Chapter 305 Huang Wu Steam Engine


Zhu Yijiong is reviewing the proposal submitted by the cabinet. In the final analysis, the solution to the problem of minority people is "suppression and appeasement at the same time."

Even the red regimes in later generations...not much to say.

It's just that the cabinet saw from Zhu Yijiong's marriage to Concubine Yao that Zhu Yijiong's attitude towards young people was not as harsh as that of previous emperors.

Therefore, the overall plan given is more relaxed and gentle, mainly focusing on comfort.He also tentatively suggested that the emperor should treat all minors who were willing to naturalize the same treatment as Han people.

Moreover, it retains some autonomy as appropriate, just like Bapaiyao.

The current Badai Yao has decided not to have a special Yao official (the chief official who manages the young people). Instead, the Yao elders of Badai Yao will be semi-autonomous. The government will grant formal native official positions, but they cannot be hereditary. .

Moreover, Bapai Yao cannot have an army, but they can compensate a "Yao official" (an official position held by Yao people) in the local government office, which is also conducive to communication between the two parties.

In short, we tried to focus on appeasement. In fact, we still followed the old way before. It was more like a revised version of Ji Sui's rule, which was still somewhat different from that of later generations.

At least these people have never thought about setting up a Chinese school in Badai Yao, nor have they thought about taking the initiative to Chineseize it. They all rely on the other party's self-consciousness.

This is too slow to translate into Chinese!
Zhu Yijiong thought for a while and said: "The cabinet's plan is good, but I think it is possible to send Han academic officials to Bapaiyao to teach them Chinese and Chinese characters, so as to facilitate communication between the two ethnic groups?"

Wang Li raised his eyebrows and said quickly: "Your Majesty, you can't. If you force Han officials to be assigned to teach Chinese, I'm afraid it will arouse the dissatisfaction of these Yao people. Moreover, this is too tough, and I'm afraid it will have little effect."

As soon as Zhu Yi heard this, he realized that these people had gone astray.

Wang Li and others thought that the emperor wanted to forcefully promote Chinese in Badai Yao, which was not fundamentally different from the Qing Dynasty's forceful conversion of native land to local people, and would easily inspire resistance among the Yao people.

Zhu Yijiong said: "Wang Qing has misunderstood what I meant. I am not trying to eliminate their culture... In this way, we can first use folk teaching as a form of government funding to open schools, but not to govern them. And there is no need to force those Yao people to be willing to Those who learn will learn. And we will make a rule that from now on, the "Yao officials" in local government offices, regardless of their origin, will only be given priority to those who can speak Chinese and write Chinese characters."

"Also, some policies can be opened appropriately to encourage intermarriage between Han and Yao people and strengthen exchanges. We can also give some tax exemptions and exemptions to Yao people who can speak Chinese and learn Chinese characters, and who are willing to get close to Han people. As long as these Yao people can experience the practicality of With the benefits, they will naturally be willing to learn Chinese and communicate with Han people."

After talking for a long time, he still offered benefits.

Moreover, the overall method was gentle. The emperor respected the culture of the Yao people and would not interfere too much. In this way, even if some Yao people had doubts, they would not be too resistant.

Furthermore, Zhu Yijiong’s set is not boiling a frog in warm water.

This is still the Qing Dynasty (timeline...), and the inconvenience of transportation and information has really kept the Yao people closed. In essence, they will never be able to reconcile and integrate with the Han people.

When Zhu Yijiong dies, or even when he is still alive, there may be another uprising due to other conflicts.

There is a saying that the closer the culture is, the fewer the voices and the higher the cohesion.

"I obey the order!" Wang Li understood and immediately responded.

Use both suppression and appeasement. After saying appeasement, the force of suppression is also necessary.

Putting aside the distance, although Guoshan Yao and Ba Pai Yao are closely related, they cannot be treated equally.

If there are those who are stubborn, they must still be dealt with with an iron hand.

The monarch and his ministers were discussing the details when suddenly a secretary trotted in.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Huang from the Academy of Sciences wants to see you!"

Zhu Yijiong was not unhappy when he heard this, nodded and said: "Xuan!"

Mr. Huang is Huang Wu, the craftsman who previously developed the explosive bullets and even the hollow cannon casting method.

The Academy of Sciences of the Ming Dynasty was a department specially established by Zhu Yiyuan based on the opportunity of the steam engine. It not only asked for money and people, but also gave considerable privileges.

Since there were no new research and development tasks, Huang Wu was temporarily transferred to work on steam engines.

After all, compared to current weapons development, steam engines are the real priority.

This thing marked the first industrial revolution, and even marked this era as the "Steam Age".

Huang Wu walked in with black hands and many stains on his clothes.

Well, he knew the emperor liked this.

Huang Wuyi came in, ignoring the fact that the imperial study room was full of cabinet bosses, and said with joy on his face: "Your Majesty, the new steam engine has been successful!"


Zhu Yi looked excited and stood up instantly.

Wang Li and the four others also looked surprised, but what surprised them was that the emperor reacted so strongly.They all remembered that this steam engine was something that the emperor had bargained with the Franji people for when he regained Macau.

At the time, I thought it was a rare item, but when the ship brought it back, it turned out to be quite rare.

And it is very loud, especially when it moves, the sound is as violent as thunder, and it also emits an unpleasant smell of smoke.

Anyway, they couldn't figure out why the emperor wanted such an object back. In the end, they could only attribute it to the emperor's curiosity.

As long as it does not affect the country's political affairs and the war against the Manchus, it is understandable that the emperor has some strange habits.

Zhu Yijiong said: "Gentlemen, while there is still time, how about going to the Academy of Sciences with me to observe this steam engine?"

If the emperor invites you, how dare you say no?

The four cabinet ministers quickly raised their hands and said: "How dare you disobey your orders!"


Daming Academy of Sciences.

In fact, it is an idle workshop in a large house, and loud noises and roars can be heard from time to time.

Zhu Yijiong came in an imperial chariot. Before he got off, the imperial army surrounded the Academy of Sciences on three levels inside and three outside.

There are many guards dressed as ordinary people in the periphery, secretly checking whether there are suspicious persons, which can be said to be extremely strict.

This is not because of fear of death, but because of the emperor's vigilance.

Zhu Yijiong is now the emperor and the entire hope of the Ming Dynasty.Although he already has an eldest son, if he is assassinated and dies at this time.

Even if it can support the young prince to succeed to the throne, at most it will support the continued confrontation with the Manchus. It is basically impossible to make progress.

Moreover, who can guarantee that those people really have no doubts about the throne? Are there many things in history that the young master has doubted?

Zhu Yiyuan entered the inner workshop under the escort of the imperial camp. When the craftsmen inside saw the emperor's arrival, they quickly kowtowed and saluted.

Zhu Yijiong raised his hand slightly to signal everyone to level up, and then said impatiently: "Quick... hurry up, let me see what this latest model of steam engine is like!"

Huang Wu didn't say much about the emperor's anxious look.

Huang Wu opened his mouth and directed the craftsmen: "Let's start!"

The craftsmen received the order and immediately began to perform final inspections on the steam engine and refuel it at the same time.

The fuel used is naturally charcoal, and China's coal mines are mainly concentrated in the north and southwest.

After some rather tedious operations, the steam engine was finally started.

"Dong dong dong dong dong..."

Noisy loud noises continued to sound from various parts of the steam engine, causing the entire steam engine to vibrate violently. The power was obviously much stronger than the one brought back in the past, and the sound had also obviously changed.

The steam engine had been running for half an hour, and Zhu Yijiong had been looking there intently for half an hour.

Still squatting and watching, not caring about the emperor's image.

"Good good!"

Seeing the steam engine running continuously, Zhu Yiling finally burst out laughing.

Now this steam engine is actually very complete. It not only has the piston and cylinder described previously by Zhu Yijiong, but also the corresponding connecting rod, flywheel, slide valve and other components.

Although there is no planetary gear, Huang Wu thought of using another method to slow down the steam engine. The steam engine was already large and the requirements were not that high.

However, we must still find a way to figure it out later. Even if the craftsmanship is insufficient, we can still think about the second and third level gears first.

As for the air tightness of the steam engine, Huang Wu also discovered it keenly during the test.

Huang Wu’s solution is to replace it with leather, grease, etc. The disadvantage is that it cannot withstand high temperatures and needs to be replaced every few days.

However, Huang Wu said that he has thought of a way and is working on making a copper ring for sealing, and then applying grease to seal it, so as to solve the problem of high temperature melting.

In later generations, many people seem to think that steam engines must use rubber, but in fact, rubber cannot withstand high temperature melting, so metal rings and lubricating oil are generally used for sealing.

And there is no rubber in this period, so it will have to wait another 15 years before it is first discovered.

This new steam engine took nearly half a year and finally came out in China.

In later generations, it had another name: "Watt Steam Engine", and now it should be called "Huang Wu Steam Engine". The structures of the two are very similar.

According to the timeline, it would take nearly 50 years in Europe before the Watt steam engine would actually come out and successfully start the revolutionary replacement of steam engines, thereby promoting the first industrial revolution.

The Ming Dynasty has already taken the lead. This is not Zhu Yijiong's destiny, but this is the normal path for the development of steam engines.

The reason why Europe has never been able to build a "Watt steam engine" is purely due to capital and commerce.

The idea of ​​piston and connecting rod has appeared very early, but it was not until the advent of the "Watt Steam Engine". Even the "Watt Steam Engine" was invented to pump water more efficiently in coal mines...

It was not until Watt continued to improve that the steam engine was finally freed from the work of pumping water.

Then Europeans discovered that steam engines could also be used to drive machine spinning and liberate labor.

In addition to spinning, there are many other uses, such as steam battleships...

Under Zhu Yijiong's prompting, it took half a year for the Ming Academy of Sciences to develop a steam engine, which was not fast enough.

After all, the basic structure has been given, but the various defects need to be repaired.

Until now, the problem of this steam engine has not been completely solved. At least the power is far beyond what later generations of steam engines can match. To drive a steam battleship is just a dream.

But now the finished product is available, and Ming Dynasty is already leading the world. As long as we continue to study the piston steam engine, the industrial revolution is not a dream.

Zhu Yijiong was very happy, and even wiped away the fatigue caused by the batch of memorials in the past few days, except that the internal combustion engine had not been developed.

But this thing is probably unlikely to appear when Zhu Yijiong is alive.

Zhu Yijiong was overjoyed and said: "Huang Qing has contributed a lot to leading the team to develop a new steam engine. The Ministry of Rites has registered him as an earl, and the title is drawn up by the Ministry of Rites. The other participants will all receive three times their salary. I hope Huang Qing will continue his efforts." "

This was the title of uncle. Although it was not said to be hereditary, Wang Li and others were still shocked.

It seems that His Majesty really attaches great importance to this steam engine.

Huang Wu was stunned, then kowtowed and thanked him: "I would like to thank your majesty for your kindness. Long live my emperor!"

Huang Wu didn't know how the earl was compared to the previous viscount, but he was definitely higher.

Looking at the kowtowing Huang Wu and the craftsmen behind him, Zhu Yijiong felt a little regretful for no reason. This Huang Wu was really not a descendant of Huanglu Village.

Zhu Yijiong specially ordered Jin Yiwei to pay attention to Huanglu Village, and finally found it.

Found the tomb.

The records in Huangluzhuang's history books are unknown, but in this timeline it is said that he died of illness.

And because he had been tinkering with personal inventions for a long time, he was considered by the villagers to be a weirdo, ignorant and unskilled, so... he had no heirs left.

All I can say is that I was born at the wrong time.

But it doesn't matter, not all talents are famous in history, and not all talents are in the West.

 Damn, it seems that the boss can only owe you the chapter. I'll see if I can pay it back in the early morning.

(End of this chapter)

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