Chapter 584 North Korea is divided

The monarchs and ministers of North Korea requested Kaicheng to surrender.

Tang Shun looked at the Korean monarchs and ministers who were groveling and kneeling to greet his heavenly soldiers. He was immediately speechless: "These Korean monarchs and ministers are really cheap. If you don't drink the toast, you will have to drink wine as a penalty!"

Wang Zong said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. Seoul's surrender will also save our army some food and time, and it will save fewer lives. It will also be good for our Ming Dynasty to win the hearts and minds of the Korean people."

As he spoke, seven thousand Ming troops marched into Seoul and quickly took over the city defense.

The North Korean monarchs and ministers were now completely reduced to fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered by others.

In the past three days, Pu Zheng also spent three days to dry out the monarchs and ministers of North Korea.

It was not only to break the psychological defense line of North Korea's monarchs and ministers, but also to take revenge for being left alone in the Seoul reception hall for several days.

On the day of the negotiations, the political leaders of various factions among the Korean monarchs and ministers, and even the King of Joseon, Lee Yeon, were present in person.

After all, this is not only a cessation of land and asking for mercy, but also a cessation of half of the country. Counting the previous North Road, that is most of the country.

It's only been a few years?

Moreover, now that the Ming army's heavenly soldiers have invaded Seoul, they are no longer talking politely as before. Even Li Bing is not sure and does not know whether the previous conditions are still fulfilled.

If it doesn't count, then I will just grovel, sacrifice the country of Korea, and go to Nanjing to be an idle prince... No, it can be done by a county prince or a prince, as long as you don't kill him and you can live in peace.

How swollen Li Bin was three days ago, how frightened he is now. He never thought that the North Korean army could be so vulnerable.

This is a hundred thousand people!

Even if there are 100,000 pigs, it would take several days to kill them all, right?

Li Yan sat quietly in the back. Although his body couldn't stop shaking, his face remained calm.

The real negotiation was still done by the ministers of the DPRK and China, and there was no exchange of greetings after the two sides took their seats. Not only was he not in the mood, but he also didn’t have the face to continue greetings.

After a stalemate like this for a long time, Pu Wenxiu took the lead and said: "Angel Rongzhen, for those criminal generals who sent troops to fight against the Celestial Army without authorization, we, North Korea, have detained all of them, waiting for the Celestial Soldiers to receive their punishment. Also. I hope that the armies and angels of the Celestial Dynasty will be able to ignore the faults of small people. We, North Korea, will always be a vassal state of China, and we will treat small things as big things. I also hope that China will use big things as small things to forgive North Korea's mistakes!"

Use small things to do big things, and use big things to do small things.

This is between countries, which means that a small country should respect the suzerain of a big country as he treats his father, and the suzerain of a big country should also treat the suzerain of a big country like his son, respect the rights of vassal countries, and not bully the weak at will.

Pu Zheng did not give face to himself as a Korean father at all, and sneered: "A small thing is a big thing, a big thing is a small thing? You have the nerve to say it. My Majesty, the Ming Emperor, sent troops to help North Korea quell the chaos. As a vassal state, North Korea disrespects the Celestial Empire. , sending troops without authorization to make enemies of our Chaotian soldiers, this is the first grave sin. Korea is a vassal state, and it deceives the emperor of our dynasty and passes the blame to the generals. This is the fault of deceiving the emperor and is the second grave sin. Korea has stolen the land of China for thousands of years. , refusing to return it, this is the third most serious crime. The three crimes are combined. I think the previous conditions were too generous. It is really not necessary for North Korea to exist!"

The monarchs and ministers of North Korea were filled with grief and anger. They knew clearly that Pu Zheng was deliberately using the topic, but no one dared to refute it.

The entire city of Seoul was taken over by the Celestial Army, and the North Korean capital had been completely disarmed. Even if it had not been disarmed, they would not be able to defeat the Celestial Army.

Big fists are the last word. Weak countries have no say in their diplomacy!

If North Korea never takes the initiative to send troops, then maybe Ming Dynasty really has some scruples. But now they took the initiative to send troops and lost the battle. The defeat was particularly miserable. This gave Park Zheng room to use the issue to his advantage.

Song Yinming couldn't hold himself back and asked: "What exactly does the Ming Dynasty want? Please tell me, Lord Angel!"

Pu Zheng said: "The three territories of Huanghai, Gyeonggi, and Gangwon, as well as Chungju, Hongju, and Cheongju."

Hong Zhizhong was also a little anxious: "I didn't say only three roads were cut before, so why did we add the three states of Zhongqing Road?"

In particular, these three states account for at least half of the essence of Chungcheong Province, and Chungju controls the Han River waterway.

Pu Zheng sneered: "Those were the conditions before the war. Now it is after the war. This is also the punishment you deserve for disrespecting the heaven and the three major crimes. Moreover, these envoys have not reported to your majesty. I don't know if your majesty knows this. How will it be dealt with?"

This was a clear threat, but the North Korean monarchs and ministers present had no choice.

Li Bin wanted to speak, but he was afraid that he would lose his sense of rhythm. He had hastily started the war before, leading to the current situation. But it was his good deeds, and he did not dare to operate casually anymore.

Pu Wenxiu said: "With the ceding of the land of three provinces, especially Gyeonggi Province and Seoul, we, the king of Joseon, have already found it difficult to account for the country's nobles. If we cede the land of the three states halfway of Chungcheong Province... please let me know from the angels. Is it possible? Any other room for maneuver?”

Pu Zheng said: "The three states of Chungcheong Province cannot be cut off, so that means the three states in the middle section and Seoul can be cut off?"

Park Wenxiu was silent. This was acquiescence, but it could not be regarded as acquiescence, because all the official documents that should be followed were required.

Pu Zheng returned to his smile and said: "The three states of Chungcheong Province can be exempted from the Ming Dynasty, and even the previous conditions can be fulfilled. Your Majesty's imperial edict of canonization has been delivered a few days ago, and I can now canonize you and establish the South Korean Kingdom in the south. Specific new information It’s up to you to choose. Even if you don’t like the country’s name, you can report it to His Majesty the Emperor and change it. However, after all, you have made a big mistake this time, and you still have to sincerely apologize.”

Park Wenxiu raised his hand and said, "Please give me a clear explanation from the angel!"

Pu Zheng said: "North Korea must take the initiative to petition our Emperor to request the Ming Dynasty to take back the four Han counties, which are now under the jurisdiction of Huanghai, Seoul, and Gangwon. Also, Chungcheong Province will not be ceded, but Tsushima Island in the south must be ceded. In our country. From now on, South Korea can no longer ban overseas trade, including trade with Japan. From now on, all coastal ports will exempt Chinese merchants from tariffs, and Chinese merchants will be allowed to establish shops and workshops in North Korea."

The North Korean monarchs and ministers were all silent. No matter which of these conditions, they should be fatal.

But not agreeing seems to be even more fatal!

Moreover, compared to the previous cession of half of Chungcheong Province, it only ceded the Tsushima Island, which was a restricted area, and actively petitioned for the cession of three areas. In addition, the original ban on seclusion was lifted... all of which seemed not to be a big deal. .

Anyway, the three ironclads cannot be maintained, so it is better to take the initiative to petition and seek the protection and favor of the Ming Dynasty.

North Korea's military was weak, its people were unable to fight, and internal party strife was fierce. It was almost like the Ming Dynasty in the late Chongzhen period, but it was able to survive until modern times. It's not that North Korea's monarchs and ministers are so clever in governing the country, it's that they know how to hold on to others. No matter who the emperor of China is, they always treat small things as big. The army is not important to North Korea at all, because it cannot defeat the peasant army and the invasion of foreign enemies, so why not just ask the Chinese father to help?

The Wanli Korean War, the Qing army invited by North Korea to suppress the peasant uprising... these are all examples.

As for the rest, it all involves the commercial economy. Anyway, North Korea has long been using Tongbao copper coins from the Ming Dynasty for circulation, and the only ones who really suffered were the North Korean merchants in the south.

Merchants are contemptuous. If they lose money, they will lose money. Anyway, as long as they, the two-class nobles, do not lose money.

These two classes of nobles will indeed not lose money, and may even make a small profit!

Because even if Chinese merchants get these privileges and enter North Korea to do business and establish a monopoly, they will definitely still have to collude with these two groups of North Korean nobles.

Seeing that these civil servants were silent, Li Bang quickly agreed: "Lord Angel means what he says! I will write the memorial myself and then send an envoy to Nanjing to submit it to His Majesty the Emperor of China, Ming Dynasty!"

Pu Zheng smiled and said: "Of course it counts. Your Majesty doesn't need to send an envoy. My Ming warship can deliver it for you. Moreover, His Majesty has always been generous and kind to the vassal country. As long as the King is sincere, I believe His Majesty will not blame him, and there will be no other rewards." "

There will definitely be rewards, and they have taken the initiative to return the three neibu, and have also transferred so many commercial and foreign trade privileges, and by the way, they have given Tsushima County a political identity.

For being so knowledgeable, even if he was forced to do so, Zhu Yijiong still had to give him some rewards to appease him.

After the negotiation was over, it only took Li Ban half an afternoon to write the memorial and send it directly back to Nanjing by warship.

When Pu Zheng took it out, he took the canonization edict that had been issued long ago and canonized Li Ban in public at the Seoul Palace.

Li Ming also officially accepted the second canonization from the King of North Korea and became the King of South Korea.

The capital is tentatively planned to be Daegu, which is the administrative center of Gyeongsang Province. It is close enough to the south and has now been renamed South Hanseong. Most of Gangwon Province in the north is mountainous, making it inconvenient to march and raise troops.

After Li Bin was canonized, he quickly moved south to Daqiu with the ministers who were willing to leave and rebuilt the new capital.

Immediately, the North Korean party struggle began again.

Because the previous Dingping faction participated in treason and begged for mercy, and lost the foundation of the Three Roads in central Korea, they no longer had the power to resist. Under the joint attack of the southerners and northerners, many officials of the Dingping faction were demoted one after another.

The political leaders of the left and right were beaten to the end. On the contrary, Pu Wenxiu, the leader of the political affairs, was as stable as a rock because no one dared to touch him. Who made his son an angel?

Li Bang reacted very quickly, and took advantage of the situation to label the Dangping faction as traitors, and began to promote southerners and northerners into the court.

Although Li Bin in history said that he did not want party strife, and even formed a faction to level the country, from the beginning to the end, this guy continued to induce various factions in the court to engage in party strife as needed.

For example, in the early years of his accession to the throne, Li Bin branded all the Lao Lun sect as traitors. After the throne was stable, he began to rehabilitate them. After rehabilitating them, he began to change his attitude, which was a prominent left-right jump.

Including his appointment of ministers, Lao Lun and Shao Lun, he would promote Lao Lun today and remove Shao Lun tomorrow.

Talking about quelling party strife is all nonsense.

In the new capital of Daegu, the Korean monarchs and ministers who moved south were fighting among themselves.

In Qingzhou, Zhongqing Road, Li Linzuo, Zheng Xiliang and others were plotting an uprising.

In North Korea in another time and space, because the younger brother of Lee Yeon succeeded to the throne, he was not in the right position. Therefore, the rebel faction headed by Lee Linzuo took the opportunity to entangle a group of forces and launched a rebellion in an attempt to usher in the throne of Prince Sohyeon's great-grandson Mifengjun Lee Tan. .

But in this time and space, the Ming Emperor supported Li and conferred the title of Li Bing, which caused North Korea's political situation and public opinion to become completely different from that in history. The rebellion that was supposed to break out did not happen due to various factors.

But now the opportunity has come. As the king of North Korea, Li Bin actually betrayed his country and begged for mercy.

This directly set off a huge political public opinion in southern North Korea, and Lao Lun and Shao Lun were expelled from the court by this public opinion.

Li Linzuo is the grandson-in-law of Yin Jin, the leader of the southerners, and Zheng Xiliang is also the eldest son of Zheng Yun, a famous southerner.

After being dormant for a long time, the two men finally saw an opportunity. Later than in history, they also became entangled with more nobles of the Lao Lun and Shao Lun factions who were expelled from the court, as well as rebel forces who were resentful of the court and Li Ban.

Li Linzuo was very decisive and directly raised his troops in Qingzhou. He immediately respected Li Tan as the new king of South Korea and himself as the head of state.

He also publicly declared that the current King of Joseon, Li Ming, was not Suzong's son at all, and that the previous king Jingzong was also killed by this impostor, and he also deceived the Ming Dynasty Emperor of China about all the truth.

Two groups of nobles and military officers in Cheongju chose to switch sides in response. The pastoral envoy Park Bor saw that the situation was not good and asked to surrender. The military envoy Li Bongxiang (the fifth grandson of Yi Sunsin) refused to surrender, and he and his subordinates were massacred.

There was still fierce party struggle here in Daegu, and suddenly they heard that a rebellion broke out in Qingzhou.

Li Ban was frightened and quickly sent General Jin Chongqi to lead an army to conquer. He also asked Bingcao Banshu (Minister of War) Wu Mingheng to take charge of the situation, and hurriedly asked Shangshu of the Ming army in Seoul for help.

North Korea has been experiencing one wave after another, with party strife and rebellion coming one after another.

Originally, most of it was cut off, leaving only three lanes, which was already difficult. Now there is another rebellion.

North Korea is splitting apart!

(End of this chapter)

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