Chapter 333 After the War

Songming Tea House.

A tea house is a tea house. It was called a tea house in the Qing Dynasty and a tea house in the Ming Dynasty. During the Chongzhen period, there was also a person named "Brother Lu".

The owner of this teahouse was obviously deliberately catering to the new dynasty, and there were many similar ones in Nanjing.

"Haha," a scholar in Confucian robes held a copy of the latest Ming Dynasty newspaper and laughed heartily: "The puppet Qing barbarians were defeated on the battlefield in Henan, and the main force was destroyed. We, the Ming Dynasty, have now occupied the Central Plains and Shandong. The troops are pointing directly at the capital, and the imperial court's restoration of the world is just around the corner."

"Since ancient times, Hu has not had a hundred years of national destiny. Our Ming army is invincible in the world. The puppet Qing and the barbarians are naturally unmatched."

"But Your Majesty actually criticized Yan Shenggong to death. This is... a bit too much." Another scholar in long gown held a copy of the Da Ming Yue Newspaper in his hand and couldn't help but say.

The Di Bao of the Propaganda Department has now been divided into two. Frontline military intelligence and battle reports, as well as the previous plans to destroy Ryukyu and establish a county. These major events are all published in the Ming Dynasty Bao.

The court newspaper is an official newspaper and will be provided to the local government first, and then the government will read and distribute it.

However, the private sector can also pay to purchase it to learn about the situation in advance, but the price will be more expensive.

While there are official newspapers, there are naturally also people's newspapers. The people's newspapers are the latter's Daming Moon Newspaper, which mainly publishes various major and minor current affairs of the court.

In addition to current affairs, we will also publish major events such as the Kong Family Case in Beijing, which do not involve foreign affairs and war, but are certainly of interest to the people.

Daming Monthly directly targets the general public, with low prices and large shipments. To a certain extent, it is very close to the newspapers of later generations.

The monthly report is also an income for the Propaganda Department. Although the budget available to the Propaganda Department is getting higher and higher, the Propaganda Department, which reaps the benefits from the monthly report, will not give up the monthly report.

There are even plans to publish a newspaper tomorrow, which will no longer be limited to current affairs of the court and various major cases, but can also be interspersed with some folk anecdotes, as well as poetry collections, opera novels and so on.

After all, Tang poetry, Song lyrics, Yuan opera, Ming novels, Qing treaties... ahem.

"What Brother Xu said is absolutely true. After all, Yan Shenggong is a descendant of a saint. He has really committed a capital crime. At most, he will be exempted from the title and allowed to shut up and think about his mistakes. How can we talk about a capital crime? Isn't this a comparison between the descendants of the saint and the common people? Comparable?" Someone echoed.

As soon as he finished speaking, the scholar who praised Wang Shi's heavenly soldiers at the beginning suddenly laughed and said: "Brother Li and Brother Xu are wrong. As the saying goes, even if a prince breaks the law, he is also guilty of the same crime as the common people. Although the Kong family of Beizong is a descendant of a saint, But after all, he is just a mere prince, so how can he be equal to a prince? Moreover, the Kong family of the Northern Sect has done many evil things. Even if the sage Kong is still alive, I am afraid it will be difficult to tolerate such a descendant? "

When the scholar who was called Brother Xu heard this, his face showed displeasure: "Brother Xue, how can you say that? Brother Xue is also a person who reads the books of sages. You must know that the descendants of saints and their disciples should not be treated lightly."

After hearing this, the scholar surnamed Xue was no longer polite, and then angrily said: "Since you read the books of sages, you should understand when the sages' teachings have taught the descendants to surrender to the puppet Qing barbarians, and when they have taught the descendants to feed the common people. Also, the carved dragon pillars in the Confucius Temple of the Beizong were all built by Confucius Shengjiao and others. Furthermore, my Duke Yansheng of the Ming Dynasty is Duke Kong Chuanjin of Nanjing, not the pseudo-Kong who is descended from the Hu people of the Beizong."

The scholar surnamed Xu was speechless when he sprayed it all down.

"I have to prepare for the opening of the court next year, so I won't spend more time with you. I won't send you off." He really just left after spraying, without any delay.

"Brother Xu, I also remembered that something happened at home, so I left first."

"The imperial court will open subjects next year, and I have to go back to prepare for the exam, so I won't bother you."


As soon as the scholar surnamed Xue left, the other people looked at each other and made excuses to leave one after another.Even the scholar surnamed Li who agreed at the beginning also left with him.

Today is just a matter of complaining. It is a foregone conclusion that Beizong Kong will be punished, and it is indeed difficult to criticize. Beikong actually used a golden pillar carved with a dragon. What is he trying to do?
There is nothing wrong with killing him. If the prince breaks the law, he will be guilty as the common people, let alone a mere Duke Yansheng of Beizong.


The imperial palace should now be called Nanjing Villa.

After Zhu Yijiong returned to Nanjing, in addition to winning the frontline battle, there was also good news coming from Nanjing.

That is, after nearly a year of renovation, the three main halls of the Forbidden City were finally completed.There is already a basic framework, it’s just a renovation, which naturally won’t take long.

Now the Ministry of Industry is embarking on the reconstruction of the harem and sleeping quarters, which has also received the advice and approval of all members of the cabinet.It is indeed unseemly to not build the harem and sleeping quarters, but only have three main halls for offices.

The emperor can't go to the three main halls to work during the day and then go back to Nanjing Villa to sleep at night, right?

Zhu Yijiong thought there was no problem, but he also had to worry about the impact, and the budget request given by the Ministry of Industry was actually not high.

Although the Forbidden City is very dilapidated, the basic foundations are still there, and building materials can also be obtained locally from the previous Eight Banners City.

Kong Chuanjin of Nanzong, who was named Yanshenggong by Zhu Yijiong, was currently listening to the emperor's instructions in Heng's study room.

As the Duke Yansheng of Nanzong who was used as a weapon of public opinion by Zhu Yijiong when he first ascended to the throne, Kong Chuanjin had gradually understood the emperor's attitude towards the Kong family in the past few years he stayed in Nanjing.

In particular, the emperor ordered the execution of the Beizong Kong family, and even Yanshenggong himself was beheaded for seizing land, bullying others, and using gold pillars carved with dragons.

Even though he, the Southern Sect, has been granted the title of Duke Yansheng, the Northern Sect whose head was beheaded, Duke Yansheng, is no longer a legal Duke of Yansheng strictly speaking.But this still made Kong Chuanjin tremble, like a light on his back.

As for the golden dragon-carved pillar, anyone with a discerning eye can actually see it. Although using the dragon-carved golden pillar is overstepping its bounds.But the golden pillar is actually in the Confucius Temple, not in Yan Shenggong's Mansion.

As for the Confucius Temple, which had long been conferred the title of King by Yongzheng, and was directly granted the title of Five Dynasties, there would be no problem with the use of golden dragon pillars.

Of course, we can also insist that Yongzheng is just a fake Qing Hulu, but he is also worthy of being a king?
"When you go to Qufu, you should cooperate with the local officials to restore people's livelihood." Zhu Yijiong said without raising his head: "Shandong has experienced wars, natural disasters, and plagues for a long time. Many people have died. People's livelihood is very difficult. Don't do anything. If you learn from the Bei Sect's pseudo-confucianism and then prey on the common people, can everyone hear it clearly?"

Kong Chuanjin quickly raised his hands and said, "I must obey your Majesty's teachings!"

Zhu Yijiong said: "Go down!" This Yanshenggong is difficult to abolish.

Duke Yan is the spiritual representative of imperial power and scholar-bureaucrats co-ruling the world. He could kill the Duke of Beizong Street, or even massacre his entire family, and the gentry in the world would not dare to say anything.

Because at least Nanzong still has Duke Yansheng, but if he abolishes Duke Yansheng, it will inevitably trigger a fierce backlash.

Although Zhu Yijiong wants to carry out reforms with the power of victory, he still cannot act rashly when it involves fundamental matters.

Even if you don’t want to admit it, the world still depends on these literati.

Even if the people's wisdom is broadened, it will not be possible to truly replace the status of scholar-bureaucrats in less than ten or twenty years.

This is a long and gradual process.

Fortunately, the Confucius family of the Northern Sect was killed by him. Even if Duke Yansheng of the Southern Sect moved to Qufu, Shandong, and presided over the Confucius Temple again, he would not dare to make any mistakes, and even the emperors of the second and third generations would be honest.

As for the future, let’s talk about it later.

No matter how good the system is, it cannot restrain people's hearts.

After Kong Chuanjin left, Zhu Yijiong continued to review the memorial, and the Privy Council accompanying the army had already finished sorting out the report of military exploits by the frontline troops.

Now we have discussed it with various offices of the Privy Council in Nanjing and compiled and summarized it before submitting it to the imperial court.

Zhu Yijiong read through it carefully, pondered for a moment, and then said, "Yes. I will handle it according to the instructions of the Privy Council."

According to the report from the Privy Council, Yang Gong should take the lead in this battle, and he successively recovered Guide and Caozhou.Eight thousand puppet Solon soldiers of the Qing Dynasty were wiped out, and more than [-] war horses were captured.

He also made a surprise attack to cut off the food supply route of the puppet Qing army, establishing victory in the Henan battlefield in one fell swoop, which can be described as a great contribution.

But at the same time, he took the risk of making a surprise attack from behind, disrupting the Privy Council's layout on the battlefield in Henan.This is a fault and should be punished, and there must be no reward based on first merit, so as not to encourage his bad habits.

This is also the joint opinion of the Privy Council, the Cabinet, and the Secretary.

Seeing this, Zhu Yijiong couldn't help but reached out and pinched the center of her nose, feeling a headache.

This Yang Gong really refused to change despite repeated admonitions, and he often took risks and used troops in battles.Although they all win in the end, it is really heart-wrenching and difficult to handle every time I see it.

Zhu Yijiong specially arranged a staff officer for this purpose, but it turned out that it was useless and the staff officer was assimilated by Yang Gong.

Except for Yang Gong, the remaining three armies had basically similar achievements. He Xiangming defeated the puppet Qing army and then completely recovered Henan.

Yu Kecheng and Zhou Haizhong, the two armies joined forces to conquer the entire Shandong, and also captured Jueluo Manbao, the commander of the puppet Qing Shandong army alive.

The rewards for these people were all to be granted the title of Marquis and land. He Xiangming was granted the title of Marquis of Xiangfu (Kaifeng), Zhou Haizhong was granted the title of Marquis of Yizhou, and Yu Kecheng was granted the title of Marquis of Yanzhou.

They are all hereditary after three generations.

Now that the Ming Dynasty has not yet been unified and Beijing has not been restored, it is really not appropriate to reward him too much.

The land could be rewarded more. The Ming Dynasty is not short of land. Only Shandong and Henan provinces can be said to be vast but sparsely populated.

Yang Gong's title remained unchanged this time because he did not obey orders and was only rewarded with more land to make up for it.This is just right and saves Zhu Yijiong from having trouble handling it.

In addition to the military generals, civilian officials also had a title this time, namely Zhu Chengxun, the privy envoy accompanying the army.

Counting him, there are now three princely positions in the cabinet, which further enhances the status of the Privy Council.

And if the high-level civil and military officials above are rewarded, the lower-level soldiers below will naturally be rewarded according to their merits.

However, this time the rewards and land were all in Shandong and Henan.This not only utilized the excess land in the two provinces, but also allowed Ming soldiers to take root in the two provinces and immigrate.

As for using land as a reward, will it trigger conflicts between people and land?These are troubled times. Places like Guangdong, Guangxi, Shandong, and Henan have suffered serious population losses due to wars, natural disasters, and plagues.

If there are really too many people in any place, the local government will automatically arrange immigration.

In fact, before the Ming Dynasty's Northern Expedition, Fujian had been moving too many people to Taiwanfu in stages.

Mainly they immigrated to Taipei and Taitung.

Such immigrants will definitely be compensated. Not only will they be given more land, but the government will also provide cattle for farming. There will even be military assistance in the Taitung Reclamation Area.

The government will also issue militia armor and use food to train the militia reserves in their spare time.

In addition to these places, there are also the confiscated southwest and northwest Yunnan and Guizhou, and even Monan. These are areas that can be immigrated.

At least when Zhu Yijiong is still alive, conflicts between man and earth are unlikely to occur.

 The correct answer should be that when a prince breaks the law, he is equally guilty as the common people.

  Because of the ancient concept, the emperor cannot break the law and cannot be guilty. If the emperor is guilty, it means changing the dynasty (ω)
(End of this chapter)

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