The post-00 principal took over, and students all over the network went crazy

Chapter 238 Chapter 238: Is this an unspeakable education?

Chapter 238 Chapter 238: Is this an unspeakable education?

[What do those teachers mean when they look at the female teacher with disbelief?Don’t you believe that you have never flown on a plane? 】

[Is it normal for people who have never traveled far and never flown on a plane?Not to mention that the female teacher is only in her 20s.I am 50 years old and have never taken a train or high-speed rail.I haven’t even seen with my own eyes what the platform looks like. 】

[Yeah, what’s all the fuss about. 】

[Don’t these plots often appear in TV dramas?Short videos will always be available, right?Nowadays, the Internet is so developed, what else can’t it do? 】

[Come on, standing and talking doesn’t hurt your back.You can only say this after you have experienced it. There are many people who have not experienced it. Is it realistic to read it online and learn it offline yourself? 】

[There is also the process of seeing a doctor in the hospital. Anyway, as a college student, I have a headache just looking at it. 】

The teachers' reaction plunged the audience into a quarrel.

Viewers who have experienced Su Jing's example of life skills feel that they are making a mountain out of a molehill. Such simple basic knowledge actually requires a special course.

However, viewers who have not experienced it feel that it is very necessary. At least if one day it comes to use it, they will not stand there like a fool and be at a loss.

Su Jing was very grateful to the female teacher for using an example of something she had never flown before to support him.

The reason why all-teachers meetings are held when new courses are introduced is because teachers need to be cooperative and willing to teach in the future.

Otherwise, he would have decided directly like canceling the morning self-study.

Su Jing had the idea of ​​opening new classes as early as when he was recruiting, so he also recruited these teachers.

Therefore, after waiting for so long, Su Jing is not in a hurry to make a decision at today's meeting.

For life knowledge classes, you can leave an observation assignment for the teachers first, so that you can have clear answers at the next meeting.

Su Jing said: "We are not asking everyone to make a decision today."

"Everyone can go back and observe the students in their own class first, and ask them how much they know about these common sense."

"We will vote at the next meeting to decide not to open the course of common sense of life."

This proposal has been temporarily approved by everyone.

Then came the sex education courses, and Wang Jun was the first to jump out in favor.

He said: "As for sex education courses, I think they are still acceptable."

"At the very least, teachers can teach you so that everyone can have a clear understanding of their own bodies instead of reading some wrong information online."

This answer, coming from Wang Jun's mouth, surprised the audience.

Of course, among the teachers here, there are also those who feel bad about it.

" can this kind of thing be taught in the classroom?"

"When I was in junior high school, I studied biology, and there was a chapter about the human body. I don't think we need to add this class, right? Everything that needs to be taught has already been taught at that time."

"It's really embarrassing for the teacher to discuss such unspeakable things in class."


[That male teacher who is so is it that he is about the same age as Vice Principal Wang, but so different mentally?No wonder he is already the vice principal and you are still just a teacher. 】

[That’s right, I think sex education is still necessary. 】

[What can you do in those classes in junior high school?And at that time, most of the children just played around. Now that they have a certain foundation, of course they have to take advantage of the pursuit. 】

[This course is already very late for high school students. What can be started in kindergarten or elementary school is actually inappropriate from the mouths of senior teachers like you. 】There are still many teachers who are opposed to it and feel that this kind of thing is not suitable for teaching in the classroom.

Su Jing was helpless and had a headache for these teachers.

"Teachers who say it's inappropriate or embarrassed to say the word about sex," he asked.

"I want to ask you guys, what do you think sex education teaches?"

Su Jing couldn't guarantee whether these teachers only thought about the most common behavior related to sex, but he was sure that they didn't think about other issues.

Su Jing is quite disappointed with these teachers.

Su Jing said to them without waiting for their answer: "Sex-education is education about issues related to human sexuality, involving the cognitive, emotional, physical and social aspects of sexuality."

"According to different classification standards, sex education can be divided into multiple categories; or according to the model, it can be divided into abstinence-only sex education, comprehensive sex education, etc."

“A teaching process in which curriculum-based approaches explore the cognitive, emotional, physical and social dimensions of sexuality is known as comprehensive sexuality education.”

"Sex-education is of great significance to individual growth. Scientific and comprehensive sex-education helps educated people equip themselves with certain knowledge, skills, attitudes and values, thereby ensuring their health, well-being and dignity."

“So, what’s so hard to say about sex education for us educators?”

"Sex education should be done as early as possible. You have seen many cases on the Internet about it being done too late, right?"

Su Jing's words seem to arouse everyone's thinking every time.

The teacher who had objections at first thought carefully about Su Jing's words, while the teacher who had no objections couldn't help but think of an online case after hearing Su Jing's words.

A male teacher stood up and said, "Principal Su's words reminded me of a doctor's case sharing."

"Two people with Ph.D. degrees have been married for several years and have no children."

"As a result, I went to the hospital for a check-up and found that the lady was still an untreated little girl."

"When I asked the two parties involved, they both thought that they could get pregnant as long as they slept in the same bed."

The male teacher was in his 40s and spoke more reservedly: "You said they have no knowledge? They are two doctoral students."

"You say they have knowledge, but they don't even know the most basic fertilization process."

[Haha, I have read the case that the teacher mentioned before, and I was shocked at the time. 】

[I have also seen it, and I also commented that both of them are too pure. 】

[Yes, it is unimaginable that the doctoral students were not stumped by the topic, but actually were stumped by the issue of continuation of the family line. 】

[Not just two adults, but also children, the earlier they learn about sex - the better the education. At least they can know the consequences of doing so and whether they can afford it. 】

Su Jing had never seen the case mentioned by the male teacher, and he himself seemed a little surprised.

Immediately, it became more certain that sex education classes were indispensable.

Two adults have not seen wrong demonstrations and can achieve good results with the advice of doctors.

But if the child does not know, or learns the wrong knowledge, the consequences will be irreparable damage.

Su Jing said: "I think sex education courses are still necessary to have one class per week."

(End of this chapter)

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