Chapter 142 142: Don’t hold a book all day long

[I finally got into No. [-] Middle School, but where is my Principal Su?Sister Chaoyue, where is Principal Su? 】

[Yes, after waiting for a long time, why is Principal Su still shy and hiding? 】

[Quick, quick, Chaoyue, go find Principal Su, we miss him! 】

Yang Chaoyue looked at the barrage with some helplessness.

On such a huge campus, where should I go to find Su Jing?
When she was worried, Yang Chaoyue suddenly remembered that she had Su Jing's weixing.

She sent a direct message asking where he was.

He didn't ring the phone directly because he was afraid that he would be patrolling the teaching building and the ringing would disturb the students in class.

After a while, Yang Chaoyue received a reply from Su Jing, saying that he would come to the playground to find them soon.

Yang Chaoyue told the audience truthfully, and while waiting for Su Jing, he continued to take pictures of the physical education class on the playground.

Since they are usually used for main classes in the morning, only the physical education classes of two classes cannot be scheduled, so they are placed in the class before recess.

Just after exercising, continue doing exercises between classes.

Therefore, there were only fifty or sixty students in the empty playground.

It’s clear what everyone is doing.

It was not long after the class began, and the physical education teacher was taking them to the main lesson.

One class was doing pre-exercise stretching, while the other class was progressing a little faster and was already running.

The students who were running took advantage of their physical education teacher to go over and say something to another teacher, and some students started to act clever.

In the two vertical lines, two female students gradually left the line, ran to the side and squatted down. They seemed to be tying their shoelaces, but they raised their heads and looked in the direction of the teacher.

[Hey, any classmates want to be lazy? 】

[Do all students in the south run like this?We in the north all run squarely and have no chance of breaking away from the team. 】

[No. [-] Middle School also said that all students are self-conscious, so how can they lead them to run and be lazy? 】

[What if someone’s shoelaces really came apart?Don't jump to conclusions until you see the end. 】

[The bad trick of pretending to have untied shoelaces while running has been used by me since junior high school. 】

The two female classmates were affectionate and flustered. They tied their shoelaces in a hurry and quickly followed the team.

Neither the audience in the live broadcast room nor Yang Chaoyue expected it. They thought it was a lazy trick. Who would have thought that the two students did not follow the routine.

Not only did he keep up with the team, but he also fulfilled the teacher's requirements.

After running two laps along the track, the physical education teacher asked them to take a short break under the shade of a tree to prepare for the next class schedule.

The students did not sit on the ground, but stood under the shade of the trees and chatted with each other.

Some students took out their books from nowhere and started reading, while others took out their pens and started doing their homework.

At this moment, Su Jing came to Yang Chaoyue's side.

Yang Chaoyue pointed to Su Jing's classmates under the shade of the tree and praised: "Principal Su, the students are really self-conscious."

"I don't forget to study during physical education class."

"Huh?" Su Jing looked over and saw that in the class that was taking a break, several students were writing something in books with pens.

Su Jing couldn't help but be curious.

Are there still teachers who do not follow the rules and leave students with homework?

He has repeatedly emphasized to teachers that no homework is allowed in class; homework must be assigned after school.

Why do some students use time in physical education class to complete other assignments?

The audience was pleased that the students loved learning, but Su Jing's expression suddenly changed.

I was in a good mood at first, but now I was affected by the students.

Su Jing walked towards the resting class. When the students saw Su Jing, they quickly hid the books in their hands with a guilty conscience and said hello cautiously.

The students' performance and Su Jing's expression made the audience in the live broadcast room feel strange.

[Isn’t it a good thing for students to learn independently?Why does Principal Su still seem a little unhappy?The same goes for students. How can you read a book and still act like a thief, guarding against Principal Su? 】【I don’t understand. 】

[If other principals saw that the students were so studious, they would burst into laughter. What kind of expression would Principal Su have? 】

Although Su Jing was dissatisfied with the students' behavior, he did not educate the students without asking the reasons.

He asked: "Are you reading or doing homework?"

The students looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

Su Jing repeatedly emphasized that you should learn what knowledge you need in any class, and you must not learn things that do not belong to that class in other classes.

And their current behavior is to learn knowledge from other courses in physical education class.

Seeing that they didn't answer, Su Jing asked again: "Did your teacher give you class homework?"

"Or have homework assigned in advance?"

Seeing that the trouble they caused would involve other teachers, the students shook their heads repeatedly: "No, no."

Su Jing looked at them without saying a word, meaning to let them confess on their own initiative.

The students had no choice but to take out the guidance books hidden on their backs and explain: "We are..."

"I want to see the analysis in the book..."

“It’s easier to understand than the teacher’s lectures in class!”

Su Jing looked at the "5-Year College Entrance Examination, 3-Year Simulation" in their hands, feeling helpless.

The original intention of this book is to help them improve their grades, but it is not for them to read in a short time, let alone for them to learn in physical education class.

There is no need to rush into learning this kind of thing.

Why are they so eager for success?

Su Jing did not scold them for being disobedient, but said seriously: "Learning is never-ending."

"You are now taking up time in physical education class to read other books. Do you respect the physical education teacher?"

"Do whatever you need to do in each class. Don't hold books all day long."

The students realized their problem and quickly admitted their mistake: "I know."

"We were wrong."

Su Jing: "If you know your mistakes and can correct them, there is no greater good."

"Put down the book and listen to the physical education teacher's instructions."

Then he said to the physical education teacher on the side: "Since the students feel that the rest time is long."

"You can shorten some rest time and arrange more sports events."

The physical education teacher responded: "Okay principal."

In response, the students let out a cry.

If they had known that this would be the result, they would have followed the instructions and not read in physical education class.

However, it's too late now.

As for Su Jing's operation, Yang Chaoyue also expressed some confusion.

She asked: "Principal Su, isn't it good that students love learning so much?"

Su Jing: "Of course it's good."

"But I don't want a learning machine."

“I want well-rounded students.”

[Although, this was the first time I saw a principal who was angry because students were reading in physical education class. 】

[I feel like Principal Su is discouraging students from learning.The students were studying independently, but he ran over to give lectures and talked about all-round development... It was more important for students to improve their grades than anything else. 】

(End of this chapter)

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