Chapter 212 Chapter 212: No need to bother

The momentum of the students was aroused, and more students seemed to have opened their chat boxes, saying "wild words" crazily.

"Being able to personally experience the majestic and spectacular scenery described by the ancients, I feel sorry for myself if I don't know the article "Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion" by heart."

"I'll go, who knows? I memorized the lessons from the second year of high school in my first year of high school, and even went to Prince Teng's Pavilion to experience it myself. I will definitely not forget it in three years."

"Although memorizing the text is our students' responsibility, since Principal Su has offered such an attractive offer, I can't help but memorize it."


They were all very interested, and their enthusiasm for reciting this troublesome ancient text increased more than a hundred times.

Students in the second and third grades of high school have already learned this article. Whether they are students who have memorized it by heart or those who are not, they are all ecstatic and feel that they have gained a big advantage.

Students in the first year of high school haven't learned it yet, so they may suffer a little compared to those in the upper grades.

But this small loss cannot dampen their fighting spirit at all.

Nowadays, the Internet is so developed that if the teacher doesn’t teach you how to read, you can just look for the translation on the Internet, and you can easily memorize it after roughly understanding the meaning of the article.

Wait until Monday to teach in the field. Isn’t it easier to understand than in class?

When I think about it, it seems quite challenging.

Although it was just a small ticket, it contained Su Jing's encouragement and trust in them.

Compared with teachers who only ask students to memorize by rote, Su Jing's immersive and attentive approach is undoubtedly more able to arouse their interest in learning.

Listening to the verbal dispute between the students and the teachers who refused to give in to the other, Su Jing showed a satisfied smile on his face.

What he wanted was this effect!
Blindly passively accepting knowledge can easily make students resist.

Especially in the current stressful atmosphere, students' self-confidence is easily affected.

Only by letting them experience the fun of learning can they improve their initiative and make progress.

A trip to Tengwang Pavilion in autumn can be said to be a multi-purpose experience.


As school was about to end, the last scene of the live broadcast moved to the studio.

Bingbing said: "I didn't expect that before school, Principal Su would leave a homework for all the teachers and students in the school in this way."

After sighing, he felt sad for Su Jing: "Isn't it just that the price of Principal Su's homework is a bit high?"

Bingbing actually raised the topic and asked the three guests to talk about how they viewed this matter.

Ye Yuan said: "Principal Su is doing this for the benefit of the students."

"There are really not many principals who can pay such a high price for their students."

"As long as students recite the text, they can go to Tengwang Pavilion to watch it for free."

"From the perspective of parents of students, I have no objections at the moment."

"But there are still some minor problems in other aspects."

Bingbing asked: "Oh? What aspects?"

Ye Yuan replied: "There are certain hidden dangers to students' safety in large-scale outings."

Shen Shiming also added: "In addition to the safety mentioned by Professor Ye, there is also the issue of not being assigned according to grade."

"Tengwang Pavilion is a text for the second year of high school. If they haven't learned it in the first year of high school, they have to recite it first. How is this different from memorizing it by rote?" "There are also students in the third year of high school. They are already pressed for time, and they have to waste a day. Go on the so-called autumn outing.”

This was the first question that came to Shen Shiming's mind when he saw Su Jing announcing the news.

Although Shen Shiming has mentioned many times that these activities carried out by Su Jing require a lot of financial support, he still wants to emphasize: "It's still a matter of money."

"As far as I know, Principal Su said that his school is funded by several companies, but holding activities every two days is really a waste."

"It would be better to spend this money on improving the quality of teaching, buying more books for students, and upgrading teaching equipment."

After explaining the reasons for his opposition, he finally elaborated on his conclusion: "Taken together, I personally feel that the decision of No. [-] Middle School is a bit redundant."

Yuan Mengdan listened carefully to the problems mentioned by the two male guests, and it was true that these problems existed.

But how could Su Jing not think about the problem that they all could think of?
What's more, Su Jing mentioned when he announced the news that it was the result of discussions in the school. There must be certain countermeasures for the issues they mentioned before he dared to take all the teachers and students of the school on an autumn outing.

Su Jing just told the students to go on autumn outing on Monday. How could he bring up issues that should not be of concern to the students?
Yuan Mengdan could not blindly refute the issues raised by the two male guests. She asked in a questioning way: "Everyone can think of safety risks without thinking."

"No. [-] Middle School is a school and Su Jing is the principal. There is no reason why we should not consider this most basic issue, right?"

[That’s right, you can think of it, how could other people in No.[-] Middle School not think of it? 】

[But the two male guests just brought it up, not that they haven’t thought about it.I advise Dr. Yuan not to stand in Sujing without thinking. 】

[Actually, when these issues are raised, the program team should pay a return visit to Principal Su to see if Principal Su has reasonable measures, so that the audience can give an explanation, instead of just showing the surface and ignoring the program's effect. 】

[The netizens above are still rational. 】

[In today’s discussion, the three guests had no problem with what they said. Some netizens should stop making random comments. 】

Yuan Mengdan continued: "As for what Expert Shen said."

"Although I didn't study that article in my first year of high school, I will still learn it later."

"I carry it in the morning and in the evening."

"There may be an element of rote memorization. You can deepen it through the on-site learning on Monday. The memory will only be deeper than the teaching in the classroom later."

After she finished talking about her thoughts about the first year of high school, she went on to talk about her thoughts about the third year of high school: "As for the third year of high school."

"As Expert Shen said, the time in the senior year of high school is precious."

"But Principal Su also mentioned that some students in the senior year of high school still didn't understand it clearly and lost points."

"Although it's only a few points, it plays a vital role in the thousands of troops preparing for the college entrance examination."

“I think it’s worth spending a day to secure these few points.”

[Watching a live broadcast made my obsession worse!I feel like it’s right not to waste time in your senior year of high school, and there’s nothing wrong with spending a day making sure you get these points. 】

【Haha, me too! 】

[But to ensure that you get these points, you don’t have to go to Prince Teng’s Pavilion. It’s okay for the teacher to explain it twice more, right? 】

[It takes time for the teacher to teach twice more than it does to go to the scene to understand. Isn’t this the same nature...]

Bingbing was as confused as the netizens.

She said: "First of all, regarding the safety issues mentioned by the guests..."

(End of this chapter)

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