I'm sure of the prosperous age of Kangxi and Qianlong!

Chapter 443 Give Annan the igniter shock

Chapter 443 Give Annan the igniter shock

Although the Manchu Qing Dynasty in Yunnan was considered the suzerainty of the Zheng family, things and people had already changed.

But Zheng Fan couldn't care so much anymore. Hengshan was defeated so miserably that his army was almost completely lost.The Gaoping garrison was completely removed by Zheng Fan, and the Zheng family's private army in Beihe State was also urgently transferred back to Shenglong Mansion by Zheng Fan.

If it weren't for Zheng Fan's outrageous operation, a nationwide army would attack Guangnan.Even if the Ming army wanted to cross the sea and launch a surprise attack, they could not successfully capture the towns of Thanh Hoa and Ngai An.

To the north, the commander of the town of Qinghua still wanted to gather troops to resist, but the Ming army only bombarded the Qinghua defenders until they collapsed.Seeing this, the originally tough Qinghua Zhendusi surrendered without even thinking, even faster than the other colleagues who were urging surrender.

As soon as Thanh Hoa and Ngai An were defeated, the Yingdu Mansion along the Lan River immediately fell into the wind.

Then, there are Yanzhou, Qionglu, and Tinh Gia sandwiched between the two towns, and then to Xijing (Western Capital) City along the Zhu River, a tributary of Majiang River in the river north of Thanh Hoa.

These cities either lacked troops or had no regular troops stationed at all.Those local officials had no troops to use, and seeing that Thanh Hoa and Nie An were gone, they were able to surrender without any pressure.

The Ming army quickly took over these cities, but only emptied the treasury of money and food, recruited local serfs, and promised them their freedom as long as they helped the Han soldiers defend the city, and then hurriedly marched north.

When the Thanh Hoa and Ngai An Ming armies joined forces and almost reached Shannan Town, Zheng Fan finally completed the gathering of troops in Thang Long Mansion.

From Shannan Town to Shenglong Mansion, the straight-line distance is less than 200 miles, and there is Yingtian Mansion (name...) in the middle.

Zheng Fan did not hold on to Shenglongfu, but led his army southward along the tributary of the Red River to Xianxingfu.

This place is only 50 miles away from Shannan Town, and it is blocked by the tributary of the Red River. If the Ming army wants to reach Thang Long City as quickly as possible, it must pass through Xianxing.

Zheng Gang suggested at this time: "Father, the rainy season will be here in another month. Even if there is no rain, there will be a typhoon. The Han soldiers cannot stand the hot and humid weather in Annan. As long as we guard the Lord Xianxing and fight against the Han soldiers, Last month, the Han soldiers will definitely get sick by then."

"Yes." Zheng Fan said with approval: "My son has grown up and knows to think more before fighting. You are right. These Han soldiers are all serious soldiers, and our army is mostly young and strong, so it is better to fight head-on. We can't beat them. But we don't have enough food, so we have to go to the countryside to collect more food. You can lead another army and go to Taiping Mansion to defend Taiping Mansion and surround the Han troops."

Annan's territory is long and narrow, so the climate types are extremely varied and complex.

For example, the Red River Plain, where the Ming army and the Zheng family faced each other, has a hot and humid climate all year round. Han soldiers from the north are prone to acclimatization and illness when they come here.When Judy sent troops to attack Annan, she was tortured by the climate here.

This is pretty good, but if it were in Guangnan, it would still rain every day.

Moreover, thanks to the Ming army who defeated Thanh Hoa and Nie An first, this place is too close to Guangnan. Even if there is no typhoon, it doesn't rain much, and there will be foehn winds in the summer - you can tell just by the name. There are many animals in the world. Foehn wind belongs to the high-temperature climate unique to mountainous areas. The higher the altitude of the mountain, the higher the temperature of the wind, such as Chongqing.

In short, the longer the delay, the more difficult it will be for the Ming army to fight.

While Zheng Fan sent troops to the countryside to search for food and grass, he asked his son Zheng Gang to personally lead an army of ten thousand people to move to Taiping Mansion.

It would be impossible not to send his son. Most of these troops are young men recruited temporarily, and their combat effectiveness is not to mention. If there is no suitable general to guard them, they cannot suppress the fear in the hearts of the soldiers.

Zheng Fan prepared to divide his troops to defend and use Annan's climate to wear down the Ming army.

The Ming army once again took Shannan Town without any effort, just one round of artillery bombardment.

Compared with Zheng and his son, the Ming army was not short of food at all. The money and food stored in the treasuries of Thanh Hoa and Ngai An alone were enough for the Ming army to consume food for this expedition.

"What's the enemy situation ahead?" Xu Jin, who had just entered Shannan Town, asked the returning Tan Ma.

Tan Ma replied: "All those Annan soldiers have retreated into the city, and there is also a fleet going south. I don't know where they went." Kang Zifei pointed to the map of Annan and said: "They should have gone here. This is Taiping Mansion, and it is also along the Red River. Hezhong Town, they are planning to use Xianxing and Taiping Prefectures to trap us here."

Xu Jin sneered: "Stuck to death? This Zheng family of the Annan Puppet Li Dynasty really dares to think about when our city-breaking cannon will arrive?"

The deputy general quickly replied: "The city-breaking cannon is transported by sea ship and will be delivered in another day."

Xu Jin nodded: "Very good. The day after tomorrow, let these Annan people take a good look at what real firearms are. Today is not the Ming Dynasty 300 years ago."

The deputy general laughed and said: "Even the previous pseudo-Qing Dynasty did not have such firearms."

The Ming army didn't care at all about the little plans of Zheng Fan and his son. This was the confidence brought by absolute crushing in terms of strength.

In fact, the reason why Qinghua Town in front was bombarded with one shot and the defenders collapsed was precisely because the Ming army used explosive bombs.Directly firing at close range and projecting at an elevated angle, the Qinghua defenders were stunned.

The Han soldiers actually had exploding artillery, so they all shouted "The Han soldiers have magic skills" and broke up and fled. The Qinghua Dusi saw that the Han soldiers' firearms were so sharp, and suddenly lost all thought.

Originally, the Thanh Hoa Dusi defended Thanh Hoa just to protect the gentry and local tyrants in Thanh Hoa City from being massacred by Han soldiers, not to be loyal to the Zheng family.

Zheng Fan and his son are waiting now. While they are on guard, they are waiting for rain and typhoon to drive away the Han soldiers.

The Ming army was also waiting, waiting for the city-breaking cannon to be delivered by sea ship one day later, and then giving it to the Annan people.

Not surprisingly, Zheng Fan and his son could not wait for the Ming army.

Going north, the Ming and Zheng armies faced each other in Shannan Town.

Thang Long Fucheng, the capital of the Trinh Dynasty.

A big event is brewing at this moment. Although Li Yuzong and Prince Li Weihu were taken away by Zheng Fan in advance, Li Yuzong had more than just such a son.

And if it was really a big deal, even if Li Yuzong and all his sons were taken away, the other clan members would still be able to use them reluctantly.

By the way, it is not known whether the current ancestor of Li Yu Zong is the descendant of Li Taizu Li Li.

Because the Li Dynasty fell at that time, the ancestors of the Nguyen and Zheng families took their remnants and hid in the northern mountains. Then by coincidence, they found a clan surnamed Li and became the king of the country.

After working hard for decades, he finally seized the opportunity to defeat the Mo family and restore the country to the dragon.

It just so happened that the Ming army had another reason to conquer Annan. Although Li Li arrogantly proclaimed himself emperor, he finally started to be canonized by the Ming Dynasty.

But who is this post-Li Dynasty guy now? He is a guy with impure blood. Who knows if he is a descendant of the Li Dynasty.

A mere grassroots man from Annam not only pretended to be the emperor, but also pretended to be a descendant of the Le Dynasty. This was an unforgivable crime.

However, I, the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, was merciful and spared my life. I only took back Annan Kingdom Zuo and abolished the country and established provinces.

(End of this chapter)

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