Chapter 524 Farmhouse

The current territory of the Ming and New Dynasties can only reach the Waixing'an Mountains and the Wudi River as far as the northeast, and the territory farther north has basically complete autonomy for the indigenous tribes.

The Heilongjiang Dusi only went to collect statistics and report to the court for routine canonization.

On Kuwu Island, military ships have also been sent to land on the island, to re-canonize the leader, and to erect monuments and stones. Heilongjiang Dusi has no intention to rule here at this stage, and it is difficult to rule here because it is too far away.

It is worth mentioning that on the south side of the island, the landing Ming army actually found a small number of Japanese and Ezo people. These people basically came by boat from Ezo (Hokkaido).

They were not immigrants organized by the Japanese government, because even the Japanese feudal lord of Ezo was considered a miserable person in Japan. For the Edo shogunate, Ezo was considered a colony, and rice had not yet been introduced on a large scale.

The whole of Ezo was not only poor, but even the feudal lord was barely treated as a leader in Japan, and he was not even a daimyo.

Going south, the Yalu River, which was once the border of the Qing Dynasty, has now become a major river in Lelang Province in the Ming Dynasty and New Dynasty. The new border was replaced by the Taedong River along the city of Pyongyang, and this border was slowly opened southward.

According to statistics, the current total population of Liaodong has already exceeded the two million mark. Among them, Liaodong Town and Lelang Province have the largest populations. In a few years, Liaodong Town will almost be established as a province.

The population statistics of Monan Dusi and Yunzhong Dusi have also been released. The total population of the two major Dusi is more than 360,000 households, which translates into a population of more than 1.8 million. This also includes Yunzhong Mansion and other places. of Han people and Sinicized Mongolia.

On the other hand, the populations of Shaanxi-Gansu Province in the northwest and Yunnan-Guizhou-Sichuan Province in the south are still pitifully small.

Shaanxi-Gansu Province was mainly affected by the war. The Manchu Qing Dynasty squeezed a large number of people and food from here, causing countless people to die in the war, and those who survived also tried their best to flee. Many people in Gansu fled to the Western Regions and grasslands, while people in Shaanxi mainly went to places in Henan and Hubei to settle down to avoid disaster.

Although Shaanxi and Gansu have been recovered now, the local governments in Henan, Hubei, and Yunzhong are naturally unable to return the population. This is a political achievement. And those people from Shaanxi and Gansu who settled there have already settled there and received land allotment from the government. In a few generations, they will become completely locals.

The situation in the three provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan is even simpler, as the population here is originally small.

Everyone knows the reason.

Among them, Sichuan, including the naturalized chieftains, has a total population of less than two million. Moreover, Chengdu Prefecture occupies most of them, and the rest are concentrated around several major cities, and some are under the jurisdiction of chieftains. Because the population is too small and there is vacant land everywhere, the conflict between the chieftains of Sichuan and the Han people is not as intense as that of Yunnan, Guizhou and Guizhou.

Chengdu Prefecture.

"Old Wu, tell me, when will the general lead us across the river and kill all the Tatars on the other side of the river?"

"Who knows? His Majesty has no decree, and the general has not told us to move."

"Damn it, the Tatars are obviously on the other side of the river, but we can't fight them."

"Old Liu, if you are really in a hurry, just ask the general for instructions and go out to kill the tiger together!"

"Go, go, I'm here to kill Tartars, not to be a butcher."

"There's nothing wrong with being a butcher. Anyway, when I retire, I plan to open a butcher shop in Nanjing."

"Look at your potential!"

"What about you?"

"Of course we are opening a steamed bun shop. The steamed buns are so easy to sell."


At the gate of the city, two Ming soldiers were chatting away.

Since Zheng Dingrui came to Sichuan, the main tasks of the Third Army under his command have become two:

First, cooperate with the imperial court to immigrate from the two lakes to Sichuan to enrich the population of Sichuan households.

Second, from time to time, troops were sent out to kill tigers, and by the way, troops were trained for actual combat to intimidate the chieftains in western Sichuan.


Old Liu and Old Wu were still chatting when they suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves in the distance.

The two of them immediately became alert and followed the sound, and sure enough they saw a cavalryman running towards them at high speed.

Old Liu, who was the first to speak, yelled loudly: "Who is this!"

"The military situation is urgent, avoid immediately!"

With only these eight words, and the red flag swaying in the wind behind the cavalry, the two of them did not dare to neglect at all, and hurriedly gave way to the city gate.     If this is not done in time, it will be in vain if someone cuts it down.

Even if the other party cares about the friendship between Pao Ze and doesn't kill people with a knife, but they dare to hinder the military situation, they will still be dragged to the military law.

However, nowadays, the Ming Army's military law regulations are much more humane than before. In the past, those who obstructed military affairs were beheaded, but now they can just be shot, leaving a whole body.


The speed of the war horse did not slow down, and it roared past the city gate in an instant, bringing with it gusts of cold wind.

Only half a moment later, the General Yamen of Chengdu Prefecture (formerly the Admiral Yamen) arrived.

"General! General... Huhu... Kang Zang has sent an urgent military message!"

The messenger cavalry panted heavily and presented the general's love document.

Zheng Dingrui opened the document, and before taking a few glances, he suddenly said in shock: "The Tatar pseudo-emperor Yongzheng vomited blood and passed out. Doesn't he have much time left?"

The Sichuan generals surrounding him were also startled, and then their faces showed ecstasy.

The deputy general Weng Feihu couldn't hide his excitement. He swallowed his saliva and said: "General, since the Tatar puppet emperor vomited blood and passed out, the Kangzang Tatars must be leaderless. Not to mention chaos, they must be doing their own thing. With such a good opportunity, troops should be sent out immediately . Completely wipe out the remnants of the Tatars, and recover Kangzang at the same time."

Staff officer Shen Mingzhang was a little calmer: "What Deputy General Weng said makes sense, but for such a big matter, we need to be cautious. It is best to find out more information about the Tatars. We should also report to the court and ask His Majesty to make a decision. It happens to be winter now, so it is not suitable for troops. In order to fight, our army can first raise military supplies and supplies. Once the imperial decree comes, we can immediately send troops to cross the river."

Zheng Dingrui thought for a while and said: "What Staff Shen said is reasonable. The dispatch of troops is of great importance. I need to report to the court first and request His Majesty's decision. However, each ministry can raise food, grass and baggage first, and this matter will be left to Staff Shen."

None of the generals or staff members had any opinions on this military order. Major matters concerning dispatching troops must be decided by the court.

Moreover, Sichuan was vast and sparsely populated, so the imperial court was needed to provide military supplies and supplies. The most Sichuan could do was to raise food for the advance expedition.

After the idea was finalized, the generals from various ministries went down to prepare. Shen Mingzhang followed Zheng Dingrui to see the governor of Sichuan to discuss the matter of jointly submitting the memorial.


Nanjing, Forbidden City.

Zhu Yigui doesn't know the situation in Sichuan and Tibet yet. He is busy summoning officials from the farmyard at the moment.

As a subordinate institution of the Ming Academy of Sciences, the Agricultural Academy existed long before the establishment of the Academy of Sciences, but was later reorganized and merged with the Academy of Sciences.

This is not surprising. Whenever a dynasty is founded, or when food production fails to keep up, agricultural officials will be established, with the purpose of encouraging farmers to cultivate mulberry trees and cultivate new fields.

Historically, Yongzheng also set up agricultural officials, improved agricultural production technology in the Qing Dynasty, and gave agricultural officials generous rewards.

It can be seen that even in the Qing Dynasty during the Yongzheng period, grain production was not as sufficient as imagined, otherwise it would not have been necessary to re-establish agricultural officials and improve grain production technology.

The name of the chief officer of the Agricultural Academy is Huang Xu, who has the same surname as the dean Huang Wu. There may be some relationship. After all, both of them are native to Fujian.

Huang Xu first respectfully paid homage to the emperor, and then quickly handed over a memorial.

The pages of the memorial are very thick, and it is more like an experimental data report than a memorial. There are no flowery words throughout the article, it is all plain language, and a large amount of data is used as reference records. The main demonstration is the feasibility and practicality of planting cotton and converting rice in the "Agricultural Policy Encyclopedia".

The author of "The Complete Book of Agricultural Affairs" should be familiar to everyone. He is the famous Xu Guangqi. This book was written during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty. It is also one of the five major agricultural books in China, and it is a culmination of all previous works.

Both the Northern Wei Dynasty's "Qi Min Yaoshu" and the Yuan Dynasty's "Agricultural Books" basically describe agricultural production and are purely technical agricultural books. The "Encyclopedia of Agricultural Policy" is different. It not only contains agricultural technology, but also mentions agricultural policy measures.

The method of planting cotton and turning rice comes from "The Complete Book of Agricultural Affairs". According to the original words in the book: "If you look up to the fields and have cotton or rice, if you plant cotton for two years and plow rice for one year, the grass roots will rot, the soil will become rich, and insects and borers will not grow. It should not be more than three years, otherwise insects will grow." If you have been unable to plant rice for three years, after harvesting cotton, you can build a bank around the field, accumulate water for the winter, freeze and thaw in spring, let the water dry, and plow and hoe properly, you can plant cotton without any insects."

Simply translated into human language, it means planting cotton in the first two years and switching to rice in the third year. This is not only beneficial to the land and livestock fertilizer, but also free from pests and diseases. Even those who were unable to grow rice in the third year were given solutions.

The specific principle was not figured out until later generations. In the end, it could only be classified as that the rice-cotton rotation method changed the natural environment and suppressed pests and diseases from the root.

In the later years of New China, during the unspeakable three years (not the civil war), rice-cotton rotation was specifically studied and discussed, and 12 acres of rice fields in Zhejiang were used as a pilot project at one time. He also pointed out that too much fertilizer should not be applied, otherwise the rice would become leggy and lodging and the harvest would fail.

 Xu Guangqi is indeed a genius!



(End of this chapter)

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