Chapter 426 Liaodong Town

Although Liaoning Province has not been established for the time being, the administrative divisions have been basically determined, including the area surrounded by the Liaodong Great Wall in the Ming Dynasty and part of the southern part of the Monan Grassland.

Looking only at the territorial boundaries, the administrative divisions of Liaoning Province delineated by the cabinet basically coincided with the later Liaoning Province, except that a large area to the east of Hetuala was missing.

This is not a coincidence, but a purely military strategic consideration.

Wang Li pointed to the map of Liaoning that the cabinet had repeatedly considered and finalized, and said: "On the edge of the Great Wall in western Liaoning and in the southern part of the Monan Grassland, I have checked the documents and asked the merchants who travel to and from the grassland. The land here can be cultivated. So. Even the Mongols here mostly work part-farming and part-grazing. The Great Wall in Western Liaoning is too long and narrow. To ensure the Western Liaoning Corridor, the boundaries of Liaoning Province should be expanded beyond the Great Wall. Don’t worry about the Mongols from various tribes in southern Mongolia. The Tatars have already A city has been built here and immigrants have been settled here. Now we just need to recruit local Han people again, gather the Mongolian tribes there, disperse them, and wait until next year to move some people there from Liaodong."

The intention of the cabinet is to re-establish the city and immigrate here according to the previous rhythm of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and to establish prefectures and counties directly in one step.

In another time and space, the Manchu and Qing encroachments on the Monan grassland were almost successful by the end of the Qing Dynasty. The Chahar tribe almost completely disappeared, and the nomadic system of the Monan grassland basically collapsed.

Moreover, this kind of city-building and immigration, which gradually encroached on the grassland territory, was not a patent of the Manchus. As early as the early Ming Dynasty, these places were actually Han people's land.

Although the Ming Dynasty's guard system was criticized by later generations, at least in the early Ming Dynasty, it was indeed guarding the borders and opening up frontiers for the imperial court.The one who really messed up was Xiao Zhu Di, because he was unable to seize the throne, which caused the complete bankruptcy of Lao Zhu's policy of guarding the border and opening up the frontier.The vast land outside the Liaodong Great Wall that could be cultivated and used as a buffer for the Great Wall was forced to be abandoned, and then as time went by, Monan Mongolia continued to move south to occupy and control these lands.

Zhu Yijiong now wants to re-build the city and immigrate here. The local Mongolian tribes who are half-cultivating and half-grazing do not need to kill all the local Mongolian tribes, but they must mix with the Han people, give them Chinese names, learn Chinese characters, and culturally let the Mongolians here gradually disappear.

Not only the Monan Grassland, but the Manchus in the Liaodong region can also do this. Massacre is impossible. The most they can do is send the upper-class Eight Banners nobles to see the King of Hell, but the lower-class Manchus and those Saurons should still be miserable. .

As long as they are completely Chineseized culturally, these lands will naturally be digested into Han lands.

Wu Sidao also stepped forward and said: "Although the Ming Dynasty does not have Liaoning Province for the time being, it can establish Liaodong Town to transfer these Monan grassland areas to Liaodong as soon as possible, and send state and county officials to govern it. The Monan tribes have just surrendered to the imperial court. They dare not resist, as long as these lands are in the hands of the imperial court and governed for a year or two, the Monan tribes will no longer pose a threat to the Ming Dynasty."

This is actually a strategic containment. As long as the rule of Liaodong is stable, they can send troops to Monan Mongolia at any time.

In later generations, the administrative divisions of Inner Mongolia included the Hulunbuir Grassland compared to Inner Zhasak Mongolia during the Manchu and Qing Dynasties. This was also for the purpose of strategic containment.

With the Hulunbuir Grassland in hand, it can contain Liaodong to the east and resist the Mobei Grassland to the west.

Zhu Yijiong nodded: "Yes. The establishment of Liaodong Town will be left to the cabinet with full power. It is important to restore the civil affairs of Liaodong as soon as possible."

Nowadays, Monan Mongolia is still fighting in groups and grabbing territory, and it is still in the honeymoon period with the Ming Dynasty. It is just right to establish prefectures and counties in those areas.

The Haraqin and Tumut tribes that were forcibly included have moved north, and other Mongolian tribes dare not have any objections.Moreover, compared to the high-pressure policies of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty did not interfere in the internal affairs of these tribes and allowed them to engage in civil war and annexation.

It's just a matter of setting up a capital and letting them free Han slaves. What's there to be dissatisfied about?

You must know that the Qing Dynasty's alliance and flag system was so brutal that it not only fragmented the Mongolian grassland, but also divided it into Inner Mongolia and Outer Mongolia, and the Outer Mongolia was divided into Inner Zasak and Outer Zasak.

The Chahar tribe was originally an outer vassal of Mongolia. Since joining the Three Feuds, it has been reduced to Inner Mongolia. That is to say, the leader cannot be hereditary and is completely controlled by the Manchu and Qing court.

No matter what approach is taken, it will completely destroy the fixed pattern of the Mongolian grassland and will naturally arouse the resentment of the Mongolian people.If the Manchu and Qing soldiers can always be stronger than the grassland, then everything will be fine.Once there is a decline, they will immediately rebel. This is how Outer Mongolia was lost.

Time came to October.

The imperial court determined the administrative divisions of Liaodong Town and Liaoning Province, and sent the imperial edict of rewards and appointments to the north and Liaodong regions.

The leader of Liaodong Town has been designated as Zhenghou Yu Kecheng, and Yang Gong, the Duke of Ding, led his troops to Beijing to coordinate the affairs. However, Taiyuan Marquis Fu Yunsheng is still based in Taiyuan, cooperating with the Shanxi government to settle down the people.

The new governor of Shanxi set out with the imperial edict, and he could reach it quickly by taking the Grand Canal waterway. He was also accompanied by the prefect of Shenyang and many county magistrates appointed to Liaodong.

They are all from the south, and they are all young people. For these newly occupied lands, the population is less than 50. It is more than enough to establish a prefect as the chief official, and there is no need to worry about the differences between the north and the south.

Because it is too desolate, it is impossible to form cliques before it is properly managed. Once it is properly managed, we can promote people and appoint a new northern official.

Although the Tatars retreated to Hetuala, the Ming army quickly sent troops to capture the Fushun Pass and relied on the Great Wall to confront the Tatars.

Because the officers and soldiers of the Ming Army have been doing this for a long time, the people in Liaodong have settled down to divide the fields very smoothly. Most of them have settled down to divide the fields, and now they are organizing people to rush to plant winter wheat.

The Tatars took away all the grain and livestock, and burned whatever they could not take away, so at this stage they can only transport it from the south and North Korea first.The settled population in Liaodong is less than 50, which is about the same as in Taiwan, so the pressure on food supply is not too great.

The Mongolian tribes outside the Great Wall can do half farming and half herding, so there is no problem if they are just self-sufficient.

As long as we can wait until the spring of next year and harvest a batch of winter wheat, the food shortage in Liaodong will be greatly alleviated, and we can start to immigrate to Liaodong by then.

Without too many immigrants, tens of thousands of Han people migrate to Liaodong every year. Coupled with the gathering of Mongolian tribes, the population of Liaodong will exceed one million in a few years, and then it can be officially established as a province.

When Liaoning is established as a province, Pyongyang, Phidao, and Tamna will also be officially included in the administrative divisions of Liaoning Province.

Pyongyang, North Korea, had been classified as Pyongyang Prefecture by the Ming Dynasty, and the prefect of Pyongyang came by boat from Nanjing early.

Regarding the arrival of the Ming Dynasty magistrate, the people and gentry of Pyongyang not only did not feel fear, but all welcomed him warmly.Those common people farmed land for the Ming Dynasty and had lower taxes than farming land in North Korea, while the rest of the gentry had all decided to completely defect to the Ming Dynasty.

The Ming army captured Liaodong and controlled the Great Wall border pass.Then the transfer station on Pidao can also be officially established, and the Liaodong Ming Army has crossed the Yalu River and came to Yizhou to build a new city, and used work as relief to reunite the Korean people.

Since Pyongyang was occupied by the Ming army and North Korea did not respond, with Pyongyang as the boundary, the vast land to the north no longer belongs to North Korea.

Anyway, North Korea itself is not worried about it, and has no intention of developing this vast land at all.

(End of this chapter)

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