China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 470 The Pot Comes From The Sky

Chapter 470 The Pot Comes From The Sky

After completing the phased work of "Your Name", Zhang Nanyi spent the New Year in Yanjing honestly. Unexpectedly, the tree wanted to be quiet but the wind continued. On February 2th, the second day of the Lunar New Year, a The interview report made Zhang Nanyi the focus of the news again.

Director Wang Quan'an, who just won the Golden Bear Award for Best Film at the 57th Berlin International Film Festival for his film "Tuya's Marriage", inexplicably fired shots at Zhang Nanyi during an interview.

The reporter asked: "Some people say that "Tuya's Marriage" is another movie that vilifies the Chinese people. It shows the ugly side of China to foreigners to please some people and uses it to describe China's poverty and backwardness. What do you think?"

This question may have touched a certain nerve in Wang Quan'an, who replied very excitedly: "I think my movie is as good as Zhang Nanyi's Tianlu, and the Golden Bear Award is the best proof.

However, the box office of "Tuya's Marriage" was only 544 million, while the box office of "Tianlu" was 1.71 million yuan, which is equivalent to about 14 billion Chinese national currency, which is 257 times that of my movie.

Why is that?
It's because Tianlu is Zhang Nanyi's film. He has the publicity platform, theaters, and even the right to speak, and can subtly influence the audience's thoughts.

Why can Zhang Nanyi get so many resources?
It's because he knows how to figure out the preferences of the people above him, and the movies he makes are all praiseworthy.

Movies like ours that reflect reality and suffering not only lack respect and fail to win box office, but are also criticized by many people, saying that we deliberately vilify our country and show the ugly side of the country to foreigners. .

If things continue like this, there will only be one voice in the Chinese film circle, and that is praise.

If I was willing to put down my dignity and dignity and do something against my will, I could also achieve success in the worldly sense, but I don't want to.

That's why I made such an excellent and profound work as "Tuya".

Did you know that in the first round of watching the film, 7 of the 5 judges voted for "Tuya".

Art can transcend national boundaries and languages. I am very fortunate that there is an occasion like the Berlin Film Festival, which allows those of us who are sober to tell all audiences what reality is. A good movie like "Tuya" can be the soil for survival. . "

Wang Quan'an had just won the Golden Bear Award, and there was already a certain amount of attention. When he was interviewed, he also mentioned Zhang Nanyi, which immediately made the news hot, and the discussion on the Internet was very lively.

There are still some people who support King Quan Saddle.

Zhang Nanyi is so popular now and has many supporters. Naturally, there are some rebellious people who can't stand Zhang Nanyi's behavior, especially some Mi Fen and Gong Zhi.

Wang Quan'an's words simply scratched the itch of this group of people.

"Director Wang is a real man. He dares to tell the truth, which is admirable. If criticism is not free, praise is meaningless. Movies should let a hundred flowers bloom."

"After reading the interview, I really felt sorry for Director Wang. Everyone praised Tianlu when he won the Palme d'Or, and the official held a celebration banquet. Tuya's wedding won the Golden Bear, but no one praised it, and there were still a lot of people questioning it. .”

"Tuya's Marriage tells the real life in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia. Industrialization has led to ecological destruction, the local area is short of water, and the people's lives are difficult. Can't these be filmed? The domestic public opinion environment scares me! "

"Zhang Nanyi is really too domineering. He used these platforms and his own influence to start a one-spoken organization in China. His idiot fans are just like the Red Soldiers back then."

Zhang Nanyi was playing games at home and downloading dungeons with the girls. When he noticed this public opinion, he was also confused.

He didn't know why Wang Quan'an was so crazy that he wanted to shoot at him despite Lu Chuan's mistakes and when there was no conflict of interest.

Zhang Nanyi suspected that this guy had drunk too much or was on drugs, otherwise he wouldn't be so delirious.

And since when did he start talking about it, he didn’t allow these independent directors to make suffering films.

Although Zhang Nanyi didn't really appreciate Wang Quan'an's approach, he didn't say a bad word about "Tuya's Marriage".

After all, although this movie is also about the suffering of the Chinese people, and the quality is not that good, it still has some merits, just like those suffering movies made by Zhang Yimou.

Zhang Nanyi could only understand that Wang Quan'an wanted to gain popularity.

After all, among the movies that have won three awards in China, "Tuya's Marriage" is the least famous. Many people don't know this movie.

When everyone mentions Wang Quan'an, they will say that the masterpiece is Bailuyuan.

So Zhang Nanyi was too lazy to respond to Wang Quan'an, not wanting to increase his popularity.

This guy is a habitual prostitute. When he finds an opportunity, Zhang Nanyi can directly deal with him and ruin his reputation.

With Zhang Nanyi's current status, there is no need to quarrel with Wang Quan'an online and lose status.

And Zhang Nanyi didn't even need to take action, his fans and some passers-by had already started to fight back on the Internet.

"Who is Wang Quan'an? Sorry, I really don't know him. This guy is really shameless. He went to the moon to touch porcelain. He dares to say that his movies are as good as Tianlu.

Let’s not talk about China. If his movies are abroad, can they be on the IMDb Top 250 list?Can it be nominated for an Oscar? "

"This is the first time I know that Zhang Nanyi has such a strong ability to control everyone's thoughts. If this is true, then there will be world peace, and there will be no more wars and suffering."

"Some people play too much, and they are not popular after winning awards. Don't worry, Zhang Nanyi is really just sitting at home, and the pot comes from the sky."

"Let me give you some popular science. The Cannes International Film Festival is the most influential and top international film festival in the world today. It can be said that among the three major international art film festivals, it has the highest gold content.

The Venice Film Festival has the longest history, but it likes avant-garde and experimental film styles; while the Berlin Film Festival focuses on regulation and reality, which is why Chinese filmmakers have always gained a lot from the Berlin Film Festival.

As long as the reality of domestic suffering is shown to foreigners in an artistic way, there will be gains at the Berlin Film Festival. This is reality.

As a film director, Wang Quan'an must be aware of this situation.He said he had dignity, but that was at home, and abroad, he would probably have knelt down long ago. "

"Since Wang Quan'an wants to protect his right to criticize people, why can't he accept other people's criticism of him and his movies? He was criticized, but he blamed Zhang Nanyi, who is completely different from him? What a strange way of thinking and logic."

"My own movie didn't do well at the box office, so he complained about Tianlu's high box office. Why didn't he complain about the high box office of Hollywood movies? Tuya's marriage didn't do well at the box office. What does it have to do with Zhang Nanyi and Tian Lu?"

The majority of people defend and support Zhang Nanyi, so on the Internet, Wang Quan'an and some people who support Wang Quan'an are being ridiculed and ridiculed.

Wang Quan'an became immediately anxious. He was interviewed again, this time not only by domestic media, but also by foreign media from the Berlin Film Festival.

In the interview, he directly said: "Zhang Nanyi has received preferential treatment. His company's movie, the Seven Parts of Reincarnation, is called reincarnation in a good way, and it is called ghosts and gods in a bad way.

In our country, any movie involving ghosts and gods cannot pass the censorship, but Zhang Nanyi's "Love After Life", "Heavenly Road" and "Terror Cruise" can all pass the censorship.

If these works had been produced by other people or companies, they would have been killed by review!
Isn't this kind of preferential treatment because Zhang Nanyi is very good at flirting, and he knelt down and refused to let me say anything?
We are all treated differently and the environment is unfair. How can we compete with Zhang Nanyi's movies at the box office? "

After Wang Quan'an's words came out, they caused a great response.

First of all, domestic review has always been criticized. This is because the review system and review standards themselves have many problems, and some literary and art workers like to use review as an excuse.

Therefore, as long as someone criticizes censorship and criticizes the domestic censorship system, there will always be many people who will support it without thinking.

Secondly, Wang Quan'an said this in front of foreign reporters, and it also involved Zhang Nanyi, so this news also received a lot of attention overseas.

However, foreign opinions on Zhang Nanyi's preferential treatment in review are relatively in line with local customs. Everyone thinks that Zhang Nanyi's film can pass review because of his ability. This is normal and there is nothing worthy of criticism.

In China, the situation is completely different. On the Internet, many people began to criticize the official review and attack Zhang Nanyi.

"Our country's censorship system is a piece of shit and kills the art of film."

"Let's establish a grading system as soon as possible and standardize it to avoid being taken advantage of by people like Zhang Nanyi."

"Our country has this kind of bad habit. It's all about human relations. Those who have a good relationship with the reviewers will naturally receive preferential treatment, while those who really work hard for the film art will suffer a lot."

"Being good at doing things is not as good as being good at being a good person. This has been the case in China since ancient times. It is better to go abroad. What matters is the spirit of contract and it is not that messy."

"In China, Hawking has to toast the leaders when he comes. This is the reality!"

Obviously, someone is setting the pace here, and public opinion spreads quickly, and things tend to get worse.

After Zhang Nanyi saw it, he had to respond. He published a statement on his school website.

“I still don’t know why a dog kept barking at me when I was eating dumplings at home during the Chinese New Year.

I originally thought that I would not be as knowledgeable as a dog, but the dog may be relying on the support of its master behind it to bark more and more happily. In order not to affect my Chinese New Year, I will say this.

First, let me show you a set of data.

Love has an afterlife, the original version is 112 minutes, and it was submitted for review 6 times before passing the review. The released version is 98 minutes, with 14 minutes deleted;

Tianlu, the original version is 110 minutes, and it was submitted for review 4 times before passing the review. The released version is 95 minutes, with 15 minutes deleted;

The original version of "Horror Cruise" is 117 minutes, and it was submitted for review 7 times before passing the review. The released version is 99 minutes, with 18 minutes deleted;

The versions of the above three movies released at home and abroad are the same, and there are no special editions.

Tuya's Wedding, the original version is 95 minutes, and was submitted for review twice and passed the review. The mainland version is 2 minutes, with 86 minutes deleted.

It is worth mentioning that the original 95-minute version of the film screened at the Berlin Film Festival is a special edition.

You can guess the scenes and plots of the extra 9 minutes.

The official didn't care about Wang Quan'an's illegal behavior, but he actually blamed the review.

After reading these data, everyone can understand at a glance, which movie is more difficult to review?
For my film to pass the review, I don’t just have to send it in. It has to go through repeated reviews, modifications and deletions, as well as multiple rounds of communication before it can be released.

Some people will only complain about the strict review and refuse to pass. They will never patiently communicate with the officials themselves and give up when they encounter setbacks.

Or maybe he is not talented enough and likes to shoot eye-catching things to enhance the so-called depth and appeal of his movies.

Some people say that I am privileged, complain about the human and social relations in the country, and even praise that the American system is better.

You guys, open your eyes and take a look. In the United States, the guild requires a donation, a recommendation letter is required to go to a good university, and public relations expenses are required for a movie to win an award.

They directly legalized all these things, and those who do these things openly do not need to accept any condemnation. This is the advanced nature of the American system.

As for the human society, it is also the same in the West. Leibniz was excluded from the academic circle because he did not toast Newton, the president of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Wang Quan'an himself often attended various cocktail parties during the Berlin Film Festival. I'm afraid only he knows whether he has toasted at foreign cocktail parties, flattered foreigners, or even stuck his butt out. "

(End of this chapter)

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