The post-00 principal took over, and students all over the network went crazy

Chapter 254 Chapter 254: Physical Education Teacher’s Blessing

Chapter 254 Chapter 254: Physical Education Teacher’s Blessing

The three guests basically had no objections to Su Jing organizing students to watch the drama, and the rest of the time they focused on the sports meets of No. [-] Middle School and No. [-] Middle School.

The competition events between the two schools are pretty much the same, but there are some differences in the time arrangements.

After the lunch break, the afternoon broadcast was shown to No. [-] Middle School.

The opening ceremonies of the other two schools were completed in the morning, but the opening ceremony of No. [-] Middle School was arranged in the afternoon.

The playground of their school is very large, with spectator seats behind the straight track on both sides.

In the middle of the auditorium in the front, there is a national flag stand and a rostrum; in the auditorium at the rear, there are no obstacles, and there is a path leading to the bottom.

At this time, the students had lined up neatly on the huge playground.

The leaders of the school were also seated in the guest seats above the rostrum.

Among them, the principal Su Jing sat in the middle, and the vice principal Wang Jun and the leadership directors lined up in sequence.

Next to the guest seats, two hosts stood in front of the microphone and were introducing the leading guests.

Next was a flag-raising ceremony, followed by oath-taking by representatives of all parties.

The order of the opening ceremony of No. [-] Middle School is somewhat different from that of No. [-] and No. [-] Middle School in the morning.

The No. [-] Middle School and the No. [-] Middle School led the speeches after entering the performance, while the No. [-] Middle School gathered the good students early and finished what they wanted to say before starting the performance.

Therefore, the first ten minutes were not interesting.

However, it seemed that Su Jing had time requirements for their speeches, so no one was too verbose.

The speech, which originally lasted more than 20 minutes, was reduced to half.

Finally, Su Jing announced the entrance performances of each class.

"Before each class performs, our physical education teacher will give everyone a gift."

"Please divide your classmates into groups of five and space them out."

After Su Jing finished speaking, the students quickly adjusted their teams under the organization of the head teachers of each class.

Soon, the sixty rows of students in the school were divided into six rows in groups of five, with five rows of gaps left in the middle of the horizontal rows.

In addition to the five-element gap in the middle, a teacher is also needed on both sides.

It just corresponds to the position of the seven young teachers standing on the left curve.

Among the seven teachers, the two in the middle are female teachers.

They readjusted the distance between their teams according to the gaps vacated by the students.

Behind the teacher, there is also a long red cloth stacked.

After standing in line, they would fold the cloth into a long strip and straighten it, just wide enough.

The red cloth was stacked neatly, and until the seven physical education teachers each held a corner, they didn't see what it was.

Su Jing saw that they seemed to have adjusted well, so he took the microphone and asked: "Seven physical education teachers, have you adjusted well?"

They nodded in the direction of Su Jing, indicating that they were ready.

Su Jing: "Now that you're done, all students, squat down to receive the gifts from the physical education teacher."

The students were confused, what kind of gift requires squatting down to receive it?
Everyone followed the instructions with great doubts.

Then, a special melody came to mind on the radio.

This is the rhythm of the music "Wanjiang".

The seven teachers on the side quickly ran towards the students in the middle of the grass.

The playground in No. [-] Middle School is not as big as usual. All the students in the school are separated by class and stand in the middle. There is still nearly a quarter of the space on both sides.

Although there are two female teachers among the seven physical education teachers, they run at very similar speeds.

It may also be that in order to maintain the same team, the faster teacher slowed down his pace.

They ran very fast, and the cold wind blew by, causing the red cloth behind them to float up.At this time, everyone clearly saw that it was a huge national flag.

It was so big that the width of the red flag could cover the entire school students lined up at intervals.

When the seven teachers ran to approach the students on the far left, the music reached its most exciting moment: "The red sun rises in the east, and its avenues are filled with rays of light."

"How lucky I am to be born in your arms, with a blood flowing in the same vein..."

From the golden angle photographed by Yang Chaoyue, the national flag, which is as big as one-third of a football field, is flying over the heads of all the students in the school.

[Wow, this flag is too big.I was very excited when I saw the red flag waving. 】

[The most beautiful thing is to wear a touch of Chinese red! 】

[As I get older, I always burst into tears when I see such scenes. 】

[Cultural relics in the morning, big flag in the afternoon!Is Principal Su’s education today a patriotic theme? 】

[The teachers are so awesome, running into the wind makes me feel like I'm flying. 】

[The two female teachers are no less impressive than men! 】

[Among the physical education teachers in No. [-] Middle School, there is no trace of frequent illness at all. 】

[Wow, at such a touching moment, do the netizens above have to be so hurtful? 】

The students all looked up and saw that the slight sun above their heads was covered by the red silk brought by the teachers.

It wasn't until the reflections of several dazzling five-pointed stars at the end appeared in their eyes that the students knew that this piece of red silk was the national flag.

This is the blessing sent to them by the physical education teachers.

Born under the national flag and grown in the spring breeze.

Although it was already winter, the wind was gentle and sunny, like a spring breeze.

The track on their playground is 300 meters long in a straight line.

Therefore, teachers have to run a full 300 meters from the left curve to the right curve.
In addition, it is difficult to control the running speed, keep the national flag fluttering in the wind, and follow the rhythm of the music.

"Faith that lasts for thousands of years." - Finally, as the last line of the excerpted music piece was sung, the seven teachers reached their end.

The national flag also rested firmly behind them.

Before Su Jing could speak, the applause of his classmates preceded him.

When the students' applause gradually died down, Su Jing said, "Everyone, stand up and adjust the team."

While the students were adjusting their teams, Su Jing said again: "The teachers have set a good performance example for everyone."

"Let's see what kind of talent show the students have prepared."

The students all agreed: "Okay!"

Immediately, four hydrogen balloons and many colorful small balloons suddenly rose around the playground.

After a while, it floated over the entire playground, looking particularly beautiful.

"Wow!" Looking up, the students were all delighted.

Seeing the fluttering balloons, the audience also enjoyed it very much.

[Which school makes such a big move when announcing the entrance performance? 】

[This is the romance brought by balloons. Although they are not expensive, they have a unique scenery. 】

[The most expensive thing here is the four hydrogen balloons floating above the children's heads. 】

[Hey, why is No. [-] Middle School so cheap?Just put some balloons?The No. [-] Middle School and the No. [-] Middle School both have fireworks and cannon salutes. Principal Su is so cool. Could it be that this sports event is in a hurry and he is not well prepared? 】

[I don’t know if it’s expensive or not, it just looks good. 】

After Su Jing finished speaking, he handed over the work to the host and sat in his seat, waiting to appreciate the talents of his classmates.

(End of this chapter)

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