Chapter 383
Before Sun Jiagan left Beijing, he was granted a month's leave by the emperor to reunite with his family.From now on, I'm afraid I won't even have the chance to return to Nanjing, and I will have to travel around Henan and Shandong provinces all year round.

Zhu Yijiong discussed with the cabinet and formally issued an imperial edict:

Sun Jiagan was promoted to the governor of Hedao, and was added to the right capital of Yushi Street, with a rank of first rank and the same position as minister.In charge of Huang Zhun's important task of regulating the river, local officials were not allowed to block it without the central government's order.

This decree is an insurance measure, because according to Sun Jiagan's river management method, it will definitely have an impact on the people's livelihood and economy in the north, and those local officials who are eager to make political achievements in the north will definitely be dissatisfied.

Zhu Yijiong not only gave power and appointments, but also promised Sun Jiagan when he left Beijing: "As long as Sun Qing can manage the Yellow River well, I will allow you to control the Longtuge. Even if Sun Qing dies in the task of managing the Yellow River and Huaihe floods, I will also Sun Qing, please feel free to go with your posthumous title!"

Sun Jiagan was very moved. He knelt down and shouted, "I thank you, Lord, for your kindness!"

When the ministers accompanying the emperor saw this, they felt both envy and regret.Because Sun Jiagan doesn't have to worry about anything else, he only has to worry about managing the river.

It's just that the Huanghuai River has been flooding for hundreds of years, but it can't be easily cured.This person will probably have to work hard on the river for the rest of his life, and may even die on the river.

Zhu Yijiong sent Sun Jiagan away and arranged several accompanying deputies for him.Not only to assist in the work, but also to learn water control from him.

There is no other meaning. River management does not happen overnight. Ten to 20 years can be considered as if everything goes well.If we run into trouble, it may take even longer.

If Sun Jiagan dies in the middle of the day due to busy work, these deputies can quickly take over his shift.

It seems that he is actually wiping the butts of Manqing and Qianming, and it's not enough if he doesn't wipe them.

Just in the Ming and Manchu dynasties, the continuous construction of dams to protect water transportation has already accumulated the Huanghuai River bed to an astonishing height.

If this rate continues, within a few decades, once there is some heavy rainfall, the Yellow River will burst, and it is very likely that it will even change its course.


The regulations for regulating the Yellow River had just been finalized, and Sun Jiagan had already left Beijing a month ago.


"Wow wow~ wow wow~~"

Accompanied by the cries of newborn babies, Emperor Zhu Yijiong of the Ming Dynasty became a father again.

Similarly, the second prince of the Ming Dynasty was finally born.

The second prince is of mixed Han and Yao descent, and his mother is Zhu Yijiong's third sister, the Yao concubine.

Ever since Zhu Yijiong took Fang Sanmei to the north and went on a personal expedition, the secret knot had already begun.Now, after ten months of pregnancy, he and Daming finally gave birth to a prince.

She looked at her son who was tired from crying and began to sleep soundly in her arms.The eyes of that fair and soft little face have not yet been fully opened.Zhu Yijiong couldn't help but smile: "My good son! You are finally born."

It was indeed finally born, after all this concubine formed an alliance on behalf of Han Yao.

The birth of a prince now not only means that the Ming Dynasty has a second prince, but also means that the Han-Yao alliance is more stable.

Unknowingly, Zhu Yijiong could no longer go back to the past. Even when his son was born, he had to think about politics.

But this is not surprising. As an emperor, his harem has always been a political appendage, and even his children must be labeled as political.

The civil and military officials of the entire court almost moved upon hearing the news. Although it was just a concubine giving birth, the identity of this concubine was too special.

The civil and military officials first congratulated the emperor under the leadership of the cabinet, and then advised the emperor to appoint a prince as soon as possible. The memorial was presented to the emperor's imperial case like winter snowflakes.

Because the second prince has been born, it is time to establish the crown prince and stabilize the country. At the same time, it is also time to establish the distinction between heirs and concubines as soon as possible.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty could ask the emperor to accept a Yao concubine for political purposes, but they would never allow the child of this Yao concubine to succeed the emperor.This is not discrimination, but purely political considerations.

Zhu Yijiong thought carefully and then wrote and replied: "Yes. Lin Jingyu, the Minister of Rites, has full authority to arrange the inscription ceremony."

The prince is the crown prince of the country, and the ceremony of canonizing the prince must be organized by the Ministry of Rites.Not only must it be organized, but it must also be announced to the world and make the ceremony beautiful.

The people of the world really need such a prince to further stabilize their hearts.

Good things come in pairs, Li Bexun, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, reported that the Forbidden City in Nanjing was finally rebuilt.

It took more than a year, and it couldn't have been so fast.The main reason is that after the opening of the sea, the Ministry of Revenue has more money on hand.

Moreover, the Forbidden City in Nanjing was not completely destroyed at this time. The foundation and most of the city walls were still there, and only the messy parts of the city outside needed to be demolished.

The materials such as dragon pillars and glazed tiles used by Kangxi to build temples can be dismantled and used again. These things are very strong.

The Ming Dynasty did not establish Qintian Prison, so it was still implemented by the Ministry of Rites.First, an auspicious day will be determined, and then the Ministry of Rites will arrange the ceremony. Then the emperor and his family can officially move to the Forbidden City.

Before Zhu Yijiong moved to the Forbidden City, the Ministry of Rites had to arrange manpower to move to the palace in advance to sweep.

Moreover, if the emperor wants to move to the Forbidden City, the accompanying maids will naturally not be able to maintain their original size.Otherwise, there will definitely be a shortage of manpower, and we will have to continue to recruit palace maids, especially healthy women who can work.

Of course, the money for recruiting people comes from the Ministry of Revenue, including the emperor's stay in the Forbidden City and the ceremony for canonizing the prince. These are also paid for by the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Zhu Yijiong only drafted a decree: "Send it to the cabinet for approval."


When Wang Li saw the emperor's edict requesting the Ministry of Revenue to allocate funds, he had no reaction and decisively signed his name, followed by the other three cabinet ministers in turn.

After all four people signed, Wang Li finally signed the emperor's decree.

As early as the beginning of the establishment of the system, Zhu Yijiong divided the financial powers of the two sides in advance in order to prevent future chaos in the national treasury and internal funds.

Later, Nanjing proclaimed itself emperor, formally improved its organizational structure, and further subdivided the salt, iron, maritime trade and other tax revenues controlled by the imperial court.

Every year, a portion of the imperial court's central fiscal revenue, excluding fiscal revenue from overseas territories (this is a separate regulation), must be submitted to the internal coffers as the royal budget.

This part of the internal funds was initially set at 90 taels of silver, which was quite modest compared to the previous Ming Dynasty.And it can be adjusted in a timely manner later according to changes in the court's income.

After the treasury handed over the royal budget to internal funds, the emperor was no longer allowed to reach out to the treasury to take money.

This will be designated as an ancestral system to prevent future generations from violating it!

Not only that, the construction of the emperor's mausoleum, the repair of the Forbidden City, and the wedding of the emperor and the prince all have to be paid for by the state treasury (Ministry of Revenue), and not a penny of money will be provided from internal funds.

But similarly, if the emperor wants to build a new palace and garden for enjoyment.The treasury also does not need to pay a penny. Even if it is the emperor's will, the cabinet has the right to refute it.

If the emperor wants to build a palace, then he should pay for it from his own funds!

This is very important. Whether it is useful or not is one thing. Whether you do it or not is another matter.

If it comes to a time when even the officials moving out of the ancestral system cannot stop the emperor from causing chaos, then the Ming Dynasty will be destroyed.

 slept slept

(End of this chapter)

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