Chapter 446 Recovering Annan
The Ming army marched north, and wherever they passed, the prefectures of Liren, Yingtian, Jianchang, and Kuaizhou almost fell into the wind.

The Zheng family and his son had become prisoners of the Ming army, and with the help of Emperor Li and the Crown Prince in persuading them to surrender, these Annan Prefectures had no reason to resist, and they did not dare to resist at all.

The same was true when Emperor Yongle conquered Annan, and it was even more exaggerated. Once the Shenglong Palace was defeated, even before Emperor Hu could catch it, the Annan Prefectures surrendered.

Xu Jin complained to Kang Zifei: "This little Annan Kingdom actually has Lao Shizi's Yingtian and Jianchang Mansion. I have to mention it to Your Majesty in the memorial later. We can't call Annan blindly named again."

Kang Zifei said: "It should be so. Your Majesty will regain Annan and reset the Chief Secretary of Jiaozhi as before. Not only the names of Jianchang and Yingtian must be changed, but the so-called Tokyo and Xijing must also be reported to Your Majesty to change them."

"Mr. Kang said that." Xu Jin nodded.

While the two were talking, the army moved north along the Red River. The army's food, baggage, and artillery were all transported by ships. The infantry and cavalry all traveled by land, and soon arrived at Thang Long City.

Xu Jin said: "Come here, let the fake Emperor Li go over and shout to persuade him to surrender."

Immediately some soldiers went to the rear and brought Annan Li Yuzong forward.

The leader of the Annan Kingdom was cooperative along the way. After all, he had been a puppet leader for decades, and any ambitions he had should have been tempered.

In particular, the former leader of the Annan Kingdom was poisoned by the Zheng family, and the current leader still vividly remembers it.

For him, it was a good thing that the Chinese emperor wanted to take Annan.

The frightened leader of the Laoshizi Kingdom could be whoever he wanted to be. Now he only hoped that the Chinese Emperor would take over Annan quickly, and then make him an An Le Gong so that he could enjoy his old age in peace.

"Open the door, everyone. I am the Lord of Annan. The people outside are all Chinese heavenly soldiers. Open the door quickly to welcome me!" Li Yuzong, protected by the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, stepped forward and shouted loudly.

For a moment, all the Annan soldiers on the wall of Shenglong Mansion hesitated.

On the other hand, the general who defended the city was quite tough and said to the hesitant soldiers: "The king below is fake. Even if it is real, he abandoned Annan and defected to China. What use is there for such a traitorous king who seeks glory? You have supported the new king’s ascension to the throne. If you don’t want to be liquidated, then cooperate with me to defend the city. Shoot the arrow! Shoot the arrow immediately!”

These words reminded these people that they all followed the new king. If the old king was brought in again, no matter who became the king in the end, they would probably be liquidated.


A sparse rain of arrows fell.

Although they deliberately avoided Li Yuzong at the foot of the city, they still shocked him.

Under the protection of the Ming army, they quickly retreated to the military formation.

As soon as Li Yuzong returned to the Ming army's formation, he angrily said to Xu Jin: "General of the Celestial Dynasty, this city is full of rebellious officials and traitors, please capture this city immediately!"

Xu Jin suddenly looked strange. Why does the leader of Annan look so like the same person?

"Send the order and prepare to attack the city!" Xu Jin gave the order lightly.

The wolf soldiers in the front row quickly took over the plate armor from the friendly troops in the rear row, and the artillery battalion immediately pushed the artillery forward, and quickly reached the scheduled gun position.

The battalion officer measured the range in front, while the gunner quickly adjusted the elevation of the gun position and loaded the shells and gunpowder.


"Light it up, fire it up!"

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a loud rumble, and after one round of test guns, a full third of them misfired.

The climate in this poor place in Annan is so disgusting, especially as the rainy season is approaching and the air becomes increasingly humid.

Even though the Ming army had specially maintained them, one-third of the artillery was seriously affected by moisture and could not fire.

However, the impact was not significant, because only during this round of test cannons, a full six shells hit the city wall of Shenglong City, causing the entire city wall to shake violently.

"The Han soldiers have fired! Run!" I don't know who shouted, and the Annan soldiers on the city wall instantly fell into chaos.

The encouraging words of the Annan guard were useless. Most of these Annan soldiers were young and strong rural warriors from the city. In other words, they were the middle class of Annan. They had not fought in a war for at least several decades.

Maybe you could muster up the courage before the war started, but now that you see the Ming army taking action, who dares to fight?
Even if Zheng Fan comes back with thousands of people killed, these people may not be able to defend Shenglong City.

"Come back here! Don't run away!" The Annan guard was also a showman. Seeing the chaos among the soldiers, he was also panicked and didn't know what to do.

Outside the city, the Ming army did not fire a second shot.

Xu Jin just drew his sword and shouted: "The whole army attacks!"

The wolf soldiers in the front row didn't even wear their armor, so they just started charging.

In less than half an hour, Shenglong City was destroyed.

The Annan guard who had been very tough before was nowhere to be found. He must have run away, but he couldn't run far because the city gates were blocked by the Ming army and he couldn't leave.

When the Ming army led Li Yuzong and the prince into the city, there was no need to maintain order. On both sides of the street, Annan gentry and people were eating pots of pulp and welcoming the king.

The newly established lord of Annan, Li Weiyi, the deposed emperor in the history of the Later Li Dynasty, also took the initiative to come out and ask for surrender.

Li Yuzong stepped forward and kicked him over hard: "You are an unfilial son, you even want to kill your father and brother!"

Li Weiyi hugged his head and huddled on the ground and shouted miserably: "Father, stop fighting, the child has realized his mistake!"

"You still know that you are wrong, so I'm going to punish you for being an unfilial son!"


Xu Jin, who was watching the excitement from the side, did not think it was a big deal. Not only did he not let the soldiers start a fight, he also clapped and shouted twice. It was not until Kang Zifei couldn't stand it anymore that he stepped forward to mediate the fight.

It was said that they were trying to mediate the fight, but in fact they just asked the soldiers to pull the two sides apart, and Li Weiyi was kidnapped. Li Yuzong and Prince Li were treated slightly more favorably and were just put under house arrest.

Then he sent troops to the prefectures and counties of Annan to preach and persuade them to surrender, and also reported the victory to the imperial court and requested an order.

The rainy season is coming soon, with not only typhoons but also continuous heavy rains. This battle cannot be continued and can only be temporarily suspended.

When Annan's victory memorial arrived in Nanjing, Zhu Yijiong immediately summoned his cabinet ministers to discuss the matter.

Wang Li took the lead in expressing his position: "Now that Annan has been conquered, we should, like Emperor Taizong in the past, set up the Chief Secretary of Cochin and send the Chief Envoy of Cochin to govern Annan. The former owner of Annan can be granted the title of Duke Anle and move to Nanjing to take care of himself."

This has been discussed a long time ago. The emperor clearly wants to annex Annan, and the cabinet has no other choice but to cooperate and find out the basis.

Fortunately, the Annan Kingdom had already been annexed by Emperor Taizong back then, and the chapter in the Constitution specifically deleted Annan as a country without conquests in the "Ancestor Instructions of the Emperor Ming". There was also an excuse and it did not violate the ancestral precepts.

Wang Yuan said: "I second the proposal that the Chief Secretary of Cochin should be reinstated. However, the puppet leader of Annan has arrogated the title of emperor, which is a great treason. If the leader of Annan becomes the emperor, how should the emperor of China deal with himself? He should be held accountable for the crime of arrogance. "

This is a further supplement. Direct annexation is still a bit ugly, but if we investigate his behavior of arrogating the emperor, it will be justified.

The title of emperor is not something that can be held by just anyone or any country.

Annan, as a vassal state of China, could not claim to be emperor.

This principle is not wrong even in Europe. All the emperors and legal systems in Europe today actually originated from the original Roman Empire.

Anyone who has not inherited the legal system of the Roman Empire cannot call himself emperor. For example, a tsar can only call himself a tsar (Caesar) if he marries the last Roman princess and claims to inherit the legal system of the Roman Empire.

The later German Empire also came from the Roman Empire, only Napoleon and the British were different. Napoleon claimed to be the emperor of the French, not the emperor of France. He represented the will of the people.

As for Britain, this guy is more explosive. They stole the emperor's throne from Indians.

(End of this chapter)

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