Versatile Mage Chaos of Time

Chapter 312 The cold moon-eyed demon god

Chapter 312 The cold moon-eyed demon god

"Contract..." In their view, a contract is something that guarantees both parties to "keep their word", but here in Xianyu, it has become a special tool.

"Besides that, there is one more crucial thing!!"

"What??" Zhao Manyan said.

"Communicate!!" Mo Fan said immediately.

"Is it the spiritual link that Xianyu used to make things happen before??"


"Right, how can the Magic Network not have the most basic communication function ('◇'`)" Xianyu said.

You must know that relying on verbal communication and direct transmission of information through mental links are completely different concepts. In just a few seconds, a person's life can be completely saved.

"Besides that, there is a skill library."

"Skill library???" Zhao Manyan asked doubtfully.

"Perhaps it's nothing at the elementary level, but at the intermediate and high levels, in addition to the release of a single magic itself, the number of releases between the two systems of fused magic suddenly increases, and now even a single magic can You don’t need to use all the stars, this one can be incorporated into the fusion magic." As he said that, Xianyu used three stars to release a chaos magic, and a small flame appeared on his thumb.

Regarding the unreasonable things in Xianyu, Mo Fan and Dean Xiao did not make any comments. As far as Xianyu’s current level of chaos system is concerned, it is very likely that it has truly reached a level that has never been seen before or since.

They were not surprised at all when Xianyu said one day that he no longer needed magic and could leverage the rules of the world with just his mental power and provide it with powerful power.

"And even if there are principles of fusion magic, if you want to have suitable and powerful magic, you still need to try it step by step, and there are many things in this skill library that even I find magical. By the way, Mo Fan, you It should be almost done now," Xianyu said.

"Yeah!" Mo Fan replied, and then a ball appeared in his palm, and countless elements collided, fused, and reacted inside.

With the blessing of the demonic system, the moment he stepped into the realm of derivation, the magic he had just awakened entered the forbidden spell in an instant, which can be said to be very unreasonable.

"Get ready, we will have a tough battle to fight soon," Xianyu said.



Several large holes suddenly appeared in the sky, seeming to silently tell people...the sky is broken!

There are countless holes in the sky, and the cold sea water from the deep Pacific Ocean pours into the magic city. This scene is like a shocking scene in the last days.

The continuous watering from the sky hole seemed to soak the entire Demon City in the sea water.

"Is this the tough battle you were talking about??" Mo Fan asked.

"Yes!! There are two roofs born, and they are both in the human camp. The one in the ocean will definitely come to test it out. It is already too slow to come now!!" Xianyu replied.

Immediately afterwards, the holes in the sky seemed to be filled up bit by bit like Nuwa patching up the sky, and the sea monsters that appeared also fell into death.

Perhaps, at that time, a powerful being really filled the hole in the sky.Black alerts shot straight into the sky. Even if they knew that Xianyu and Mo Fan had extraordinary fighting power, they still sounded the pure black alerts. The battle between the powerful mages and the emperors was a threat to the weak beings. Unstoppable extinction.

The two people moved instantly again and appeared at the last line of defense.

The sea currents are surging, and the front line of defense has been almost completely submerged. Ugly, deformed, and bloody sea monsters are greedy, violent, and only have killing and occupation in their hearts.

In the waves of the sky, a monster's face emerged. Its face was just a rough outline of water, but its eyes were particularly terrifying, like the large patrol spotlights hanging high in a prison, scanning the trapped prisoner. The base city of the magic capital in its cage.

The night was dark, but its eyes were comparable to the icy moon in the sky. The cold light shrouded the entire Demon City, and it was extremely evil.

"Is that the Ocean Rooftop you were talking about??"

"Well..." Xianyu paused for a moment and continued, "Now you can call her the Cold Moon Eyed Demon God, but you can't call her Ocean Rooftop!!"


"To be precise, it is here. If it is in the Bermuda Triangle, then she is the real Bermuda Devil, the roof of the ocean."

"No, she is sick! Where is the Bermuda Triangle? Why did she come so far to attack here!!" Zhao Manyan shouted, no matter how bad their geography was, they knew that no matter how far away they were, it would not be their turn. They went to deal with the demon gods in the Bermuda Triangle.

"That's a good question. Do you think she didn't try to occupy other areas first, and finally came to occupy this place?? And even if that area is not her main force, it can be said to be completely collapsed," Xianyu said.

The myths of the great flood in various regions are sometimes not just myths. The Bermuda Demon finally attacked this area, and then started fighting with the totems here.

Most of the totems were cut off, and even the remaining ones went to the secret realm, leaving only three melons and two dates still active in this world.

The Baimu Demon was seriously injured and almost died. Most of the demons in the ocean were killed directly. It took almost thousands of years for them to recover.

"I guess she is here to give it a try. If she can defeat her, she will sweep across the world. If she cannot defeat her, she will go back to the ocean. So what we have to do in theory is to fight her off. I will ask Guizang to fully bless you later. Kill as many of those sea monsters as you can!! Leng Yue Eyed Demon God, I will deal with them!!" Xianyu said.

Perhaps when the cold moon-eyed demon god sensed the birth of a new roof, he also said "Gan!!" from the bottom of his heart!

She didn't show up earlier, she didn't show up later, why did she show up with such combat power as soon as she was definitely invaded.


"Everyone, those who are willing to stay, stay, and those who are not willing, go and help with the retreat!!" Dean Xiao stood among a group of mages, and his voice spread throughout the battlefield with the blessing of the sound mages.

On this kind of battlefield, even high-level mages appear extremely insignificant, let alone junior and mid-level mages.

"How to fight??" Dean Xiao said, although next to him was Hong Wu, the president of the Oriental Pearl Mage Tower.

Although the incident happened suddenly, almost all the powerful mages in the Demon City received a message that the Holy City was destroyed. They listened to Xianyu's advice in fighting against the sea monster.

Maybe the last one alone is nothing, but with the previous one, everyone's heart is filled with "???". I understand the fight against the Kraken, but can you translate what it means for the Holy City to be destroyed! !
"Leng Yuemou will be dealt with by me. The people below the emperor will be left to you. As for the people above the emperor, besides Mo Fan, they need to find some special combat power!!" Xianyu said.

(End of this chapter)

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