Chapter 539 Since ancient times

Xiao Renfang from the Academy of National History and Lin Jingyu, the Minister of Rites, both have a headache now.

Because the emperor assigned them a task, which was to find articles about the American continent from ancient Chinese classics, and to prove that the Indians in the American continent were all descendants of overseas Han people.

Well, the name of the Indians was given to them by the emperor. No one knew what an Indian was before. Even if they knew it now, they would still be confused.

But this is not important. The Academy of National History is currently busy compiling the history of the Qingming Festival, and the Ministry of Rites is also preparing for the upcoming Nanjing Examination in August this year.

Unconsciously, the imperial examination in the formal sense of the Ming Dynasty and the New Dynasty had been held for three times. The rural examination in February this year had already concluded successfully after the Kangzang War.

At this time, the emperor suddenly issued an order, asking them to investigate America and Indians. What are these?

Not only did Xiao Renfang and Lin Jingyu feel that they had no clue, but the American continent was so far away from China that it was impossible to start anyway!

I had no choice but to rack my brains and make it up.

Fortunately, the emperor gave them hints beforehand, but they couldn't help themselves.

After the two major ministries jointly made up the nonsense, they went to Kang Zifei's self-report to check it carefully, looking for the details of the argument, and finally came up with the finished product:

America had been discovered by China as early as the Yin Shang period. At that time, the Yin Shang Dynasty and the Western Zhou Dynasty alternated, and some Yin Shang nobles were unwilling to surrender to the Zhou Dynasty. So, he took some of his people to Jizi Korea, the ancestor of today's Korea, and some of them crossed the ocean and settled in America.

Later, when Liu Bang established the Han Dynasty at the end of Qin, didn't hundreds of thousands of Qin troops disappear without a trace (the real guess is that they may have defected to the Huns)?

These Qin troops also took ships and went to America, and established the Inca Empire that had been destroyed by the Spanish.

This can also explain why the indigenous people of the Inca Empire and their culture are so similar to China?

In short, with the conclusive attitude in this article, if Zhu Yijiong hadn’t already known that the Inca people have nothing to do with the Asian race. And it has been proven in later generations that the two simply look too similar, and the Incas are not even an Asian race in terms of DNA.

But this is not important. What Zhu Yijiong wants is this effect: "This article is well written. Xiao Qing and Lin Qing have worked hard. As for the Academy of National History and the Ministry of Rites, they will all award three months of salary as a sign of praise."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Xiao Renfang and Lin Jingyu both handed over their hands to express gratitude, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief.

The three-month bonus is already considered a generous reward.

As the Ming Dynasty's fiscal revenue approached 6000 million taels, officials' salaries naturally increased accordingly. In March, salaries were paid out together, which was already considerable.

After all, so many people just cooperated in writing an article, and everyone gets a bonus, which is already pretty good.

Zhu Yijiong didn't care much. The country's current financial situation is much better than in previous years. Because there are fewer wars, even if a war breaks out, it can be crushed with weapons and equipment without spending too much military expenditure.

The only real expense now is immigration costs.

Zhu Yijiong said: "Since America is the homeland of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, and the Inca Empire was built by the descendants of my overseas Han people, I am very sad that it could be destroyed by the Spaniards. This article will be sent directly to publicity Ministry, order the Propaganda Department to announce it as soon as possible. Moreover, America is so rich, so we must let the Propaganda Department focus on announcing it. How can such a great land be allowed to be occupied by Western barbarians for a long time."

It is conceivable that if this article is really published, people all over the world will probably not have much reaction.

Because it is too far away, just the immigration and reclamation in Taiwan and Luzon have already taken a lot of effort, basically relying on various conditions and inducements.

The more distant Nanyang territories such as Old Port Xuanweisi and Malacca mainly relied on overseas Han people for reclamation and assimilation, while Ha Tien Town was ruled by pure tyrants.

It is really difficult to open up to the Americas, but everything is difficult at the beginning. Zhu Yijiong does not expect the merchants and people below to really go to the Americas in large numbers. The core purpose is just to let these people know that there is an extremely rich and vast land on the other side of the sea. soil of.

As long as you talk too much, there will always be people who are willing to believe it and then take desperate risks for the sake of profit. After all, this is dozens of times the profit. As the Nanyang market gradually becomes saturated, if new maritime merchants want to join, how can they do it without giving it a try?

And as long as these people taste the sweetness in America, they will become a solid force for Ming Dynasty to colonize America.

By the way, the imperial court and the future vassals had to be roped in, so the first batch of colonization of America could only be invested by the emperor's internal funds, and then some profits would be distributed to the national treasury.

Once tangible benefits are obtained, the court will naturally become interested in it. Theoretically, as long as the profits that can be extracted from the Americas exceed the overseas colonial territories of Luzon, the civil and military forces of the entire dynasty will probably be boiling.

And future generations of emperors will also be keen on it. After all, this is a royal investment project, and most of the financial revenue belongs to the royal family, which is the emperor's private money.

However, there is no rush in this, everything must be done slowly.

Kang Zifei stayed in Nanjing for more than a month, and the Ministry of Rites also agreed on his title, which was called Marquis of Yin.

America was also officially renamed Yinzhou. North America was called Beiyin, and South America was called Nanyin. Anyway, America was just a transliteration. There is nothing wrong with the Ming Dynasty renaming it on its own.

Kang Zifei's plan to go overseas again is scheduled for the spring of next year, and the cabinet is selecting candidates to go to Yinzhou, including accompanying sergeants.

After all, this trip was not a few years after Kang Zifei's last trip. This time he was going to establish a colonial area, and even the location of the colony. Kang Zifei also had a rough idea.

Just to the north of the Spanish colony, there are many native Indians there.

Kang Zifei specifically docked, had brief exchanges with these indigenous chiefs, and replenished freshwater melons and fruits.

Although both parties did not understand what the other party was saying at all, Kang Zifei still gave the other party three axes, two pieces of silk, and a box of five cigars as gifts.

If these gifts were exchanged decades later, they would at least be able to exchange for a large piece of land. Unfortunately, Kang Zifei was not as shameless as the European colonists.

Moreover, the piece of land that Kang Zifei was interested in was very close to San Francisco on the map, and it was also a place that the Spaniards could reach.

It's just that the Spaniards have no spare power now and have to wait until fifty years later when Tsarist Russia expands to the Americas. In order to prevent Tsarist Russia from joining the American luxury package, the Spaniards went north to San Francisco.

Nanjing began planning for the Americas, and the Tatar prisoners and Han surrendered generals in Southwest Sichuan and Tibet finally received the imperial edict issued by Nanjing.

In Yongzheng's coffin, Zhu Yijiong no longer had the boring fun of beheading.

The reason for beheading him before was mainly to disgust the Tatars, and by the way, he really hated Qianlong.

As for Yongzheng, he was buried on the spot in Litang, Kangzang, and a stele was cast to record his biography, and he was canonized as Duke Hunde.

Anyway, this is what the Nian Jin Dynasty did. Since the Tatars insist on trying to take advantage of the Jurchen descendants of the Jin Dynasty, it's a good thing to satisfy them.

Those Tatar captives were all escorted to Sichuan, and then took boats via the Yangtze River to work in the mines of various provinces. They would enjoy a fulfilling labor life for the rest of their lives.

As for Long Keduo, Nian Gengyao, and Yue Zhongqi, they were all beheaded and their bodies were burned directly. The heads of these three people will be controlled, and then they will be spread around the provinces to observe, and they will be criticized by thousands of people.

The Han people led by Zhang Guangsi surrendered to the generals. They had already figured out that if they were exiled to Bangladesh, they would be exiled to Bangladesh!

At least his life was saved, and if he could reclaim a large enough territory, he could continue to serve as an official.

As for rebellion?

Even the soldiers and armor were confiscated, and their strength was not enough to fight the Kangzang Ming army. The power of the imperial court's firearms alone had frightened the Han soldiers under their command to the point of losing their morale.

(End of this chapter)

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