Chapter 614 Crushing decisive battle

"Boom boom boom!"

The Burmese army had brought almost all its earthen artillery with them, and was now firing continuously at the Ming Dynasty army's position on the other side of the river.

The Ming army did not fire back, but quickly hid behind a temporary low wall built along the coast. Behind the low wall were trenches dug by civilians in advance.

The Burmese army's ferry was already taking advantage of the cover of artillery fire to begin crossing the river.

Zhan Duomang was a little confused: "What's going on? Why has there been no movement from the Chinese army?"

The King of Burma, Emperor Suadipat, said: "It's good that there is no movement. Then order the army to cross the river with all your strength and do your best to seize the river crossing on the other side. Even if we can't defeat it, we can still create a crossing aircraft for our war elephants."

The Burmese army's use of boats to cross the river was only a feint attack. They themselves knew how much water the 160,000-strong army had. Therefore, the first wave of Burmese troops crossing the river were purely civilian artillery fire, used to test the strength of the Ming army's cards.

The 400 elites as the core, as well as more than hastily gathered war elephants, will cross the river from the upper reaches of the north bank.

From the Irrawaddy River to the King of Ava City, there is a sharp turn of nearly 90 degrees, and two tributary water veins are directly divided.

Not only is water transportation well developed, but there are also large river alluvial plains.

To the north of Ava City, a large stretch of water is either a vast stretch of river-centered island, or the water flow becomes narrower and shallower, allowing war elephants to cross the river directly.

Under the cover of the Burmese army's native artillery, it was really just a cover. Many of the native artillery could only hit the river surface, but very few could actually hit the river, and their accuracy was extremely poor.

After all, they are all antiques from many years ago. You can't really expect these antique cannons to have any deterrent effect.

Soon these first batch of Burmese army cannon fodder civilians who crossed the river landed from the river beach in fear, holding extremely crude weapons in their hands. They didn't even have a few pieces of armor, and the ones they had were all light armor.

These Burmese militiamen couldn't figure out where the Ming army was, so they just looked at the positions built with low walls and launched a charge.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Behind several sections of low walls, Ming army gun soldiers sprang out and fired volleys of guns at the charging Burmese soldiers.

With just one salvo, all the Burmese militiamen who landed immediately collapsed, threw down their weapons, turned around, and ran towards the river crossing where they came from.

More than 500 people from the Southwest Mountain Cavalry rushed out from behind the low wall and chopped down melons and vegetables at the fleeing Burmese troops. The musketry soldiers also continued to fire muskets to drive away the Burmese troops.

After a wave of offensives, less than a hundred Burmese militiamen managed to escape back to the ship. Most of them were either killed or jumped into the river to escape.

“The Chinese army’s firecrackers are so powerful!”

Emperor Suadibo looked ugly and directly issued an order: "We can no longer be so slow to test with a small army. Let other armies officially cross the river."

After saying that, he paused and said: "Our elite don't need to move for the time being. Let the noble private troops go ahead first and wait until the river crossing on the other side of the river is captured."

The military order was issued, and soon the second batch of Burmese troops began to cross the river, and thousands of ferries were prepared at one time. Although each ferry was not large and could not hold many people, the total number of them was at least tens of thousands of troops.

"Boom boom boom!"

The Ming army's artillery finally fired.

The roar of artillery fire one after another directly blocked the Burmese army's artillery. Burmese army ships crossing the river were constantly hit and sunk by artillery shells. Many others lost their direction out of fear, or collided with friendly ferries, causing the two ships to roll over, or were directly overturned by the waves caused by the shells entering the river.

However, relying on the huge number, hundreds of Burmese army ships successfully crossed the river, and there were also many noble private soldiers among them.

With the aristocratic private army leading the troops, these Burmese troops who landed finally looked like they were, at least no longer like the first wave, which was at a loss and only knew how to charge forward.

He Xiangming used a telescope to observe the landing Burmese troops, and then issued a military order: "The enemy troops have begun to land. Let the artillery battalion spot the opportunity and blow them up for me!"

The original red-coated artillery gradually ceased firing, allowing the surviving Burmese army ferries to land at the river crossing.

These ferries that can be landed are basically surrounded by low walls and trenches built by the Ming army. As long as they land, they will be directly exposed to the range of the Ming army's artillery. Seeing that the Ming army's artillery stopped firing, the Burmese troops who landed suddenly felt happy and quickly crossed the river to land.

Some Burmese nobles at the river crossing even began to prepare private armies, and with the private armies as the core, the Burmese people formed a formation to fight.

In the chaotic preparations for the war, thousands of Burmese troops quickly gathered at Hetan Ferry, and they were all in good shape, including archers and shields.

"Boom boom boom!"

The Ming army fired artillery again, and this time they directly replaced it with tiger crouching artillery and mortars. The shells in the tiger crouching artillery were also replaced with gravel shot prepared in advance.

"Bang bang bang bang!"


One after another, explosive shells exploded in the Burmese army positions, and a large number of dense gravel and scattered shells completely covered all the Burmese troops at the river crossing.

In just a few moments, more than half of the thousands of Burmese troops were killed or wounded. Burmese soldiers fell to the ground everywhere, crying and wailing in pain.


"This is witchcraft, evil witchcraft."

"No, the noble man was killed by witchcraft..."

The psychological defenses of the Burmese army that survived the river crossing had completely collapsed. The Ming army's explosive shells and artillery were really terrifying. Even the Burmese nobles responsible for central command achieved equality for everyone under the influence of explosive bullets and stone bullets.

Without the command of the noble landowners, the Burmese troops were like headless flies, being beaten by the Ming army's artillery.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The Ming army artillery soldiers took advantage of the chaos and fired at the Burmese army position.

Hundreds of mountain cavalry, together with some heavy infantry, charged at the chaotic Burmese army.

In the blink of an eye, all the Burmese troops who landed were completely defeated. A large number of Burmese soldiers were eager to escape and even jumped directly into the river.

On the other side of the river, the Burmese king Suadi Bodi was watching the battle with a telescope. He was completely confused at this moment. He had never seen such a fight since he was born.

Is it true that Myanmar has fallen behind the times?

"We can't continue fighting like this, otherwise no matter how many troops we have, we won't be able to break through the Chinese army's position." Emperor Suadibo murmured to himself.

He was very lucky now that he had given the order in advance for the elite troops to stay behind and not to advance first. Otherwise, the loss would be too great and would even directly shake the foundation of his rule.

With more than 160,000 noble and miscellaneous troops and 20,000 royal city elites, the total strength of the Burmese Army has exceeded 180,000.

"The enemy is crossing the river again!"

"Wait a minute, there's a situation on the north bank. Is that... an elephant? The enemy has used its elephant army!"

The lookout on the hot air balloon quickly reported the news with flags.

At the front ferry, there are thousands of ferries again, crossing the river in large numbers, just like before.

However, at the ferry on the north bank, more than 400 war elephants and more than 3000 elite Burmese troops also began to cross the river simultaneously.

He Xiangming smiled and said: "I have been fighting for a long time with these cannon fodder civilians. Now I am finally going to take action!"

"Give us the order to get our artillery ready and fire it when we get closer. Don't scare away the enemy troops."

(End of this chapter)

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