I'm sure of the prosperous age of Kangxi and Qianlong!

Chapter 240 Jiujiang Attack and Defense Battle (9)

Chapter 240 Jiujiang Attack and Defense Battle ([-])

Wu Guoyin gathered the retreating navy and returned.

The overall losses were almost zero, with only one ship sunk.

If you can still retain your troops after losing a battle, you can be considered a "famous general" in the world.

On the contrary, he was quite talented as Liu Guangshi, the fourth general of Zhongxing in the Southern Song Dynasty.

"Commander, the general failed to win at the beginning, please punish him!" Wu Guoyin knelt down on one knee and took the initiative to admit his guilt.

Longkoduo said expressionlessly: "This is not a fault of war, go and get twenty army sticks yourself!"

A war is imminent, so you can't kill the enemy on the spot, and killing them won't solve the problem, and will only cause trouble.

Just hitting him with a military stick is enough. The military stick is a military rule and a warning.

After the twenty army batons went down, Longkodo immediately ordered Wu Guoyin's water division to cross the river immediately to attack Fengguozhou (Huangmei Xiaochi in Hubei Province) and make meritorious deeds.

Fengguozhou was originally just a sandbar in the middle of the river, but with the gradual evolution of the Yangtze River meandering channel and the construction of artificial embankments, it was gradually fixed into fertile soil.

Since the main Yangtze River initially passed through Fengguozhou from the north, it had always been administratively part of Jiujiang Dehua County (Fuguo). However, later the Yangtze River waterway moved south, and Fengguozhou became Jiangbei.

During the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, the Hubei garrison also cultivated land here, so some of the area's fiscal and tax revenue actually belonged to Huangmei County, Hubei.

As for Xiaochi Town, an important port, due to its important status, Dehua and Huangmei counties each occupy half of it.

However, when the three provinces were demarcated later, Fengguozhou was eventually merged into Huangmei, Hubei, and Sangluozhou (Huikou Town), which also belonged to Jiujiang, was also included in Susong, Anhui.

Jiujiang's gradual decline also has this reason.

Huang Dian said he was defending, but it was not that he did nothing. He took advantage of the time when the Qing army moved eastward along the river to build a logistics and food road.

Huang Dianbing was divided into four groups. The first group moved to Fengguozhou and built fortifications there. The second group increased troops in Jiujiang City to help reinforce and enhance Jiujiang city defense.

The two roads are horns to each other.

The third route, led by Lieutenant General Li Yong, was stationed in Meijiazhou to defend it to the death.

Huang Dianze led the fourth route to Hukou Town to guard Shizhong Mountain and set up several wooden rafts on the Penglikou River to echo the defenders on the east and west banks and prevent the Qing navy from entering Poyang Lake.

The remaining troops guarded Nanchang, maintaining order in Nanchang and also acting as the last line of insurance, which was better than nothing.

In this way, he was strictly guarded against death. As long as the Qing army dared to hit him, he would beat the Qing army to a bloody head.

Even if you are shy, you must also pay attention to tactics when defending a city.


On the west bank of Jiujiang City, the main forces of the Huai Army and the New Army have all landed, and they divided their forces to surround Jiujiang City.

It was supposed to be surrounded on all sides and airtight, but the Yangtze River Navy at the north gate was so useless that it was defeated by the Jiangfang Fort. It was impossible to counterattack in a short time.

Simply ask them to raid Feng Guozhou first. While destroying Feng Guozhou's Ming army, they will also capture this strategic location.

Jiujiang City is a large city along the river, with a total of eight city gates, of which the two north gates are located along the Yangtze River. The Ming army set up river defense artillery here and just repulsed the Qing navy.

The Fuxing Gate at the north gate is said to be the city gate that Yue Wumu personally guarded back then.

The South Gate is blocked by the vast Saihu Lake. All boats sailing on the lake have been confiscated by the Ming army. It is not easy for the Qing army to attack the South Gate. At least they need to solve the boat problem first.

There is a long curved moat at the East Gate, and the moat bridge has long been destroyed by the Ming army.

Only the west city gate, Yingen Gate, is slightly better. It is neither protected by a moat nor blocked by Saihu Lake.

This is also the main attack direction of the Qing army, and [-] Huai troops gathered here.

Dai Kun has been officially promoted to the chief military officer of the Huai Army. Yongzheng did not object, and the official seal and military uniforms were also issued.

Longkodo knew people well and held a special military meeting before the war, appointing Dai Kun's Huai army as the main offensive force to storm the west gate.

The new army cooperated with the Huai army in feigning attacks at the east and south gates, while always paying attention to the invading enemies from the south and east.

The Qing army's military deployment could not be hidden from the Ming army, and Huang Dian's side could not hide it from the Qing army either.

Dai Kun took over the command of the main attack direction. The first thing he did was to raid the villages along the way, cut down trees and build siege equipment.

However, the Ming army had already secured the walls and cleared the country beforehand, and most of the people in the surrounding villages had been evacuated into Jiujiang City.

Food forests are all that can be taken away, and those that can be cut down are cut down. Those that cannot be taken away are burned.

Even the door panels of villagers' homes were removed.The Qing army raided for a long time, but except for a few people who had no time to escape, it can be said that they gained little.

The captured food was completely insufficient to meet the needs of the army for a day.

After receiving the report from his subordinates, although Dai Kun was helpless, he was not too angry.

Strengthening the wall and clearing the field is a very conventional strategic method.

It was past noon.

Dai Kun issued a military order: "Pass the order, the whole army attacks the city!"

"Yes! Military Gate."

The Huai army's messengers quickly went down to convey the order.

Several military drummers started beating the drums with their upper bodies bare, and several giant drums were beaten regularly.

Raise the flag and clear the soldiers forward to press the flag.

Tens of thousands of Huai troops quickly lined up and raised their weapons. The gunners behind them also pushed the artillery carriage forward.

The flag was raised to clear the troops and the flag was being erected.

"Boys, follow me to kill!"

"Kill the traitor!"

Tens of thousands of Huai troops, led by officers at all levels, marched towards the city gate to attack.

There is no moat protection in this section of Yingen Gate, so you can just set up a cloud cart and run over. The gunners behind also push their cannons and rush forward.


The Ming army at the top of the city had been waiting for a long time, and now they saw that the Qing army finally began to attack the city.

He Zheng personally sat at the Yingen Gate and issued orders from the center.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Bang bang bang..."

A volley of artillery fire was fired from the top of the city, and thick smoke billowed.

In addition to some cast iron cannons used to defend the city, there were also many wooden cannons.

As the name suggests, wooden cannons are simple artillery made of wood. They are firearms that existed in the pre-Ming Dynasty.

Just hollow out the middle of the wood, fill it with gunpowder, stones, and iron bullets, and then install the powder wire and connect it to the machine slot.

The fire explodes into pieces, killing the enemy.

Because they are simple and practical, they are often made for emergency use in city defense operations and are consumables.

"Wu Bei Zhi Firearms Illustration [-]" records: "Wooden cannons are made of solid wood, no matter how big or small. They are hollowed out, with four iron hoops on the outside. Thread holes are cut underneath, and the gunpowder is packed with a pestle. A little loess is put into the mouth, and then stone, Iron, with medicine wires threaded through the slots, can be broken by fire and cannons can fly, making it easier to defend the city. It is easier to make ears in a hurry."

Although the wooden cannon will be scrapped after only two or three rounds at most, it is cost-effective and easy to make if it cannot hold it up.

The Ming army had already arranged for the people in the city to cut down trees everywhere and make wooden cannons. They also gathered gunpowder in the city to implement military control.

After the people of Jiujiang were ruled by the Ming army, they were all cut off and made into slaves. If the Qing army came back again, most people would probably lose their heads.

No one dares to bet on the integrity of officers and soldiers.

There are those who want to kill good people and take credit for their merits, and massacre a whole county. When the time comes, the bandits will resist tenaciously, and the city will be burned to the ground.

Therefore, the people in the city have a very strong will to defend the city.

The wealthy households in the city also provided money, while the common people provided people to serve as transporters for the Ming army.

The Huai army pushed the cloud cart and the artillery had not gotten very far, but they were already blown up by the dense and indiscriminate artillery fire at the top of the city.

In particular, these city-defending artillery fired mostly shotgun shells, and they were commanding from a high position.

It was an almost devastating blow to the Huai army's intensive attack.

(End of this chapter)

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