I'm sure of the prosperous age of Kangxi and Qianlong!

Chapter 375: Establishing the Governor of Luzon

Chapter 375: Establishing the Governor of Luzon
Before the news of the signing of the Treaty of Manila reached Batavia, the Dutch Governor-General Zwaldekron fell ill first.

Unlike Luzon, this area of ​​Batavia (Jakarta) has a tropical rainforest climate, with rain all year round.

Many colonial officials from Europe fell ill after staying here for a long time.

Zwaldekron dragged the sick body to convene a council meeting, holding the "Manila Treaty" sent back by the clipper, and said with excitement: "Gentlemen, this is a great victory. Our soldiers and the Chinese Emperor's army, in the Philippines Completely defeating the Spaniards will be an opportunity for the Republic to rise again. Although we did not get Cebu Island, we got the entire Mindanao Island. As long as we cooperate with the American colonies, this place will definitely become the second Manila!"

The Netherlands now has three colonies in America, namely Suriname, Berbice, and Essequibo.

However, the Netherlands has colonies in the Americas, but Mindanao is full of indigenous people, and even the Spanish have not established a foothold here.

Even if the Netherlands operates at full capacity, it will not be able to generate any income in the next few years. The so-called Pacific route is of little significance to the Netherlands and is purely a long-term plan to catch big fish.

In the view of the Council, which was a representative of the East India Company, this was a loss-making transaction.

The only advantage was that the Netherlands gained the friendship of the Chinese emperor and also obtained a monopoly on trade in new porcelain, cigars, and cinchona trees.

This is the real benefit in the eyes of the Council.



Zhu Yijiong is convening the cabinet ministers to discuss matters.

Wang Li said: "Luzon Island is different from Ryukyu County. Although it is an ancient land, there are too few Han people on it and there are many and mixed indigenous people. It is impossible to establish a state and county in Luzon. The Xuanwei Division should be established to supervise Jisi. "

Liang Wenxuan nodded and said: "Lu Song is alone overseas and needs to rely on Taiwan Mansion to transport money and grain. Setting up prefectures and counties is too expensive, so it is better to set up the Lu Song Xuanwei Department. Moreover, the Ming Dynasty can also take this opportunity to restore the three previous Ming Dynasties. Xuan Liu comfort."

Zhu Chengxun added: "A post station should also be built in Luzon so that supervision can be carried out at any time."

After a long discussion, almost all members of the cabinet believed that a Department of Propaganda and Comfort should be established to manage the situation. Even the Privy Council, which was solely responsible for this troop dispatch, also believed so.

The Xuanwei Division was not a patent of the previous Ming Dynasty. The Manchu Qing Dynasty, which was recognized as having the strongest control over territory, also established chieftains for a long time and also adopted tyranny and control over remote and outlying areas.

Alliance flags were set up in Mobei and Monan, and living Buddhas were canonized in Tibet. The minister in Tibet was only established in the late Yongzheng period. There is no concept of a minister in Tibet now.

In other words, it’s just changing the soup without changing the medicine.

Not to mention Liaodong, where troops are indeed stationed and under actual control, but it was originally the Manchu Qing's hometown, but it was just moved.

Moreover, although the Ming Dynasty in the previous Ming Dynasty also canonized living Buddhas and Tibetan kings in Tibet, they built long post stations in Tibet to connect those Tibetan kings and palaces.

The so-called restraint is not just a canonization. It is considered restraint if you do nothing. In the early Ming Dynasty, they also had absolute say in Tibet.

Zhu Yijiong only listened for a while and then was too lazy to discuss with the cabinet.

If he was just conferring a title to the Xuanwei Division, then why did he go to all the trouble to raise money and food to cross the sea and send troops?

Zhu Yijiong simply acted decisively and issued an imperial edict:

First, Cui Li was officially appointed as the governor of Luzon and the governor's palace was established in Manila.Manila was renamed Minbu City, and the governor was ranked second grade, with a term of five years, and was in charge of Luzon affairs.

Second, Taiwan's pacification envoy Liu Sheng was transferred to Luzon and promoted to the first level with 5000 troops stationed.In charge of Luzon's military affairs, except for local rebellions or invasions by foreign enemies, the governor must have a court order to mobilize troops.

This means that as long as he does not take the initiative to invade other countries, the Governor of Luzon will have sole power in Luzon, and all military and civil affairs will be decided by the Governor.

Of course, the imperial court would also dispatch supervisory officials to supervise the governor and subordinate officials for various violations of laws and regulations.

There will definitely be loopholes in this, but after all, we are alone overseas, and no matter how good the system is, sooner or later it will break down.At least when the imperial court was strong, especially during the reign of the founding emperor Zhu Yijiong, the Governor of Luzon would never have any major problems.

In addition to military and civil affairs, Zhu Yijiong also made special provisions for Luzon's financial taxes: half of them should be turned over to the national treasury and half to the royal treasury.

Dividends must be distributed to the court, otherwise the royal family will monopolize it, and the court will lose interest in overseas lands.Just like the former Ming Dynasty's Xuanwei Division in Jiugang, the Manlajia Official Factory, and the Sumatra Official Factory, they would be denounced by court officials as a waste of people and money.

However, now that the north is vast and sparsely populated, it is unrealistic to immigrate to Luzon in the short term, and it is not in line with the Ming Dynasty's war plan.

Zhu Yijiong simply issued an order: As long as Han people moved to Luzon, they only needed to report to the government how much unowned land they occupied.However, they were not allowed to occupy land owned by fellow Han people, otherwise all land and property would be confiscated.

This imperial edict is equivalent to a disguised form of encouraging the Han people to expand to Luzon and even rob the original indigenous territory.

Colonial development has always been accompanied by war and blood.Zhu Yijiong is not a tyrant, but he is not a benevolent king either.Even if you are a benevolent king, your kindness is not towards the overseas natives.Moreover, in this way, the Han people who moved to Luzon would definitely form a clan force.

But this is certainly unavoidable. Overseas lands are different from domestic ones.If the Han people do not form clans and live together, how can they expand to the outside world?
If you fight alone, your ashes may have to be carried away by the indigenous tribes.

Also, Liu Sheng, who led the army to conquer Luzon this time, was granted the title of marquis, and his achievements were added to the previous Ryukyu County.

The title of Marquis of Luzon was reduced to hereditary rank after three generations.

As soon as this reward decree came out, it was deliberately made for the generals to see.Opening up territory and expanding territory can lead to the title of marquis, and opening up territory and expanding territory overseas also counts.

Wang Li was polishing and issuing the imperial edict in the cabinet. He was silent for a moment and said: "Your Majesty is determined to be the hero!"

The emperor's intention was so obvious that everyone could see it. This was the most vivid expression of the founding emperor's desire for extreme territorial expansion and conquest.

Liang Wenxuan said: "Didn't Yuan Fu know your Majesty's character a long time ago? Why is that so?"

Zhu Chengxun said worriedly: "It's just that your Majesty's move may cause a big loss!"

This is not only a concern about the Governor of Luzon, but also about immigration policy.

Wang Li said calmly: "If the tail is too big to fall off, then just cut it off. How can we offend the majesty of the imperial court so easily!"

So cruel!
All three were surprised.

Lu Youlong said abruptly: "Your Majesty said that half of Luzon's wealth is put into the treasury every year. How much wealth can Luzon have in a year?"


Wang Li said: "The left and right are just a different place. Your Majesty just distinguishes between public and private matters."



Yifu Jiu hurriedly found his father: "Father, the imperial court has just issued the latest report. Our Ming Dynasty has defeated the Spaniards in Luzon. Now Luzon Island is my Ming Dynasty territory."

Yi's father just nodded slightly: "Well, it will be good if we win. If we win, my Yi family's losses will not be too great."

Yifu Jiu's father was not really interested in Luzon. He was just persuaded by his son to donate some money.The real trading partner of the Yi family should actually be Japan, and now they have expanded some business in Nanyang.

Luzon also has the Yi family's business, but it is not the focus. It doesn't matter even if it is given up.

Yifu had anticipated his father's reaction, so he spread out the monthly newspaper in his hand and said, "This is His Majesty's latest imperial edict for Luzon. I would like to ask my father to read it."

Father Yi received the imperial edict and only glanced at it a few times. The more he looked at it, the more surprised he became. After reading it, he laughed out loud: "Your Majesty is so scheming, so scheming!"

Yifu Jiu then laughed and said, "Then I wonder if my father is willing to fall into the trap of this court?"

Father Yi suddenly turned serious and said, "What a trap? This is Your Majesty's holy virtue for us, how can we call it a trap?"

It was indeed a trap, but just a conspiracy.

Although Zhu Yijiong set up tenement farms in Ming Dynasty, which caused huge losses to large landowners, he also limited the amount of tenant rent taxes to prevent landlords from passing the losses on to farmers.

But none of these exist in Luzon, and there are still people who share the same family.

This is a deliberate attempt to guide domestic Han people, especially powerful landowners, to go to Luzon to enclosure their land.

If this is done, there will definitely be serious land annexation in Luzon in the future.But similarly, the Han population here will also increase rapidly.

However, in this way, the living space of those indigenous people will be continuously compressed, and many indigenous people will definitely be turned into serfs of Han landlords.

But what does this have to do with Zhu Yijiong?

The first people to immigrate to Luzon were basically urban residents!
Because the local small-scale peasant economy is deeply rooted in this era, it will be difficult to change it for a while. On the contrary, the urban population is more mobile.

Even if the urban population does not know how to farm, they can still capture the indigenous people and make them serfs!

(End of this chapter)

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