Chapter 536 Fiscal Revenue

When the Kangzang War was over, the fiscal revenue of the state treasury was also calculated.

Compared with previous years, the national annual income this year has once again achieved a breakthrough, rising directly to more than 6100 million taels of silver.

This fiscal revenue has reached the peak level of the Qianlong period in history.

Among them, the proportion of agricultural taxes has dropped from 85% during the Kangxi period to less than 70%.

This data is already quite impressive!

For example, during the Kangxi period, the peak annual fiscal revenue was only 4700 million taels of silver, and 85% of it came from agricultural taxes, which placed a heavy burden on the people.

The New Ming Dynasty carried out New Deal reforms, and dingyin was used to levy taxes on the land. Landowners were not allowed to increase rents privately. Anyone who dared to increase rents would have their homes confiscated and emigrated.

Nowadays, the land is even divided among the people. As long as you are willing to work hard to cultivate it, the land is yours.

Even if you cultivate a piece of land for more than three years, you can automatically become the property owner.

Of course, each person could only own a maximum of 300 acres of land, and if there was more land, they would be divided into separate households.

This means that the burden on the people of the new Ming Dynasty is lighter than that of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, but they can contribute more taxes, and more than 30% of them are taxes on commerce, customs, and overseas colonies.

This also means that China’s traditional small-scale peasant economic system is gradually being broken.

Thirty percent of tax revenue already occupies a large enough proportion!

Of course, the substantial increase in commercial customs taxes was not only due to the Ming Dynasty's insistence on opening up sea trade, but also to the increasing prevalence of smuggling in North Korea and Japan.

Needless to say, North Korea has been completely eroded by the Ming Dynasty's monetary system.

Don't underestimate precious metals such as gold and silver, especially since they have become the equivalent of currency. Spain was almost destroyed because of this.

As for Japan, after the Ming Dynasty used artillery to pry open the country's gate, although the Edo shogunate quickly closed the country's gate forcibly with decrees.

But many times, once this hole is opened, it is difficult to close it again.

Moreover, the current shogunate, Tokugawa Yoshimune, carried out a series of economic and political reforms in order to increase the authority of the shogunate. In order to centralize finances, he even abolished the old-to-medium rotation system that the shogunate had used for many years.

They also asked the local daimyo to donate their salary and rice to the shogunate. The ratio was quite high, almost as high as 1%. It was almost equal to the local income of 10,000 dan of grain, and they had to donate 100 dan to the shogunate.

Moreover, a ban on private land sales and leasing was introduced. The original intention was to resist land annexation, but instead, farmers became landless, went bankrupt, and eventually triggered a rebellion among the people.

Although it was suppressed by the shogunate and the local daimyo, many problems were exposed. The biggest problem was that the local daimyo saw the weakness of the shogunate and began to disobey orders more and more.

It was unlikely that they would actually establish a separate regime, but in the face of the shogunate's ban on maritime trade and the seclusion of the country, these big names did not take it seriously.

Instead, they saw other daimyo smuggling secretly. Not wanting to be outdone, they followed suit and smuggled crazily, and even got involved with each other.

Even the Satsuma clan, which was forced by the Ming Dynasty army to cede territory and pay compensation, is now smuggling with Chinese maritime merchants, and the smuggling transaction place is located in Penglai County.

The Penglai County magistrate even used this as a development program to attract domestic Han people and merchants to settle there, which was indeed quite effective.

In fact, the Satsuma clan did not want to smuggle with their enemy China, but he had too many debts on his butt, and he was also burdened with China's war reparations. Even the Amami Oshima (Horaai Island), the only overseas profit-making island, was taken away by China.

However, even though they were forced to smuggle, the Satsuma clan also made a lot of money. And it was still secretive at first, but later it was discovered that the shogunate did not dare to interfere with the affairs of the Chinese court at all, and fortunately, it gradually relaxed.

Even if the shogunate holds accountability, he can still blame it on China, and the shogunate will not really go to Penglai County in China.

After all, the artillery mounted on the fleets cruising in the surrounding waters (mainly for the brown sugar of Penglai Island) is not very good. Tokugawa Yoshimune was now troubled by the local daimyo, the increasingly rampant smuggling trade, and the rising tide of common people in the country.

At least while he is alive, it is impossible to solve these problems. The people can easily talk about it, but there is no solution to coastal smuggling.

Unless he can follow the example of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and cross the sea to attack the Ming Dynasty.

If this were true, Zhu Yijiong would be able to wake up from his dreams with a smile.

And when Tokugawa Yoshimune dies and his descendants succeed him as shoguns, it will only become more difficult to solve.

It's a pity that if it had been a hundred years earlier, Zhu Yijiong might have really been interested in Japan.

After all, it is the largest silver mine in Asia. Although it was exhausted decades ago, it is not that silver cannot be mined, but the output is obviously not worth it, and mining is more difficult.

Just think about it, is there any super silver mine in the world that has not been exhausted for hundreds of years?

Today's Japan is only suitable for serving as a colonial dumping ground. If it is really annexed as territory, it will not only be difficult for China to exploit, but it will also cost a lot of money to manage, assimilate and suppress rebellion.

After all, this place is different from India. India is a magical country where its people can tie their own ropes and let foreigners rule them.

Marx once said: "The whole of India is being invaded."

By the way, the British have also begun to recruit Indian mercenaries in the colonies at this stage to maintain their rule in India.

Then a legendary myth was created - the Indian Army was bound to lose every battle and was defeated in a single fight.

After Zheng Dingrui fought in the Kangzang War, his Third Army did not return to Sichuan, but continued to be stationed in Kangzang, and assigned part of its troops to Qamdo and Lhasa to garrison and prepare to build cities.

In the next year, Qamdo and Lhasa will be easy to talk about, Kangzang will need to continue to increase troops, and saffron will also need to be replenished in large quantities.

Because the lamas, monks and Tibetan aristocrats in Kangzang would not surrender, the Ming Dynasty could temporarily tolerate slavery in the snowy areas of Tibet, but Kangzang must change its roots and abolish slavery in all aspects.

This place is to be used as an administrative buffer zone between the snowy areas of Tibet and Sichuan. The local noble lords of Kangzang must resist or even launch a rebellion.

This involves matters of vital interest. Even if the mother comes in person, these people are afraid that they will have to kill the mother and establish a new one.

Therefore, war will break out in Kangzang at the latest next year, and Zheng Dingrui will have to kill Kangzang all over again, killing all those who are unruly, and then cooperate with the court to return to the country.

Summer time is mostly over.

Arrangements have been made for Kangzang and Xueyu, and the intelligence from Mobei was finally sent back in detail.

The Mobei Chechen Khan tribe and the Tushetu Khan tribe finally started a war. The Chechen Khan Chebden Banjul took the lead and directly raided the Tushetu Khan's account. Although they failed, they also angered Dundan Dorji. Each side raised 20,000 to 30,000 cavalry, and a battle broke out on the Mobei grassland.

"It seems to be quite lively." Zhu Yijiong said with a smile.

Regarding the situation in Mobei, the Ming Dynasty's Northern Zhili Zhongjun Dudufu and Monan Dusi have always paid attention to it.

However, Zhu Yijiong does not plan to use troops against Mobei yet. These two troops are equivalent to almost two-thirds of Mobei, and they can actually pull out 60,000 cavalry.

It seems that not enough people died, and more blood must be shed. When the blood is almost gone, the Mobei Grassland can be recovered.

It's not that Zhu Yijiong is too cruel, but that Mobei is desolate and vast. The larger the population of these Khalkha Mongolian tribes, the higher the cost of Ming Dynasty's rule.

(End of this chapter)

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