Chapter 490 The end
A total of eight thousand dragoons launched a wall charge. This tactical charge actually had many shortcomings, and it only became common in modern wars.

There is no other reason than the lack of productivity in ancient times. The organization and training of the army are far inferior to those of modern cavalry, so they cannot play wall formations that require extremely high discipline.

It can be said that the Ming Army cavalry was completely using its national power to forcefully crush these grassland cavalry.

Monk Gunzabu looked at the dense wall of cavalry in front of him, and suddenly he felt bad. Could these Han soldiers want to collide with him to see whose head was stronger?
Isn't this lack of heart?
"Fire the arrows and disperse them all!"

The cavalrymen under his command fired arrows on their own without the need for monk Gunzhabu to give orders. After shooting the arrows, they hurriedly turned their horses' heads. Because if we don't turn around, it will be too late, and we will definitely hit each other in the remaining distance.


The Mongolian arrows rained down, and every one of them was stuck on the grass, because they were too hasty and did not reach the shooting range at all.

"Hahaha, the Tatars are scared. Sons, follow me and kill them!"

Not to mention cavalry hedging, even if it is an infantry battle, the most important thing is to avoid getting discouraged before the battle.

Ning Nanhui laughed and led his troops to charge forward. The cavalry wall composed of 8000 people directly hit the Mongolian cavalry who could not avoid it. Relying on tight formations, those formations were messy, and the Mongolian cavalry that followed the Khan and the noble generals and rushed fiercely could not withstand the Ming army's cavalry wall.

The overwhelming momentum and the airtight wall formation were simply not something that the traditional cavalry in the nomadic period could withstand. Even the Dzungar cavalry who had learned how to use the Fire Gun Cavalry were absolutely unstoppable.

Senggun Zhabu retreated quickly enough, so it was no big deal, but his main formation of the Khan tribe collapsed on the spot.

Even the Great Khan ran away. The cavalry following King Khan saw the Han soldiers forming such a tight formation that was desperate for their lives. Although he knew clearly that in this way, even if his side could not charge, the Han soldiers would still injure the enemy by one thousand, not to mention the self-inflicted damage of [-], but they would also injure themselves by [-]. But they don't dare. Not everyone can afford this life-threatening style of play.

The Ming army was able to do so because of the high pensions, as well as the policies of granting land for military merit, tax reductions for military families, tax exemption for three years for those who died in war, and rewards for meritorious service.

And these, for today's Monan Grassland, don't even think about it. If you dare to die in battle, then your family will belong to someone else. Your children may not die, but they still have to call someone else's father.

Moreover, most of these Mongolian cavalry are new monks who have followed Gonzabu. They have only been following for a few years, and some may only have been following for a few months. Who dares to risk their lives casually?
As a result, the Ming army's wall charge only dispersed some Mongolian cavalry who had no time to evade. The three main forces in the rear saw such a desperate formation of the Ming army.

Before engaging in battle, the entire army collapsed.

"The Tatars are defeated, the whole army slows down! Slow down!"


With the sound of horns, the eight thousand wall-charging dragoons began to slow down slowly and continued to disperse their formation.

By the time the formation of the Ming army's dragoons completely dispersed, the battlefield was already filled with various Mongolian cavalry units that had broken up and fled.

Monk Gunzabu ran away with his soldiers as soon as the main force was defeated, and gathered the remaining troops while running. He could not just run away with nothing.

By the way, Hutuling'a, the eldest son of Senggun Zhabu, died. He died in a cavalry charge. He was directly knocked off his horse by the Ming army's cavalry wall, and was trampled to death.

The colliding dragoon almost fell off his horse, but fortunately, he was hit with his body by a friendly force in time, and only two ribs were broken.

"Dudududu da da da..."

There were sounds of horns again, and the Ming army artillery in the rear had stopped firing long ago. The [-] infantry troops were divided into three groups and launched a countercharge against the Mongolian cavalry.


The Ming army's dragoons had already dispersed, divided into several cavalry units, and separately pursued the chaotic Mongolian cavalry.

Looking down from a high altitude, the entire battlefield seemed to be in chaos. The three cavalry units were completely scattered, and it was impossible to tell who was who. Many smart tribal leaders have realized that the situation is not good and have begun to desperately want to escape from the battlefield. However, due to the chaotic situation on the battlefield, they were often bitten by Han soldiers before they could run very far.

On the periphery, the infantry of the Ming Army were encircling and dividing them. They wanted to completely defeat the tens of thousands of Mongolian cavalry. Yang Gong did not want to waste too much time and energy on the grassland war. Suzhuketu was the first to escape. As soon as he saw the Ming army's tight cavalry wall, he decisively led his cavalry to flee the battlefield quickly. Then there was Hamugaba Yasihulangtu of Tumote. He and Senggun Zhabu were defeated almost at the same time, but he was not on the local battlefield, so he was not bitten.

Suzhuketu had already thought that as long as he escaped back to Chahar, he would immediately send envoys to the Han soldiers and the Han emperor to ask for surrender. All he had to do was grant him a noble title. He didn't want to have the sweet dream of the great khan of the steppe.

As for Hamuga Bayas Khulantu, this guy didn't give up. He planned to annex Haraqin's tribe immediately after escaping, and then bargain with the Han people.

Monk Gunzabu was also running, but he couldn't get away at all because there were so many remaining soldiers that he could be seen at a glance.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Ning Nanhui personally led a group of dragoons to hold on tightly, not forgetting to take advantage of firearms.

The deputy general had already led a group of cavalry and circled directly to the flank, preparing to outflank them in a roundabout way.

Senggun Zhabu was about to collapse. There were Han soldiers in the rear and flanks, and Han soldiers in the front were constantly blocking the retreat.

The gap between the two war horses is also emerging. In terms of running speed, the Marwar horse is not much different from the Mongolian war horse, but compared with the endurance, it is much stronger.

Because the Marwar horse is originally a Mongolian horse, plus a hybrid of other excellent war horses, it combines the superior bloodlines of these war horses.

The road ahead was cut off and his eldest son died in battle. Monk Gunzabu also became furious and realized that he could not escape. He decisively turned his horse's head and planned to fight with the Han soldiers.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The surrounding dragoons didn't give him this chance at all, and fired freely at these Mongolian cavalry.

A large number of monk Gunzabu's bodyguard cavalry fell on the spot, and then hundreds of dragon cavalry swarmed up, just like chopping melons and vegetables, and killed all the Mongolian cavalry off their horses one by one.

Monk Gunzabu tried his best to fight with his sword, but he struggled to block the horse-cutting sword swung by a dragoon. Before the tiger's mouth was numb, another sword came directly and struck three points into the waist, killing him on the spot.

Even the legs of the war horse were cut off and fell to the ground.

Ning Nanhui came late, and when he saw the corpses of horses and people lying on the ground, he felt a pity.

"You guys, go back and report your merits to the record officer! Now follow me and pursue the Tatars!"

The Ming army's dragoons had high morale and were constantly fighting on the battlefield, while the peripheral infantry had also completed the encirclement and was shrinking.

The battle lasted for nearly half an hour. In the end, more than [-] enemies were killed, more than [-] people were captured, and countless grain, grass, horses, and baggage were seized.

Suzhu Ketu and Hamugaba Yasihulangtu managed to escape, but they just ran away. Ninety percent of their tribesmen were left behind, and the rest also fled in all directions.

It's not that the Ming army doesn't want to chase anymore, but that the war horses can't bear it anymore. Even the Marvar war horses are about to die after fighting and attacking for so long.

If he runs any further, the horse will break.

On the Ming army's side, although the casualties were not as exaggerated as those of the Mongols, they were equally heavy. The dragoons suffered direct casualties of more than 3000 people, nearly one-third of the total force.

There were more than 2000 people left with minor and serious injuries. After just one battle, the Ming army's dragoons lost at least half of their combat effectiveness. However, the losses of the infantry were not very great, because they mainly took over the battle of encirclement and division.

In addition, many tribes defected before the battle. The total number of these defecting tribes was at least 6000.

After this battle, the entire western and southern grasslands of Monan will completely lose their ability to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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