Chapter 464 Banknotes
In order to obtain the American waterway, the tariffs of the Spanish Philippines must also be negotiated with the Ming Dynasty. Chinese merchants must also be allowed to freely set up trading workshops in Spanish colonies, as well as live long-term and many other privileges.

This is really not a sky-high asking price on the negotiation table, but really a big ask from the lion.

Zhu Yijiong was not worried about whether the Spanish governor would agree. Regardless of whether the other party agreed or not, Ming Dynasty would sooner or later want the entire Philippine Islands.

And the reason is very good. Most of the gold mines in the Philippines are concentrated in the central and southern islands.

The new governor of the Spanish Philippines disagreed. The Ming Dynasty simply continued smuggling, and then continued to divide and devour the profits that belonged to the governor's palace and the Kingdom of Spain with the Spanish colonial officials.

In this way, both sides can benefit a lot, and everyone gets what he deserves.

After the Spanish envoy received Zhu Yijiong's generous conditions, they did not immediately take a boat back to the Philippines to report to the governor.

Instead, he took his money and went to major shops in Nanjing... to buy specialties.

Yes, just buy specialties.

"Look, Abraham, are those despicable Dutch people trafficking European cigars?" Antonio said excitedly to his deputy, Abraham.

Abraham was also very happy: "The capital of the Chinese emperor is indeed full of treasures. Come on, let's buy them all. Then we can just traffic them back to Europe and we will make a fortune."

Antonio nodded: "You are right, but you don't need to buy all these cigars, and Chinese porcelain. Tobacco will depreciate sooner or later, but porcelain is different, especially these colorful porcelains, which are simply works of art given by God."

The two of them immediately took the silver they had just exchanged from Honglu Temple and headed straight for the newly opened cigarette shop in Nanjing with a clear goal.

Honglu Temple has gold and silver currency exchange business corresponding to foreign vassal countries, and other foreign trade ports also have corresponding exchange channels, but this channel is affiliated with the Municipal Shipping Department.

There is currently no banking department in the Ming Dynasty, only money-making institutions affiliated with the Ministry of Household Affairs.It wasn't that Zhu Yijiong didn't want to start a bank, but that he was persuaded to come back by the ministers.

Especially in the past few years, the imperial court presided over the opening of banks and the unification of private bank accounts. This was purely a hot-headed act.

Because the Ming Dynasty had just risen a few years ago, wars were going on everywhere. Not to mention the unstable foundation of the country, even these wars were worrying enough.

At this time, the imperial court said that it would open a bank and transfer all private banks and bank accounts to the imperial government. This would easily give the people and merchants the illusion that "the imperial court is taking this opportunity to make money."

This is not something made out of nothing, but it has been done too many times in previous dynasties.

Not only banks, but also banknotes. Once a bank opens, it must issue banknotes. Even before Zhu Yijiong rebelled a few years ago, some banks had already released banknotes.

The history of banknotes is also quite long, from Jiaozi and Huizi in the Song Dynasty, to Kublai Khan's Zhongtong banknotes, and then to the Ming Dynasty banknotes issued by Lao Zhu.

The same as in the three dynasties, all due to excessive issuance and indiscriminate issuance, the credit of banknotes quickly collapsed.

The Yuan Dynasty was the most powerful. Kublai Khan directly stipulated that future generations were not allowed to mint and issue copper coins, but could only issue banknotes... Then there was no national destiny for a hundred years.

In another time and space, Emperor Xianfeng of the Qing Dynasty also issued banknotes in order to raise money to suppress the uprising, and then as expected he also went bankrupt.

In short, from banks to banknotes, they have always been a means of amassing money in the early and late dynasties in order to plunder the people's wealth when they had no money.

If the Ming Dynasty had dared to do this at the beginning of the founding of the country, local rebellions might not have happened, but the bank would definitely have gone bankrupt within a few years.

However, although government-run banks cannot be established, at least they will have to wait until the national treasury is sufficient and the commodity market economy is fully developed. However, private banks and banks can be regulated and standardized first.

All local bank accounts must be registered with the government and must provide written materials to prove their ability to open a bank account.Moreover, if a bank bank issues banknotes, it must also have government certification and permission, otherwise it will not be allowed to issue banknotes.

This is not only to curb the expansion of local banks, but also to control these banks so that they can always remain a stable savings institution instead of developing into a banking system, that is, a three-in-one system of banknotes, savings, and lending.

But they said that the Spanish envoys stayed in Nanjing for three full days and spent almost all the money they brought, but they did find a lot of good stuff.

After all, this is the city of Nanjing, under the emperor's feet, and the Ming Dynasty has just been founded, so basically anyone who can open a shop in Nanjing will sell high-quality goods.

Almost each of these Spanish envoys bought a box of cigars, one or two pieces of porcelain, and many other Chinese specialties. Even Antonio, the envoy, bought a few books.

Among them are the "Detailed Explanation of Tianyuan Technique", "Measuring the Circle Sea Mirror" and "Four Yuan Jade Mirror" published by the Calendar and Astronomy Hall, because the store recommended these three books as high-quality books published by the Ming Academy of Sciences. Even the emperor Love to watch.


The Spanish mission was just an interlude, and it was of little significance to the Ming Dynasty whether it came or not. Only the American route could slightly arouse Zhu Yijiong's interest.

Be careful.

Zhu Yijiong continued his daily work and reviewed memorials.

Chen Hongmou's memorial was finally delivered to Nanjing.

Cabinet vote: "It is recommended to adopt the name Manchuria. It is actually a fabrication by the Tatars to integrate the interests of all ethnic groups. It is indeed not suitable to be used as an ethnic name."

Obviously, this was not because the cabinet was deliberately catering to the emperor, but because it really believed that Manchuria could not be regarded as a clan, but only as a ruling group.

Although Zhu Yijiong was a little surprised, he did not refuse. He directly criticized: "Yes. The registration and settlement should be separated as soon as possible. The original Jurchen will be changed to Mohe, and the Rakshasa will be changed to Russia."

This memorial is just a report. The people in Liaodong should have already begun to separate their registrations and settle down.

Zhu Yijiong put down the memorials and randomly picked out a few more. Most of them were local memorials, but there were far fewer invitation memorials.

Because there were too many invitations to the emperor from the local government, some officials sent out invitations to the emperor every day in order to attract the emperor's attention.

Zhu Yijiong was really annoyed by being punished. Fortunately, it was decreed that all memorials sent to the local government must have substantive content, and memorials should not be sent every day, and no more than two messages would be sent out in a month.

After half an hour of continuous reviewing, less than one-third were petitions for instructions, and most of them were from the southwest of Shaanxi and Gansu.

The fact that there are few things for local governments to ask for instructions also shows that various regions have recovered well from the war, especially the northern Xinjiang provinces, which are now self-sufficient and no longer need to rely entirely on food transportation from the south. The population growth has also reached a virtuous cycle.

Zhu Yijiong was in a good mood. He picked up another memorial and put it down after reading a few paragraphs. He was thinking undecidedly between his eyebrows. After pondering for a moment, he said: "Here, Jiang Chengzhang, the Minister of the Ministry of Commerce, come and see me quickly."

The governorship of Southern Gansu has been officially revoked this year, and the entire Southern Gansu division has returned to Jiangxi.

Moreover, under the hard work of Jiang Chengzhang, the first and last governor, the local economy in Southern Jiangxi recovered and developed very rapidly, and cigars have gradually become a "brand" product for the people of Southern Jiangxi.

Jiang Chengzhang was also promoted by Zhu Yijiong due to his merits. While canceling the southern Jiangxi division, he established the Ministry of Commerce and directly appointed him as Shangshu, which was the first time.

The so-called Ministry of Commerce, as the name suggests, is Zhu Yijiong's previous idea to separate the Maritime Trade and Shipping Department from the Household Department and set up a new official office.

 My illness is not getting better, I feel like I won a lottery
(End of this chapter)

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