The post-00 principal took over, and students all over the network went crazy

Chapter 217 Chapter 217: Students who did not complete the recitation

Chapter 217 Chapter 217: Students who did not complete the recitation
Then she raised her phone to the tourists behind her: "Hey, you can go and watch this live broadcast."

"You'll know if you're going to be famous or not."

When the young tourist saw that there were more than 80 online viewers in the live broadcast room, he subconsciously said: "Hold the grass."

She didn't expect that the curse words she blurted out would actually affect her image and temperament.

So he quickly lowered his voice: "A campus program can be watched by so many people?"

Other insiders said one after another: "You don't know how much what Principal Su Jing does is the envy of students."

"Yes, you will also like No. [-] Middle School when you get to know me."


Everyone's eyes were directed towards the auxiliary passage, and there was a lot of discussion.

The students from No. [-] Middle School entered the scenic spot in an orderly manner in the sight of tourists and spectators.

Yang Chaoyue did not go in first, but filmed the progress of the students at the door.

After successive classes entered the scenic spot, Yang Chaoyue turned back to look for Su Jing.

After all, what everyone wants to see more is the protagonist Su Jing.

Su Jing was still in the parking lot to receive the students who arrived later, and arranged for the teacher to lead the group there first.

There were five or six dejected students standing next to him.

Yang Chaoyue came to him and asked, "Principal Su, why didn't these students follow the class?"

Su Jing had no choice but to explain to these students: "It is inevitable that some students with poor memory will not be able to remember it."

[Hey, there are actually some classmates who can’t memorize it. 】

[Let me tell you, how could all the students be able to recite it just because of a small favor? 】

[This is called reality. If all the students had memorized it, some elite students would say that No. [-] Middle School was a script. 】

[But they are a key high school, and there are still five or six students who can't memorize an ancient essay. 】

[The classmates in key high schools are not gods, so how many mortals are not allowed? 】

After Yang Chaoyue knew the reason, he consciously moved the camera away from their classmates and turned it to the students who were getting off the bus.

While taking pictures of where she got off the bus, she changed the topic and diverted the audience's attention from those classmates.

Yang Chaoyue asked: "How many busloads of students are there yet?"

Su Jing replied: "There are probably two or three more cars."

The students got off the bus in an orderly manner and the speed was naturally very fast.

Every time he arrived in a class, the teacher following Che would report the students' recitation status to Su Jing, and the students who failed were picked out and temporarily lined up next to him.

Soon, the students in the last bus also got off the bus, lined up, and walked to the entrance of the scenic spot under the leadership of the teacher.

After all the students had left, Su Jing turned to look at the seven classmates around him.

In order to take care of her classmates' face, Yang Chaoyue walked behind her classmates, and the camera captured Su Su's front.

In the camera, Su Jing was seen asking angrily: "The three freshmen in high school didn't memorize it. That's because they haven't learned this article yet."

"It's excusable."

"Tell me about your two sophomores and your two seniors!"

"The teacher has already analyzed the article and gave you two days to memorize it on top of the original requirement. Why haven't you memorized it yet?"

"I..." The four students who were called were speechless.

It was indeed inappropriate for Su Jing to say this.

"Okay." Su Jing interrupted: "I don't care why you didn't recite it."

"Today I will still let you go in and watch it first."

"You guys should study hard with the commentator."

As Su Jing said, several students began to take out their wallets: "Then let's go to the ticket purchase area and buy tickets ourselves."

They knew they couldn't afford it, so they prepared the ticket money early in the morning.As he said that, he wanted to leave.

"Stop." Su Jing stopped them: "Who told you to leave?"

Several classmates were stunned.

Didn't you tell them to go and see it first?
How to get in without buying a ticket?

Su Jing said: "Don't think that you don't have to memorize the text if you pay for it."

"What I mean is, you go and see it first, and I'll pay for it."

"Reciting the text will make you owe me a day for the time being."

"After you go back, you still have to go to your class teacher to finish memorizing it."

[Hey, isn’t Principal Su’s move a bit back on his word?What I said at the beginning is that only those who have recited it are free. A few of them haven't finished reciting it, so don't they have to pay for it themselves? 】

[Will Principal Su be short of money?The main purpose is to let students memorize this text. 】

[I think there is nothing wrong with Principal Su doing this.If all students think about using money to solve the problem, how many students will actively endorse it? 】

【I think it’s okay too.This will only make students understand more carefully when reading, and it will be much easier to memorize later. 】

After listening to this, several students felt a sense of guilt creeping into their hearts.

They don’t have to memorize it carefully, but their memory is a bit poor, and they are not very familiar with the next one or two paragraphs, so they have not passed the teacher’s test.

If I recite it after going to see it today, it shouldn't be a big problem.

They responded: "Okay!"

"I will definitely carry it well when I get back."

"Thank you, Principal Su, for your magnanimity."

One naughty male classmate even said: "Principal, you really make me cry."

I thought he was moved by Su Jing, but he muttered the next sentence: "I really want to escape from reciting, but you don't give me a chance."

When Su Jing heard this, he immediately raised his hand, as if he wanted to hit him, and threatened: "You really are!"

"Believe it or not, I'll give you a nap?"

The male classmate made an exaggerated move, put his head in his hands and begged for mercy: "Just kidding."

"I will carry it well."

Then he took a hand from the top of his head to make a promise: "Really, I swear that I will endorse it well when I go back today."

"I will never let the principal's hard work go in vain!"

Seeing this situation, Su Jing put down his hand and said, "Then follow me."

The students lined up and followed Su Jing, and the group walked towards the entrance of the scenic spot.

The entrance of the scenic spot is not far from the parking lot, and you will be there in a short time.

At this time, the person in charge of the scenic spot was still watching the students who arrived first in the auxiliary passage. When he saw Su Jing coming, he immediately greeted him: "Principal Su, hello, hello."

Su Jing stretched out his hand: "Hello, hello."

"You're welcome, the person in charge."

"We are here to travel today. There is no school without a principal."

The person in charge understood that Su Jing wanted to keep a low profile.

Therefore, he followed Su Jing's wishes and called him Mr. Su during conversations.

After a brief exchange of words, Su Jing felt that he could no longer waste the time of the classmates behind him, so he asked: "Where can I buy the tickets?"

The person in charge was confused: “Didn’t the customer service communicate with you?”

"We already have recitation activities here. If you recite, you don't need to buy a ticket."

(End of this chapter)

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