I'm sure of the prosperous age of Kangxi and Qianlong!

Chapter 396 Craftsmen become marquises

Chapter 396 Craftsmen become marquises
James Watt, the Scotsman and British inventor of the Watt steam engine, would have been born in another 10 years.

It would take another 40 years for him to complete the prototype of the Watt steam engine. Rounding it off, it would be 50 years before Europe would undergo steam engine technological innovation.

Moreover, the steam engines at this time were still running towards the mine water pumps. Watt just felt that the original water pumps were too inefficient and improved them to increase their efficiency.

The Watt steam engine of the No. [-] engine was still the original traditional linear reciprocating type. Rather than being used as a water pump in a mine, it is better to say that it could only be used as a water pump.

It wasn't until Watt made money that he wanted to continue to promote the new steam engine and sell it to spinning factories, not just mines, that the real Union steam engine came out.

It can be said that from water pumps in mines to steam engines that drove the industrial revolution, Europe has almost taken a detour for hundreds of years. This is purely due to commercial needs and vision.

Even Watt, to put it bluntly, made money. He was greedy and wanted to continue to improve the steam engine. As a result, he had disagreements with his partners over business interests.

Under such compulsion, he took one step to complete the joint steam engine.

Because the partner wanted his separate condenser patent in exchange for his own crank motion patent.


The Ming Dynasty's first steam warship sailed slowly on the river amidst loud rumblings and billowing smoke.

Zhu Yijiong glanced at Tang Tongjiang and the others who were busy directing from front to back on the river bank. In addition to the Ming navy, there were also many people sent by the Ming Academy of Sciences.He sighed with emotion: "This Huang Wu... is really a talent!"

No, I can’t say talent, he is simply a genius!
Although Zhu Yijiong described the No. [-] Watt steam engine and drew a drawing for it, in fact the drawings were not only vague, but many structures were not clearly drawn, let alone explained.

For example, the airtightness of the steam engine... Then, Huang Wu actually solved it by himself, and also thought of an alternative method that did not use rubber, and in terms of durability, it was even better than rubber.

Because rubber ages at high temperatures, the higher the temperature, the faster the rubber ages.

Moreover, not to mention air tightness, the steam engine must be changed from linear reciprocating motion to circular motion so that it can provide power for industry.

Watt's initial approach was to use his partner's patent and add a crank-connecting rod transmission, but he failed to reach agreement.

It was not until Watt's employee William Murdoch invented the planetary transmission gear that this method was bypassed and the improvement of the steam engine was completed.

As for the two-way cylinder, transmission, safety valve, pressure gauge, etc. at the back, they are actually all details.With the planetary transmission gear, the rest is just the icing on the cake, and it can be done in a time-consuming manner.

Of course Huang Wu couldn't assemble the planetary transmission gear, it wasn't because he wasn't talented enough.But the Ming Dynasty's steel smelting process was not good enough to produce such high-precision industrial gears.

However, the planetary transmission gear cannot be made out, but the second and third gears can still be made out.

Zhu Yijiong was shocked when he saw the steam engine improvement drawings submitted by Huang Wu excitedly a few days ago, as well as the gear structure mentioned in it.

Can you actually play with gears in this era?
Moreover, Huang Wu not only rubbed the gears, he even drew the drawings of the worm gear structure.

Zhu Yijiong just took a look at Huang Wuhua's drawings. First he thought they were awesome, and then they looked familiar.It's not that he has seen it in his previous life, but it feels like it's not something that should exist in this era at all.

He didn't ask Huang Wu what he thought, because asking would be in vain.

"Ah? Gears? To change the direction of the cylinder's force, you must use gears! Is it difficult?" Indeed, it is not difficult. Gears are also used in Europe.

But whether it’s the time or the gear design, it’s wrong no matter how you look at it! ?

There is also a worm gear. Even though I have never seen it before, the structure in the drawings looks very high-end.Moreover, Huang Wu was afraid that the emperor would not understand, so he explained it specifically.

Then... it's more high-end.


There was a loud explosion, and the steamboat sailing slowly on the river gradually stopped.

Several large chimneys on the ship were still spitting out black smoke, but the continuous loud noise that originally represented the operation of the steam engine suddenly stopped.The monarchs and ministers on the shore were all shocked. If the order had not been given in advance, Zhang Ashan, the commander of the imperial camp, would have shouted "Escort!"

Zhu Yijiong frowned: "What's going on? Get someone to go have a look immediately."

After a while, someone came back to report back. Upon closer inspection, it was Huang Wu who came in person.He just looked disgraced and embarrassed: "Your Majesty, Huang Wu, pays homage to you!"

"Excuse me!" Zhu Yijiong then asked: "Huang Qing, what happened just now? Why was there a sudden loud noise on the ship? The steam engine also stopped suddenly. Is there something wrong somewhere else?"

It is normal for steam engines to have problems. After all, it is only a few years ago, and Huang Wu was able to build a joint steam engine that was extremely close to a finished product within two years.

To say that it was not surprising, only Zhu Yijiong would be surprised.

Moreover, this latest model of steam engine is limited by China's current technological level, and many of its structures are made from substitute products.

Compared with the second and third stage gears, planetary transmission gears are definitely more efficient.

It seems that we can no longer just focus on high-end technologies such as steam engines, but also the basic steel smelting process, which also needs to be innovated.

Otherwise, we will only encounter more and more problems in the future.

Huang Wu was a little embarrassed when he heard this, and said with cupped hands: "To report back to Your Majesty, there is no problem with the steam engine. This accident is just that I miscalculated the speed at which the steam engine consumes fuel, so..."

Zhu Yijiong said: "So we just ran out of fuel?"

Huang Wu said: "That's not entirely true. Although the fuel is gone, the steam engine does have some problems. But they are just minor problems. After all, this is the first time for a steam engine to be converted into a warship, so we failed to think of many problems. I have already sent people to investigate, we just need to make some improvements."

Zhu Yijiong was silent for a moment, then smiled and said: "Huang Qing, don't be like this, the steam engine is not something that can be achieved overnight, and don't panic, continue to improve, I can still afford to wait for this time. As long as the steam engine can be successfully improved, I, Xu Qing A hereditary position!"

Hereditary title!

This reward is not low. You must know that the highest title in the Ming Dynasty is marquis, and Huang Dian's auxiliary Duke has been reduced.

Now added together, the entire Daming Marquis can only be counted in two hands, and most of them are military marquises. Only a few are civil servants, and all of them are cabinet ministers.

Huang Wu is no longer the stupid young man he was back then. He only knows how to tinker with guns.In my heart, I was so excited that I knelt down before the chariot and said, "I thank your Majesty for your grace!"

When the accompanying courtiers saw this, they all looked at each other in awe.

The previous craftsman Feng Bo had actually attracted a lot of criticism, but Huang Wuben had a lot of credit for his achievements at that time. The explosive bullets and flintlock guns that he made are still in the Ming army.

It's just a count, not a hereditary count, so it's not too difficult to accept.

But now, His Majesty has actually granted him the title of Marquis, and it is still a hereditary Marquis.

The hereditary marquis is the highest title in the Ming Dynasty at this stage. Just give it to a craftsman?

Although the Ming Dynasty has abolished the status of untouchables, craftsmen are no different from ordinary people, but the ministers here still find it difficult to accept it.

However, everyone remained silent, both because they were frightened by the authority of the founding emperor and because they were waiting for a few cabinet ministers to come forward.

However, after waiting for a long time, several cabinet ministers remained silent.

Wang Li glanced at the anxious-looking officials accompanying him, including many senior officials from Youbu Hall, and couldn't help but shake his head secretly.

These people are still too young. His Majesty is obviously interested in steam engines this time, but in fact he is trying to clear the name of the craftsmen!
Craftsmen were granted the title of marquis, at least in ancient times.

(End of this chapter)

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