I'm sure of the prosperous age of Kangxi and Qianlong!

Chapter 556 Nanpan Military and Civilian Marshal’s Mansion

Chapter 556 Nanpan Military and Civilian Marshal’s Mansion

The eleventh year of Jianwu in the Ming Dynasty will be more lively than in previous years.

The fiscal revenue of the country has increased and is abundant, which is reflected in the fact that the people have more spare money in their hands. Even poor farmers who cannot take the blame can at least ensure that they have enough to eat.

On the first day of the first lunar month, the New Year's holiday begins, and the whole country celebrates saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new.

On February 2, the dragon raises its head. The emperor works hard at farming and encourages farmers to cultivate mulberry trees.

Now, March 3rd is coming soon, the Shangsi Festival. Not only literati should travel together. Common people and merchants in the market have also made preparations for the festival.

This is not the old Tatar Qing Dynasty. Because people were afraid of gathering out of the city and risking rebellion, strict supervision was required. The Shangsi Festival was directly abolished and merged with the Qingming Festival, which also caused many traditional festivals to be lost in later generations.

Forbidden City.

Zhu Yijiong worked overtime for more than half a month, and finally managed to sort out the backlog of memorials accumulated during the New Year holiday and the days when the emperor worked hard.

If you persist for another half month, it will be time. All officials have a holiday, and he, the emperor, can also take a holiday, and then he can have a good rest.

Zhu Yijiong closed the memorial book and narrowed his eyes slightly: "As an emperor, I am really not as comfortable as those foolish emperors in the past dynasties. Not only do I have to fight in person, but I also have to govern with civility."

The maids standing far away on both sides hurriedly stepped forward to rub his shoulders to relieve fatigue.

The accompanying old eunuch served the cup of tea and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is a wise king in the history of history precisely because of your hard work. As the saying goes, every gain must have a loss."

Zhu Yijiong was noncommittal. He neither cared about nor expected Shi Jia Mingjun. As far as he is currently so aggressive in the country, it would be good if he would not be given the posthumous title of "武" by the civil servants after his death.

Don't think that "武" is a good temple name. Although it is indeed a good temple name in its original meaning, it has different meanings in different circumstances. Take Wuzong of the Ming Dynasty for example. Civil servants gave him the posthumous temple title of Wuzong, and then denied all his martial arts achievements. There were also cases where Wuzong himself was too messy, but this temple name was basically a satire.

The dignified Emperor Wuzong had no civil or martial arts skills. The stories left behind were either false scandals about his liking for married women or bad things about stealing chickens and fighting dogs.

After closing his eyes and concentrating for a moment, Zhu Yijiong stood up and sat upright again and continued to review the memorial. After approving a few copies, I saw the memorial sent by Guangnan: "The governor of Guangnan, his subordinates Wenwu, and the Guangnan garrison jointly reported that a major change occurred in Nguyen An Nam, and Nguyen Phuc Thu died of illness..."

Zhu Yijiong suddenly became energetic and looked carefully.

This involves the death of King Nguyen An Nam, which is generally a major event, and you will definitely have to go to the express station.

But now Vietnam is in the rainy season, which will last until at least the second half of the year, so there is no need to be too anxious, because neither Daming nor Nguyen Thi Annan is likely to mobilize troops.

Only after reading the memorial did Zhu Yijiong understand what happened.

Nguyen Thi Annan was surrounded by Guangnan Province of the Ming Dynasty and many vassal states. Apart from the southeastern coast, there was no room for expansion. At most, there was only one Nanbian Kingdom.

Nanpan Kingdom is said to be a country, but in fact it is a loose tribal alliance, and it is also divided into two tribes, Huoshe and Shuishe, and there is even a river-based rule in the middle (Bajiang and Dajiang).

After holding on for several years, Nguyen Phuc Thu finally couldn't stand it any longer. Especially the forced New Deal reforms carried out by Guangnan Province the year before last, which caused the entire Guangnan to bleed into rivers, and also caused a large number of landlords and gentry people in North Vietnam to flee south. Once again, This exacerbated Nguyen Thi Annan’s plight.

Therefore, the indecisive Ruan Phuc Thu certainly did not dare to go to war or provoke the Ming army, so he chose to imitate the Ming officials in the north and also attacked the landlords, gentry, and wealthy merchants.

Moreover, this guy was quite fair. Han people, Yue people, common people, and merchants were all treated equally. Even the Nanbian Kingdom, a tributary state that was nominally affiliated with Ruan Annan, had its bones and marrow sucked out. Under Nguyen Phuc Thu's drastic "reforms", from investigating the hidden land of landowners and gentry, to inspecting coastal smuggling tariffs, and increasing land taxes and tribute from tributary countries, the fiscal revenue of the national treasury doubled in a short period of time, which greatly eased the pressure on the Nguyen family's small court.

Nguyen Phuc Thu, who had made the most contributions and could be called the "Zhongxing", passed away from a mysterious illness at the beginning of this year.

His death was indeed bizarre. It was said that he was poisoned due to an overdose of opium.

Well... who knows?

Anyway, the new king who is now on the throne is Nguyen Phuoc Nhat Huong (this character cannot be recognized) who was just born a few years ago. Then the Queen Mother listened to the government behind the curtain, and Nguyen Phuoc Yue, the Minister of War, was entrusted to assist the government. Now he is the regent of Nguyen An Nam.

This script looks a bit familiar inexplicably!

As the eldest son, Nguyen Phuc Kuo, who was supposed to inherit the throne, not only failed to succeed to the throne normally, he was not even awarded a title, and was directly placed under house arrest.

All the hidden land of the landowners that Ruan Phuc Thu investigated during his lifetime were bought back by the landlords at low prices. Even smuggling at coastal ports quickly returned to normal, smuggling where it should be, and corruption where it should be.

Among the people of Ruan's Annan, a group of people sang and danced to achieve peace. Only the Han landowners, merchants, and lower-class farmers, as well as the vassal tribes of Nanbian Kingdom, suffered losses.

These landowners and gentry of Nguyen Thi An Nam are simply crazy. Even though the people are already boiling with dissatisfaction, they dare to do this, annexing land and exploiting the people.

No one considered at all what to do if the people rebelled. Even if the country was in turmoil and the country was in doubt, the Ming army in the north would take the opportunity to go south to hunt rabbits.

This is normal, not to mention the landlords and gentry of Nguyen's Annam, even their Nguyen Lord is like this, otherwise there would be no chance for the Xishan Army to appear.

None of the Nguyen and Zheng in history could destroy each other and unify Vietnam. However, the Tay Son Army forced by the Nguyen family defeated Nguyen and Zheng. Then the Nguyen family went into exile overseas, sought help from the French, defeated the Tay Son Dynasty, and inherited the unification of the Tay Son Dynasty. heritage.

Zhu Yijiong looked at what was written in the memorial and found that Guangnan Province had even begun to prepare for the war, including but not limited to collecting intelligence, dispatching detailed operations, contacting the Han people in Nguyen An Nam's jurisdiction, etc.

The young master is in doubt, the country is orphaned, his mother is orphaned, his brother is the regent, and the people in the country are filled with resentment. With such a great opportunity, it would be a pity not to take advantage of it and send troops.

The next day.

Zhu Yijiong summoned the cabinet and the Privy Council to the imperial court for a meeting.

The Privy Council can send agents to Nguyen Clan Annan to contact the Nanpan Kingdom first. It would be best if this tribal alliance can defect to the Ming Dynasty.

At that time, the Nanpan Kingdom can be changed to the Nanpan Military and Civilian Marshal's Mansion, and the two kings of Huo She and Shuishe inside will be canonized as chieftains, but they must comply with the court's policy and return to their native land.

It’s okay if you don’t agree. Then after the Ruan family is destroyed, directly send troops to quell Nanpan.

It just so happens that there are so many century-old top-quality teak trees in Nanpan. It would be a pity not to use them for shipbuilding.

Teak is the top building material for making warships. Even during World War I, the main body of warships was still teak.

The Nanpan Kingdom is essentially a tribal alliance, with almost negligible combat power and a small population, covering only one mansion. And the way of life is also very primitive, basically slash and burn farming.

Just send out a few hundred Guangxi wolf soldiers and bring firecrackers to solve the problem.

However, these are all planned in advance, and we will have to wait until at least the second half of the year before we can start fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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