I'm sure of the prosperous age of Kangxi and Qianlong!

Chapter 532 It’s hard to escape even if you have wings

Chapter 532 It’s hard to escape even if you have wings

The Tatars wanted to escape to India, but this was impossible.

Not to mention the rebel Zhang Guangsi, even if no one rebels, they will first get rid of the encirclement of the Ming army, then forcefully cross the Jinsha River, cross the Himalayas, and enter India from the Bodo River, and they can only go to Bangladesh.

Bengal is still nominally part of the Mughal Empire. However, since the death of Aurangzeb, the great leader of the generation, the Mughal Empire has been in decline, and the Governor of Bengal has also taken the opportunity to separate and establish his own rule.

Although he did not explicitly declare himself an emperor and establish a country, he was already a de facto prince of India.

By the way, the Chittagong colony that the British snatched from Portugal was also in Bengal.

The Tatars decided to escape, but fortunately they stopped pretending and took away all the food and property they could.

There is absolutely no difference between Tibetan nobles and ordinary Tibetans in the eyes of Tatars.

The scrambling soon got out of control. Even the temple lamas were looted by the crazy Tatar army. All the Buddhist statues and artifacts in the temple, with any hint of gold, were removed.

In the end, there were too many treasures and foodstuffs, especially gold and silver. They had no choice but to use those Tibetans as slave laborers to help the army carry goods.

This greatly slowed down the escape speed of the Tatar army, but Longkodo had no way, let alone stopped him.

The soldiers below were all jealous, and they had decided to go to India with him. Many of them understand that if they go there, not only will they escape death, but they will also find it difficult to return to the Central Plains and Han Dynasty in this life.

If you still prevent them from getting rich at this time, it is tantamount to forcing these people to rebel.

The Tatar army drove the captured slaves, carts and horses, slowly carrying countless grains and goods, and fled along the Kangzang Valley... No, escaping was not appropriate. Looking at the speed, it was almost enough to rush.

They were discovered before they even reached Xiangcheng.

"Are the Tatars crazy? They are all running away, but they can still bring so many carriages, horses and goods with them." Zheng Dingrui said while holding a telescope.

Deputy General Weng Feihu sneered: "General, since the Tatars want money rather than their lives, let them and the money stay in Kangzang completely."

Ma Guangyu, who had already recovered a long time ago, cupped his hands and said: "Please allow me to use the stone soldiers with white poles as the vanguard. I will be the Ming Dynasty in the end and defeat these Tatar remnants."

After this guy recovered, he took the remaining white pole soldiers who were in good physical condition and tried his best to ask to follow Zheng Dingrui's main force across the river to fight.

Zheng Dingrui did not refuse: "General Ma, there is no need to worry, this battle will definitely depend on the contribution of the white pole soldiers."

It is indeed indispensable, because these white pole soldiers are cavalry. Although the horses they rode were basically ponies produced in the southwest, and after coming to Kangzang, at least one third of them died of illness.

But the remaining two-thirds of the horses adapted and drank saffron water in advance, so they could still act as cavalry for a short period of time.

The western Sichuan Plateau is densely covered with valleys, but there are still many valleys and plains that can be used for cavalry operations.

"Boom boom boom!"

The trigger of the battlefield was the Ming army's mortar fire. Since the Tatar army had already entered the urn, the Ming army naturally did not need to continue to ambush and hide.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Amidst the rumbling artillery fire, the fleeing Tatar army did not react for a while.

It wasn't until the shells fired by the mortars exploded violently in the Tatar formation that the Tatars and two Tatars finally realized that they had been ambushed.

However, it was too late.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of the Ming army's mortars, a large number of explosive shells exploded wantonly in the Tatar army formation, almost in a state of artillery fire washing the ground.

The morale of the Tatar army was not high to begin with, and they all began to flee secretly. What morale could there be left at all?

The Tatars were in chaos instantly!

Longkoduo and Nian Gengyao realized almost at the same time that there was a mole in the army.

Otherwise, how could the Ming army ambush here in advance?

However, at this time, they realized that it was useless, and they had no time to find out who the mole was, so they quickly shouted: "Don't mess around! This is a fake bomb. I also have a bomb in the Qing Dynasty, so immediately Fall back and take cover, prepare to counterattack!"

However, it was useless. The morale of the Tatar army was not good to begin with, especially when they had to escape thousands of miles away from the Ming army.

The spirits of all the generals were in a high state of tension. When they were suddenly ambushed and bombed by mortars, their formations were completely disrupted in an instant.

"Hahaha, all the sons of Shili, come with me to make great achievements and kill the Tatars!"

"Kill the Tartars!"

"Kill the Tartars!"

Ma Guangyu was already so excited that he couldn't help himself. After receiving Zheng Dingrui's military order, he immediately rode out with his white-poled soldiers.     "Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep."

Thousands of white-armed cavalry led the charge, followed by the Ming infantry advancing closely.

In order to keep up with the cavalry, the artillerymen were in the front, the grenadiers in the middle, the mortars in the back, and only the two wings were supported by sword and shield men.

These firearms units alone contained almost all the firearms of the Third Army. Only the red cannons could not be brought over because they were too heavy.


Ma Guangyu took the lead and led nearly a thousand cavalry with white poles. Like a sharp knife, he tore apart the entire Tatar formation in an instant.

Originally, as a cavalry composed of southwest ponies and not heavily armored cavalry, it should not have such powerful power and effect.

But who made the Tatar soldiers lose heart? When they encountered the white-poled cavalry, especially when the opponent thrust their lances forward, those Tatar soldiers instinctively hid whenever they could, and no one dared to confront them head-on.

Seeing that the Tatar formation was torn apart by the cavalry, the Tatar cavalry were still at a loss.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The Ming army's gun soldiers seized the opportunity and quickly advanced forward. Then they raised their guns and fired freely at the front without even aiming.

Anyway, the front was full of Tatar soldiers, it was a mess, and because the troops were forced to gather, people were bumping into each other, and they were crowded, so there was no worry about not hitting anyone.

With just one round of free fire, a large number of Tatar soldiers fell instantly.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

After a few more rounds of free fire, these Tatar soldiers had completely forgotten that they also had blunderbuss.

Although it was just a matchlock gun, it was also a blunderbuss, and at least it could be used to fight back.

The Tatar front army collapsed directly, and the central army...not to mention the central army. Only the rear army relied on the efforts of Longkodo and Nian Gengyao to maintain its stability.

"Send the order, we also have explosive ammunition, take it out and fight back. If you don't fight back at this time, you will be captured by the Ming army, and you will not end well!"

"Commander Long is right. Tell the Han generals to gather their troops. As long as they can break through and cross the Jinsha River, the other side will be Tibetan territory. The Ming army cannot pursue them so quickly. Their food roads cannot hold up." living."

Longkodo and Nian Gengyao successively issued orders not to seek a comeback, but to at least break out. As long as they could cross the Jinsha River, no matter where they went in the future, there was still hope.

Being caught by the Ming army is the real end of the road, and even death will not end well.


"My sons, follow me and raise your troops to kill the Tatars!"

Long Keduo and Nian Gengyao were still thinking about how to break out of the encirclement, but Zhang Guangsi suddenly jumped back.

If he had known that the morale of the Tatar soldiers was so low and could even be said to be on the verge of collapse, he would have defected anyway.

However, although it is a bit too late now and cannot achieve great achievements, if you switch sides before the battle, you can always save your life!

The southwestern Han troops under Zhang Guangsi were stunned for a moment when they heard their general's order. Soon someone reacted, and then shouted: "Kill the Tartars!"

"Kill the Tartars!"

"The Ming Dynasty will be victorious!"

A group of Tatars from the southwestern Han army, just under Zhang Guangsi's order, their subjective initiative was fully maximized.

There were even many people who imitated the Ming army's infantry and shouted the slogan "The Ming Dynasty will be victorious".

Longkodo, Nian Gengyao and others did not expect that at this critical moment of life and death, some Han soldiers would defect on the battlefield. Aren't they afraid of liquidation afterwards?

It's a pity that no matter whether you are afraid or not, it doesn't work.

The Han army under Zhang Guangsi almost lit a signal when they faced the battle. In just an instant, the Han troops under Zhang Wenhuan and Yue Zhongqi all imitated the same example and shouted "Kill the Tatars".

Just like that, a group of two Tatar Han soldiers raised their butcher knives and without hesitation swung them at the "friendly troops" who were fighting side by side just a few seconds ago.

Yue Zhongqi and Zhang Wenhuan had no time to issue orders, and even issuing orders was of no use because those Han troops could not accept any military orders at all.

Even Zhang Guangsi, after issuing the military order to "kill the Tatars", could only control his own soldiers. And they tried their best to raise a big banner, and also asked the soldiers to follow the slogan of "kill the Tatars".

They were afraid that if they were not careful, the crazy Han soldiers would be killed as if they were Tatars.

(End of this chapter)

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