Chapter 458
The second season of Dream China held the finals in October this year. In the end, Xu Song, a creative talent launched by Antarctic Records, won the finals championship.

The remaining top ten are Chen Chusheng, Tan Weiwei, Hemingway, Xue Zhishan, Bai Bing, Qi Wei, Xiong Rulin, Zhang Xin and Chen Zeyu.

In the voting stage of the finals of this competition, Xu Song, as the champion, also cast more than 300 million votes. It can be seen that the popularity of the program is actually higher than the third season of Super Girl.

After all, the third season of Supergirl has almost been cut, and everyone is tired of the format of the show. In addition, the cast of the third season is too different from the second season, so it is natural that it will not be successful.

But netizens and industry insiders don’t see it that way.

Everyone thinks that the reason why the third season of Super Girl failed is that Mango Channel was in a hurry to "change Zhang Nanyi". The theme song "Chasing Dreams" written by Zhang Nanyi was not used, and someone else was found to write a tepid song. The song of fire's saliva.

In various promotions, they also tried their best to distance themselves from Zhang Nanyi and Very Sweet, and Zhang Nanyi was not invited to participate in the finals.

In the eyes of the outside world, Mango Channel's suicide attempt to ignore Zhang Nanyi was the reason for the failure of the third season of Super Girl.

Especially Zhang Nanyi's company turned around and cooperated with Yangshi on the second season of "Dream China", taking a talent show that was not very popular and directly ranked first in the country, surpassing the popularity of Super Girl.

This contrast is too obvious.

Mango Channel was plucked by Zhang Nanyi for last year’s Super Girl. This year, after a successful operation, Zhang Nanyi’s title of “Super Girl Godfather” has been confirmed.

Let more people believe that the success of the first and second seasons of Super Girl is all due to Zhang Nanyi.

Zhang Nanyi gained another wave of fame without doing anything, and this time it was a win.

Neither Yangshi nor Nanyi Entertainment had too much interference in the voting results of the Dream China finals. Xu Song was able to win the championship because of his own strength and popularity.

After he joined Antarctic Records, he engaged in music creation every day, communicated with and nurtured outstanding musicians, and made great progress.

Some songs, such as "Pink Letterhead", "Why Not", etc., have already been composed. In this competition of "Dream China", he won the love of many young people with his excellent creative ability and tall and handsome appearance. .

Although Nanyi Entertainment did not do any unfair operations in voting, in normal publicity, the company also gave Xu Song a lot of resources to help him with various publicity.

This is also one of the important reasons why he won the championship.

After all, there is no absolute fairness in this world. Nanyi Entertainment still has to take care of its contracted singers.

After Dream China ended, Yao Qian and Sanbao analyzed the situation of the players. After negotiation and two-way selection with the players, they finally signed five players: Chen Chusheng, Hemingway, Bai Bing, Qi Wei and Zhang Xin.

Zhang Nanyi had no involvement in any of this. This was the normal operation of the management. For a record company, it is impossible for every signed singer to become a hit. It is normal for some to succeed and some to fail.

With such a popular Xu Song, Antarctic Records has already gained a lot from the program "Dream of China".

Because of the emergence of Zhang Nanyi and Nanji Records, Xu Song's life trajectory also completely changed.

With the release and operation of Antarctic Records, his albums will no longer be accepted by the mainstream record market for a long time like in his previous life. He is now taking the path of an orthodox recording artist.

After all, he now has a fan base, and the sales of his album are guaranteed.

Some radical fans have already dubbed Xu Song "Xiao Zhou Jielun".

When Zhang Nanyi came in, reporters from Yangshi were talking about this issue.

"Many viewers say that you are the Zhou Jielun of mainland China. Are you happy about this?"

Xu Song replied: "Zhou Jialun is a very powerful songwriter. His music style is varied and avant-garde. I also like his songs very much, but I don't like the mainland Zhou Jilun or Xiao Zhou Jielun very much.

I think every singer should be himself, and I will stick to my own music style. "

As a result, the reporter from MTV asked: "What if someone calls you Xiao Zhang Nanyi, wouldn't you like it?"

Xu Song didn't know what he thought of. After hearing this question, his face burst into laughter and he said happily: "Then don't call me Xiao Zhou Jielun from now on, call me Xiao Zhang Nanyi.

I am a fan of Mr. Zhang. I came to Antarctic Records just to learn from Mr. Zhang.

Mr. Zhang is so good at writing songs. He can write a hit song in just one or two minutes. I will never be able to achieve this level of ability.

If I could get the title of Xiao Zhang Nanyi in music, I would be happier than winning an award or winning a championship.

In fact, Mr. Zhang also gave me guidance when recording songs. I personally feel that I am half of his apprentice, although Mr. Zhang may not want to accept me as his apprentice.

For the time being, I consider myself a disciple of the Zhang family. "


When it comes to Xiao Zhou Jielun, you have to be yourself and stick to the music style. When it comes to Zhang Nanyi, you become a fan and disciple, with all kinds of happiness and honor.

This double standard is really unabashed.

The reporters from the two stations looked at each other, and they all felt that Xu Song had a bright future, was talented, and was so good at flattering the boss, that he would be indispensable for future resources.

Little did they know that Xu Song had just seen Zhang Nanyi write and record songs with his own eyes and was impressed by Zhang Nanyi's talent. He was indeed Zhang Nanyi's fan.Liu Yifei also heard Xu Song's interview and was very satisfied with his attitude. As long as someone praises Zhang Nanyi, they are her good friends with Liu Yifei!

Tianxian nodded and said quietly: "This Xu Song is not bad and can be trained well."

Zhang Nanyi walked towards the recording studio and said with a smile: "Yes, the boss lady has spoken, who dares not to listen?"

When Zhang Nanyi, Liu Yifei and Sakai Izumi walked over, the reporter and Xu Song noticed them. Today's interview is a special episode, which can be regarded as an overall interview with Antarctic Records.

It's just that Xu Song is relatively popular now, so reporters focus on interviewing him.

Seeing Zhang Nanyi and Liu Yifei at this moment, the reporter immediately abandoned Xu Song and walked towards Zhang Nanyi.

Yangshi's reporter asked: "Mr. Zhang, is it convenient for me to interview you?"

Zhang Nanyi said: "I'm going to record a song, it's not convenient, I'm sorry."

Hearing Zhang Nanyi's polite refusal, the reporters couldn't force it. They planned to continue interviewing Xu Song and others, but when they looked back, they were all gone.

When these people heard that Zhang Nanyi was going to record a song, they all followed Zhang Nanyi and ran to the recording studio.

The reporters were shocked by this scene. They were just about to talk to Yao Qian, but Zhang Nanyi turned around and said, "You can go to the recording studio and record some promotional materials, but don't make any sound. In the end, which materials can be reported to the outside world? It also requires the consent of our company.”

The reporters were overjoyed when they heard Zhang Nanyi's words and immediately agreed.

Zhang Nanyi did this because the production of the "Your Name" movie has been completed, and only the dubbing of Liu Yifei and some editing of the soundtrack are left.

The movie has been decided to be released on Valentine's Day, February 2th, focusing on Valentine's Day and the Spring Festival.

The pre-publicity of the movie is about to begin, so I would like to use this interview to warm up the publicity.

After all, this movie is released during the Spring Festival. Zhang Nanyi doesn't like working during the Spring Festival, so the promotion will be mainly online.

Today is just going with the trend, and it would be nice to have some publicity.

Zhang Nanyi brought reporters to the recording studio, and saw several regular guests in the studio, all of whom were singers from the company.

Fortunately, the newly renovated recording studio of Antarctic Records is very large, covering an area of ​​87 square meters. With seven or eight people watching, it didn't seem crowded.

Mainly because Zhang Nanyi's usual style is like this. Unless there are special exchanges, he will not refuse other singers in the company who want to come over to learn.

On the one hand, it also gives the company's creators or singers an opportunity to learn and communicate, forming a better creative atmosphere within the record company. On the other hand, they will also help in the recording studio to speed up Zhang Nanyi's work progress.

Glancing at the onlookers, three of the four talented people with big eyes came, but Xu Wei was not there.

The most shining one in the crowd is a beautiful woman with excellent appearance and temperament, making her unforgettable at first glance. She is none other than Bai Bing.

Her facial contours are smooth, her facial features are stretched and majestic, and she has the charm of a classical beauty.

In addition to being majestic and relaxed, her facial features are also very beautiful and delicate when taken alone. The shape of her eyes is pointed, the tail of her eyes is slightly raised, her nose is high and straight, and her lips are also delicately shaped, giving her a bright beauty.

The whole person is both classic and bright, and she is indeed a rare beauty.

Bai Bing is not only beautiful, but also has very fair and translucent skin. The only drawback is that the size of her breasts is not large, and it is not as good as the curves she will have after giving birth.

Among the singers signed by the company, Bai Bing really has an outstanding image. No wonder Yang Tianzhen signed her first.

Zhang Nanyi did not say hello to Bai Bing, he looked away and said to Liu Yifei: "Do you want to record the song first, or listen to the soundtrack I wrote.

This song is called Confession Night, and it's a violin piece.

In order to play this piece, I studied violin for a long time. "

As a scumbag, Zhang Nanyi is thick-skinned enough to say all kinds of things to make women happy.It was obviously a skill that was rewarded by the protagonist on the panel, but when it came to his words, it became a skill that he studied hard for love.

After Liu Yifei heard Zhang Nanyi's words, she naturally smiled very happily. She said, "Then I must listen to the music first. There is a very good violin in Teacher Sanbao's office. I will go and get it."

Sanbao himself is a pure music practitioner. He often works as a conductor in symphony orchestras. One of his hobbies is collecting all kinds of good musical instruments.

In his office, there is an Amati violin, which is relatively expensive. It is said that someone offered it 200 million, but he did not sell it.

The reason why it is placed in the office is that it can be shared and shown off frequently. This is a basic operation for people who like to collect.

Liu Yifei moved very quickly. After a while, she walked into the recording studio again holding a wooden piano box.

Behind her, there was Sambo who looked anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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