I'm sure of the prosperous age of Kangxi and Qianlong!

Chapter 458: Unification of the Han Dynasty

Chapter 458 Unification of Han Dynasty

There were many Han officials and generals under Yongzheng, and there were always a few smart people who were unwilling to be buried with the broken ship of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

As a result, after Nian Gengyao, three Han generals, Yue Zhongqi, Zhang Guangsi, and Zhang Wenhuan, were also raised.

Not only did he raise the flag, Yongzheng immediately issued an order to confer five princely titles on Yue Zhongqi, Zhang Guangsi, Zhang Wenhuan, Nian Gengyao, and Longkoduo in one go. All of them were hereditary and had the same title as the Iron Hat King.

This is following the example of the Three Feudatories in the early Qing Dynasty!
After all, among the five, Yue Zhongqi, Zhang Guangsi, Zhang Wenhuan, and Nian Gengyao all held military power. Even Longkodo was ordered by Yongzheng to take charge of the Northwest Right Army again after being crowned king.

The entire Northwest Eight Banners Army has been divided into four by Yongzheng. Yongzheng is in charge of the rear army, Zhang Wenhuan is in charge of the front army, and Nian Gengyao is in charge of the left army.

Although the number of troops and horses in each group was different, Nian Gengyao's military power was greatly weakened based on this distribution ratio alone.

However, although Nian Gengyao knew this, he did not dare to say anything.

This is conspiracy.

Yongzheng seemed to be drinking poison to quench his thirst, and indeed he was drinking poison to quench his thirst. He did not hesitate to imitate the example of the three vassals and confer the kingship on the Han people. This was almost a deliberate attempt to turn the Han generals into lords under his command.

But similarly, it will be difficult for Han generals such as Yue Zhongqi and Zhang Guangsi to turn back, because the Ming Dynasty will definitely not accept them as Manchu princes.

Even if you accept it, it will hardly end well. Today's Ming Dynasty does not even have a good ending for corrupt officials who surrender and offer the city.

In addition to the Han generals who conferred kingships and raised flags, Yongzheng also did not forget the soldiers at the bottom.

Regardless of the Eight Banners of Manchu and Han, they all generously rewarded them and promised that they would be allowed to run horses and enclosures when they arrived in Litang and capture slaves themselves.

Yongzheng planned to withdraw to Litang first. In the former Ming Dynasty, this was the Xuanfu Division of Litang in the Ming Dynasty. Later, it was the residence of Zhawudong Sima Qianhu. It was occupied by Gushi Khan in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, and now it has been recaptured by the Manchus. However, There was no time to set up the Xuanfu Division.

The governance model here has always been slavery in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, and it has been confused with the Snow Region for a long time. It was not really incorporated into Sichuan until the end of the Qing Dynasty.

The Qing army looted Chengdu, taking away all the food and property, and burning what could not be taken away. If not for lack of time, they even planned to burn the city, and even the farmland near Chengdu was deliberately destroyed and trampled.

When the Ming army heard the news and pursued them, they saw only a ghost-like Chengdu, full of people who had run out of food, and many were so hungry that they could not walk.

Zheng Dingrui was so disgusted by the Qing Dynasty's move that he had no choice but to order a suspension of the army and provide food to the people first.

It's not that he is kind enough, but if he doesn't help the people, either Chengdu will become a dead city, or those people who can still walk will rebel.

No matter what the outcome is, it is not acceptable to the Ming army.

Yongzheng led his army all the way across Qiongzhou (Qionglai), and plundered Qiongzhou again. This time he also looted many southwest horses, and coerced a large number of people to act as civilian husbands.

The Ming army had no time to pursue, and was busy with disaster relief in Chengdu.

Not only Chengdu, but also Qiongzhou, Yazhou (Ya'an) and other places. Now the people of Sichuan are all in the Ming Dynasty. Even before the Ming army has withdrawn from Chengdu, the remaining state capitals of Sichuan have changed their flags.

"Report! General, the Tatars have crossed the Dadu River. Do you want to continue the pursuit?"

"No, let them come back! Just leave a few sentries to keep an eye on them all the time." Zheng Dingrui took the letter and breathed a sigh of relief. "The top priority now is disaster relief. We will send a fast ship and let Huguang deliver another batch of grain and grass." come over."


After the soldiers left, Zheng Dingrui felt quite depressed: "What kind of battle is this damn girl?"

Although it seemed that the entire Sichuan was taken over without any effort, just like the situation in northern Xinjiang, it was essentially a bad land. The only better city, Chengdu, was so miserably plundered by the Tatars.

Fortunately, Sichuan's population is not large now, and the Qing army is in a hurry.

Otherwise, this Chengdu Mansion would have exploded long ago.

... Just as the entire territory of Sichuan was recaptured by the Ming army in a disgusting manner, the entire territory of Shaanxi-Gansu in the north was also just captured by Zhou Haizhong.

The people's livelihood in Shaanxi and Gansu prefectures had been in decline under the high-pressure rule of the Qing Dynasty, and there were deep grievances. If the Ming army continued to wait and see for a while, the whole of Shaanxi would be in chaos.

Now that the Ming army has arrived, it is reasonable and expected that these Shaanxi prefectures will surrender in anticipation of the wind.

As soon as Shaanxi surrendered, Li Yuanying, the inspector general of Lanzhou, Gansu Province, designed to trap and kill the chief envoy, and then opened the city to surrender.

Zhou Haizhong captured Lanzhou lightly and left the Lanzhou government alone for the time being. He then quickly divided his troops. One group stationed at Jiayuguan Pass to take over the border defense of Jiayuguan Pass, while the other group marched into Hezhou City (Linxia) to defend Junggar in the Western Regions and Luobuzangdanjin in Qinghai.

In this way, all the thirteen provinces in the former Ming and Han Dynasties, two capitals, and Han Dynasty have been recovered, and only some remote counties and towns have not been captured.

When the good news was delivered to Nanjing, Zhu Yijiong immediately summoned the cabinet ministers to discuss the matter.

Wang Li said: "Now that Shaanxi-Gansu, Sichuan, and Yunnan-Guizhou have been recovered, we should proceed step by step and slowly dispatch officials to replace those who were demoted by the pseudo-Qing Dynasty to prevent fear among local officials and gentry."

Zhu Chengxun said: "Jiayuguan and Hezhou must station heavy troops to prevent Junggar and Luobuzangdanjin from taking the opportunity to invade Gansu and Shaanxi."

Wu Sidao suggested: "Now that the Tatars have fled to the west of the Dadu River, we can ignore it for the time being. They have abandoned Sichuan and it will be difficult to fight back. Now there is a conflict between the Western Region and Qinghai, so let the Tatars go in, but First, disrupt the situation in the Western Region, Snow Region, and Qinghai. When the time is right and Sichuan's civil affairs are restored, we only need to send a single army to restore the Snow Region, Qinghai, and Western Region."

As soon as this statement came out, the other cabinet ministers nodded in agreement.

Zhu Yijiong also agreed. The main reason is that Sichuan can no longer send troops. The Tatars' methods are too clumsy. Even if they want to pursue them, they will not be able to produce excess food.

Fortunately, the Tatars have now fled to the west of the Dadu River. The vast area here has always been the territory of Tibetan aristocrats and Mongolian aristocrats, and even the system is still backward slavery.

There's nothing wrong with letting the Tatars in and stir things up a bit.

It just so happens that Junggar and Luobuzangdanjin can find another opponent. A three-party melee is always more entertaining than two tigers fighting against each other.

After further discussion with several cabinet ministers, Zhu Yijiong finally issued the imperial edict:
In the four provinces of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, and Shaanxi, the central court dispatched officials to replace the local officials in each state and county in turn. The guilty ones were then sent to Nanjing for trial, and the innocent ones were determined based on the circumstances.

The Chief Secretary of Gansu Province was directly abolished and merged into Shaanxi Province, together with Ningxia.This is only a temporary division, mainly to deal with the Western Regions, and the damage to Shaanxi and Gansu is also great, and it will take time to recover.

Similarly, Sichuan Province is too large and must be split up.

Zunyi Prefecture was separated from Sichuan and officially merged into Guizhou.

Zhenxiong Tufu was directly renamed Zhaotong Prefecture and merged into Yunnan, which means "those who are dark in the front are easy to make clear, and those who are deceived in the back are easy to make clear".

To put it bluntly, Wumeng is a place that is extremely ignorant and closed-minded, so in order to rule it better, it changed its name to Zhaotong Prefecture.

As for Chongqing, there is no need to separate it separately. It is still ancient times and there is no need.

The generals who participated in the recovery of Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou were rewarded according to their merits and deeds by the Cabinet and the Privy Council.

These generals will have to continue to be stationed in the southwest, Shaanxi and Gansu areas within a year or two, not only to guard against the Tatars and the Western Regions, but also to frighten the local areas, especially the chieftains.

The first priority of the officials sent by the Ming Dynasty to these places was not to do light corvee and low taxes and manage civil affairs, but to quickly establish reserve forces and implement new political and tax law reforms.

Don't worry about the chieftains for the time being. Let's complete the reform of the Han people first. After all the reforms are completed, the Han people's rural reserve force will be put on the agenda, and then we can take action against the chieftains.

As for these chieftains, although Zhu Yijiong did not intend to touch them for the time being, he also issued an imperial edict to transfer them from the original Xuanwei Division to Tuzhifu and Tuzhixian, but he did not interfere, just in name, even the slavery that these chieftains engaged in No one ordered reforms.

Now it is just a waste of time. The Ming Dynasty is waiting to establish the local administrative and military systems, and the chieftains... most of them think that the Ming Dynasty has compromised and just changed their names. As long as they don't move their power and land, that's fine.

Only a few chieftains felt worried, but they couldn't cause any trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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