China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 424 Official Statement

Chapter 424 Official Statement
In fact, there are many reasons why the box office of "The Road to Heaven" is so good. The first one is because the movie "The Road to Heaven" won the Palme d'Or at Cannes, and it also made Zhang Nanyi and Li Jiejian the best actors, as well as Liu Yifei the best actress.

This is a real honor, and no matter how some people with ulterior motives try to slander and belittle it, this honor will remain.

To put it more broadly, Pilgrim shines in Cannes and becomes the biggest winner in Cannes. It is also something that adds luster to Chinese films and China itself.

In this era when the United States is shining as a beacon around the world, our country's economy is developing rapidly, but its culture and cultural confidence have not kept pace.

Pilgrim itself is a movie with a hint of theme, promoting the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. This movie won the Palme d'Or at Cannes, which greatly improved our country's cultural output and cultural confidence.

To a certain extent, Tianlu's winning of the Palme d'Or at Cannes means more than Farewell My Concubine.

This is why the official reception and celebration are held with great fanfare. Even when the road is very controversial, the official still spares no effort to support and publicize.

Only a small number of people spoke on the Internet. For the silent majority, the fact that the movie "The Road to Heaven" won the Palme d'Or was worth spending 20 yuan to watch the movie in the cinema.

The second reason is Zhang Nanyi's market appeal.

As China's most popular international superstar, all of Zhang Nanyi's previous works have been high-quality, and he has never made a bad movie, and his reputation is very good.

After accumulating so many works, he now indeed has very terrifying market appeal.

The Road to Heaven is a movie written and starring Zhang Nanyi. Even if there is no Palme d'Or, many people will go to the cinema to watch the movie because of Zhang Nanyi's name.

The third reason is because Zhang Nanyi controls the platforms, such as YY, and, etc., and the promotion of Tianlu movie is still very good.

The e-ticketing software has also launched a discount and subsidy campaign for purchasing tickets for the movie Tianlu.

On the E-gou ticket software, you can get a random instant discount of 1-5 yuan when purchasing Tianlu movie tickets, and you may also get a signed poster by Zhang Nanyi or Liu Yifei.

In 2006, the average ticket price for movie tickets was around 20 yuan. The discount offered by E-gou Tickets is already very good, and there is also a lottery.

Activities with easy-to-buy tickets are still a great stimulus to the box office.

Moreover, during the same period when Tianlu was released, there were no strong competitors. With the promotion of easy-to-buy tickets, Tianlu became a dominant player at the box office and took all the market.

The fourth reason, and the most direct reason, is because of controversy.

The biggest fear for a movie is not a bad reputation, but lack of popularity.

Criticisms about "The Road to Heaven" on the Internet, as well as the pacing of some people, made the movie "The Road to Heaven" a hot topic of discussion among the people this week.

The most important thing is that the movie "The Road to Heaven" does not have one-sided negative reviews like "The Promise".

There are still many good reviews.

In most people's school network social circle, there may be three people who say Tianlu is not good-looking, and at least one person who says Tianlu is super good-looking.

Moreover, people who praise Tianlu use exaggerated words, such as great epoch-making movies, artistic expressions of main theme movies, the best movies in the 21st century, etc.

Many people didn't know about the movie "The Road to Heaven" at first, but they suddenly became interested after seeing their friends, the Internet, newspapers and TV stations arguing about the quality of the movie "The Road to Heaven" every day. Decided to buy a ticket and go to the cinema to see it myself.

So to a certain extent, this kind of negative reviews and controversy have actually helped Tianlu maintain its popularity.

Liu Xiaoli and Yan Yu also noticed this situation, so they did not curb or target the negative reviewers and those who set the pace.

The company only supports the voices that say good things about Tianlu on the Internet.

When the voices agreeing that The Road to Heaven is a good movie became louder, the positive and negative reviews began to become evenly matched, and the controversy became even greater.

Tianlu's box office will naturally benefit.

Seeing that Tianlu's box office is so good, some competitors in the entertainment industry can't sit still, and there are also some overseas capital.

These people think that Tianlu's box office performance is good because Zhang Nanyi's market appeal is too strong, and they must increase output to ruin Tianlu's reputation.

As long as Tianlu's reputation collapses and Zhang Nanyi's myth of high-quality products is shattered, its market appeal will be weakened.

After all, the trust of the audience is easily consumed.

On June 6th, various Tianlu news still occupied the headlines of the entertainment section.

"The box office of North America in the first week was only 1300 million yuan. Zhang Nanyi lost his magic overseas!"

“The Rotten Tomatoes freshness rating is only 75%, and Tianlu’s reputation has collapsed overseas!”

"Exclusive interview with a small independent theater chain in the United States. Tianlu plays three shows a day, and the attendance rate is less than 6%."

"Wang Jiawei refused to be interviewed and avoided talking about the Cannes scandal."

"Brad Pitt: Zhang is a good actor, but I am not bad either. Losing to him may be because there are too many Chinese judges at Cannes this year."

"Lou Ye: I saw Wang Jiawei giving Zhang Nan a thumbs up at the award ceremony, and Yiheyuan was targeted and suppressed."

Whether these news are true or false, they must first create a public opinion atmosphere that Zhang Nanyi has lost his market appeal overseas and Tianlu's reputation is not good overseas.

Then they focused on the shady reports in Cannes. These media also specially intercepted part of Pitt's interview words, and angered Lou Ye, who was now furious, and made him say irrational things.

Just looking at these news, it seems that Zhang Nanyi and Tianlu are in misfortune overseas, Tianlu's winning of the Cannes Palme d'Or is a shady story, and foreign countries are questioning the fairness of Cannes.Of course, these news were quickly questioned and ridiculed by some netizens.

"The Road to Heaven is a literary film, and the main actors are all Chinese. It only opened in more than 500 theaters in North America, but it still took in a box office of 1300 million yuan.

If it had a different starring role, it would be great if the box office could exceed one million.

Do you now understand Zhang Nanyi’s popularity in BeiMi? "

"It made me laugh. Can the person who posted this news understand the rules of Rotten Tomatoes' freshness? 75% freshness is considered good. In the United States, which doesn't like to watch literary films, this score is really good. .”

"These people attack Tianlu's overseas box office and reputation, and never mention the Japanese and Chinese markets.

The box office of Tianlu in Japan's first week was as high as 30 billion Japanese dollars, which is equivalent to about 2500 million US dollars. In the first week in China, it attracted a total of 31 people to watch the movie, and it was also the box office champion.

Tianlu is so good overseas, how dare they blatantly report that Tianlu is not good at the box office. "

"Haha, why don't you dare? Brad Pitt's interview was taken out of context. Pitt said that losing to Zhang Nanyi might be because the judges were Chinese. He was just joking. He said it immediately afterwards, and he was convinced that he lost to Zhang Nanyi. , he watched The Road to Heaven and thought it was a great movie, and Zhang Nanyi deserved to be the best actor."

"Do these media really think that we are living in an era of limited information in the past? Now in the Internet information age, it is really funny that they still want to fool people like this."

"Damn, I really don't have enough information. I almost believed what these media said. Is Tianlu so popular in Japan?"

"I studied abroad in Japan, and I can responsibly say that Tianlu not only has a good box office in Japan, but also has a good reputation.

The first reason for this is of course that Zhang Nanyi and Liu Yifei are very popular in Japan. The second reason is that the movie "The Road to Heaven" has many unique beautiful scenery on the plateau, which is very important to the Japanese people living on the island. , is a beautiful scenery that has never been seen before. The third point is that the movie Tianlu is about death. Japanese people like movies that discuss death very much.A week has passed, and Tianlu's box office in Japan has not declined at all, but has become even more popular. "

"Yes, you can read the movie reviews written by many Japanese people. They are very exciting. Many Japanese people think that The Road to Heaven is a good movie that can be recorded in the history of movies."

"The most popular topic in Japan recently, in addition to the Tianlu, is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. Xizang Tour has exploded in Japan. You are still arguing here. People with brains are already doing tourism for Japanese people. It’s business.”

"Tianlu's reputation overseas is not bad at all, and no one is discussing the shady issue in Cannes. Only we in China keep talking about the shady issue."

"Obviously there are people like Lou Ye who cannot afford to lose and are afraid of Zhang Nanyi's influence."

Although many people online questioned the reports of these media, the media took the money and intensified their publicity.

Seeing that word-of-mouth and box office success were not good, they began to focus on the dark side of Cannes.

So much so that the Cannes Film Festival officials have noticed the reports and public opinions in China.

On June 6, Cannes officially released a statement titled "Explanation on Tianlu's Award for the Palme d'Or."

The statement not only praised Pilgrim's artistic quality and said that Pilgrim deserved the award, but also concluded: "We sought the opinions of the jury, and they agreed to announce the voting status of the Palme d'Or movie.

In the final stage of the Palme d'Or selection, a total of three films entered the discussion, namely Pilgrim, Wind and Waves, and Flanders.

After the discussion, the judges of the jury voted according to their preferences and selected the Palme d'Or film.

There were a total of 9 judges. Tianlu received 8 votes and won the Palme d'Or with an absolute advantage. Even if Mr. Wang Jiawei's 1 vote was removed, Tianlu still had 7 votes and there was still no problem in winning the Palme d'Or. "

After this statement came out, it was immediately reprinted and reported by domestic media.

Those who previously said that Tianlu's award was due to Wang Jiawei and Zhang Ziyi's shady background immediately shut up.

Those who support Zhang Nanyi and Tianlu are like celebrating the New Year.

"The Cannes Film Festival has been held for 59 years. This is the first time that an official statement has been made to announce the voting results. Some people in the domestic media have been clamoring for shady stories and it is embarrassing and has been exported abroad."

"To put it bluntly, these people still cannot see how powerful China is and how awesome the Chinese people are. In their view, Tianlu promoted the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, so it is impossible to win awards and be recognized by foreigners."

"Yes, although I didn't understand the plot of Tianlu, the movie depicts the difficulty and greatness of the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. For this reason alone, I will support Tianlu."

"By the way, why did the Cannes official statement only remove Wang Jiawei's vote but not Zhang Ziyi's vote?"

"Isn't this obvious? Tianlu got 8 votes, only 1 vote short of the full vote. Those who didn't vote for Tianlu are our international chapters. She didn't vote, so naturally it won't be deducted from the statement. Her vote counted.”

"Damn it, the International Chapter is really disgusting. If Tianlu hadn't been really powerful and had a huge advantage, her behavior of cheating would have caused Tianlu to lose the Palme d'Or."

"Hey, some Chinese people are like this. They don't want others to get what they can't get."

"In addition to Zhang Ziyi, there is also Lou Ye, who is also a disgusting person. His Yiheyuan failed to make any money in Cannes. No one paid attention to it at all. He still has the nerve to say that he has been targeted and suppressed."

After the official statement from Cannes came out, no one mentioned the shady incident of Tianlu. Instead, Zhang Ziyi and Lou Ye were caught and scolded by everyone.

Zhang Ziyi, who originally had a bad reputation because of Memoirs of a Geisha, now has a bad reputation in China.

However, Zhang Ziyi is not panicked. Her current goal is to work in Hollywood.

She didn't pay much attention to domestic public opinion.

These controversies and public opinions surrounding Tianlu have given Tianlu a literary film a strong box office stamina.

Zhang Nanyi did not pay attention to all this for the time being. He was immersed in Kirin Mobile Phone Company. He stayed in the company for a week and set part of the general direction of smartphone research and development.

(End of this chapter)

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