I open a shop in Qixia Town

Chapter 367 The treasure with the greatest potential is now on the scene

Chapter 367 The treasure with the greatest potential is now on the scene

Li Ru focused on the last jar.

You are the only one left.

"God, please, give me something good."

Li Ru prayed, gritted his teeth and smashed it down.


With a crisp sound, the jar was smashed into pieces.

Light poured out, covering the entire counter.

After a moment, the light dissipated, revealing what was inside.

Li Ru looked uneasily.

I saw a pair of eyes appearing on the counter, one black and one white, very strange.

"These are eyes?"

Li Ru's brows never relaxed and were always wrinkled together.

Opening this jar was not as easy as Li Ru imagined. He opened the five jars with fear.

"Girl, please help me take a look."

Hearing this, Yao Yue took out the scanner gun and scanned it.

message appears.

[Two Pupils of Yin and Yang] The yang pupil is harmonious and infinitely bright. The true yang is like the sun, destroying all evil spirits and falsehoods. Breaking through to the end, one can gain insight into all the dharma of people in the world and the cycle of life.

The yin pupils look wide open, and the sky is dark and clear. The true yin is like the moon, and it can glimpse all the things in the underworld. If it breaks through to the end, it can see through the demons and monsters in the world, birth, old age, illness and death, the home of the true spirit, and can also reveal the true heart of all things.

The two pupils of Yin and Yang need to evolve in order to use special skills, and special skills need to consume lifespan to activate.

"Oh my gosh, these two eyes of yin and yang are too heaven-defying, aren't they?"

"See through birth, old age, sickness and death? Can you also discern the cycle of life? What are the eyes of a god!"

"It's too exaggerated! I can't believe it."

"Fortunately, you need to evolve before you can use those perverted abilities, otherwise I would be jealous to death."

"It takes a lifetime to do it, and the price is a bit high."

"Niubi, this is the last one to explode."

After seeing the ability of the Yin and Yang Eyes, everyone was excited.

Li Ru was stunned for a moment when he saw the power of the Yin and Yang Eyes, and then was replaced by ecstasy.

"Hahaha! Damn it! It's out!"

Li Ru doesn't have the calmness that a counselor should have, he is all sincere.

After Li Ru vented his anger for a while, he quickly asked Lin Chen.

"Boss, how do we evolve this yin-yang pupil?"

Lin Chen replied: "The two pupils of Yin and Yang do not have an exact evolution method. Everyone's evolution is different. You have to explore it yourself."

Li Ru nodded slightly, thanked Lin Chen, picked up the two pupils of Yin and Yang, and silently recited fusion in his heart.

The two pupils of yin and yang visibly turned into a pool of liquid and blended into Li Ru's palm.

Seeing that the Yin and Yang pupils were gone, Li Ru quickly opened his palms.

I saw that a Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram appeared in the palm of my hand!

At this time, under the horrified gazes of everyone, Li Ru suddenly dug his eyes out!
This startled everyone.

The fingers came into close contact with the eyes, and a black and white light burst out.

Wait until the light disappears.
Li Ru's left eye turned pure white, and his right eye turned pure black.

"Damn it, it's so scary!"

Looking into Li Ru's eyes, Wei Xu's heart skipped a beat.

Li Ru's eyes glanced at everyone one by one.

Many people did not dare to look at Li Ru. When Li Ru looked over, most people would look left and right and subconsciously avoid Li Ru's gaze.

Li Ru wiped his eyes with his hand, and his eyes, one black and one white, returned to normal.

Currently, with the two pupils of yin and yang open, there is nothing else except that the vision becomes clearer.

Others he still needs to slowly explore and become familiar with.

Moreover, after opening the two pupils of Yin and Yang, Li Ru's internal energy will be consumed rapidly.

With his current strength, he can only activate it for 5 minutes at most. After 5 minutes, he will be forced to quit due to exhaustion of internal energy.

Li Ru picked up what he had taken out and came to sit next to Lu Bu.

Lu Bu looked at Li Ru's eyes curiously and asked curiously: "Wen You, are your yin and yang pupils a power, or do you just replace the original eyes?"

"My lord, the two pupils of yin and yang are abilities. When they are not turned on, they will exist in the yin and yang Tai Chi diagram on the palm of your hand."

After saying that, Li Ru specifically showed Lu Bu the palm with the Yin Yang Tai Chi diagram on it.

Lu Bu nodded.

It seems that the two pupils of yin and yang are different from his blood chakra eye.After Li Ru left, Zhang Liao couldn't wait to step forward.

Before Zhang Liao could speak, Yao Yue said, "Today's jars are sold out. Come back tomorrow."

Zhang Liao, who was in high spirits, his expression froze and he stayed in place.


"Oh, my work was in vain again today."

"No, I have to go to the trial tower to vent my anger on the lizard monster."


"Mad, I'm going too!"

"Another day of watching others open jars, ugh~"

Everyone shook their heads helplessly and dispersed.

Gao Shun pulled Zhang Liao and said helplessly: "Wenyuan, let's go. Come back tomorrow to buy jars."

Zhang Liao opened his mouth and finally let out a sigh.

I can only blame my bad luck.

Zhang Liao was pulled to sit next to Li Ru.

"It was our turn to open the can but it was gone. What a bad luck!"

Song Xian cursed angrily.

Hou Cheng rubbed his hair equally irritably.

Cao Xing persuaded: "Don't be angry. The worst thing is that we will work hard tomorrow and be ranked higher in the queue."

Gao Shun nodded in agreement.

Lu Bu, who had finished contacting Li Ru on the phone, glanced at the crowd.

"Why are you so embarrassed? It's just that the can has not been opened. This kind of thing will happen more often in the future. Just get used to it."

After being persuaded by Lu Bu, everyone became even more uncomfortable.

"Okay, let's eat something first and then go to the backyard."

As soon as they heard that there was something to eat, everyone felt much better.

No more crying and mourning.

Soon the dishes were all served, and after a few glasses of wine, the atmosphere among the group became lively.

As for a man, no matter how sad he is, a few sips of wine and a few puffs of cigarettes can suppress all his emotions.

After the cans were opened, Lin Chen also organized the employees to eat.

As soon as she heard that it was time to eat, Diao Chan actively picked up the plate, just to eat the dishes cooked by the little master quickly.

She can still recall the delicious taste of the meals cooked by her little master.

Lin Chen came to his precious unlimited beverage machine and received a pot of milk tea.

Then a drink was poured for all the staff.

Consider it a reward.

The little boss was very efficient, and he had all the dishes ready in a short time.

Some of the diners looked at the table full of delicious food, and then looked at their own meager one or two dishes, and tears flowed from the corners of their mouths.

This fragrance is so heavenly when you smell it!

Meow pointed at a dish in the middle and asked curiously: "Little Master, why is this dish covered with a lid?"

The young master smiled mysteriously and said, "The next step is to witness the miracle!"

The young master suddenly opened the lid, and a dazzling golden light shot straight into the sky.

"Come on, what a joke!"

"It's so dazzling!"

"What happened?"

"Who the hell threw a flashbang into the hall?"


"Look! It's coming from Boss Lin!"

"Oh my god! This is so unscientific, meow."

Meow Meow looked at the golden light on the plate in surprise.

Diao Chan was so shocked that she was speechless.

Even Yao Yue's expression was a little dull.

Lin Chen had expected it. At this time, he was wearing a pair of sunglasses.


(End of this chapter)

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