Chapter 570: Attached to Qinghai

The Heilongjiang Navy regained Lingbei Prefecture, which controlled the middle part of the Lena River, the three major rivers in Siberia. Only by controlling this place could the entire Eastern Siberia region be controlled.

Although there are still several Cossack castles that have not been demolished, based on the combat effectiveness of the Cossacks, it is impossible for the Cossacks to be an opponent of the regular army with the same strength.

Moreover, the Ming army also has the assistance of indigenous tribes. When the navy goes north next spring, it may have to bring some more mortars and tiger squat artillery.

The Cossacks' poor city defense in Yakutsk is not an isolated case, but a common problem throughout Siberia. The colder the place, the more difficult it is to build a city. Even the original Yaksa city walls were made of wooden pallets and rammed earth.

However, it is not enough to just garrison and control Lingbei Mansion now. If you want to occupy and develop a piece of land for a long time, you must show sufficient value.

For example, in the Heilongjiang Basin, its value lies in the business of sable and mink skins, especially sable and sable skins, which can be fetched at very high prices by wealthy businessmen in the south.

This can be regarded as a bottoming out. Before the Ming Dynasty, merchants were prohibited from wearing mink fur. Now that the Ming Dynasty has lifted the ban, these wealthy businessmen have naturally intensified their efforts, and even formed a kind of pathological comparison.

Moreover, Dongzhu and Mink were only the reasons for attracting merchants to develop in the early stage. Now with the continuous construction of Heilongjiang Station, the imperial court is also considering the development of some new projects.

There are many virgin forests in the Heilongjiang River Basin. Thanks to the Tatar ban, these virgin forests have reached a hundred years old in many years. It's a good time to launch a wave of investment promotion to attract businessmen from the mainland to develop these forest timbers.

The cabinet has almost finished planning this plan. As long as the post stations along the Heilongjiang River are built and accessible, areas such as the Greater and Lesser Khingan Mountains can be officially developed.

Moreover, the natural port of Vladivostok can also be developed by the way. As early as the Ming army took over here and established the Heilongjiang Navy, the port here was under construction.

After all, our Ming Dynasty is not a Tatar, and we will not prohibit the development of coastal ports because of the precautions against the Sauron tribe in Heilongjiang.

As for Lingbei Mansion, the court does not yet know what development value it has, but until the spring of next year, the fleet will return north for supplies and bring back valuable sable skins and other fur goods.

This place also has development value!

As long as Lingbei Prefecture can make good friends with more Saha tribes and obtain enough fur goods, so that both the court and merchants can benefit, then the rule here will be completely stable.

Lingbei Mansion came to an end first, and in the autumn of this year, a memorial was sent back urgently from the Northwest Station.

After Zhu Yijiong received the report, it was already in the afternoon and he quickly summoned the cabinet ministers: "The Qinghai Khan Luobuzangdanjin whom I canonized is in contact with Shaanxi and Gansu and wants to formally donate soil and accept surrender!"

The war between Qinghai and Junggar has been going on for several years, and now it is finally coming to an end.

Luob Zangdanjin, the Yifa Gongshun Khan enshrined in the Ming Dynasty, could not hold on any longer. Although he received firecrackers and artillery sold to him by the Shaanxi-Gansu Ming Army, and also received sufficient salt and tea, he was short of food!

And it's not just an ordinary food shortage. In order to start a war with Junggar, Luobuzangdanjin has maintained an army of more than 100,000 for a long time. This has resulted in the entire Qinghai labor force that has almost no production, and is basically all old, weak, women and children.

It's okay in the short term, but if the time drags on for a few years, Qinghai will already be in disarray.

After several years of war, many tribes controlled by Luobuzangdanjin were fleeing to the Duogandu jurisdiction established by the new Ming Dynasty. Even though Luobuzangdanjin and the leaders of his subordinates were sending cavalry to intercept and kill these fleeing tribesmen, they still could not stop this momentum.

Until this summer, a tribe under Luobuzangdanjin launched a rebellion, and this tribal leader was still the one he trusted most...

Wang Li said: "It is impossible for Luobu Zangdanjin to win against the huge Junggar in a corner of Qinghai. Now he is begging for surrender from the Ming Dynasty. Although he has the intention of attracting the Ming Dynasty into the game, he is still sincere. .”

Zhu Chengxun cupped his hands and said: "Qinghai was once divided and ruled by the Tatars. Now, although it was reluctantly unified by external forces and was enshrined in Luobuzangdanjin by our Ming Dynasty, it has never been able to truly control Qinghai. Coupled with the rule of the khanate of Mongolia itself in the steppe, Qinghai seems to be a whole, but the leaders of various tribes are completely obedient to the tune and not to the propaganda. In addition, during the period of the Heshuote Khanate, the Lamaism brought from the snowy areas exerted an undue influence."

It can be said that these have greatly weakened the power of Luobuzangdanjin, the great Khan. Of course, the most critical thing is that Qinghai has lost its Kangzang and snow areas, and is now stuck in the quagmire of war. Even if Zhu Yijiong adds the sweat position to Gushi Khan for him, he will definitely not be able to hold on for long.

It is reasonable for Luo Bu Zang Danjin to offer soil to surrender, but it cannot be treated as normal. After all, this guy is the Qinghai Khan who was canonized by the Ming Dynasty. He said that he was offering soil to surrender, but the court couldn't look too ugly, at least he had to give a sufficient reason.

Moreover, Qinghai is similar to the snowy areas. It is deeply influenced by Lamaism and has a small number of Han people, but there are many Mongolians. It certainly cannot be treated like Kangzang.

The Ming Dynasty court did not have that much money and food, so it had to take its time step by step, conferring titles, containing them, and dividing them up.

To put it simply, it is copying Tatar’s homework.

The ministers discussed repeatedly for a long time, and Zhu Yijiong made the final decision: "First pass the decree and let Zhou Haizhong lead his troops to Qinghai to accept the surrender of Luobuzangdanjin. Then send envoys to Qinghai to re-canonize the leaders of the tribes, Luobuzangdan Tianjin is still the Khan of Qinghai. All the land that can be cultivated in the eastern part of Qinghai is under the jurisdiction of Duogandu. The specific division will be discussed in detail by the Cabinet and the Privy Council."

"The pastures of the various tribes in Qinghai must also be re-planned. They must not be biased and must be fair and just. Also, since the various tribes in Qinghai have surrendered to the Ming Dynasty, they must free all Han people and slaves in their jurisdiction. These Han slaves must be It was put under the jurisdiction of the Duogan Dusi, and the tribes in Qinghai were not allowed to comment. Then an alliance was established at the Kumbum Monastery in Qinghai to resolve disputes among the tribes once every three years."

"Except for the alliance in Kumbum Monastery, the tribes are not allowed to privately expand the pastures and fight with each other. Those who disobey the order will betray the alliance, and the tribes can attack together. Envoys were also sent to the Western Regions to rebuke Galdan Celing and ordered He immediately retreated his troops. Otherwise, Junggar would not have to exist."

A big fist means you can be unreasonable!

A weak country has no diplomacy, Luobuzangdanjin actively offered its territory and surrendered, and there was external pressure from Junggar, so the Ming Dynasty could naturally manipulate it at will.

Slavery in Qinghai must be abolished, not only to liberate productivity, but also to further weaken the power of Qinghai tribes, and also to place all cultivated pastures in the east under the direct jurisdiction of Duogan Dusi.

The pastures of various tribes in Qinghai were re-divided, and the emperor specifically warned "not to be biased", that is, you can stir up troubles wherever you can, especially Luobuzangdanjin, the grassland of Qinghai Khan, it is best to place it in the center of the tribes. And it can’t be too big.

In this way, if an alliance is established in Kumbum Monastery, Kumbum Monastery, as the leader of the Yellow Sect with the most religious influence in Qinghai, Luobuzangdanjin, the Khan of Qinghai, will basically exist in name only.

At that time, if Luobuzangdanjin obeys the court's arrangements, he will slowly cut his flesh with a blunt knife. If he does not obey, he will be destroyed directly.

The same applies to the rest of the tribes. Those who obey will boil the frogs in warm water and let Duogan Dusi continue to expand the land to the west and oppress the pastures of the tribes.

If there is resistance, then all troops will be sent out to attack them.

"Your Majesty, now that Qinghai has surrendered its territory, Gansu should also be separated from Shaanxi. Over the years, the population of Gansu has almost recovered, and the Lanzhou Chief Envoy has been established long ago." Chen Ji suddenly said.

Zhu Yijiong said: "There is no rush to establish Gansu as a province for the time being. We will wait until the Han and Tang Western Regions are restored."

The establishment of Gansu Province as a province has long been agreed upon by the cabinet, and its planned territory is much smaller than that of later generations, because everything west of Jiayuguan is occupied by Junggar. This is all Yongzheng's fault. We can only recover Yumen, Anxi, and Dunhuang west of Jiayuguan after recovering the Western Region and pacifying Junggar.

However, Ningxia's territory has been included in Gansu, and it is still under the jurisdiction of the Lanzhou Chief Envoy. Even if it is later established as a province, it is unlikely to be separated. The minority people here lived together with the Han people. In accordance with the central policy of the imperial court, they encouraged intermarriage and built schools for Chineseization.

The various ministries of the cabinet have agreed on the plan, and the next step is to divide the work, formulate decrees and canonize envoys.

The Sichuan-Shaanxi region must also start mobilizing resources. Although war is unlikely this year, we must also be prepared to prevent Junggar dogs from jumping over the wall.

Even if Junggar can hold back, next year... or the year after next at the latest, it is estimated that the Western Region will have to be attacked. As long as the Qinghai side is dealt with, Junggar will be almost done bleeding out. If we don't take advantage of the opportunity to use the knife, it will only give Junggar a chance to breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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