The post-00 principal took over, and students all over the network went crazy

Chapter 260 Chapter 260: Some clothes are not suitable

Chapter 260 Chapter 260: Some clothes are not suitable
I'm afraid it's a little inappropriate to ask him to come out to lighten the atmosphere right now, right?

Who doesn't know that Shen Shiming always criticizes more and agrees less.

What should he say now when he is so nervous?
Originally he wanted to criticize, but now it's better to choose an area he agrees with to praise.

Isn't it difficult for him, Shen Shiming?
Shen Shiming did not answer immediately, but racked his brains and finally thought of a place that he thought was better.

Then he said: "At the beginning, it was a very good idea for the physical education teacher to send blessings to all the students in the school."

"The skit in the morning and the long blessing under the national flag in the afternoon instill the patriotic spirit into the minds of every teenager."

"No matter what, Chinese red is the most beautiful."

[I thought this expert would first criticize the bad aspects of No. [-] Middle School. 】

[Expert Shen: Unexpected?I originally wanted to talk about the good things that I was not optimistic about first, but I just took out the good things and praised them first. 】

[Haha, seeing how he hesitated just now, it was really hard for him. 】

[Shouldn’t we praise the advantages of No. [-] Middle School that this expert said?Secondly, the physical education teacher holding the big national flag and running around like this is really irritating! 】

In the entire opening ceremony, this was the only thing Shen Shiming could boast about.

Although there are several good programs in student performances that promote sportsmanship and national culture, he still pays more attention to the education of patriotism.

Bingbing breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Shen Shiming's recognition of Yizhong.

Fortunately, he talked about the advantages first.

If Bingbing continues to add fuel to the fire and talk about a controversial topic, it will be too late for Bingbing to smooth things over.

Someone came to the rescue and changed the topic. Bingbing immediately smiled and asked the two guests who had almost had an argument just now, trying to put the anger in their hearts away.

Bingbing: "What do Professor Ye and Dr. Yuan think of Expert Shen's point of view?"

Ye Yuan and Yuan Mengdan naturally knew Bingbing's intentions, and I'm afraid no one would dare to openly criticize patriotic education during the live broadcast, right?
That must be approved by both hands and feet.

Ye Yuan calmed down his anger and replied: "The scene at the beginning was indeed spectacular."

"In my long life, this is the first time I have seen such a big five-star red flag."

Yuan Mengdan was telling the truth and did not get angry with Ye Yuan. He spoke in a very relaxed tone: "No one should object to what Expert Shen mentioned."

If you listen carefully, you can also hear a bit of disdain for Ye Yuan.

I didn't expect that a grown man would be angry over such a trivial matter.

Seeing that the three people had no objection to the blessing of the physical education teacher at the beginning, Bingbing continued to host the program: "Indeed, the idea of ​​a physical education teacher in No. [-] Middle School is very suitable for the occasion."

"Children are born under the flag."

"Well, in addition to the opening blessings, we can see that the students' performances are also quite outstanding."

"In this regard, do the three guests have any performances that they particularly liked or disliked?"

Ye Yuan: "As for my favorite programs, I think sports programs are pretty good."

"Like skipping rope or gymnastics, they are all difficult movements."

"It matches the theme of the sports games."

After briefly talking about the genres I like, I continued to talk about the programs I don’t like: “Talk about the programs I don’t like.”

"It's nothing. Singing and dancing are talents of the students."

"I just can't appreciate those messy clothes."

Bingbing didn't understand what the messy clothes he meant, because in her opinion they were all pretty clothes.So he asked, "Oh? What kind of clothes is Professor Ye referring to?"

Ye Yuan replied: "Like that cheongsam, it feels a little too flattering for students' figures and is not suitable for performances."

Many viewers were unhappy when Ye Yuan said that the cheongsam was too big.

【What the hell?Has the cheongsam become a mess of clothes? 】

【What?Students are body shamed, shouldn't they show it? 】

[Let me go... This is the new century, and there are still people who dictate what other students should wear.Besides, why is the cheongsam not suitable for students to wear?It was a symbol of an era, and it was not some revealing dress. 】

[But the slits on the legs of the cheongsam are a bit too high. 】

[People are just wearing it to perform a dance, why do some people look at things in such a dirty way? 】

Ye Yuan continued to point out inappropriate clothing: "There are also all kinds of weird clothes for cosplay."

"Does it have anything to do with sports meetings?"

The questions he raised were also points that Shen Shiming wanted to criticize.

Shen Shiming followed Ye Yuan's words and said, "My views are similar to Professor Ye's."

"There is nothing wrong with the cheongsam itself, but wearing it on students is a bit inappropriate."

"There are also costumes of anime characters. This is a campus, not a comic exhibition. What thoughts are you trying to convey by wearing these clothes?"

[But I think they are right. There is nothing wrong with the clothing itself. The only thing is to know what to wear for what occasion. 】

[It’s nothing. The opening performance of the sports meeting is just to create an atmosphere, so why make it so serious... It has to be like the No. [-] Middle School, there is no freshness at all. 】

Yuan Mengdan listened to the euphemistic words of the two male guests and did not want to criticize them.

Her views on clothing are different from those of the two male guests.

"The simplest function of the opening performance of the sports games is to enliven the atmosphere and showcase diverse cultures."

“And clothing can be a great assist.”

After Yuan Mengdan expressed his opinion, he began to refute the cheongsam and cosplay clothes they mentioned.

"First of all, cheongsam is a clothing style inherited by the bannermen of the Qing Dynasty. It is evidence that an era existed."

"Secondly, wearing cheongsam can bring out the beauty of women. The design of traditional cheongsam also embodies the subtlety of oriental women, highlighting the virtuous, elegant, gentle and beautiful temperament and characteristics."

"We should promote traditional clothing instead of saying students can't wear it."

Then, Yuan Mengdan said: "The last thing is Cosplay clothes. Cosplay is also called role play, and it is also a form of cultural expression."

"In addition to studying, students also need some fun to support their lives."

"And Cos is a process of changing the soul, presenting the original character, and a way to get infinitely close to the virtual world."

"As long as everyone corrects their attitude and doesn't lose their ambition by playing with things, what's not allowed?"

"Besides, no matter what kind of clothing they are, the only time students can wear them in school is during activities."

“What’s wrong with showing people different cultures?”

Yuan Mengdan's words were not directed at anyone, and he expressed his views from a neutral perspective.

(End of this chapter)

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