Chapter 478 Killing the Emperor

Nanjing, Caishikou.

The Cai Shi Kou was particularly lively today because it was rare that people had to behead heads here again, and the ones they were beheading were not just ordinary heads.

After some careful consideration, Zhu Yijiong...Okay!In fact, without any thought at all, he directly issued an order to kill the captured Tatar emperor, the queen mother and all the Eight Banners dignitaries.

The cabinet tried to persuade him, but to no avail, stopped trying.The bosses above did not take the lead in the charge, and the officials below were naturally very sensible and did not say anything.

They are just a few Tatar heads. Whenever dynasties change, the previous royal family must be liquidated, let alone the Tatar royal family.

Let’s not talk about the distant ones, let’s talk about the nearby ones. In the past, when the Ming Dynasty was destroyed, the Tatars killed Zhu and killed them so happily, but now it is just retribution.

The cabinet will come forward to advise, but it is just a formality.

Kublai Khan also first sent the Emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty to Tibet to serve as a monk for 35 years. Then, because of a poem, he said that this guy was rebellious and treated him the same as Empress Li of the Southern Tang Dynasty.

If we really want to be serious, the title of this Tatar emperor does not count, because the Ming Dynasty does not recognize it. At most, it recognizes Yongzheng and counts him as the last emperor of the Tatars.

Moreover, Yongzheng, the last emperor, also did not recognize his son's imperial title. Two to one, then this imperial title would not count, and it would not count in future generations.

At this moment, the entire Caishikou Street was already crowded with Nanjing citizens who came to watch the excitement after hearing the news. On the periphery, there were many vegetable vendors taking advantage of the heat of the execution ground to sell vegetables in the last half hour before beheading.

The execution ground of the Ming and New Dynasties was not supposed to be on Caishikou Street, but Zhu Yijiong issued an order to move the execution ground from the original West Market to Caishikou Street.

The cabinet raised objections to this, but the emperor refuted it.

Soon it was time to behead the head. It was March in spring and summer was about to begin. It was obviously not in line with the tradition of asking for beheading after autumn, but the emperor had ordered it to be beheaded. Who dared to dissuade him?

Some superstitious ministers among the officials in the court even thought that the emperor was avenging his ancestors and wanted to prevent the Tatars from reincarnation.

However, these have nothing to do with the people watching. They just want to see the beheading, and it is the emperor's head.

Even the Tatar Emperor, and even the imperial court did not recognize this Tatar Emperor. To the common people, he was still the former emperor!

It is rare for an emperor to behead his head!

Countless Tatar princes wearing prison uniforms were taken to the execution ground. Because there were so many people watching, soldiers and horses were seconded from the army to maintain order.

Not only were the people excited, the supervisors behind were also quite nervous.

Forget about killing ordinary Tatars. The Tatars who were killed were basically former princes and dignitaries, and even the emperor and queen mother who were out of reach in the past.

He took a deep breath and calmed down his emotions slightly, then looked at the delicate clock placed on the table: "The time has come, kill!"

The executioners who had been prepared for a long time picked up the ghost-headed sword, first spit a mouthful of strong wine on the back of the sword, and then slashed down on the kneeling and trembling Tatars, who were howling like ghosts and wolves.


There were five money rat tails, and the big head fell to the ground.

"it is good!"

"If you kill well, the Tatars deserve to be killed!"

The onlookers cheered and applauded, and some even spat directly on their heads.

After cutting off the first batch of heads, the subsequent process is much simpler. After cutting off one batch, they will take the next batch, and the next batch will be watched from the audience.

There are hundreds of these Tatar princes to be executed, which is indeed a bit small in number, because during the previous long-term confrontation and migration, the old, weak, sick and disabled all starved to death and froze to death, and died again on the boat when they were brought to Nanjing. Some.

When the second batch of Tatars arrived, their legs could no longer stand straight, and Ming soldiers came up to help pin them down on the execution platform.

From time to time, onlookers were booing below.

"Quick! Cut quickly."

"These are damned Tatars. Don't let them die. Cut half of them and leave the other half."

"You're right, we can't give these Tatars a cheap price."

The onlookers made a fuss, scaring the five Tatars waiting to be executed on the execution platform to the point of peeing.

However, the executioners didn't say much, they just chopped as they should.

With another swing of the knife, five heads fell into the basket.

"it is good!"

The people cheered again.

The beheaded Tatar corpses were quickly dragged away by government undertakers. These Tatar corpses were then burned intensively, and their ashes were then cast into kneeling statues and placed in front of Lao Zhu's mausoleum.Here, whenever there is a body missing or there is something wrong, the Ministry of Punishment and the undertaker will be held accountable.

Since only five heads were cut off at a time, and there were hundreds of Tatars to be beheaded, it took a whole morning to behead them before it was finally the turn of the Tatar Emperor and Queen Mother.

These two were lucky. They didn't have to compete with other Tatars for baskets. Each of them had a brand-new basket. Even the blood stains on the ground had been washed away in advance and had been burned with fire.

The Tatar Emperor and Queen Mother were dragged to the execution platform because their legs were so weak that they could not walk. If a full-time imperial doctor had not been there to treat them, they would probably have fainted by now.

The two executioners who came up in rotation were excited and worried at the same time. The one who was about to behead was the emperor!
Is this considered dragon slaying?

The Tatar emperor is also an emperor, and the black dragon is also a dragon.

"Is this the emperor?"

"What emperor? This is obviously a Tatar."

"That's the Tatar emperor too! Not to mention, he has fine skin and tender flesh, and the Tatar Queen Mother is really pretty."

"No, after all, she is the wife of the Tatar Emperor. How bad can she be?"

"Hehehe, I just don't know. How is your skills in bed? How does it compare with Qin Huaihe's number one?"

"Haha, I guess it can't be compared. Your Majesty has long stopped allowing Qinhuaihe to engage in flesh and blood business."

"Who said no!"


The Tatar Queen Mother on the stage could no longer hear the comments of the people watching. Her legs were so frightened that she couldn't even kneel straight, but some soldiers came up and held her down forcibly.

On the side, Aixinjueluo Hongli, who was born this year, was even more pale. He knelt straight, but he was completely frightened by the hundreds of heads in front of him.

He just kept chanting: "I don't want to die... I don't want to die... I am the emperor... I am the emperor!"

Speaking of which, Hongli in this time and space did not become Qianlong, and he had been running around since he was a minor, and he had no time or right to do evil.

But Zhu Yijiong didn't care, he just wanted to kill Qianlong now.

Just as Qin Hui must be killed during the Song Dynasty, it is nonsense to bring Qianlong with him during the prosperous days of Kangxi and Qianlong.

Qianlong's prosperity was all due to the warming climate, his father was Yongzheng, and his grandfather was Kangxi. These two left him countless wealth and unparalleled famous generals.

And was still a bad hand with a good hand.

It can be said that China in the Qing Dynasty was completely in ruins starting from Qianlong.

The key point is that there are still many people working hard to clean up the ground for this guy. What other perfect martial arts skills are there? Don’t you see, the national treasury is in short supply, the crime bank system, the eternal corruption of Heshen, and the White Lotus Sect uprising are all caused by Qianlong. Great achievements."

Even if Jiaqing failed to reform the officialdom in the future, Qianlong would be blamed, because Qianlong did not transfer power when he passed the throne, resulting in Jiaqing having no authority.

"The time has come, behead!"

The accompanying supervisor will throw the token.

The executioner swung his knife and the head fell into the basket.

It was not until his death that the historical Emperor Qianlong finally showed a frightened expression.

"it is good!"

The people in the audience reached a climax and cheered in unison.

Today's beheading at the execution ground was a worthwhile trip for them, as they could actually see the Tatar emperor being beheaded.

Zhu Yijiong received the report from the Ministry of Punishment that the execution at Caishikou was completed and all the Tatar bodies had been identified.

Zhu Yijiong's comment is: "Read it. The corpses were all burned, and the heads were salted and hung on the Nanjing city wall. The Tatar emperor and the queen mother were cast as kneeling statues separately, and they did not need to be erected in front of Taizu's mausoleum. Just ask the post station to rush them. Sichuan Land was presented to the Tatar Emperor Yongzheng by the Sichuan Army at the front."

This is to directly kill people and punish their hearts!

After such a wave of success, Yongzheng can be said to be completely defeated.

In history, Yongzheng liked to take elixirs for a long time. In this time and space, the Tatars were suffering from internal and external troubles, so they naturally took more pills, so their health was always bad.

Unless he was pissed off on the spot, he was in a good state of mind.

 There is a wise guy in the comments section
(End of this chapter)

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