I'm sure of the prosperous age of Kangxi and Qianlong!

Chapter 514 The Emperor Wants Siberia

Chapter 514 The Emperor Wants Siberia

Thrown into a prison in Nanjing, Besikov was interrogated again.

The Heilongjiang Dusi only asked for some military information, and most of it was unknown. When it came to Nanjing, the cabinet, the Three Law Departments, the Privy Council, and the Honglu Temple jointly interrogated him, not only to find out the military information of Tsarist Russia, but also to judge the guilt.

After more than half a month of back and forth, Besikov was almost wiped out, and then the cabinet came to report the results.

Wang Li pointed to the "Comprehensive Map of Kanyu and All Countries" compiled by the Privy Council: "Your Majesty, after our interrogation for half a month, we can basically confirm that the city of Nerchinsk mentioned by the Rakshasa people is the pseudo-Qing Zeng and Rakshasa city. The city of Nerchinsk where the country signed a treaty. The Lena River is probably further north. It is a large river in the far north, probably equal to the Yangtze River in our dynasty."

"The land there is mostly frozen soil. Even if the Rakshasa Kingdom occupies this place, it is difficult to cultivate the land. It can only cultivate some potatoes three or four months a year. The other cities are also mostly along the branches of this river. It was built with Lake Baikal and the seashore mentioned by these Rakshasa people. However, after repeated checks, we found that this Lake Baikal is most likely the North Sea recorded in history books."

Of course Zhu Yijiong knew where Lake Baikal was, but he still cooperated: "Beihai?"

Liang Wenxuan said: "The Biography of Su Wu in the Book of Han contains: Wu lay down, chewed snow and Zhan hair and swallowed it, and survived for several days. The Xiongnu thought they were gods, so they moved to Wu's uninhabited place on the North Sea to feed herds. The so-called Beihai, This is the place where Su Wu used to herd sheep."

Zhu Yijiong was shocked: "It is actually the land of Su Wu's sheep herding, which is my hometown in China, and it is so unreasonable for this country of Rakshasa barbarians to steal it!"

The cabinet ministers were stunned. The emperor's reaction was wrong!

Wang Li specially hinted between the lines that the extreme north is too cold and not suitable for farming. Even the Rakshasa Kingdom is trying to obtain furs.

Why does the emperor mean that he wants all this frozen soil?

Zhu Yijiong ignored their reactions and said: "These Rakshasa barbarians have repeatedly invaded China. There was a war between the pseudo-Qing Dynasty and Yaksa, but in the end they still failed to hurt the Rakshasa country. Moreover, they only recovered the city of Yaksa. Buchu was still annexed by the barbarians of the Rakshasa Kingdom. Now, they still dare to be so bold as to invade the territory under the jurisdiction of the Heilongjiang Capital of Ming Dynasty, which is really intolerable!"

Wang Li frowned and said: "Your Majesty, this time it was not the Rakshasa Kingdom who robbed our Ming Dynasty's Heilongjiang City. The people they plundered were all escaped slaves named Cossacks in the Rakshasa Kingdom. This time they robbed the Heilongjiang City's jurisdiction. It was also their fault. The governor of Yakutsk of the Rakshasa Kingdom did not seem to know about this. Moreover, what they plundered was also the area to be negotiated on the Udi River that was stipulated in the previous treaty. Strictly speaking, it could not be regarded as belonging to the two countries. Jurisdiction."

Zhu Yijiong said: "Oh, this Rakshasa country still uses slaves, and there is such a barbarian country in the world. Moreover, what kind of treaty was made? How could Ming China make such a humiliating treaty with the barbarians, and leave the Udi River for discussion? District, isn’t this just ceding territory and seeking peace?”

Fine! The emperor is determined and has ideas about the Rakshasa ghosts in the north.

No, it should be said that Zhu Yijiong did not have thoughts about Rakshasa ghosts, but that he had thoughts about Siberia as a whole. Although most of these lands are covered with permafrost and are almost useless at this stage, we cannot abandon them just because of this.

Even if China cannot use these lands for the time being, it will be able to use them in the future, and it certainly cannot be annexed by Tsarist Russia.

Since His Majesty has decided, the cabinet cannot object. Wang Li cupped his hands and said, "What your Majesty said is that the Far North is too cold after all, and the food output is extremely low. The population there is mostly Sauron and indigenous people, and there are very few Han people. Most of the Han immigrants are still in Yi'a City. We live there. If we want to go on an expedition, even if it’s just to conquer Nerchinsk, I’m afraid it will be very difficult.”

Although the cabinet will not object, it must state the facts.

Siberia is really not suitable for human survival. Even after modernization in later generations, most of the areas where the population is concentrated are near the south. Lake Baikal and Yakutsk are all along the Lena River, otherwise they would not be able to gather at all. Such a population.

The entire Central Siberia is a vast no-man's land, and it is also covered with permafrost. Those tough Evenki people of the Lube tribe find it difficult to survive here. Zhu Yijiong nodded and said: "This matter is not urgent. It took hundreds of years for the Rakshasa Kingdom to conquer the frozen soil of the Far North. Everything can be done slowly. But first, the Heilongjiang capital will move the Han people, and the Sauron tribe there will also have to change. Some policies can appropriately give them more power. Just refer to the systems of Monan and Yunzhong, and ennoble the tribal leaders among them, instead of using the pseudo-Qing style. Although these Rakshasa captives are all alone Action, but as soon as they come, there will definitely be more Rakshasa ghosts going south. These Rakshasa ghosts are like locusts. If you find one, it means that you have been targeted by the entire locust swarm."

Wang Yuan asked: "Since we want to confer official titles in the Sauron tribe, do we need to open up the grain trade here for private merchants? In this way, our Ming Dynasty garrisoned troops in Heilongjiang Dusi, and we don't have to transport military grains to Lelang and Liaodong every year, and the people here The Han people also need food supplements."

Wu Sidao reminded: "You can open the door to selling grain, but you should also impose restrictions. Otherwise, for the sake of profit, merchants will crazily traffic in grain and even military supplies. The example of the eight major Shanxi merchants in the late Ming Dynasty must be guarded against."

Zhu Yijiong thought for a while and said: "Those who surrendered to the Heilongjiang Dusi and accepted the canonization can be more open. But we must always keep an eye on them. They are only allowed to sell food, not any military supplies. If any merchants are found to have violated the rules, they will all be exiled to Heilongjiang. Dusi. In addition, the tribe involved must also take back the title and title, and remove the original leader from his position, and let the Heilongjiang Dusi pay strict attention to it."

"As for which tribes are obedient and can be canonized, and what titles are to be conferred, it will be decided by the cabinet, the Privy Council, and the Heilongjiang Dusi. Don't be too anxious about this. These Sauron tribes have been canonized by our Ming Dynasty and have received substantial benefits. They will naturally stand firmly on our side. On the side of the Ming Dynasty. Moreover, the Puppet Qing Dynasty squeezed these Sauron tribes to the extreme, and even ignored the grievances of each tribe, forcibly blending them together. Now it is just time to separate, re-establish the territorial tribes, and eliminate conflicts. "

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

All the cabinet ministers immediately shouted in unison.

The emperor's decree set the tone for the court's future treatment of the Northeast issue.

At present, Han immigrants only go as far as Acheng. It is too cold any further and people in the Central Plains and the South are simply unwilling to go there. Even here in Acheng, there are many family members of corrupt officials and criminals from the customs. They are criminal immigrants, and normal immigrants are not willing to come here.

The entire Heilongjiang Dusi seems to have a vast territory, but only the lower reaches of Heilongjiang have Han people, and they are all newly immigrated criminals. The land from the middle reaches to the upper reaches of Heilongjiang is either no-man's land or the jurisdiction of the Sauron tribe.

Without railways and trains to change transportation, we can only rely on these indigenous people who have adapted to the bitter cold climate of Heilongjiang to control the rule, and by the way, provide soldiers and food support for subsequent troops sent north to encroach on the territory of Tsarist Russia.

After decades of reproduction, it is estimated that these criminal immigrants will be able to completely control the lower reaches of Heilongjiang, and the imperial court will not be able to collect a penny of tax and grain here for decades.

The imperial court also had to encourage these criminal immigrants to intermarry with the local indigenous people and export them into Chinese. When the lower reaches of Heilongjiang were almost developed, these Heilongjiang people who gradually adapted to the local area would spontaneously expand northward.

This is a long process, and even when Zhu Yijiong is still alive, it is unlikely that Heilongjiang Dusi will become Heilongjiang Province.

The cabinet ministers resigned, and they still had to discuss in detail the future strategic plan of the Heilongjiang Dusi. These details did not require the emperor to personally worry about.

Before leaving, Wang Li asked again: "What should we do with those Rakshasa prisoners?"

Zhu Yijiong said: "Cut them all!"

There is no trial, just cut them all off. They have already plundered the border, so why do they need to judge the crime?

"By the way, that Rakshasa Besikov, leave him here. I still have something to ask him."

(End of this chapter)

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