Chapter 391
Zhou Renjie packed up the things he drove out and took them away.

Zhou Renjie had just taken a few steps when he was surrounded by a group of people.

"Brother, do you want to sell the resurrection potion? The price is negotiable!"

"Little brother, I am the shopkeeper of the Longteng Chamber of Commerce. You must have heard of the name of our Longteng Chamber of Commerce."

"I am Shen Wansan."

"Hey, don't crowd, come one by one!"

A group of people gathered around Zhou Renjie and went aside.

The next can opener steps forward.

"Five jars, thank you."

Linghu Chong quickly handed the points card to Diao Chan.

Diao Chan took away [-] points and got him five jars from behind.

Linghu Chong rushed towards the jar as if he had seen a peerless beauty.

Touched them one by one.

It wasn't until everyone showed impatient expressions that Linghu Chong coughed lightly and returned to normal.

Open the jar silently in your mind.

The next second, the hammer appeared.

Linghu Chong rolled up his sleeves and hit the jar with a hammer.


With a crisp sound, the jar was smashed to pieces.


After a while, the light disappeared.

I saw a pill appearing on the counter.

Linghu Chong let out a light sigh and picked up the pill to examine it.

This elixir is milky white in color, accompanied by a unique medicinal fragrance.

"Girl, please help me take a look."

Diao Chan nodded, took out the scanner gun and scanned it.

The message is below.

[Eternal Life Poison] is also called the Immortality Pill. Strictly speaking, it is not a poison, but a medicine - a panacea!
Those who eat it will be immortal, and their body's potential will be fully activated. Injured muscles and broken bones that take a hundred days to heal can be healed in 20 days. As for minor injuries and illnesses, they will be cured in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, this longevity poison can completely burn the vitality. People who take the medicine will have infinite strength, light body, photographic memory, strong spirit, and unlimited potential. One year of cultivation is equal to five years of ordinary people's cultivation.

Immortality poison costs people's lives, so a person who takes it can live for one year, which is equal to five years for an ordinary person. No one can live for more than ten years, and they will die within ten years.


"What a perverted pill!"

"Is this poison or elixir? Let's talk about poison, and it has many benefits. Let's talk about elixir, but it will cost you your life."

"It's also poison and elixir?"

"Is it worth exchanging lifespan for potential?"

There was a lot of discussion.

Linghu Chong frowned and put the immortality poison into the jade bottle without any thought of swallowing it.

He didn't want to live for only ten years.

He doesn’t have a ten-year contract
Linghu Chong put the jade bottle away, continued to open the jar, and smashed it hard.


The jar was overwhelmed and broke into two pieces.

The fragments turned into a ball of light, blocking everyone's sight.

Not long after, the light dissipated.

A colorful conch appeared.

"What a beautiful conch."

Linghu Chong picked up the conch with slight surprise.

[Conch] Put the conch to your ear and you can hear the sound of the waves. Listen, it is the sound of big waves.

Seeing Conch's introduction, Linghu Chong's face darkened.

This introduction is too inappropriate.

Putting the conch aside, Linghu Chong continued to open the jar.

I saw him raising and lowering the hammer.


The jar was smashed into pieces.

Immediately afterwards, light shot out, covering the entire counter, making it difficult to see what was going on inside.

After a while, the light disappeared, revealing what was inside.

I saw two stickers appearing on the counter. "What is this?"

Picking up a sticker, Linghu Chong's face was filled with questions.

Diao Chan identifies it.

[Gravity Stickers] After being attached to the body, the gravity on the body will double, which can be used to exercise the body and improve physical fitness.Gravity stickers can be applied repeatedly, or multiple sheets can be used together.

Linghu Chong tried to put the gravity sticker on the god.


He felt a force of gravity pressing down on every inch of his body, even his internal organs.

Linghu Chong groaned, slumped down, and arched his waist.

"Good weight!"

Linghu Chong frowned, straightened up hard, and breathed heavily.

Now it's very difficult for him to even raise his hand.

However, he did not shrink from the difficulty and put away the other gravity patch. One gravity patch was enough for him now, but using too much would have a negative effect on his body.

Linghu Chong raised the hammer with difficulty and slammed it down.


The can made a crisp sound and shattered.

A large amount of light poured out, covering the entire counter.

After a while, the light faded away.

A talisman appeared on the counter.

Linghu Chong didn't know anything about talismans, so he didn't waste time and asked Diao Chan to identify it.

【Pure Talisman】First level Talisman.It can attract the Dharma water. As long as the body is dirty, with a thought, the Dharma water turns into mist and surrounds the whole body. It can immediately take away the dirt and make the whole body clean and refreshing.

"Oh, it's actually the lowest price talisman."

Linghu Chong was a little disappointed.

Put the purification charm away and continue opening the jar.


Linghu Chong smashed the last jar skillfully.

The light flashed.

After a few breaths, the light dissipated.

I saw a wine jar appear on the counter.

Linghu Chong's heart moved, he picked up the wine jar and opened it. An intoxicating aroma hit his nostrils, and in an instant, the room was filled with fragrance.

"Suck~good wine!"

Linghu Chong was definitely a heavy drinker.

He drank when he got into trouble, drank when he was thinking about his mistakes, drank when he was broken up and lost his job, in short, he drank whenever he was in trouble!
"Quick, help me identify it."

Linghu Chong swallowed and resisted the urge to drink.

Diao Chan quickly identified it.

[Tiger Soul Spirit Wine] This is an unusually thick spirit wine exclusively brewed by Tianyuan Holy Emperor, one of the three emperors of the human race. This wine is transparent and egg-yellow, like amber. I don’t know what it is brewed from. It has an intoxicating smell. It has a fragrant aroma and contains amazing aura, which is no less than a panacea for improving cultivation.

"Hiss~spiritual wine?"

Linghu Chong's eyes turned green, he raised the wine jar and took a swig.

The wine entered his throat, and it was so mellow that Linghu Chong couldn't stop drinking it and almost turned into a whimpering monster.

"Woo. This wine is so delicious! I have never had such a delicious wine in my life, and all my previous lives combined!"

Linghu Chong actually cried.

Seeing Linghu Chong crying after taking a sip of wine, everyone felt like there was a kitten scratching their hearts, and their mouths were watering with greed.

"Do you want to be so exaggerated?"

"I don't believe it. How good can a wine be?"

"Suck it~ But the scent is really tempting! It's really life-threatening."

Linghu Chong put away the things he had brought out and went straight to the ordering counter.

"With such a good wine, why not order some food to go with it? Meow meow, give me a small barbecue!"

Meow Meow recommended: "How about you guys are lucky? Meow, here, today's special offer! Fantasy BBQ, want one?"

"Good guy! Where's a three-year skill?"

Linghu Chong clicked his tongue.

"Don't underestimate it. The beef skewers are the meat of the Emerald Feathered Fire and Sulfur Rhinoceros, and the mutton skewers are the meat of the Purple Ice and Golden Demon Capricorn. Both the Emerald Feathered Fire and Sulfur Rhinoceros and the Purple Ice and Golden Demon Capricorn are spiritual beasts. This meat They all contain spiritual energy and are of great benefit to cultivation."

"Okay! Give me one! Today I will hit a new level! Pay with points."


(End of this chapter)

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