I'm sure of the prosperous age of Kangxi and Qianlong!

Chapter 193 Longkoduo crosses the river, the situation in Jiangxi is clear

Chapter 193 Longkoduo crosses the river, the situation in Jiangxi is clear
Huangshiji is located fifty miles northeast of Dongliu County and is adjacent to the river.

In the 14th year of the Zhengde reign of the Ming Dynasty, King Ning rebelled against Anqing. When he arrived at this place, he asked about the name of the ferry. He was told that Wang Shiji (accent problem) was here.

King Ning was horrified, and the result was a real defeat.

Today, it is the first year of Jianwu in the Ming Dynasty.

early june.

Longkoduo crossed the river.

The main force of the Ming army came out to attack Jiangxi in the south. Longkodo was not a fool. How could he not cross the river to attack when he had such an opportunity.

Even if it's just a tentative hit.

Although the Yangtze Navy of the Ming Army inherited the Fujian Navy of the Qing Army, most of them had already been taken by Yang Gong to raid Nanchang.The remaining naval fleets either defended Nanjing or stayed in Zhenjiang, leaving no room to maintain Chizhou's river defense.

The success of the war in southern Anhui and the vulnerability of the Qing Yangtze Navy in the Battle of Caishiji made both Yang Gong and Tang Tongjiang a little overconfident, even arrogant.

A arrogant soldier will be defeated. This truth has never been out of date.

Longkodo seized the opportunity of the Ming army's unprepared march south to Jiangxi, and not only brought the Yangtze River Navy with him, but also commandeered many civilian ships.

A total of [-] troops crossed the river. Except for the Eight Banners Infantry in Longkodo's hands and the original Wanbei Green Camp, the rest were all rural warriors recruited and trained by Longkodo himself.

Dai Kun, the fugitive general who had repeatedly failed in battles and fled, was once again entrusted with an important task by Longkodo, the fugitive governor.

Not only were all the [-]-trained troops handed over to his commander, Dai Kun was even promised the official position of Anqing's general military officer.

This official position seems to be at the same level as the original Wenzhou Town, but it is equivalent to exonerating Dai Kun from the crime of losing the city and land.Dai Kun immediately burst into tears with gratitude. As for what he really thought, it is unknown.

Without encountering any obstruction, the Qing navy easily broke through. No, it directly crossed the Ming army's Chizhou river defense.

Thirty thousand Qing troops landed in Huangshiji one after another.

The people in Huangshiji were instantly affected. To the Qing army, these people were all rebellious people who cut off their braids and became thieves. It didn't matter if they burned, killed, and looted.

Moreover, allowing soldiers to burn, kill, and loot was also a common tactic used by ancient generals to relieve pressure on the army.

Long Keduo saw it and had no intention of stopping it.

Why should he stop it?

Not to mention that these are all rioters who surrendered to thieves, but they are ordinary good people. Isn't it right to make some contributions to our Qing Dynasty and relieve the pressure on the army a little?

Anyway, their ancestors massacred a lot of people back then.

Now Jiangxi is filling up Huguang, and Huguang is filling up Sichuan. Everyone (no offense intended) knows what is going on.

However, Longkodo didn't let it go too far. After all, he was catching a fake Ming and heading south to Jiangxi, and launched an unprepared surprise attack.

The most important thing is to race against time.

Even if we can't push back against Wannan, we must at least open up the situation here in Wannan. Even if it doesn't work, we must severely damage the pseudo-Ming rebels in Wannan.

After capturing Huangshiji, Longkodo did not sit back and relax, but sent troops to capture the neighboring towns of Yanyang and Zhangxi.

This time, there was a special order that looting was allowed but burning and killing was not allowed.

This is not because Commander Long is kind-hearted, but because the [-]-strong army still needs hard labor to transport food. Where can he find it after they are all killed?

On the second day, Longkodo simply rested and left another force to garrison the ferry, and then all the main army headed north.

He is going to attack Chizhou Fucheng.

All the people in Yanyang and Zhangxi towns were driven out by the Qing army to transport food, grass and baggage for the army.

Dongliu and Jiande to the west of Chizhou are just county towns of little use. Although there are certainly not many troops stationed there, there is no point in defeating them. On the contrary, it will waste Longkoduo's precious time and fighter planes.

If he was involved on the Western Front for too long, once the pseudo-Ming rebels reacted and urgently dispatched a large army to encircle and suppress him, then his trip would be in vain.

Longkodo's army set out from Huangshiji and moved northward almost in a forced march.

At this time, not to mention Chizhou Fucheng, Dongliu and Jiande counties were still unaware.

It was simply that the Qing army crossed the river too quickly and too suddenly. The Ming army was unprepared and did not expect that Longkodo of Anqing Prefecture would take advantage of the gap between his main force to go south to Jiangxi and take the Qing army of Anqing Prefecture to take risks. Crossed the river to attack the Ming Dynasty.

...Raozhou City.

The offensive and defensive battle in Raozhou that had lasted for many days finally came to an end.

Although Li Junxian's performance in the city defense battle was as perfect as possible, it can be said that there were almost no mistakes.He neither went out of the city to fight with the Ming army, nor did he deliberately conserve his strength and let the training troops go first.

But facing the Ming army's city-breaking artillery, Li Junxian had nothing to do.

On the day the city-breaking artillery arrived, Zheng Dingrui directly launched a general attack. He also used conventional infantry and artillery to attack the city. The infantry pushed the folding bridge to approach the moat first. The original pontoon bridge had long been destroyed by the Raozhou Qing army, and now it had to be rebuilt.

The demolition battalion brought city-breaking cannons and went to the city to carry out demolition operations under the cover of the army. Of course, there would be no accidents. The demolition battalion was no longer a novice.

The Ming army attacking the city retreated like a tide. Li Junxian was only confused for a second when he saw this, and then he secretly shouted "No!".

next second.


“Bang bang bang bang da da da da~~~”

Along with a loud noise below the city, a wall of Raozhou City collapsed.Along with it, countless rubble and bricks fell down like bedding, and many of the soldiers standing on this section of the city wall were buried alive on the spot.

As this section of the city wall was blown down by the Ming army, the Qing army's last psychological defense also collapsed.

After guarding an isolated city for so many days, the people in the city have long since dispersed.

The Ming army's city-breaking artillery was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Outside Raozhou City, under the roar of cheers, tens of thousands of retreating Ming troops only maintained their basic formation, and then launched a charge towards the gap in the city wall.

Li Junxian gathered his own soldiers and the remnants of Nanrui Town and Nanchang training troops, retreated to Raozhou City and continued to resist.

Finally, after a day and night of fierce fighting, the recalcitrant Qing troops in Raozhou City were completely annihilated. The commander-in-chief Li Junxian died in the battle, and his head was cut off. After being prepared, he was ready to be sent to Nanjing.

Raozhou City was captured.

In this way, the three prefectures of Guangxin, Raozhou, and Nanchang were all under control, and the entire northeastern Jiangxi fell into the hands of the Ming army.

Although the remaining state capitals such as Jiujiang, Nankang, Ruizhou, and Fuzhou are still in the hands of the Qing Dynasty, they are actually just grasshoppers after the autumn.

If the Ming army wants it, they can easily take it down by sending only one town soldier. The green battalion in each state capital has no more than a thousand men, and it can't stop the Ming army at all.

Raozhou was captured, and the entire northeastern Jiangxi and even the capital of Nanchang were captured.The Ming army now completely controlled the Zhejiang-Ganxi Corridor, as well as the Meiguan Ancient Road, and the five major rivers in Jiangxi, especially the Ganjiang waterway.

The Ming army can now send troops to attack any state capital in Jiangxi at the fastest speed at any time. Even the southern Gansu mountainous area cannot resist the Ming army's offensive.

Of course, Nangan had no intention of defending it. Nanchang was actually a crucial point in Jiangxi.

As long as Nanchang is still there, Jiangxi as a whole can still hold on.Once Nanchang was defeated, all the governors, chief envoys and other big officials were taken advantage of. So did Jiangxi still need to defend it?

Such a vital strategic point, but only a standing army of more than [-] people was stationed. It was completely expected that it would be breached now.

Today's Ming Dynasty is no longer what it used to be. It not only has more than 20 troops, but also sits on Nanjing, Zhejiang, Fujian and the newly occupied southern Anhui.Moreover, not to mention military pay, just looking at the food of ordinary soldiers in the Ming army, it is worth the price of several Green Camp Qing soldiers.

In this way, if Jiangxi cannot be conquered yet, Zhu Yijiong should go back and wash up and sleep as soon as possible!

After Li Dengke, the commander-in-chief of Southern Jiangxi Province, learned that the city of Nanchang had been destroyed, he had already laid down on the spot and did not bother to respond to requests for help from the neighboring prefectures of Ji'an, Fuzhou, and Jianchang.

Moreover, he has a valid reason. He is the commander-in-chief of Nangan and not the commander-in-chief of Nanrui. He only manages the affairs of Ganzhou and Nan'an.

As for the two prefectures of Southern and Jiangxi, with the tens of thousands of troops he has in hand, they are a bit overwhelming, and it is a joke to support and rescue other prefectures.

Li Dengke's lying down basically announced that the whole of Jiangxi had completely given up resistance.

Yang Gong was also very considerate. After Zheng Dingrui captured Raozhou, he temporarily stopped his troops and sent a surrender message to the Sifang Prefecture.

Nankang and Ruizhou were the first to bear the brunt, and they quickly retreated.Especially Nankang Prefecture, which did not even dare to intercept the Ming navy from crossing Poyang Lake, it is not surprising at all that it is now the first to surrender.

These two mansions were decided by the Ming army.

The situation in Jiangxi is completely clear.

(End of this chapter)

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