Chapter 299 Two Lakes
When news of the war in Guangdong came back to Nanjing, it was already summer.

Even Huang Sheng, a veteran of the rebellion, raised his troops to stop the rebellion, and the overall situation in Guangdong was no longer disturbed at all.

Not only Guangdong, but also the civil servant group headed by Su Wenze who stayed in Wuzhou also defected collectively.

After all, King Lin is dead. Is it possible that they will die to avenge the king?

Lin Thief is just a false king, but he is also worthy of being a king?

Regarding the smooth situation of the war in Guangdong, the entire province was conquered in just two months. Only Guoshan Yao in Shaozhou still needs to be dealt with slowly in the later stage.

The Ming Dynasty monarchs and ministers were not surprised.

From beginning to end, Ming Ting never took Lin Jun seriously.

What does that sentence say? I didn't hit you before, I just don't want to hit you for the time being.

As the war in Guangdong began, the Ming army in the two lakes also launched a full-scale attack on the remaining state capitals in the two lakes.

The Ming army in Hubei was still in command by Zheng Dingrui, and the troops were divided into three groups.

The troops on the north route left Xiaogan and directly captured De'an Prefecture (Anlu). The troops on the middle route took the Han River waterway and marched on Anlu (Zhongxiang). The troops on the south route were led by Zheng Dingrui himself and attacked Jingzhou (Jianling) via the Yangtze River waterway.

Jingzhou General Alu was caught off guard. Jianli and Shishou counties along the river showed no resistance and surrendered on the spot.

By the time Alu learned about the Ming army's dispatch, Zheng Dingrui's army had already arrived at Jingzhou City.

A'lu is a general in Jingzhou. Just by looking at his official position, he knows that this guy is a idiot who doesn't understand anything. Moreover, this guy is still wearing a yellow flag from Manchuria.

Well, this time it’s even more idiotic.

Historically, by next year, this idiot will be dismissed from his post by Yongzheng for excessive embezzlement of military pay.

Originally, although this guy was a general in Jingzhou, it was not his turn to take the lead in the overall situation of Jingzhou.

But who asked Long Keduo to retreat to Jingzhou, and he was preparing to use the Yangtze River and the unique terrain near Jingzhou to directly dig up the Yangtze River water and flood this area to stop the Ming army.

But then, Yongzheng's edict of dismissal came down.

Longkoduo suffered repeated defeats in battles, causing the Qing Dynasty to lose cities, territory, troops and generals. It was right for him to be dismissed from his post. He was able to stay until now, and it was Yongzheng who forcibly took the blame for him.

But the problem is that after the withdrawal, Yongzheng did not let a reliable official take over Longkodo's post.

Yue Zhongqi indeed has extraordinary abilities and is one of the few famous generals in the world. In terms of ability alone, he can almost be regarded as the Yue Wumu of the Manchu Dynasty.

But this Manchu "Yue Wumu" was in Sichuan. Although he was given the title of governor of five provinces by Yongzheng, he could intervene in the military defense of the two lakes.

But in reality, Yue Zhongqi could only control Yunnan and Guizhou at most. Coupled with the rebellion of Luobuzangdanjin in Qinghai, he could not control only half of the two lakes.

The two lakes are suddenly without a leader, so they can only be shorter and taller.Wang Zhishu, the governor of Pianyuan in Hunan, was in charge, Naqiha, the governor of Hubei, died in Wuchang, and Longkodo was dismissed from his post.

General Alu of Jingzhou happens to be on the front line, so who else would he be?

Naturally, Aru would not let go of such a good opportunity to monopolize power (corruption of military pay).

Let a idiot, who is still accustomed to embezzling (Eight Banners) military salaries, organize border defense.This is not the same as beating a dog with a meat bun and leaving nothing behind.

The entire Jingzhou defense line is not said to be in vain, it can only be said to be in vain.

Even Gong'an County, where the Ming army had no troops to fight, quickly changed its flag from top to bottom after hearing that Wang Shi's army was coming.

From this point alone, we can see that although Yongzheng was excellent in domestic affairs and was accustomed to forbearing and winning people's hearts, his military capabilities were really nothing short of a joke.

During the Yongzheng Dynasty, there were almost no victorious foreign wars.

Even though they won the battle against Junggar and even forced Galdance to negotiate peace, the Manchu Qing still shrunk its northwest defense line against Junggar and gave up a lot of land.

Not to mention that he promoted famous generals such as Nian Gengyao and Yue Zhongqi. The former was Yongzheng's in-law and supporter, and he was also the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu.

Even if Nian Gengyao is a waste, Yongzheng will promote him.As for Yue Zhongqi, this guy had already emerged during the reign of Kangxi.

Yongzheng's promotion of Yue Zhongqi was more a matter of following the trend and at the same time reflecting his personal generosity.Moreover, Yue Zhongqi was demoted and imprisoned in the middle of the film, and was almost beheaded.

When the Ming army came to Jingzhou City, Alu was already panic-stricken.

In the past few months, he had been busy amassing money and greedy for money, and basically left all military and defense matters to the deputy general.

The generals of Jingzhou are all like this, and the deputy generals are naturally the same as those who are close to the red.

Not only the military attache system such as the Jingzhou generals, but also the Jingzhou civil servants were also immersed in this corruption feast.

The state capitals were constantly ordered to transport money, food and supplies to the Jingzhou Prefecture, and then they were completely cannibalized by these Jingzhou civil and military forces, not even the dregs were left behind.

"Hurry... hurry up and gather soldiers and horses to defend the city. We must not let the puppet Ming bandits come in!" Aru gave the order to the deputy general in a panic.As soon as he finished speaking, the equally panicked lieutenant had not yet moved.

"Boom boom boom!"

The Ming army's artillery outside the city fired first.

Under the rumbling artillery fire, it was clear that none of the artillery shells hit the Qing army at the head of Jingzhou City.

"Run quickly! The rebels are coming!"



The entire Qing army at the top of the city simply dispersed in a rush, and no officers even came out to stop them.

Because it was those officers who took the lead in running away.

These people completely forgot that there were artillery at the top of Jingzhou City, or rather they did not forget.I simply feel that even if artillery is used, Jingzhou City will definitely not be defended.

There were at least tens of thousands of Ming troops outside Jingzhou City, stretching for several miles.

There are only [-] garrison troops in the city guarding the Eight Banners. Even if young and strong militiamen are temporarily recruited, the number of people will not exceed [-].

And outside the city are the Ming troops who are "invincible", so let them hit them with hammers!

Even Alu, the general of Jingzhou, didn't know that rumors had been circulating in Jingzhou city since last year that "the rebels are full of invincible enemies."

Naturally, these rumors were spread by the craftsmen. When Alu and the others were trying to get money everywhere, the entire Jingzhou City was basically infiltrated into a sieve by the Jin Yiwei craftsmen.

Just when the Qing soldiers at the top of Jingzhou City were in chaos, the Nanji Gate was opened. It was the craftsman in the city who took advantage of the chaos and opened the door.

"All troops charge!"

Zheng Dingrui had no extra orders and directly ordered a charge.

Only one hour.

"General, spare your life! General, spare your life!" The tightly bound Alu was escorted to Zheng Dingrui.

Zheng Dingrui's face was full of disdain. This guy was a Manchu, and he was so afraid of death.

Out of sight and out of mind, Zheng Dingrui waved his hand: "Pull it down!"

Aru thought he was going to kill him, so he hurriedly kowtowed and said: "General, spare your life! I, slave... I am willing to persuade the capitals of the Hubei provinces to surrender for the general. I am willing to persuade the capitals of the Hubei provinces to surrender for the general!"


Zheng Dingrui was even more speechless now.

Good guy, even if he is afraid of death, he actually wants to sell his teammates to survive.

You are full of people!Or the Eight Banners.

Zheng Dingrui was silent for a moment and said: "I, the Ming Dynasty, do not want to be slaves."

Hearing this, Aru quickly said with a flattering look on his face: "Yes, what the general said is true, the slaves are all from the Qing Dynasty... No, they are the dregs of the fake Qing dog emperor. The villain has long hated this and only hates his position." It’s humble words…”

"Okay! Stop talking."

Zheng Dingrui couldn't listen anymore, so he waved his hand to interrupt and said, "Come here, drag me down!"

Aru was so scared that he wet his pants, why did he still want to kill him: "General, I don't want it! The villain..."

Zheng Dingrui looked at his expression and then added: "Take good care of him and don't let him die. This dog Tatar is still of great use to me!"

I'm just taking care of myself, is there any use for me?

Aru was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly: "Yes, the villain is still useful, the villain is still useful, thank you general for not killing, thank you general for not killing!"

It wasn't until Alu was dragged away by the soldiers that Zheng Dingrui looked back.

The deputy general came to report at this time: "General, Longkodo was not found in the city. However, before our army attacked the city, a Qing army in the city forcibly broke through Yuan'anmen and has disappeared."

Needless to say, Zheng Dingrui knew that Long Paopao had run away again.

He ran so fast, he broke through and escaped before he even attacked the city.

The Dibao from the Propaganda Department was right in giving Long Keduo the nickname!

(End of this chapter)

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