I'm sure of the prosperous age of Kangxi and Qianlong!

Chapter 620: Annexation of Upper Burma

Chapter 620: Annexation of Upper Burma

"Battle reports from the south indicate that the Siamese and Mongolian coalition forces have captured Toungoo City. The Guangnan Army, the Meng people, and the Minjia Han Army have also captured Bagan City." He Xiangming took out two military couriers and sent them by boat. military intelligence battle report, said with a strange smile.

Wei Min took the battle report, read it carefully and said with the same sigh: "These Meng people... Tsk, Toungoo City was actually emptied by them. It seems that the information given by those careful businessmen is still a little inaccurate. The Burmese people in Myanmar and The Meng people not only have a grudge, they are even capable of massacring a city, this must be a blood feud!"

He Xiangming said: "It is natural for a country to hate a family. The Burmese destroyed the Mon court and enslaved and oppressed the Mon people. The Siamese country was destroyed and annexed by the Burmese several times, and many people were massacred. . Taungoo is the old capital of the Burmese people. It’s just a matter of venting some hatred, so we don’t have to meddle in other people’s business.”

Wei Min nodded: "Fortunately, the city of Bagan was not massacred by the Meng people. The general of the Guangnan Army was somewhat measured."

It wasn't that Lin Jin of the Guangnan Army was measured, but he was frightened by the madness and cruelty of the Meng people. Every time he captured a city, he would launch a massacre and kill everyone who spoke Burmese.

In the Burmese villages we passed along the road, if Lin Jin hadn't ordered some people to be captured to transport food and grass, the entire village would have been wiped out.

Although they had just reached the city of Bagan, the Guangnan Army had not actually participated in many battles. However, in the entire lower Burma area, except for the Burmese nobles and landowners who fled in advance, almost all others were killed.

Even the Burmese people who had no time to escape became slaves of the Mon landowners, and all the land was occupied by the Mon landowners and rebels.

In Toungoo City, the Siamese army and the Meng army almost came to war due to uneven distribution of spoils. Fortunately, Ming envoys were able to mediate and persuade peace.

After some thought, He Xiangming sent a speedboat to Dongxu to issue a warrant.

Dongyu City.

The Siamese army and the Mongolian army, following the instructions of the heavenly messenger, were gathering together to burn and bury the corpses outside the city.

The entire city of Toungoo was massacred into an empty city, with corpses everywhere. If they were not burned and buried quickly, a plague would definitely break out when the weather got hot.

King Bolong Moge of Siam looked at the order sent by the Ming army envoy and remained silent for a long time.

Chen Xizhong, a Han adviser, asked: "Your Majesty, what do the generals of the Celestial Dynasty say?"

Bolong Moge sighed: "The general of the Celestial Dynasty said that the war in the north is over and the Burmese king has been captured. He ordered me to retreat and return home immediately."

Chen Xizhong said: "In that case, then retreat! We have obtained a lot of goods and war profits in Myanmar, which is enough to cover the cost of sending troops, and we have also recovered the lost land in Dawei. Your Majesty's prestige and legitimacy in Siam will be I won’t be questioned again. Now let’s accept it as soon as it’s good, don’t let the small gain lead to the big loss, otherwise it will make the Celestial Empire unhappy!”

Bolongmo Pavilion nodded: "I understand, pass the order, clean up, withdraw the troops and return home!"

No matter how unwilling Bolong Moge was, his arms could not hold his thighs. The Ming army even destroyed Burma, and the Burmese king was captured alive. What reason and courage does he have to continue to hang on?

What's more, the Siamese army has already gained enough in Burma. Not only did they loot and plunder all the way, but they also recovered a large area of ​​territory, which was enough to consolidate his royal authority.

However, China has also expanded into a large area of ​​southern Southeast Asia this time, and the pattern of Southeast Asia will be greatly changed in the future.

Siam's living space will also be further compressed, because the entire Southeast Asia is either Chinese territory or a Chinese vassal state.

In the future, Siam will face the same situation as the Nguyen family before. It will be surrounded by Chinese vassals and territories, and will completely lose room for external expansion.

Bolong Moge was obviously aware of this, but had no choice but to hurriedly take the looted goods and food and withdraw his troops back to Siam. The Siamese army withdrew, and the Meng army finally no longer needed to be on guard and quickly marched northward.

Along the way, the Burmese nobles and landowners almost fled, while the Mon army just pushed them forward. They would kill Burmese landowners whenever they saw them, and they would kill all the Burmese people and rob them of all their property. The number of Burmese massacred by the Mongols on the march alone could almost pile up into a mountain.

He Xiangming issued military orders to various armies in Myanmar in the name of the Governor's Office, rested in Sagaing City, and then sent his troops south to attack the capital of Myanmar, Ava City.

The battle report of the Burmese army's defeat in Sagaing City had long been transmitted back to Ava City.

When a large force of the Ming army approached the city, many of the elites of the Burmese army and the flag of the King of Burma were among the leaders of the charge.

There was almost no resistance in Ava City, and the defenders directly launched a mutiny and surrendered.

The Burmese prince, concubine and other members of the royal family and nobles were all captured by the defenders and presented to the Ming army outside the city.

He Xiangming also abided by the rules and only took away the wealth and food collected by the royal family. He did not offend other nobles and wealthy households. In particular, he personally visited several of the most influential temples and pagodas.

This move instantly captured the favor of the Burmese nobles and temple monks in Ava City.

The Mon and Siamese burned, killed and looted, eager to kill and rob all the Burmese nobles. However, the Chinese army only took away the property that the royal family had expropriated, but did not touch the property of the Burmese nobles. Moreover, they paid such homage to the temples.

A few days later, each army sent good news one after another.

The Eastern Route Army has completely captured the chieftains of the Mengmi, Mubang, and Menggen tribes, and the Babaisi and Nampangsi have also completely surrendered to the Ming Dynasty.

The Meng, Minjia and Guangnan coalition forces on the south road, heading north from Bagan City, have been overwhelming all the way, and have also captured Kyaushi City, an important grain town in Central Myanmar.

The Mon army on the Taungoo side also wiped out the remaining Burmese troops and Burmese aristocratic landowners in the southeastern region of Lower Burma.

Immediately, the generals of the various armies, the leaders of the Meng people, the leaders of the Mingui Han people, and the chieftains of various tribes gathered in Ava City for a meeting.

He Xiangming was the first to say: "The country of Burma has been destroyed, but the original policy of the court must be changed, and the border cannot be pushed to Mengyang. Although Mengyang also has cultivated plains, the area is too small, and the northern part of Mengyang is full of native mountain people. After annexing the chieftains in northern Myanmar, although the terrain will be favorable for fighting in the future, it will be difficult to supply food. Even if the court wants to change the land, a lot of food here will have to be transported from Yunnan. If this does not work, at least it will have to be pushed to Xingu City, annex all the plains along the river here and use them to cultivate land for the people, otherwise the food gap will be too big."

Sun Yan also said: "Although the Eastern Route Army under the general's march from Chesi went smoothly, just marching on the road took a lot of time. The mountain roads here are rugged and winding, and not only can't feed too many The population is not suitable for marching and fighting. In addition to annexing more plain land to the south, we also need to build official roads for post stations. Otherwise, in future wars, just marching on mountain roads will cost us a lot of time. There are also Mubang and Mubang. The chieftains of Mengmi and Mengmi, who are adjacent to Meng and Yang, must also be forced to return to their native land, and they must be directly under the jurisdiction of the court. There cannot be any chieftains here. Otherwise, with such a huge silver mine and emerald behind, the chieftains here will become separatists over time. .”

Although Lin Jin entered the army from the south, he also followed up and said: "The information that Xizuo merchants can detect is still one-sided. Even the information about the Mon people who went to Burma has errors and omissions. We cannot all rely on the information provided by Xizuo. We must The situation in Myanmar will be reorganized and reported to the court again, asking the court to make a decision with His Majesty."

The generals quickly agreed on the details, and then the governor He Xiangming took the lead, and all the generals jointly submitted a letter to the court.

The entire Upper Myanmar region, including Xingu City, and the large riverside plains north of Central Myanmar were all included in the annexation scope of the Ming army.

In just one battle, one-third of Myanmar was lost, and the remaining territory would be divided into vassal states of the Dai and Mon people.

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(End of this chapter)

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