China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 406 Interview and Lottery

Chapter 406 Interview and Lottery

In addition to the ratings on the Rotten Tomatoes website, there are also many people on Facebook who recommend the movie Breaking Ground with real names. There are also many broadcasters on YouTube who have advertised, so the good reputation of Breaking Ground has gradually spread. .

The good reputation, coupled with the high degree of discussion on YouTube and Facebook, caused the box office of "The Rescuers" to plummet.

Liu Xiaoli continued to introduce: "The box office in mainland China has reached 1.91 million in two weeks. Han Sanpin told me that the secret key to the extension has been obtained, and the release date of The Rescue can be extended to February 2th.

The leaders above made a statement and stated that they would do their best to crack down on the piracy and illegal recording of Jingtang Rescue. They also issued a document calling on all departments and units to go to the theater to watch Jingtang Rescue.

The leader said that the goal is to break Titanic's box office record of 3.6 million, and make Rescue the number one in the history of China's box office rankings, which can be regarded as a little compensation for us. "

The strong box office performance of "The Rescue" in North America fully demonstrates the potential of this movie.

If it chooses a suitable schedule and has fewer competitors, The Rescue is definitely capable of achieving better box office results.

However, because of the leadership, Jingtao Rescue joined the competition for the Christmas season in North America, which was a loss.

Zhang Nanyi immediately said: "Tell the leader that it doesn't matter if you don't compensate. In our future film reviews, we will have to have tea and chat with him."

It is best to let the leader owe some favors.

Liu Xiaoli also knew this. She said: "That's what I said too. The leader said that this is just a measure to support domestic films. If you need to talk to him in the future, you can talk to him. He also focused on the celebration banquet."

In any case, "The Rescue" is a movie with a main theme that was spearheaded by the above. This movie was a great success overseas, and the meaning contained in it is not insignificant.

In the two weeks since its release, the total box office of "Jingtai Rescue" in North America is 6200 million yuan. The second largest box office is in Japan, with a total box office of 55 billion Japanese dollars, which is about 5000 million yuan when converted into rice dollars. Plus Europe, China, Southeast Asia and other places, the global The box office has reached 1.9 million yuan.

Achieving this result in just two weeks, the film's box office is certain to surpass Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, becoming the highest-grossing Chinese-language film overseas and the highest-grossing non-English-language film in the world.

For the leader, this achievement is no longer an achievement before the transfer. It can be regarded as a glorious resume that will be mentioned repeatedly in the future, so the leader naturally wants to make the celebration party more grand.

Zhang Nanyi thought for a while and said, "Let's hold a celebration banquet when the movie is released overseas and the box office is almost settled."

"Okay." Liu Xiaoli said: "Your new office has been fully decorated. There is an office on the 36th floor of Building A and Building B. One is modern and the other is antique. Do you want to take a look?"

Zhang Nanyi smiled and asked meaningfully: "I'll try it again tomorrow. Has the sound insulation effect in the office been enhanced?"

Liu Xiaoli rolled her eyes at Zhang Nanyi and said: "They are all equipped with the highest level of sound insulation. No quarrels in the office can be heard outside.

It also has floor-to-ceiling windows and secret door compartments, enough for you to do whatever you want. "

Zhang Nanyi asked another important point: "What about your office? Is it soundproofed?"

Liu Xiaoli blushed and did not answer. She just said, "You will know if you try it yourself then!"

Zhang Nanyi laughed heartily, saying nothing at all.

Liu Xiaoli stood up and said: "The specific box office data of "Jing Tong Rescue" are all in the file, I will go and get started first.

By the way, Cheng Kaige accepted a joint interview with many media today, saying that Wuji's film schedule was suppressed by us, which is why it failed at the box office.

This interview still caused some waves, you can check it out when you have time. "

After saying this, Liu Xiaoli left.

Zhang Nanyi turned on the computer in his office and went directly to the portal of his old rival Xinlang. Sure enough, he saw relevant reports.

It was also placed on the headlines of the entertainment section.

In the video of the interview, Cheng Kaige regained his former demeanor and looked aggrieved.

He bluntly said that Wuji's failure to Rescue was not due to the difference in film quality, but for another reason.

The first reason for the failure was that Wuji's film arrangement was suppressed. The number of films for Jingtao Rescue was more than twice that of Wuji.

Cheng Kaige also cited the example of Hollywood, saying that in Hollywood, film production companies cannot own theater chains, otherwise it will cause monopoly and unfair competition. The impact of monopoly is very bad and will reduce the quality of films produced by theater chains.

Cheng Kaige denounced the collusion between Nanyi Culture and Yili Cinemas, saying that he was a victim of monopoly behavior and did not mention a word about China Film.

The second reason is that the quality of Wuji's movies is too good. They are literary and artistic movies, and they are good movies that can arouse the deepest thinking of human nature. However, human beings are lazy by nature and unwilling to think. Instead, they prefer to watch movies like Rescue. A useless movie.

"I went to see a movie like Tide, and it was a very superficial movie with no meaning. I felt refreshed after watching it, but then I felt endless emptiness.

If all Chinese people make movies like this, then Chinese movies will be doomed.

My The Promise, like "Memoirs of a Geisha" and "Brokeback Mountain," are both good films with depth, but they didn't do well at the box office.

This is not our director’s fault, it’s just the tragedy of the times. We are moving too fast and the public’s aesthetics have not caught up. "

These are the original words of Cheng Kaige's interview. I have to say that Brother Kaizi's eloquence is still very good.

First, he quoted Hollywood’s Anti-Monopoly Act to explain that he had encountered malicious competition, and then used two movies that were released at the same time and that Chinese audiences had heard of more or less to confuse the audience and include The Promise in the ranks of literary and artistic films. .It's a pity that the last sentence still exposed his self-proclaimed superior nature and created an image for himself as a great director who is high-minded and unobtrusive.

Some viewers today really don’t like this statement.

There are always some people who like to watch movies that are more in-depth and that others cannot understand, to show their uniqueness.

Therefore, Cheng Kaige's interview indeed caused some waves as Liu Xiaoli said.

Cheng Kaige is just a clown now and cannot make waves. Zhang Nanyi is too lazy to respond directly. He just logged on to the school network and posted a sentiment.

"The Rescuers took in a box office of 3330 million yuan in the North American market last week, beating The Chronicles of Narnia and King Kong to win the single-week box office championship!

Not only in North America, we have won the box office championship in 17 countries and regions including China, Europe, Japan, Korea, and Australia.

Two weeks after its release, the global box office total has reached 1.9 million yuan.

In order to celebrate the box office success of "Jing Tao Rescue", I decided to hold a lottery and select 1000 fans in the comment area to give away a New Year's red envelope of 1000 yuan.

I wish you all a better life in the new year. "

The media has not had time to report on the box office data of "Jingdao Rescue". Zhang Nanyi's mood is the first-hand news, and there is also a lucky draw.

So after this sentiment was posted, it immediately received tens of thousands of comments.

"Mr. Zhang is so powerful that he will draw a million-dollar prize at once. I am your ten-year-old fan, so you must win the prize!"

"Bah, how shameless. Mr. Zhang has only been out for less than 4 years, how can he be a ten-year-old fan? Mr. Zhang looks at me, I am your little fan girl, let me win the prize!"

"Damn it, Stormy Waves is really awesome. It actually defeated The Chronicles of Narnia and King Kong and won the box office championship in North America. The gold content of this single-week championship has been fully achieved!"

"Yes, it's a pity that the overseas release schedule of "The Rescue" is not very good. The competition is too fierce, otherwise the box office will definitely be better."

"The Rescue is really the light of Chinese cinema. I hope this movie will surpass Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon as soon as possible and become the highest-grossing Chinese-language movie overseas."

"Yes, Breaking the Waves tells a story about China, and the characters are very positive. Being able to get this result will have a more profound impact on Chinese movies.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is also good, but firstly, it is a braid drama, and secondly, it essentially expresses the suppression and restraint of Chinese culture on individuals, and it still interprets Chinese culture from a Western perspective. I don't like it. "

"Based on the current performance of Jingtai Rescue, it is definitely better than Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Tomorrow is the New Year's Day holiday. I will watch it again in the theater to help Jingtai Rescue."

"Have you seen Cheng Kaige's latest interview? He even had the nerve to mention Zhang Nanyi to suppress Wuji. Zhang Nanyi probably didn't even bother to look at Wuji. The competition for Jingtao Rescue is the top Hollywood blockbuster, not Wuji. "

"After watching his interview, Cheng Kaige just wants to be the father of the audience, to educate us, but not to let us enjoy it. The Promise is a big piece of shit, and there are also shameless literary films. Memoirs of a Geisha is also It sucks, but the box office in a single week is more than 1000 million yuan, which is much better than Wuji!"

"Brothers, there is a blogger named Hu Ge on He made a video called "A Murder Case Caused by a Steamed Bun". It is extremely ironic and very funny. Everyone, please go watch it!"

"Haha, I watched it. It's a ring within a ring. It's very funny. This short film is [-] times more beautiful than The Promise. If the movie released is not The Promise but a murder caused by a steamed bun, I would be willing to buy a ticket and go to the cinema to watch it!"

Zhang Nanyi also noticed this comment. He immediately logged on to and found that the most popular video was "A murder caused by a steamed bun."

The producer is still Hu Ge, and the upload date is two days later than in the previous life. It was uploaded yesterday.

The video now has 500 million views and is still growing rapidly.

Zhang Nan went in and took a look at it at one o'clock. The content was exactly the same as in his previous life.

Even if you have watched this kind of spoof video many times, it is still hilarious when you watch it again.

The murder caused by a steamed bun is also a landmark classic work of Internet spoof videos. Like "China Team Wins the World Cup", it is Zhang Nanyi's youthful memory.

Once this spoof video comes out, Wuji's reputation as a bad movie will become even more widely known.

Because many people just listen to Zhang Nanyi and some reports, or friends around them say that The Promise is a bad movie.But people who haven't seen the movie have no specific feelings about how bad it is.

After everyone has watched a murder caused by a steamed bun, you will understand how ridiculously bad the movie The Promise is.

This is not an ordinary bad movie, it is the ceiling level among bad movies.

Many people, after seeing the spoof video, posted messages to thank Zhang Nanyi for not only saving them money, but also avoiding a mental attack.

Cheng Kaige saw that after his interview was broadcast, it aroused many people's discussions. He was still complacent at first, feeling that he had finally won back a victory.

As a result, after seeing a murder caused by a steamed bun, he was so angry that he suffered internal injuries. In order to relieve the depression in his heart, Cheng Kaige looked at Arthur who was having fun with his eyes full of majesty.

Arthur felt his father's gaze and the toy in his hand fell...

(End of this chapter)

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