I'm sure of the prosperous age of Kangxi and Qianlong!

Chapter 337 "History of the Ming Dynasty"

Chapter 337 "History of the Ming Dynasty"

Negotiations went very well.

It was so smooth that it couldn't be described as negotiation. Yunxiang, the Manchu prince, was completely responsive to all requests.

The officials of Honglu Temple didn't even have a chance to exert their efforts, and it was all done in just half a day.

In the end, the negotiations were concluded, and no lions from the Ming Dynasty asked for money, food and military supplies.Only three Manchu officials and their families were leaving.

In addition, there are also documents such as the "History of the Ming Dynasty" and "Manuscript of the History of the Qing Dynasty" that have not yet been compiled in Beijing, as well as notes on the daily lives of the Manchu and Qing emperors and their actual records.

"History of the Ming Dynasty" was compiled from the Shunzhi period until the eve of Yongzheng's death, which lasted more than 90 years.

Fortunately, it took a long time and I haven't finished compiling it yet, so I just took it back and re-edited it together with "History of the Qing Dynasty".

Zhu Yijiong read the negotiation memorial handed over by Honglu Temple, and then called Xiao Renfang and said: "The Academy of National History will now go back to arrange manpower and organize local chronicles. After the Puppet Qing Dynasty has sent all the manuscripts, they will start preparing to compile the " "History of the Ming Dynasty" and "History of the Qing Dynasty"!"

"The minister obeys the order!"

Xiao Renfang was excited. This was compiling a history book for the previous dynasty, two at a time.

As long as it is compiled, it will be convenient for him, Xiao Ren, to leave his name in the history of the Qing Dynasty.

Xiao Renfang raised his hand and asked: "Your Majesty, I wonder how this "History of the Ming Dynasty" should be properly compiled?"

If this question is not asked clearly, Xiao Renfang will not be able to carry out his work.

"History of the Qing Dynasty" does not need to be asked, just compile it step by step.But "History of the Ming Dynasty" is different and must be treated with caution.

Zhu Yijiong thought carefully for a moment and said: "The History of the Ming Dynasty begins with the first year of Taizu and ends with the last year of Yongli. Everything is based on seeking truth from facts, without deliberately praising or covering up. The same goes for the History of the Qing Dynasty, it is what it is!"

Xiao Renfang understood and responded with his hands raised: "I obey your order!"

Although the later "History of the Ming Dynasty" is the most complete history book, it has two major shortcomings:

One is the well-known fact that it does not recognize the history of the Southern Ming Dynasty.

The second is to deny the objective fact that the Manchu Qing (Jianzhou Jurchen) were once vassals of the Ming Dynasty.

In fact, it is understandable that these two flaws will occur. In the final analysis, it still lies in governance.

If the legitimacy of Nan Ming is affirmed, the rule of the Manchu Qing Dynasty will definitely be shaken, so Nan Ming must be rejected from all aspects.

Now that Zhu Yijiong has taken over, it is naturally impossible to say that Nan Ming is not Ming, but it should be repaired to make people have high blood pressure or high blood pressure.

Speaking of which, there are always people in later generations who say that the Manchus liked to blackmail the Ming Dynasty, but in fact, apart from those two shortcomings, they really didn't want to blackmail the Ming Dynasty.

Although the Manchu Qing Dynasty did disgust future generations for hundreds of years, the "History of the Ming Dynasty" it compiled really gave the Ming Dynasty face.

Later, Chongzhen said: "I am not the king of a subjugated country, you are all ministers of a subjugated country!"

This was also positively recognized by the Manchu Qing Dynasty in the "History of the Ming Dynasty", and almost all the blame for the demise of the Ming Dynasty was placed on civilian officials and military generals.

In the Manchu Qing Dynasty, Chongzhen almost became a wise king.

After Shunzhi came to power, he even renovated the Chongzhen Mausoleum to make it less shabby.

During Kangxi's reign, a special stele was erected "Governing the Tang and Song Dynasties" to affirm the achievements of the Ming Dynasty.

The purpose of the Manchu Qing Dynasty's doing this was also very simple. In addition to appeasing the hearts of the Ming Dynasty's ministers, it was to maintain the sanctity of imperial power.


The two envoys Shen Wenhao and Yun Yang did not stay in Nanjing for long. After everything was settled, they immediately returned to the north by boat.

Peace returns to the world.

No, it does not mean that the world is at peace. At most, it can only be regarded as stability in the south.


Regent Yinhu was not idle after arranging for Yunxiang to go south to negotiate peace.

He first sent people to Shengjing for on-the-spot investigation on the order of the regent, and started to count the money, food, population and materials in Beijing, and was ready to retreat to Shanhaiguan at any time.

There is no need to worry that Beijing will be emptied of Han residents, because there are not many Han residents in Beijing to begin with.

After Dorgon occupied Beijing in the late Ming Dynasty, he issued an order to "occupy the city", which was similar to a horse race to enclose the land.

That is to say, the original citizens of Beijing were expelled and replaced by the Eight Banners and Baoyi of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

Regardless of what happens in future generations, there are definitely not many Han people in Beijing now.Even if there are Han people, they are all Han Eight Banners, no matter how bad they are, they are just slaves.How could the real Han people be qualified to live under the eyes of the Manchu emperor except when they went to Beijing to take the exam.

Not to mention Zhang Tingyu, this guy is basically the same as a bannerman.It's just that Yongzheng needed his Han identity, so he deliberately suppressed him and refused to raise his flag.

Otherwise, how could any Han Chinese be able to serve as military minister?



Emperor Qianlong of the Han Dynasty Liu Ruhan also did not wait for the envoy sent to Nanjing to return.

Those warlords from all walks of life who were like vassals and towns were like a stick in Liu Ruhan's throat.

It would be fine if he had not proclaimed himself emperor, but now he has proclaimed himself emperor.Once this mentality changes, it will naturally become more unbearable.

Ever since, he didn't even wait for the Prime Minister Shen Wenhao to come back.

Liu Ruhan completely ignored Shen Wenhao's instructions and hurriedly launched a war on the border of Shanxi.

Although those small warlords could not defeat Liu Ruhan individually, but together... they still could not defeat him.

But if you can't defeat it, you can't defeat it. Once this battle starts, it can bring huge damage to the entire Shanxi.

The people of Shanxi thought that the troubled times in Shanxi were over, and the new emperor Liu Ruhan seemed to be a wise king.

Not only did he do light corvee and receive low taxes, but he also imitated Zhu Yijiong and exempted this year's summer and autumn taxes.

In fact, it was Liu Ruhan who couldn't accept it.

I thought that life would be easier, but I never thought that Shanxi would start fighting again, and it would be a big war.



Yongzheng personally led an army of [-] people to retreat to Xi'an, and Nian Gengyao quickly led his troops to pick up King Qin.

Yongzheng was very happy to see Nian Gengyao so loyal.

First, he praised Nian Gengyao in person for his loyalty to the country, and then used this as a reason to make Nian Gengyao the general of Fuyuan.

Regardless of how sincere it is, at least it's enough to make sense on the surface.

Moreover, General Fuyuan is not an ordinary position. The last General Fuyuan was the [-]th Prince Yinqi, the one who finally competed with Yongzheng for the throne of emperor.

With such a generous reward, no matter how domineering Nian Gengyao was, he had to temporarily restrain himself.

Not only Nian Gengyao, Yongzheng immediately gave Yue Zhongqi of Chengdu the title of General Ningyuan.

Historically, this was the highest official position that Yue Zhongqi held, and then his home was confiscated and he was imprisoned and almost beheaded.

Although not as valuable as General Fuyuan, Yue Zhongqi is Han after all.

Even if it was given to General Fuyuan, he wouldn't dare to take it!
And this is just an official bonus. In terms of actual power, the entire Shaanxi Province now depends on Sichuan supply, and Yue Zhongqi's status is no lower than Nian Gengyao.

Furthermore, Yue Zhongqi was a Han nationality, while Nian Gengyao was a bannerman.

It was obvious that Yongzheng was deliberately trying to balance each other out, but neither of them could refuse.

After settling the checks and balances among the generals, Yongzheng didn't even have time to take a breath.

First, the government was officially opened in Xi'an, and then in order to cope with the war, it was decided not to establish a cabinet.Instead, it was changed to another emerging temporary agency, initially named the Military Aircraft Department.

Moreover, Longkodo was recalled because Yue Zhongqi reported that Longkodo knew the secret of the Ming army's firearms.

Xi'an Prefecture was also changed to Fengtian Prefecture by Yongzheng, and Fengtian City (Xi'an) became the accompanying palace.

Then he announced to the world that Emperor Xuantong in Beijing was the false emperor.At the same time, he also sent envoys to the Monan alliance banners to ask them to submit to the Xi'an court immediately.

At this point, the Manchu Qing Dynasty was completely divided into two like the Northern Wei Dynasty in the past.

Yongzheng in the Western Qing Dynasty and Xuantong in the Eastern Qing Dynasty.

News of the decisive battle in the Central Plains spread quickly throughout the Han Dynasty, with the Ming Dynasty intentionally fueling the situation.

In just ten months, he left the desert and reached Cewang Alabutan in Junggar.

 I have a headache, let’s do this for now
(End of this chapter)

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