Versatile Mage Chaos of Time

Chapter 320 Showdown

Tear apart the space and take a few people directly to the height of Tianfang Kongjing directly above. Only here can they fight unscrupulously.

"Don't worry, I won't use that ability!!" Xianyu said.

Of course he was talking about the Five Declines of Heaven and Man. If he used it, he might have to go to the dark plane to find Mo Fan.

"But now I am still the real roof of time!!"

"Gossip, seal!!" Mo Fan used this ability when fighting the Kraken. It has to be said that this ability to block space, strengthen himself, and weaken the opponent to a certain extent is even more unsolvable than some forbidden realms.

"Did you forget something?" Xianyu said.

"Reverse, chaotic!!"

The control of Bagua originally set up by Mo Fan was directly taken over by Xianyu.

"Hey, there's something wrong!!" Mo Fan thought.

But his combat experience almost immediately drove his body and told him what he should do - close combat! !

Mo Fan approached directly, and then punched him. Thunder and fire were combined, and the two most violent forces were compressed together by Mo Fan.

"The duel between the two strongest human mages relies on close combat, so there's nothing wrong with it," Xianyu thought.

Directly accelerating oneself, releasing chaos magic one after another, as for standing upright without a shadow?Isn't Mo Fan doing this just to prevent him from releasing any perverted magic?

As we all know, humans are good at magic but not good at physical combat. The duel between the two of them will be used as a negative teaching material in teaching! !
As for the punch just now, most of it returned to Mo Fan himself, and the rest was transferred to other places by Xianyu. Only half of the punch actually affected Xianyu.

But with just this half-punch, Xianyu was almost paralyzed and had to use backtracking to recover.

Taking advantage of the gap in backtracking, Xianyu directly entered the gap in time, played with time and stop, and then merged the light system and the chaos system.

A huge ball of light covered Mo Fan's body, and even the extremely cold sky in the sky felt a little warm.

When exiting the time gap, Xianyu put himself in a state of standing at attention without any shadow.

Time continued to flow, and where Mo Fan was originally, a ball of fire transformed into his figure, and all of them had the unreasonable ability to be resurrected.

"Are you still fighting?" Xianyu looked at Mo Fan with a smile and said.


"Okay, let's see how you can break this state of mine!!"

Standing upright without a shadow, because it does not exist, it cannot be attacked. The cold moon-eyed demon god relied on the eye of the tide to force him out, but it was not so easy to deal with.

"Hey, I won't fight!!" As he said that, Mo Fan stood alone in the air, as if he wanted to wait for the rest of the magic energy to be exhausted and exit from this state.

"Tsk, in that case!!" Xianyu said softly.

Indeed, Leng Yuemou was so anxious at the beginning because there were other people outside to destroy those sea monsters. Why was Mo Fan anxious?

There is no way, as an orthodox mage (in his own opinion), Xianyu's health bar is really pitiful, but until his blue bar is consumed, his health bar is just a decoration.

Moreover, his blue bar is very long! !Then Xianyu's figure flashed and appeared next to Mo Fan, punching him instantly.

Xianyu's punch would naturally have little power without the blessing of magic, but this punch was not intended to cause any harm.

"I originally wanted to see what other magic there is, but in this case, you're welcome!!"

Mo Fan could feel that Xianyu's punch had little power, but "click", as if a lock was opened, and the aura on Mo Fan's body dropped rapidly. Xianyu did not make any other moves, but simply did it. Something to unravel a contract, the contract with Guizang.

A magic is progressed by being cracked and continuously perfected, adding new ideas, and continuing to improve.
"No fight!!" Mo Fan said.

If this really continues, there is a high probability that Xianyu will win in the end. There is no way. Although theoretically speaking, Guizang, as the roof of civilization, contains all the magic in human history. This is still updated in real time.

But who is Xianyu?In addition to the Roof of Time, he is also the creator of Guizang. At least for now, the magic Guizang he created cannot be collected. Likewise, the loopholes he cracked cannot be collected.

Xianyu has finally become the person he was amazed by at the beginning. It is no longer difficult for him to create a few magic spells during battle.

"How did you do that??" Mo Fan asked.

If this contract is really so easy to be terminated, what if those powerful humans encounter the same problem in the future?
"It's very simple. Guizang was created by me. Even though she has been upgraded to Rooftop, some of the underlying logic remains unchanged. This leaves room for manipulation. You can treat it as some small means that are exclusive to me." Xianyu said.

And in just a short time, he has perfected this, at least next time he will have to find other methods.

"By the way, you haven't gone to deal with the Parthenon yet, have you?" Xianyu asked suddenly.

"No? What's wrong? This time I went over and got rid of the Black Vatican Pope!!"

"After dealing with the Pope, try to keep the Parthenon as it is!!" Xianyu said suddenly. He couldn't help but think of the invasion of the Dark King in that possible future, which he saw when he looked out of the world in Antarctica. The dark shadow that shrouds the entire world.


"Oh, I have to go to Kunlun too!!" Xianyu said to himself.


"Coming??" The "girl" who asked Xianyu to call her Sister Shi said as she looked at the space crack that was torn apart by the brutal force.

"You..." Xianyu looked at the person in front of him. After just a glance, he said nothing. There was no further exploration. Even what he sensed just now was sealed by Xianyu. Some things should have been done a long time ago. I know, but what can I do now that I know.

"Let's go!!" the girl said

"it is good!"

Kunlun Mountain, the ancestor of mountains, the hometown of gods, and the ancestral line of dragons. These names alone can reflect its status. You must know that even the Yu tribe in Qinling just moved from Kunlun. .

And what they went to this time was not just Kunlun, but the even more hidden secret realm hidden in the Kunlun Mountains, the Kunlun Ruins.

The void of Kunlun in the sea is in the northwest, the capital under the emperor.Kunlun's void has a radius of eight hundred miles and a height of ten thousand ren.There is a sheaf of wood on it, five fathoms long and five circumferences large.There are nine wells on the front, with jade as the threshold.There are nine gates on the front, and the gates are guarded by enlightened beasts, where hundreds of gods are located.

With the strength of the two of them, the ordinary monsters here were not a problem at all. They moved forward at a fast speed, but after a while, heavy fog appeared in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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