The post-00 principal took over, and students all over the network went crazy

Chapter 263 Chapter 263: Only in the rematch can we see our strength

Chapter 263 Chapter 263: Only in the rematch can we see our strength

Those who should believe it will naturally believe it, and those who don't believe it will not believe it no matter how hard it is explained, and they may even think that she is also a lobbyist hired by Su Jing.

Yang Chaoyue ended the interview directly: "So, this is the end of this unexpected interview."

"Thank you, Principal Su, for answering our questions."

"Next let's go see the athletes on the playground."

“How many great moments they’re going to create.”

Originally, the director was supposed to cut the scene to No. [-] Middle School, but Yang Chaoyue had some last words and stayed in No. [-] Middle School for a few more minutes.

At the beginning of the No. 50 Middle School Sports Meet, there were also basic competitions, such as the [-]-meter dash, high jump, long jump or shot put.

In addition to the live broadcast of the program, the school also temporarily created a live broadcast page to live broadcast the entire process for the convenience of parents who are free to watch.

Even if some parents don't have time to watch it during the day, there will be a full replay in the evening. It won't be like the program group, which will also have two other schools interspersed in the middle.


The program is still live broadcasting the competitions of each school, and a comparison of the opening ceremonies of the three schools appeared on the Internet.

There is no doubt that No. [-] China has advantages in terms of form and environmental protection.

Many netizens also ridiculed in the comment area that when the No. [-] and No. [-] middle schools fired smoke salutes in the morning, they didn't hear the judges say anything about polluting the air. In the afternoon, they grabbed the balloons from No. [-] middle school and said they were polluting the environment.

The result is good, no matter the material of the balloon or the gas it is filled with, there is no harm.

Undoubtedly, the judges' doubts attracted another wave of fans in Yizhong.

Even the Education Bureau openly praised No. [-] Middle School for its thoughtfulness and asked other schools to learn from it.

The first day of competition lasted until the usual school time.

The competition format in Sichuan Province is that the first day is the preliminary round, the second day is the semi-finals, and the third day is the finals.

Of course, due to the characteristics of long-distance races such as the 500 meters, 3000 meters and other individual events, the preliminary rounds, semi-finals, or direct finals will be appropriately reduced.

After all, if you run an event like long-distance running every day, you may be exhausted before you even make it to the finals.

On the other hand, half a day was missing from No. [-] Middle School, and the opening ceremony took up some time. Naturally, it was impossible to complete the preliminary round.

In order to increase the audience's expectations, the program team also specially asked three schools to preview the next day's competition events in advance.

In addition to the rematch of the preliminary events on the first day, the No. [-] Middle School and the No. [-] Middle School also had tug-of-war and relay competitions.

They are all ordinary projects with no innovation.

The audience was not surprised by this. After all, the sports meeting is to test those events repeatedly and finally rank the nouns according to the results.

On the contrary, it was No. [-] Middle School. In addition to the familiar competitions, there was another content that no one had seen in the preview, called dryland dragon boat.

In this regard, the audience felt that this project had little to do with the sports meeting.

First of all, in everyone’s impression, dragon boat racing should be held in the water; secondly, dragon boat racing is a custom during the Dragon Boat Festival in May. How can it be included in the sports meeting in November?

So, everyone waited for the next day with curiosity and excitement.

Early the next morning, morning reading classes were still held in No. [-] Middle School.

After each competition in No. [-] Middle School, we must check whether the other students in the audience are absent, so as to judge the total score of the class.

Therefore, their school is relatively tight on time, so they go directly to the playground to gather in the morning reading class and start the competition.

As for No. [-] Middle School, according to the old rules, they will gather on the playground at eight o'clock to compete.

When the competition for a certain event in No. [-] Middle School was halfway through, the other two schools started today's arrangements.

In the morning, the No. [-] Middle School and the No. [-] Middle School held the semi-finals of single events. Only the No. [-] Middle School opened for half a day late and was still in the preliminary stage.There weren’t any great moments in the first round of footage.

When it came to the second round, No. [-] Middle School was in the men's triple jump rematch.

In the preliminary round, students who fish in troubled waters and make up the numbers were eliminated first. Students with some ability can easily enter the semi-finals by jumping around.

The reason for jumping around casually is, firstly, to hide one's own strength, and secondly, to secretly observe whether others are hiding as deliberately as oneself, and to judge the strength based on the other person's performance.

After entering the semi-finals, it proved that everyone is more or less capable. If you want to successfully enter the finals, you must show a certain degree of strength.

Therefore, Zhu Yin took his camera directly to the triple jump competition venue and took photos of the athletes at close range.

The triple jump is not as simple as the long jump. You just need to run directly and then jump at the starting line.

Depending on its origins, there are two ways to jump the triple jump.

The first type uses one-legged hop, step-hop, and jump; the second type uses one-legged hop, one-legged hop, and jump.

The basic competition event of the triple jump is uniformly stipulated by the Education Bureau, so the jumping method is also unified, and the first jumping method is used.

In the picture, you can clearly see the students who are competing, standing on the track more than 30 meters away from the sand pit, moving their shins and getting ready to go.

The referee stands on the single ladder next to the starting line, with a red whistle hanging on his chest.

Seeing that the athletes had enough time to prepare, the referee picked up the whistle and said loudly: "Get ready."

The male student with the number plate 2135 on his front and back stopped his movements and got ready for running.

Then, the referee blew his whistle with a "shh" sound, indicating that the athletes could jump.

After hearing the sound, the 2135 male classmate started running hard.

The running distance of more than 30 meters is actually not that far, but he still swings his arms hard and runs with a big stride.

The male student should have calculated the distance in advance. After running a few steps, he reached the first marked line for one-legged hopping.

Hopping means jumping off one foot.

He stood on the ground with his right foot and jumped hard.

In the process of jumping up, it seemed to be borrowing strength from the air, stepping on the air and pulling it.

Some spectators did not understand the rules of the triple jump and thought that the male student would land on his left foot.

What people didn't expect was that the next moment, the right foot that still took off landed on the ground and stood firmly on the track.

Then, he exerted force with his right foot and continued to jump forward.

This is considered the second stage of the triple jump, a step jump.

It's a little different from hopping on one foot.

When hopping on one foot, the other foot is not used.

The step jump requires the use of the other foot.

The male student jumped with his right foot, so he took a big step with his left foot without hesitation, wishing he could take as far as his legs were long.

Then, the left foot landed one finger away from the take-off line to support the entire body.

Here is the final long jump.

The moment the male student's left foot landed on the ground, he squatted down slightly and leaned forward slightly to accumulate strength.

Finally, he seemed to have used all his strength on his left foot and jumped hard.

(End of this chapter)

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