."

Claire clapped her hands to attract everyone's attention and said, "OK, if the gas station knows about it, it will be easy. Carlos, you take Seth and the others to get gasoline, and I'll take Matt and the others to find food. , the others are waiting here, and after everything is done, everyone will meet here."

Zhang Liao suddenly said: "Miss Liu, tell Claire that I will be with her, Gao Shun and the others will be with Carlos, and we will try our best to help you stop the zombies."

Liu Qian translated Zhang Liao's words to everyone.

"Thank you." Claire said something in broken Chinese to Zhang Liao.


(End of this chapter)

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