Chapter 225 225: Are there really such parents?
No. [-] Middle School's new idea was a bit awkward, but it achieved the effect Zhang Yun wanted.

The barrage in the live broadcast room kept popping up, and the gesture dance of the children in the classroom was coming to an end.

As the last line of the song comes: "...pass on the happiness."

The students performed the same movements as before, spreading their hands from the middle of their chests to both sides.

Finally, the children silently bowed to their parents.

After bowing, they straightened up and walked out of the classroom.

The parents let out a long sigh of relief, as if to say, this is the first time that a song that is just over 1 minute old has made people feel so uncomfortable.

Teacher Dong also had the same expression of relief as the parents.

For more than a minute, apart from glancing at the situation in the class for the first ten seconds, Teacher Dong tried his best to focus on the lyrics on the computer.

God knows how uncomfortable it is to watch the interaction between them and not be able to laugh even if you want to.

No better than parents.

Fortunately, this song is not long and it is finally over.

Teacher Dong raised his glasses and said, "Maybe everyone was focused on the children just now and didn't notice that Principal Zhang looked at our class in the corridor, right?"

Seeing that the parents didn't seem to have recovered from the emotion just now, Teacher Dong continued: "It can be seen from the smiling face of the principal just now that he is very satisfied with the performance of the children."

"This is also a surprise prepared by our principal Zhang for parents and friends."

The parents twitched their lips and forced out a smile.

This smile contains more meaning of being overwhelmed.

I don’t know whether to thank Zhang Yun loudly for his kindness, or to praise Zhang Yun for this idea...

Fortunately, the head teacher could describe it as surprise without blushing, but for the parents, shock was more appropriate to their mood at the moment.

Teacher Dong saw that most of the parents were just smiling, and only a few parents were whispering their thanks, so he knew that they didn't seem to want to mention this problem.

He is also very sensible, just like his last name.

Teacher Dong announced: "Parents, this is the entire process of our parent-teacher meeting today."

"As for the children's performance not meeting the parents' expectations, I hope the parents will go back and communicate well."

"Okay, let's call it a night."

"Parents who still have questions can come directly to the podium and ask me."

After Teacher Dong finished speaking, the parents stood up one after another.

Some walked towards the outside of the classroom, while others still had questions and wanted to consult the teacher and walked towards the podium.

Among them, the parents who came outside the classroom and the day students went home with their children, while the students who lived on campus exchanged a few words and then went to different destinations.

After the cameraman followed the parents out of the classroom, he discovered that their class was the first to finish.

Then other classes ended one after another, and more and more parents appeared in the camera.


If the previous live-streaming students' evening self-study routine was followed, the guest judges would not be on duty.

But when there are similar activities on school nights, the program team will ask them to work overtime temporarily.

Therefore, after the parent-teacher meeting in No. [-] Middle School ended, thinking that the meeting in No. [-] Middle School might be almost over, he switched the screen directly to the studio.

Bingbing first started with the matter of welcoming students: "Judging from the two schools, they have done a good job in welcoming parents."

On this point, the three guests nodded at the same time, seeming to agree.Ye Yuan said: "This is basically what every school must do."

“When I was teaching in the past, the school also arranged for students to provide directions to parents.”

“From the school gate to the teaching building, there are students all the way.”

Shen Shiming also said: "When parents arrive at school for the first time, they really need students to guide them to where the classes are."

"To prevent parents from wasting time looking for a school building."

Yuan Mengdan echoed: "Needless to say, this approach is also something that the school must consider."

“I remember when I was in high school, I was lucky enough to be a campus volunteer. It’s quite meaningful now that I think about it.”

Neither Bingbing nor the audience expected that tonight there would be a situation where all three guests would unite.

She was a little surprised: "Wow, it seems that everyone has the same idea this time."

"The fact is, as the three guests said, it is really difficult for parents to find classes when they arrive at school for the first time without guidance from students."

“I’ve seen videos showing school exam stickers and arrow guidance before.”

"Although this saves manpower, it doesn't rule out that some elderly parents won't read it, right?"

The three guests nodded, indicating that Bingbing was right.

Ye Yuan suddenly remembered that there was a parent in No. [-] Middle School who went to the wrong school, and said, "Of course it is the students who provide guidance."

"Parents can still ask."

"Otherwise, if you encounter a parent like the one who went to the wrong school at the beginning, let alone labeling, it would be safer for students to start at home and take their parents all the way to class."

Speaking of this topic, Shen Shiming couldn't help but answered: "I still can't imagine it."

"Are there really any parents who don't know what school or class their children have entered?"

This question actually exposed many innocent viewers.

They share the outrageous things they have encountered or experienced personally.

[Expert Shen, you don’t have to doubt that my father is just like the parent who went to the wrong school. 】

[My husband is called Wuyu. I got up late that day and didn’t have time to send the child off. He just happened to have a rest, so I gave the child to him.In the end, the police officer called me and told me that my child was sent to the wrong school.I called him and asked him to pick it up, but he asked me if he had sent it to me in the wrong way. (Note: Before going out, I repeatedly stressed to him which school he wanted to attend!)]

[Don’t talk about your fathers, they also want to save face.Let me talk about my dad, he doesn’t want to lose face.Our school holds parent-teacher conferences for all three grades. My dad came once when I was a sophomore in high school. When I was a senior in high school, he even went to the conference in the second year of high school. He also sat in the class and had a lively chat with the parents of the sophomores. 】

[Haha, I didn’t expect that Professor Ye’s question would lead to so many unreliable fathers. Is there no mother? 】

[Yes, on the first day my sister went to junior high school, my mother followed her custom and sent her directly to elementary school. 】

Yuan Mengdan looked at the audience sharing on the barrage and said with a smile: "Hey, Expert Shen."

"The viewers in the live broadcast room have helped you solve this century's problem."

Shen Shiming looked at the barrage area and his eyes were really opened.

He said: "Are there so many of them?"

Afterwards, Shen Shiming asked Ye Yuan next to him: "Professor Ye, I must have held a parent-teacher meeting. Have you ever encountered this?"

Ye Yuan smiled and replied: "It really is."

"I remember that the parent was in the wrong class."

(End of this chapter)

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