The post-00 principal took over, and students all over the network went crazy

Chapter 190 190: Wearing sunglasses to invigilate the exam

Chapter 190 190: Wearing sunglasses to invigilate the exam

He clicked on the typo, and he didn't expect that he could even change the entire sentence.

If it hadn't been for a mid-term exam, the male teacher actually wanted to tell her: It was just that the wording was wrong, but he didn't say that the answer to the whole sentence was wrong.

But helplessly, he had already been warned about occupational diseases and could no longer make mistakes.

What's more, if you are not a student of your own school, why should you improve the performance of students from other schools?

Forget it, forget it.

I'm still a little tired after standing in one place for a long time, so I'd better continue to stretch my muscles.

The female classmate felt a little relieved when she felt the invigilator's departure.

It seems that I made the right change.

So I wrote down a question with great satisfaction.

Regarding the scene just now, Yang Mi took pictures from behind the female classmate.

Although the expression on the female student's face could not be clearly seen, it could be seen from the sigh of the invigilator and the female student's repeated changes to the question that she might have misunderstood the teacher's meaning.

[Haha, on the psychological drama between the invigilator and the candidates. 】

[Actually, I want to know what the invigilator meant when he sighed for the first time?What does the one that refers to the answer mean? 】

[Sigh I don’t know.But referring to the answer, I happened to review that poem for the exam two days ago, and she wrote the word "blue" wrong, and the correct word was "basket". 】

[I see. It seems that the meaning of the invigilator really requires a certain level of understanding. 】

[Actually, I think it’s better for the teacher not to interfere. 】

[Some teachers have that habit, which is commonly known as an occupational disease. 】

[Sure enough, watching other people take exams gives me a feeling of being in a dream.It's so true. I used to do it too. The invigilator sighed and shook his head. I wanted to check all the answers. It would test the psychology of the student involved. 】

The scenes captured by Yang Mi are all small things that often occur during exams. From these shadows, the audience can see their own experiences as students.

It would be a bit monotonous to collect materials all in one classroom.

The whole school is taking exams, and the situation in each class will be different. Yang Mi shot some materials in one classroom and then went to another classroom to shoot.

As a result, a considerable number of scenes that make people feel real appeared in the live broadcast room.


When the scene came to No. [-] Middle School, it was already the second half of the Chinese language exam.

Since the final score will be compared with last year's admission score, the exam time will naturally follow the college entrance examination standards.

The Chinese language test lasted for 150 minutes. When I switched to No. [-] Middle School, there was only more than half an hour left.

At this time, the students who wrote slowly were still writing their essays, while the students who wrote quickly had already finished writing and were checking.

There is also a kind of person who leaves questions he doesn't know until the end and looks around.

Every school has good students and bad students, even key high schools are no exception.

In the examination room, Su Jing and Yang Chaoyue walked side by side in the corridor, inspecting the students taking exams in the classroom.

Looking out the window, the invigilators in every class they pass have a common characteristic.

Both the teacher standing in front and the teacher sitting behind were wearing a pair of black sunglasses on their faces.

Seeing the teacher passing by in the camera and the students answering questions seriously, the audience couldn't help but be curious.

[Strange, where is the invigilator from No. [-] Middle School?Also required to wear sunglasses. 】

[Holy crap, which principal is so talented?Even with their sunglasses on, they didn’t know where the invigilator was looking, and they didn’t dare to look around. 】

[Haha, what a talent!If I hadn't known that the invigilators in each school were not from my own school, I think this was a damaging move that only Principal Su could come up with. 】

[It’s a pity that this is not a teacher from No. [-] Middle School. Principal Su shouldn’t have the right to ask them, right? 】

[Good guy, we are indeed the enemy of No. [-] Middle School, and the invigilator is so perverted. 】

The audience's comments caught Yang Chaoyue's attention. To be honest, she was also a little curious.But at the beginning, she was filming in the teaching building and did not follow Su Jing.

And these invigilators also wore sunglasses when they arrived.

So, Yang Chaoyue took advantage of the audience's curiosity and asked, "Principal Su."

"They seem to be invigilators from other schools, right?"

"Do you know why they all wear sunglasses?"

Is it because the other school knows that No. [-] Middle School has a live broadcast program and the other principal does not want his teachers to appear online?
Su Jing replied: "I have communicated with their principal."

"Sunglasses are also issued by our school."

Yang Chaoyue was puzzled: "Huh?"

Su Jing: "To prevent some students from cheating."

"If teachers from other schools look at me, wouldn't it mean that I lose face?"

"Isn't that why I came up with this trick?"

"The invigilator wears sunglasses, so the students don't know where to look, so naturally they don't dare to make small moves."

[Talent, let me just say, this must be a method that only Principal Su can come up with. 】

[I just didn’t expect that Principal Su, who had always been so kind to students in the past, was quite cruel to students in exams. 】

[How cruel is this?This is for their own good.You can take as many exams as you can without making any mistakes. 】

[Haha, the students never imagined that this would come from their principal. 】

After hearing Su Jing's explanation, Yang Chaoyue actually sympathized with the students.

You know, Su Jing is a god-like existence in their eyes, and he is too nice to them.

He actually worked with the principals of other schools behind their backs to make this happen.

Yang Chaoyue joked: "Principal Su, if the students know that you don't trust them."

"How sad it must be psychologically."

Su Jing disagreed: "I just let the invigilator wear a pair of sunglasses because I trust them."

"If you don't trust me, I have many ways to prevent cheating."

Yang Chaoyue: "Haha."

Su Jing: "Besides, if you don't tell me and I don't, the students won't know."

[Principal Su has many tricks, tell me and let me learn from them. 】

[Haha, Principal Su’s plan is about to fail.Maybe the students will find out in the evening. 】

[Yes, Principal Su should confiscate the students’ cell phones in advance if they don’t want the students to know. 】

[Sister Chaoyue, please remind Principal Su that there is a replay of the live broadcast. The students will know the truth when they go back to their dormitories at night and watch the replay. 】

Yang Chaoyue also listened to the advice and said with a smile: "Netizens asked me to remind you."

"The live broadcast has replays."

Su Jing looked indifferent: "What's this?"

I thought he had already thought of how to appease the students, but what he did next shocked the audience.

He faced the camera and implored in a pitiful tone: "Director, I know you are watching the live broadcast."

"Can you trouble the director to delete what you just said in the playback?"

"Let me continue to maintain a good image in the minds of students."

(End of this chapter)

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