The post-00 principal took over, and students all over the network went crazy

Chapter 159 Chapter 159: Zhang Yun sings the red face, but personnel takes the blame

Chapter 159 Chapter 159: Zhang Yun sings the red face, but personnel takes the blame
The people waiting for the job in the hall saw several people heading to the interview room in a mighty manner, and couldn't help but whisper.

"Hey, I heard that today's interview will be broadcast live. I just saw Goddess Zhu Yin and the camera guy following in with cameras."

"Ah? Really? It's over. I was already nervous, but now I have to live broadcast... I don't want to do the interview anymore."

"No, don't scare me, I'm timid."

"If my parents hadn't forced me to come, I would have run away by now!"

"Yes, yes, I was nervous enough to apply for the job, but in the end I had to live broadcast."


Under everyone's uneasy gazes, Zhang Yun and others came to the interview room, where relevant personnel from the school involved in the recruitment were already sitting.

Including the vice principal and some teachers from the Human Resources Department.

There were six of them in total, lined up in a row, leaving the main seat in the middle.

Zhang Yun sat in the middle, neatly arranged, as if putting pressure on the applicants who had not arrived opposite, formal and serious.

Seeing this posture, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't sit still.

[This is my first time for a school interview. As a result, this battle reminds me of the interview I attended at a large company when I just graduated. 】

[Is this a school interview?Is this the scene of interrogating prisoners? 】

[I thought that only companies would have such scenes of interrogating prisoners, but I didn’t expect that schools would be like this. 】

[Looking at this scene, I expressed fear. 】

[The principal, vice principal and human resources directors, I am already getting nervous. 】

[After taking classes for three years, I couldn’t help but feel social anxiety. Facing them, I felt like I was shaking when I spoke. 】

[Pray for the teachers who are interviewing. I hope they won’t be nervous.come on! 】

Amidst the barrage, the secretary distributed one resume to each of them after the first round of screening.

After getting the resume, Zhang Yun nodded to indicate that the interview could begin.

After the secretary left for a while, the first interviewer walked into the room.

He is a young man in his 20s.

As soon as I entered the door and saw the battle clearly, I was obviously shocked.

what's the situation?Such a big pomp and show for an interview?

There are so many leaders?
Wait, there's a camera in the corner?

It appears that, as they discussed, the interview will be broadcast live.

Thinking of this, he became even more nervous.

Take a deep breath, bite the bullet, and force yourself to stand in front of the blackboard.

The first applicant said nervously: "Everyone, good morning, fellow leaders."

He saw that the principal and so many teachers were here. If he called the teacher "nice", the principal might be dissatisfied.

So to sum it up, it is most appropriate to call the leader.

After saying his first sentence, he pretended to be calm and glanced at the so-called interviewers in front of him.

After just one glance, the first applicant looked away with guilt.

Their expressions are so serious!
The first applicant paused for a few seconds and had to bite the bullet and continue speaking.

He looked forward, but actually stared at the spare blackboard behind him, and began to introduce himself: "I came to your school to apply for the position of mathematics teacher."

"I graduated from XX Normal University. During my school days, I actively participated in various competitions and won..."

Before he could say a few words, Zhang Yun frowned, raised his hand and said, "Stop for a moment."

The first applicant was stunned: "Huh?"

He was extremely puzzled. Did he say something wrong?

Or did the interview end just because I said something wrong?

Just when everyone was confused, Zhang Yun looked a little unhappy: "Are you going to let us guess your name?" Although after the initial online screening, the offline interviews were all arranged based on the resumes in their hands.

However, if the guarantee is not complete, the wrong number may be called or the wrong person may be contacted.

The first applicant was so nervous that he forgot to mention his number and name as soon as he arrived, which is a big no-no.

When Zhang Yunchang wanted to veto him, he thought of the whole network live broadcast of this scene.

We can't let this lead to an unkind reputation.

He turned around and reminded in a friendly way: "Applicants, don't be nervous."

"I am nervous to introduce myself to a few of us. How will I face dozens of classmates on the podium in the future?"

Only then did the first applicant remember that he was so nervous that he forgot to say his name.

He quickly adjusted himself and introduced himself again: "I'm sorry, leader."

"I am Deng Moumou No. [-], and I have come to your school to apply for the position of mathematics teacher."

"I graduated from XX Normal University. During my time at school..."

Zhang Yun frowned again but said nothing.

He reminded the applicant and gave the applicant another chance.

But not for him to repeat the information he just said.

Zhang Yun was dissatisfied and silently turned over the resume in his hand.

The person sitting on the right side of Zhang Yun, who has been with him for many years, has obviously understood Zhang Yun's intentions, but it is difficult to speak during the live broadcast.

This evil person can only be done by him as a human being.

The personnel interrupted and said, "Okay."

He waved his hand and issued an eviction order: "We basically understand your situation. Let's go back and wait for notification."

[Shocked, just because they were nervous, you brushed them off without even asking a question? 】

[This doesn’t fit in with the school’s tall image, right?If you look at me as a recent graduate, it is inevitable that you will be nervous.Isn't No. [-] Middle School too unkind? 】

[Good guy, this speed... is faster than my husband! 】

[Be careful with your words upstairs. This is a campus program. Don’t misrepresent the flowers of the motherland. 】

[To be honest, this scene makes me wonder whether the school has prepared questions and simulated lectures. 】

[I feel that this was Principal Zhang’s intention, but he was too embarrassed to collapse in front of the audience, so he made others look bad. 】

People on the barrage expressed sympathy for the first applicant's plight.

There are only three examiners during the teacher qualification examination, but there are seven of you sitting there!

Even if a dog comes in with its tail between its legs, wouldn't it make people nervous?
The school didn’t know anything about the complaints in the barrage area.

Personnel affairs are still going on.

After he finished speaking, he remembered that the Education Bureau stipulated that the school must inform applicants that the waiting time for notification should not exceed one week.

So he consciously substituted this time limit into a week.

HR added: "You will be notified of the results within a week at most."

Originally, the school did not have the power to recruit independently and did not need to set up a dedicated personnel department.

But Sichuan Province is different from other places. The Education Bureau allows schools to choose the talents they need.

Therefore, every school in Sichuan Province has a personnel department.

Although it is said that schools are allowed to recruit themselves, the recruitment of people by schools is not as relaxed as other companies.

As a teacher, the most important and basic threshold is to obtain a teacher qualification certificate.

Secondly, there is a special situation.

(End of this chapter)

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